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97.39% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 112: Chess match fight

Chapter 112: Chess match fight

Laffitte had reached a stalemate in his current battle against Fred.

Harming Fred was complicated, he recovered from damage quickly, his energy seemed infinite, he had no weaknesses to exploit thanks to his incredible physique, combat ability and numerous unconventional tactics and weapons.

Furthermore, receiving just one of Fred's attacks meant death for Laffitte.

At first Laffitte bet his victory on his Haki, especially his Armor Haki, which Fred lacked. A technically sound bet against any opponent, but difficult to use against Fred.

It didn't make sense, but this impossibility had materialized before his eyes.

Using superhuman abilities similar to his own, dirty tricks, and an extremely versatile and annoying Akuma No Mi Fred had broken an unwritten law of the world of One Piece.

To beat a Haki user you must also be a Haki user!

Due to this major and unexpected setback, Laffitte had only one alternative left.

'I think it's time to use my Akuma No Mi too'

His Akuma No Mi gave him special powers but in a way prevented him from actively using his Armor Haki against his Haki-less enemy and above all prevented him from using the gas mask.

Laffitte was terrified of breathing in any of Fred's poisonous gas, so he didn't want to use this power until he was sure it was the only or best alternative.

So it was!

"FINALLY!!!" Fred shouted as he saw Laffitte transforming "I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT A LONG TIME!!"

Since Laffitte appeared in Impel Down along with the rest of the Blackbeard Pirates all the One Piece fans were able to see that Laffitte had the power of a bird-model Zoan Akuma No Mi 

In his past life Fred died without knowing exactly what kind of bird Laffitte could become, but that didn't stop him from making theories, as did many other One Piece fans that perhaps they died without knowing the answer to many of these questions

However, usually Oda leaves clues and Fred tried to piece them together...

Laffitte transformed into a bird and had the power to hypnotize. Jango was capable of hypnotizing without the power of an Akuma No Mi but this was likely not the case with Laffitte.

Plus, the Corrupt Sheriff is also a tap dancer, so the sound was part of his theme.

These clues led many to think that Laffitte's power is…

"Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Siren" Fred said as he saw Laffitte flying several meters away from him "Am I right?"

Even now it was difficult to know if his theory was true or not, after all Laffitte had only transformed his arms into wings... and his face full of white makeup had only changed subtly, making it more stylized.

"That's right…" Answered Laffitte with a somewhat softer voice. "You discovered my secret and…"

The Sirens are mythical creatures of Greek and Roman mythology who were depicted as being half-woman and half-bird. They were fabled to have lured sailors to their deaths in dangerous waters with their irresistible hypnotic song.

And Laffitte is able to transform into this legendary anthropomorphic bird with an extremely dangerous voice.

Fascinating and his theory was true, but...


Fred didn't waste much time celebrating his success.

As soon as he could, Fred put all the weight, strength and centrifugal energy of his body into his hair-whip-sword to create the most powerful energy slash he had created to date.

A big and powerful energy slash that it could split a giant galleon in half. An attack so powerful that could only be dodged, but not blocked.

Even so...


Laffitte dispelled that attack with a powerful shout!

"This… is going to be more problematic than I thought…" Fred said sadly… before changing his mood 180 degrees "AND FUN TOO!!!"

It was exactly what Fred had suspected and he didn't know whether to be happy or frustrated. The Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Siren's ability wasn't limited to just hypnosis through singing. Apparently is also capable of creating highly powerful sound attacks.

'If I hadn't wasted my only attempt at hypnosis with the fake Rocco a few minutes ago maybe I would have already won' Laffitte thought with frustration moments before refuting his own excuses. 'No... maybe Fred would have covered his ears or taken drugs to stay awake...

Still, you were very smart to take that risk...'

As he explained in the pre-meeting, Laffitte's powerful hypnotic ability only takes effect once per person... or rather, per man... and he had already wasted his chance to use it on Fred to defeat him more easily.

Now his only weapons to defeat him were his ability to fly and his sound attacks.

But not even those tactical advantages gave him enough confidence to defeat the trickster he was observing from the skies, ,from whom he had to distance many meters if he wanted to avoid his chemical attacks.

'Let's start the second round'

Fred foresaw that the power of a siren in the world of One Piece wasn't limited to hypnotizing men with her song, but also generating sound attacks. In the world of fiction sound attacks are powerful, fast, invisible, practically undetectable and among many other things incredibly versatile. Incredible in offensive, defensive and support tasks and good at any distance 

Fred had expected Laffitte to be able to create powerful sound barriers with his voice, so it wasn't a big surprise that he had been able to stop that attack with relative ease. Fred was sad that it hadn't worked, but he was happy to confirm his theory.

