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Awakening in the land of the shadows -2


A magical feeling is that which contrasts with the general state! It is the feeling that floods the body, heart, and mind, where one finds his pleasure, like the feeling of a lost traveler whose paths have been cut off, only to find the light of a camp in the midst of the night's darkness and the forests of beasts. It is a feeling known to the one lost in the desert, who has been tormented by the heat of the dunes, when he finds his salvation in a sip of water that quenches his veins. This might not be the same feeling that Elder Jin Mu, the third elder of the Wudang sect, feels. Despite the biting cold surrounding the temple, the scent of incense filling the air and the warmth spreading under the Buddha statue is a gentle feeling, in stark contrast to the outside world. Although he is a fearless leader, a strong personality whose fame spread throughout Jianghu, a little change does no harm.

Wine droplets moistened his lips as he sat on the ground on a prayer mat facing a Shaolin abbot from the eastern region of China. The stormy weather outside, and the light of the candles combined with the warmth of the burning wine that coursed through his throat brought a light flush to his face.

"Hah, despite being a monk, he truly excels in making wine."

Elder Jin Mu muttered to himself as he looked at Master Heng Yi sitting opposite him, who was larger in build and bald-headed as per the monastery's tradition, yet unlike them, he was more robust, with prayer beads encircling his neck.

Despite the calm atmosphere of the monastery, Elder Jin Mu knew not to underestimate his monks as the man before him was a friend of 20 years since the great Blood War where they annihilated the followers of demon worshipers. It was an intense war where many lost their lives as the main sects came together to confront the ferocious demon worshipers, leading to the formation of the Murim Alliance, a beacon in the storm guiding the lost.

But now, after more than 20 years, the situation does not bode well. After the extermination of village and wilderness demons a hundred years ago, the world had periods of peace until the demon monks unsheathed their swords again, staining the land with blood, roaming through different villages and regions, hoping for their demons' resurrection. In the eastern region, which had been their center, after their final defeat in recent wars, peace prevailed in these parts. Yet, fate wouldn't have it continue as such, for things began changing about six years ago when demons and ghosts started reappearing, and a permanent winter fell on the eastern part.

As the situation worsened and life became difficult, people vanished from these areas, making them a haven for criminals, which is why Elder Jin Mu is here today, sitting with the calm Shaolin Mountain Tiger, Master Heng Yi, who, despite his strength and reputation and the impact on Shaolin's inner sects, chose such a desolate and frightening place to grow.

He sighed, "Ah, my friend, how pleased I am to meet you like this!"

"Amitabha! Heaven has its choices that drive us towards it, Heaven works in mysterious ways, Amitabha!"

"It seems you manage your followers well! Oh, the vitality of youth! These sounds of battle are wonderful!"

"Of course, my friend, there is nothing better than fighting to gain new friendships! Hahaha!" said Master Heng Yi.

In the background, the sounds of fighting and encouragement were faint, but this did not mean that the youths of Shaolin and Wudang were not dueling in the monastery courtyard! Elder Jin had brought seven disciples from the inner sect for the growth badge. In the past, when a monk became strong and mature enough, he would step outside the sect's walls to make a name for himself and get used to the life in Jianghu, especially since the great sect with its majestic history was on alert for what was currently happening in this world. They were here chasing known criminals from the vicious Snake band, Xiao Feng and Liang Wei, whom Elder Jin had been pursuing for a year before injuring one of them in a tavern incident last spring!

"Of course, Brother Ming will accompany them as he is well-acquainted with the barren mountain and to gain experience as well."

"You are so humble, my friend, I have heard that his body's Qi core is strong, and he has mastered the twelve teachings of Buddha."

"Always cunning, my friend."

Embodiment of the Qi core!

There are many levels artists of combat are classified into:

Wolf – one who learned to crawl in this world and mastered martial arts but has yet to learn the skills of internal energy "Qi" and is divided into:

Third-grade fighter, second-grade fighter, first-grade fighter, where the first is the strongest.

Tiger – one who has managed to embody the Qi energy. Although this stage does not have levels, it varies depending on the amount of energy at the center and the degree of embodiment and strength of the energy. Here, the energy differs from person to person, as energy has characteristics or "colors" acquired based on one's constitution, body tendencies, and several other factors such as the environment they were raised in and the most important factor being the training path they have learned through.

Red: is the color of energy associated with heat and fire, allowing the fighter to perform fiery skills.

Blue: for water.

Green: for nature.

Brown: for earth.

Silver: for air.

Then there are some colors that depend on the owner's energy traits such as:

Golden: for nobility.

Purple: for love.

Black: for anger.

The colors are numerous and varied, considered to be degrees and variants of the basic colors based on the density of energy and the combat artist's abilities and martial arts skills.

