Narrator POV:
"What the…?" Logan had mumbled
In front of Logan was a red haired woman with strange looking eyes standing on top of a newly found mutant smirking at him
"Logan…" she had said, and Logan assumed a fighting stance, his wolverine claws now out
"Oh, I'm not here to fight" she had said her eyes closed, but Logan felt that the woman could see her just as well with them open
"...Who are you?" Still in his fighting stance
"Umm-Most people call me Makima" she had said giggling a little at the end
"Did you defeat the mutant?" He had asked
"If you mean this man, then yes I did" she had said looking deep into Logan's eyes, he felt a slight shiver run down his back and his heavily battle trained instincts where telling him that this woman was dangerous
"I need to take you into questioning, are you going to comply?" He had asked "if not I will have to take you by force"
"No, its fine, I'll comply" she had said as she put her hands behind her back and started walking over to him "Are we heading for the X-Mansion?" She had asked
"..." He kept silent, trying to gauge how dangerous she truly was, because his instincts where telling him to run, his mind was telling him to stay, telling him how friendly this person was, and how much he should trust her, he had more trust in his instincts than his mind at the moment
He had gotten out a walkie talkie and spoke into it
"Wolverine here, I have 2 mutants here, one showing no aggressive behaviour, one unconscious, I'm gonna need some one to bring the unconscious one back to HQ over" he had said, there was a bit of mumbleing then he put away his walkie talkie and gestured for Makima to follow him, never letting down his guard
<Later At the X-Mansion Interrogation Room>
POV shift: Charles Xavier
In Front of me was a red haired woman with peculiar eyes sitting in a chair, a new mutant Logan had found, from what I can tell, she can block my telepathy, so we had to use this old interrogation room instead
"Who are you?" I had asked
"My name is Makima" she replied
"And am I correct in assuming you are from Japan?" I had said, the name didn't sound English, but you can never be too careful
"Its complicated, but at the moment, you would be correct in assuming so" she had said back
"Complicated how?" I had replied, genuinely curious
"Complicated in the fact that I am not human" she had said, now this hadn't surprised me much, most mutants I have met had assume they weren't human due to their abilities but I don't see how this would affect where she was born
"Why do you think you are not human?" I had said
"For I am a devil, one of the four horsemen in fact" she had said, calm throughout
"Elaborate" I had said back
"When enough humans fear something, that fear collects itself and becomes a devil" she had said
"Go on…"
"And I am Makima, The Current Incarnation Of A Devil"
"This doesn't explain why its complicated"
"When a Devil dies, they get reincarnated in hell, when they die in hell, they get reincarnated on Earth, and I was generated on the island of Japan" she had said, now this had genuinely surprised me, as a scientists I had dismissed all thought of the existants of hell and the devil
"And you are the Devil?"
"Yes I am the Devil, The Control Devil" she had said and all of us flinched
"...Elaborate on the Four Horsemen…" I had asked
"Well, in its simplist terms, the Four Horsemen are devils that remember erased devils" she had said
"I thought a devil could not truly die"
"A Devil cannot die, unless it was eaten by the Chainsaw Devil, then all thoughts, memories, and evidence ever pertaining the existence of said Devil would dissapear, including the fear of said devil" that answered a few questions but one thing kept plauging my mind
"...why did you answer my questions?" I had said, a droplet of sweat running down my face, I communicated to the Logan and Beast telepathically
'Get ready to fight if things get out of hand'
"Because if I didn't, you wouldnt accept my contract…" she had said, a chill running down all our spines
"And what would this Contract be, exactly?"
"Simple, you let me have a contract with 3 mutants of my choice and in exchange you can get my power" she had said and my heart started to race
"And what exactly would that entail?" I had said, putting on my best poker face
"Absolute Control over inferior beings" she said
"...Do you mind if we leave for a moment?"
"Of course! Call me when your done" she had said, I don't know when, I don't know when but i got completely wrapped in the conversation, I had left the room, and called for a meeting
(A/N:Thanks for all the support! I really do love it, and Big thanks to LFX_Starz for the power stone! now I just need the time,soul,space,reality and mind stone to complete the collection"