That meant that his next strategy would be successful!

Life Life No Gatoringu!

Or that's what Fred had called the technique with which he restored two tiny teeth to their original form. He obtained two huge and sophisticated 900 kg Gatling guns made by Stephen. He carried them and incorporated them into his hair strengthened by the spider web and with his own hair...


Fred emptied the heavy ammo made of HTX-109 and poisoned with Sleeping Beauty, which he held and also reloaded with his own strengthened hair.


Just like before Laffitte put up a sound barrier as he tried to gain height and distance from Fred, now more than before. He was surprised that Fred turned into a human turret but understood the approach behind this strategy.

'This boy...' Laffitte thought, more impressed than ever with his enemy. 'Is he prepared for every situation or has he studied my powers and created countermeasures?

I don't think so, I have never shown my powers completely and no one who has seen them has lived to tell the tale.'

Although each of Fred's fast shots were comparable to a cannon shot, they paled in comparison to the power of the energy cut that Laffitte blocked earlier. It was more than evident that Laffitte would be able to stop weaker attacks like these without difficulty with few less powerful screams, but...

Would Laffitte be able to keep a sound barrier in front of him at all times to stop less powerful but incessant attacks?

Fred didn't believe that.

Their sound attacks were generated solely by screams and there is hardly a living being capable of screaming infinitely. No doubt Laffitte could generate a powerful scream from time to time to stop a powerful attack and recover until he had to stop the next one, but Fred was convinced that sooner or later he would go hoarse if he was forced to scream without stopping, even if he didn't use his maximum output all the time.

The trick was to force him to use his ability incessantly and that's why he prepared the gatling's beforehand!


And was working!


'Damn it!

Is it more versatile than sound itself?' Laffitte coursed, using practically all his concentration to dodge and block the storm of bullets that didn't seem to have any effect. 'And how is it possible that his shots retain so much power at such a distance? It's unusual for a gatling.

How much should they weigh?'

The situation was complicated for Laffitte since Fred chose the right strategy.

No, Laffitte couldn't maintain a perfect sound barrier all the time to block the incessant projectiles fired at him and he also couldn't defend and attack effectively at the same time with sonic abilities. After all, Laffitte only has one mouth and the power, technique, aim and frequency required to stop projectiles at a certain distance and destroy a fast living being that constantly changed direction aren't the same.

If Laffitte didn't want to lose his voice he must immediately make good use of his flight speed, three-dimensional movement capacity and... at least in theory... superior reach!

In air sound travels at 340 meters per second (1,235 kilometers per hour), so Laffitte could afford to fight at greater distances than most marksmen. After all, his attacks are faster and more undetectable than the absolute majority of bullets.

At a good distance Laffitte always had time to react, dodge his enemies' bullets without his sound barrier and attack effectively.



From 340 meters away, every time he had a chance, Laffitte created a powerful sound bullet towards his target that destroyed everything it touched, leaving craters everywhere.





However, on none of those occasions did Laffitte manage to hit Fred, only the ground he stepped on moments before!

It was as if all the strengths of his sound and aerial capabilities that always gave him victory against everyone were a dead letter against Fred, who hadn't stopped shooting at him for even a second.


Despite being the epicenter of that storm of gunfire and the great distance between him and Laffitte, thanks to his incredible hearing, Fred was able to detect the brief vibrations that occurred in Laffitte's neck before they unleashed their sonic attack.

With that prediction, the calculation of the distance between them, the position of the enemy's mouth and his fast legs Fred had no problem dodging those invisible and fast attacks that were traveling towards him at the speed of sound.

Dodging one or two in a row could be a coincidence, but when Fred dodged absolutely all of them Laffitte had no choice but to accept that his strategy was being ineffective. Fred was one of the few bastards who could dodge his attacks at his favorite shooting distance.

'If I get closer, he'll have a harder time dodging, but I'll have a harder time attacking.

I must attack with enough power to seriously injure him, but not with excessive power if I want to raise my wall of sound quickly.

Troublesome...' Laffitte thought, doing the titanic task of staying alive and calculating the best attack distance again 'Even so I must do it or I'll end up hoarse sooner or later without damaging him

It's like he always looks for a War of Attrition no matter the scenario...'

'Well, he's getting closer.

He has realized that this way he'll never win.' Fred thought, happy with the success of his strategy, but not free from frustrations. 'It's a shame I can't ride a giant bird to fight him, but the son of a bitch would take me down one way or another.

