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15% With The Sharingan In The MCU / Chapter 11: Not taking Chances

Chapter 11: Not taking Chances

I meditated and relaxed to gather as much chakra as I could.

Using a brand-new technique without testing it before was not my brightest idea. However, when I realized that I could shape *my chakra this way, I couldn't help myself but to try it.

However, I was unable to control it perfectly, so it used a lot of chakra and stamina.

Now I want to buy a mask and a headband to make a Kakashi cosplay.

While I was wondering if Kakashi's hair was greyish white or whitish grey, someone started shaking me.

"Hey wake up are you there? Stop dreaming and get off me!"

I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Sorry it seems that I fell asleep."

Natasha looked down at me while looking annoyed.

"Yes and accidentally fell on my lap!"

With a shocked look on my face I only replied "Yes damn you gravity!"

She began hitting me lightly in the face, so I forced myself to stand up.

"Did you find out anything?"

Following me suit she says, "Yes, I spoke with Pepper and my employer. Pepper told me that Hammer had been arrested and my employer said that Tony and Rhodey are fighting with Vanko at the moment.

I could only facepalm when I heard her report.

"And Nick Fury doesn't want to help them out?"

She simply shrugged her shoulders and started walking to the exit.

"I don't know who this Furry is."

Wow, now I have a picture of Nick Fury with fox ears in my head. Did she do that on purpose?

Walking out of the building we could see some explosions in the distance.

"Oh it seems like it's already over."

I spent too much time messing around that I forgot to help Tony. My raven, however, told me he is fine.

Natasha looked at the explosions and said "What do you mean it's already over? Did they win?"

But when Natasha turned around I was already gone.

I transformed into a raven and flew to the Japanese garden where Tony fought Vanko but not before leaving a feather with a message for her.


A man could be seen walking down a dark alley. His feet were unsteady and he was holding his right shoulder, which did not have an arm attached to it.

Vanko's POV:

My whole life I was prepared for the moment when I would defeat and kill Tony Stark. This brat lived the perfect life while my father and I suffered..

Howard Stark stole the idea of my father and then used his wealth to deport him out of the USA with nothing on him, but his clothes.

While he and his family ate steak, we ate rats to survive.

And after so many years I had the perfect chance to destroy his son and his empire.

Using Hammer to get what I wanted was easy.

It was all going well, but then some kid ripped off my arm.

Vanko: "The first thing I do when I recover is kill this kid by ripping his eyes out and then I will murder Tony Stark with my own hands!"

But first I need to go somewhere safe.

Suddenly I saw in front of me a man standing in the shadows. Only his glowing red eyes could be seen.

Eyes that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

"It's been a long time since someone called me a kid."

When he stepped out of the shadows I could see him smiling.

"I always thought you had enough time to escape the scene, after you triggered the timer on your suit and the robots."

So he figured it out and followed me here.

"Yes someone must be stupid to die by his own trap. And even when I lost against Stark I still showed him grief. His small girlfriend is burning in hell by now."

The man raised his eyebrows and replied.

"Sorry to shatter your dreams but Tony managed to save her. I think by now they should be making out on the roof."

What?! No no it's fine I will still show him grief.

"And so you came here to kill me a man with one arm and without any weapons?"

Hearing this he draws his machete and throws it to the ground in front of me and his eyes also stopped glowing and turned normal.

Then he says "I'm sorry but I can't let you go. It's simply too dangerous with you around."

He draws his knife.

So this is where it ends? No I need to fight!

Grabbing the machete, I dashed at him with all my strength. He simply caught my wrist with his right hand and plunged with the other his knife into my chest.

My vision gets blurry and then nothing but darkness.


A few minutes before Vanko's death outside Hammer headquarters.

Natasha's POV:

When I turned around David was already gone, what the hell?! When I looked up, I saw a black feather with a small paper attached to it.

I caught it and started to read the small letter.


Dear Natasha,

I'm sorry that I left you all alone but I had some stuff to do. I will call you in a few days when everything calms down and then we can arrange our date ;)

Hope your employer lets you off the hook and that he does not cause you too much trouble.

Till we meet again, I wish you the best of luck and I suggest you ask Furry about some vacation.

Yours devotedly and lovingly

David Blake

P.S. Your lap pillow was very comfortable.


Reading the letter I exhaled loudly "Who do you think is the cause of this trouble?"

Closing my eyes while holding the letter. I felt a warm feeling rising up in my body. It was a feeling that I thought I had long forgotten.

"If we meet next time I sure will beat this cocky troublemaker up."

I put the letter away and walked up to Happy's car.

RetMod RetMod

Welcome to the chapter.

This chapter concludes the Iron Man 2 arc.

We're heading to the Thor and Avengers arc next!

The relationship between MC and Natasha will also develop further in the next arc.

(Also if you guys see some spelling or logic errors point them sometimes I mess up the words)

Stay tuned!

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