Dragon: this is someone who has managed to embody the center of their power and has martial arts skills that are capable of facing armies or changing the map's shape, and it is divided into: Spirit Dragon, Earth Dragon, Air Dragon, Sky Dragon.

Beyond them comes the realm of the masters or Sky Masters, individuals who have transcended the bounds of being human and whose martial arts and energies cannot be understood by ordinary people.

The cold is piercing! Colder than usual!

There is no sound of anything, a frightening silence pressing on his chest, in the intense darkness where he can barely see the ceiling as he looks from his bed,

"Why is he late?"

Liang Wei wonders as he lies in pain on his bed, why has Xiao Feng taken so long? He remembers faintly what happened, Xiao Feng entering the hut with rabbits in his hands, the sound of an explosion, going out to check what's happening with his weapon in hand, but despite the fatigue and illness that makes him sleep most of the time and his distorted sense of time and feeling, he knew that much time had passed and his friend had not returned.


"What's that?"

He heard a rustling sound near the door! Is it a rat? Or a rodent? It can't be! Is it Xiao Feng who has come? But why hasn't he spoken? And then the door hasn't even been opened!

Damn this darkness that has robbed him of his sight! And why did it suddenly get colder, the coldness creeping into his body from his extremities, from his head, feet, and hands!

Rustling sound again!

Damn, what is the source of this sound? Damn Wudang!

Despite them being criminals, they hadn't done anything to warrant the sects like Wudang and Shaolin chasing them, and despite them being first-grade wolf fighters, why did the sect elders chase them?


I wish I were strong!

I wish I hadn't been born under these circumstances! A village annihilated by the emperor's army calling them traitors, and he doesn't know why? Why did he have to run while seeing his mother killed? Why did he live in back alleys and among bandits!


Damn this cursed sound! Damn the back alleys!

Wait! What alleys? What was I thinking about!


Suddenly, his chest tightened, and he felt something pressing on his chest!

The rustling sound disappeared!

Complete silence!

A heavy, annoying silence that seemed as if you could cut it with a sword!

Liang Wei felt something touching his face!

But he couldn't even see who was in front of him in the darkness! And he couldn't even speak! Suddenly he had lost the ability to speak and to think!

He felt the thing moving on his face!

Cold breaths hitting his lips!

His body shuddered and trembled, and the cold had seeped through all parts of him, except for a warm sensation between his legs!

The cold breaths intensified, and his blood pumped more fiercely in his veins!

Suddenly, and he didn't know from where, he saw a light, a faint light illuminating what was in front of him!

The light came from his right, lighting the right half of the thing pressing on his chest!

It was a human body! Or rather, it looked like a human body! He could only see a head and long hair that touched his cheeks and a long neck extending from the head to where he did not know! Rather, it could be said that it was a snake with a human head! A snake with pale blue skin!

The snake with a human head came closer to him from the ceiling, and its face gradually appeared to show the face of a corpse, its eye sockets devoid of eyes!

To see its mouth opening at a strange angle and to a large degree to show a black void in front of him instead of teeth!

His end was near, and he wished he could cry or scream!

His companion on this last night was a demon!




If you asked a layperson on the street about the differences between the Wudang and Shaolin sects in martial arts, they would say that Shaolin is known for their stability like mountains, while Wudang is known for their agility.

And that was precisely what was happening now!

Brother Ming Zhao had thrown a punch towards a 17-year-old girl wearing Wudang attire. The monk was firmly planted on the ground, his center of gravity almost touching the earth, and his lower body movement was coordinated in a way that allowed his weight to transfer through his muscles to his fist, aiming at the Wudang girl's face. However, the girl named Seo Yoon, a disciple of the third elder, Elder Jin, did not receive it smiling but instead dodged to the left by moving her upper body. Unfortunately, she couldn't move her legs because Brother Ming had entangled his legs around hers. If she moved back, he would follow in the same manner, and his attack would continue, as if their legs were linked by an invisible chain. She successfully avoided the punch, but Brother Ming extended his hand towards her, following her with his fist as if it were a snake chasing its prey. Seo Yoon flipped, directing her leg towards his face and her head towards the ground, dodging his punch and kicking his face, barely touching him. He flipped to the left with her and sent his foot towards her, which she also dodged. Brother Ming advanced towards her, grabbing her hand, and while his foot was on the ground, he twisted his waist to the left, throwing Seo Yoon out of the circle drawn on the ground. She tried to kick his face with a high kick, but despite her powerful kick that could break a rock without Qi, it did not affect Brother Ming's strong body, causing her to fall outside the circle. The cries of the monks and Taoists rose; the Junior sister of the Wudang Taoists had been defeated.

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