I've to keep tiring him from the ground'

Search for your enemy's vulnerabilities, prevent your enemy from finding your vulnerabilities, create vulnerabilities to exploit in your enemies, prevent your vulnerabilities from being exploited, find the perfect balance point between attack and defense, calculate the necessarily acceptable risks and sacrifices to harm to the enemy, etc...

At certain levels of power and with certain people (not stupid people), battles become a strange chess game where both players carefully measure their movements and those of their enemy and thus act strategically in both the short and long term to obtain victory.

Laffitte wasn't comfortable in this strategic kind of fights and it's not because Laffitte is a musclehead like most shonen protagonists. It was because facing Fred in these game was simply horrible, a fucking nightmare.

It was like he was playing chess with more pieces than him and he probably also had pieces hidden under the board, many of which weren't even chess pieces.

Time was against Laffitte.

He had to be more aggressive than usual and finish off the king as soon as possible.

'Now or never!'

Laffitte flapped his wings and dramatically left the safe distance to enter the high danger, high reward zone.



Since he now had less room to dodge Laffitte was forced to endure more punishment with his sound barrier than before. Screaming just to defend himself was his only option right now, which was neither pleasant nor easy



Even so he held on as he flew around Fred, progressively shortened the distance between them. Laffitte was looking for an opportunity at the same time that he prepared his escape in the event that Fred unleashed the feared chemical mass attack.



He patiently persisted for longer than he would have liked to, but eventually, after much suffering, Laffitte finally saw an opportunity.


Laffitte accelerated to an incredible speed, one that he hadn't shown until now and that Fred hadn't been able to foresee. This miscalculation caused some of Fred's bullets to miss for a moment, giving Laffitte the time he needed to lower his defensive barrier and scream louder than before.


From a closer distance, Laffitte launched the most powerful sound attack since the fight began, but it was also less concentrated than the previous ones. With this attack Laffite would probably not be able to kill or destroy any of Fred's limbs unlike his previous attempts, but it would certainly be much more difficult to dodge.

With this area attack Laffitte expected to finally do some damage to Fred and hopefully even make him retreat and damage his Gatling's

If this attack connected it could turn the tide of this war of attrition that was harming him so much


'I was waiting for this...'

Fred pulled another ace out of his hair!


Fred had predicted that he might face an enemy capable of attacking using sound, so he obviously not only prepared offensive countermeasures, but also defensive ones.

Stephen had worked since he was little on creating soundproofing walls. Not for business reasons, but to avoid hearing Fred's thunderous snoring. And later to avoid hearing the screams of pain from his torture room and laboratory

That's why was quite easy to create huge sound shields that could be carried by Fred's hair. The only difficult thing was to take them out only at the right moment to stop a decisive attack. 


He got me…

The sound attack on which Laffitte had pinned his hopes and on which he had risked so much had caused no harm to Fred or his weapons.

This hadn't been a coincidence, or that is what Laffitte, covered in cold sweat, intuited. Fred had been guiding him to make this risky decision to take advantage of his inevitable failure.

This was bad...really bad...

Laffitte still hadn't had time to raise his sound barrier again, but Fred's gatlings…


They never stopped shooting!

He was screwed, but Laffitte didn't attack with absolutely everything without a plan B in case his attempt failed. Just when Laffitte deactivated his sound barrier he covered his entire body in armor Haki. 


This luxurious prudence allowed him to avoid being wounded and poisoned by Fred's bullets that hit all parts of his body.

Laffitte had escaped by the skin of his teeth, but Haki's full armor wasn't an ideal defensive solution nor could it be maintained for long.

The reason why no one is completely covered in Armor Haki at all times during a fight is not only because it is difficult, but also completely impractical and inefficient. Haki is a limited and precious resource that this defensive tactic overuses. Laffitte couldn't afford this expense in this fight.

Furthermore, this tactic didn't prevent impacts from knocking him back if he was in the air.

Laffitte needed to regain control of his body, save his Haki and most important of all, re-erect a strong sound barrier to block the bullets.

"Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfucker!"

But Fred didn't make it easy for him!

The bullets of the same material and caliber that until now Laffitte had successfully blocked began to transform. Moments before colliding with its sound barrier, some transformed into giant trees, others into sharp bones, others into liquid poison, acid or animal shells.

'Bastard! 'He knew I would try this' Laffitte thought, trying not to panic as his Haki quickly depleted. 'He knew it and that's why he didn't show those shields and these bullets until I was really vulnerable!

Complicated... it was becoming very complicated to create a uniform and at the same time efficient sound barrier to defend at the same time from such different impacts and substances.


Given this surprising development, it was inevitable that some of these transformable shots would manage to fully hurt him despite Haki's full armor before he could activate his barrier and flee to a more or less safe distance again.

After all, Armor Haki doesn't protect against absolutely all damage, just like the Tekkai.

'The acid has burned my chest and there are some splinters stuck in me' Laffitte thought, trying to suppress the pain and panic he felt. 'But fortunately it seems that I've been able to avoid being poisoned... for now...

I believe…'

Thanks to his Haki and quick reaction, Laffitte managed to stabilize his body without suffering mortal wounds or at least wounds that wouldn't greatly limit him during the battle.

It could be considered a success given the virulence of the attacks that had been launched against him.

However, now that Fred had managed to leave his enemy in a difficult situation, he decided that was time to show more of his tricks to corner him even more.

Furthermore, Laffitte was still in the dangerous zone!


With great precision, Fred kept transforming some bullets before hitting Laffitte into corrosive, poisonous substances or even giant trees. This tactic further wore down Laffitte, who could no longer create a single uniform sound barrier. He had to create different layers with different frequencies constantly.

This additional task added more fatigue to the Sheriff's body and mind, but this wasn't his only new concern.

Some of the bullets that Laffitte managed to dodge suddenly transformed in mid-flight into small metallic birds and insects and chased him!

However, this not only happened with the bullets that Laffitte had just now managed to dodge. All the ammunition that Fred had fired at him since they began their confrontation and that was now scattered throughout the garden and the forest came to life and flew to attack Laffitte again.

Mentally accepting that this madness was really happening was overwhelming in itself and predicting the trajectory, blocking and dodging so much living ammunition was extremely difficult even with Observation Haki.

But now, apart from that, an additional factor was added

All that living ammunition was attacking Laffitte only from behind!

Coincidence? I don't think so!

The sound barriers that Laffitte creates are generated from his mouth. It is more than obvious that his barriers couldn't protect his entire body at the same time, or at least not as well.

His back must be his most vulnerable point!


Fred hit the mark!

Laffitte protected himself from the frontal shots with his sound barrier while protecting his back from the live ammunition with the Haki armor and tried to escape from that complicated situation with his powerful and agile wings.

But it wasn't easy at all, he was practically cornered and he wore himself out excessively just to defend himself.

'I'm going to suck you dry' Fred thought as he ran towards Laffitte, not stopping shooting for a single second. 'I don't give a shit that you have a fucking Mythologial Zoan and that you're a Haki user

You are going to fall!'

Laffitte was spending practically all of his Haki, voice and stamina just to defend himself against this multi-directional harassment.



Furthermore, the few attacks he managed to make were dodged or neutralized by Fred's sound shields.

Laffitte's defeat was only a matter of time if nothing changed.

'I have to do something and quickly before it's too late!

I must risk everything in a single attack before I die of exhaustion.' Laffitte thought, this time really desperate. 'But first I must get rid of those annoyances.


After several seconds maintaining a strong defense and performing incredible evasive maneuvers, Laffitte finally managed to avoid all of Fred's attacks for a second without having to use his screams and Haki.

Until now he had taken advantage of those opportunities to attack Fred with his sound bullets, but now he did something different and more powerful.

He used one of his deadliest but also most dangerous sound techniques.

'I'll only be able to keep it active for two seconds.' Laffitte thought as he flewaway from the gunshots and metallic beasts that were chasing him. 'But that's all I need to be able to secure a chance to win.'

At first glance, Laffitte was just taking a breath to make a powerful scream, one more like any other he had generated so far, but only to the untrained eye. Unlike before, the Siren infused Haki into his lungs, trachea and vocal cords to generate a massive roar that surpassed even the speed of sound.


His most powerful attack to date!

Boomburst Dome!


A devastating attack of supersonic sound that manifested as a sphere of destruction around Laffitte. An invisible dome that destroyed absolutely everything within 400 meters of his area and that moved with Laffitte, who was flying towards Fred.

The non-living and living ammunition that came into contact with that sound dome were reduced to dust in an instant!

A moment that could decide victory! For both...

'I waited for this moment!'

Fred had no idea that Laffitte could create such a powerful and massive supersonic sound attack. An attack so powerful that even forced him to use his acoustic shields despite being so far away.

However, he did foresee that at some point Laffitte would be forced to create an attack in all directions to escape his harassment for a few seconds, probably creating a dome of sound that would destroy all the shots he threw at him.

A dome of voice destruction that Fred would use to his advantage!


Fred didn't have his hands free all the time for no reason. He was always waiting for the right moment to throw eight bear claws that he held between his fingers against the sound dome.

Thanks to Fred's skillful ninja hands, the four claws flew to different parts of the sound dome and transformed back into gas bombs shortly before being destroyed by Laffitte's attack.


In a few moments the area around the sound dome was filled with poisonous gas. Probably a mortal poison or with even more terrifying effects, something that set off all the alarms in Laffitte's mind.

Especially since these weren't the only gas bombs that Fred had launched…

He was filling the entire area with gas with other gas bombs! Fred was determined to cut off his escape routes!

'This is precisely the reason why I didn't want to fight this monster without my gas mask and I didn't dare fight near him without it.' Laffitte thought, really scared of what was surrounding him. 'Damn...

I won't be able to keep my Boomburst Dome any longer...'

Laffitte knew that the moment he stopped using his Boomburst Dome all the dense poisonous gas that covered it would fill the space it now occupied.

The chances of him being poisoned were extremely high no matter what he did and he couldn't maintain this sound dome forever. This technique reinforced with Haki excessively punished all the organs in charge of emitting sound and he couldn't keep a minor dome around his body forever, he needed to breathe to scream after all.

'Just like a caged bird' Fred thought with an extremely sinister and edge smile 'Come on... stop singing Laffitte...

If my bullets don't kill you my toxic gas will, which now covers all the space between you and me...

Do you choose the death of a hunted bird or a mine bird?'

Fred imagined this would be the case. Such a powerful attack must be his trump card and if he hadn't abused it until now it meant that there was a price to pay for using it. This shouldn't be something he could use multiple times in a row. Laffitte could probably only use it a few times during a fight and ideally it would overload his throat, thus preventing him from using sound attacks for a while, much like Zebra from Toriko's manga.

And Fred wasn't wrong...



It was completely true that Laffitte would end up poisoned as soon as he undid his sound dome and that he couldn't use that attack twice in a row without consequences.

But Fred wasn't completely right either!



Laffitte ignored his own personal safety and passed through the wall of poisonous gas!

But not only that!

Like a shonen protagonist, Laffitte was forced to surpass his physical limits to generate a new supersonic sound attack to make one last desperate attack against his abominable enemy!



Laffitte created a supersonic sound attack that, unlike before, didn't extend 360 degrees around Lafitte, but instead focused directly almost like a laser beam on the surprised Fred.


Fred didn't expect Laffitte to be able to carry out another second supersonic attack in such a short time, but he wasn't caught with his pants down. Before suffering serious injuries, Fred was able to protect himself in time with his sound shields, which muffled much of that surprising attack that defied the physics laws 

Although I couldn't see Laffitte because he was covering himself completely with his shield, he knew that his persistent enemy was still shouting at him supersonically and advancing towards his position.

He couldn't attack him frontally, if he did his machine guns, which were now also being protected by the shields, would be completely destroyed. However, Fred could attack him by shooting from another direction without even aiming at him.


As soon as the bullets left the barrel they turned into bullet-dragonflies that changed direction to attack Laffitte from behind without being hit by the sound attack.


However, it was almost useless, Laffitte covered his entire body in Armor Haki!

Laffitte continued flying unstoppably, passing through all the poisonous gas and being harassed by dangerous kamikaze dragonflies.

Finishing Fred was the only thing that mattered to him, but more specifically with his sound shields...

And he did that by getting close enough!


Laffitte, still screaming at Fred like a banshee, transformed his feet into bird claws covered in Haki and as if he were a CP9 agent with two kicks he managed to create six energy cuts that impacted Fred's sound shields.


Those sound shields were designed to withstand supernatural sound attacks but that same design wasn't suitable to successfully stop slashing attacks, much less both at the same time.


Almost instantly the shields were destroyed and there was nothing to protect Fred from Laffitte's Final Boomburst


That was a sound beam that exceeded several times the supersonic speed. It was practically impossible to dodge, even for someone as fast as Fred. Much less at the distance to which Laffitte had managed to approach.


Fred tried to create several natural walls with trees and other items that he could generate quickly with his Life Life No Mi and even used his hair with supernatural properties as a last defense, but...


Not even that was enough to stop that attack that went against the physics laws!

The trees, his hair and even his arms, the true last line of defense, were completely or partially destroyed!


Laffitte's most powerful attack had finally ended and the only thing left to prove its existence was a big and long trail of destruction and above all the enormous and deep crater in which that supersonic explosion culminated.

Furthermore, on the center of that huge, deep crater lay Fred. He was lying on the ground and covered from head to toe with his own blood, which seemed to ooze from every pore of his body.



You'll be able to see 7 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon

Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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