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75.57% Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?! / Chapter 231: Botanic Academy!!

Chapter 231: Botanic Academy!!

"Yan, your tea." Xuan Yan heard Ah Rou's voice and he turned his head from Ah Yin's lap looking at Ah Rou standing there with a tea cup in her hand. He raised and sat on the sofa "Thanks, Aunt Rou."

As Xuan Yan rose up, Ah Yin combed his messy hair with her fingers. Xuan Yan took the teacup from Ah Rou's outstretched hand but a little frown appeared on his face looking at the soft gaze of Ah Rou.

It kind of feels strange seeing the tender eyes...with love? His fingers lightly brushed her palm and Ah Rou's cheeks turned pink.

Xuan Yan noticed her reaction...she acts as if she is in front of his crush or lover. Don't tell me... he had a wild premonition in his heart.

He is particularly not dense in these matters. He doesn't need his eye power to see through her emotions as she is so obvious in front of him with her bashful demeanor.

Ah Rou smiled gently and entered the kitchen to bring tea for others too her heart aflutter with emotions she had never dared to express before. Xuan Yan closed his eyes and let out a small sigh.

He really didn't see Ah Rou in that way. He can't neglect her and act dense when she is showing her feelings so openly. And there is also Xiao Wu...*sigh*

Xuan Yan wasn't the only one who had noticed Ah Rou's heartfelt gestures, Ah Yin. Her eyes, sharp like Xuan Yan's instincts, saw through the love reflected in Ah Rou's gaze.

She chuckled in her mind. Another one bites the dust, huh...



Tn the arena~


As Xuan Yan's team walked onto the stage for the fight, a sudden cheerful chorus rang on the stage. Zhu Zhuqing squinted her eyes looking at the opposite team who were full of women "Botanic Academy."

*tap* As they approached, the girls from Botanic Academy couldn't contain their excitement, and they rushed toward Xuan Yan's team, their eyes shimmering with admiration and infatuation, Xuan Yan's eyebrow raised My fans?

Yao Zhi who is the leader of the team came in front of Xuan Yan with a big smile. Her words spilled out in a nervous rush"M-Mr. DIo Brando, I am your great fan."

The other girls chimed in, their voices filled with admiration "M-Me too."


"Your fights are amazing are"


"So Handsome."

Xuan Yan nodded with a small smile. The girls were bewitched by his smile and their eyes shook "M-Mr. Dio Brando, can I-I shake your hand? please"

With a gentle nod, he extended his arms and Yao Zhi gripped his palm with both hands her fingers trembling slightly "Y-Your hands are soft even though, you are training with a sword..."

"Let me feel it too..."

"Mr. Dio Brando shake my hand too..."

One by one, they took their turn to shake his hand, their eyes locked onto his with fascination. The girls were utterly captivated, lost in his presence.

Yao Zhi spoke with determination "Mr.Dio Brando, I also aspire to become a great spirit master like you."

"Haha, that's not gonna happen." Shui Yue Er who is frustrated by the girls touching his hands and fawning over him, spoke irritatedly.

Yao Zhi narrowed her eyes "Shui Yue Er..." Shui Yue Er smirked "You are just a control spirit can you become like Mr.Yan."

This made the other girls of the botanic academy frown. Everyone in their team is actually a control type with plant-type martial spirit.

Yao Zhi pointed her finger at Shui Yue Er "I will defeat you in this match."

Shui Yue Er nodded with a grin "Challenge accepted." They glared at each other intensely as spirit energy surged from their bodies.

Xuan Yan spoke "Don't fight now." Yao Zhi's face quickly turned into a blooming smile looking at Xuan Yan "Yes, Mr.Dio Brando!"


As the teams faced each other, Yao Zhi couldn't help but notice that the six girls on Xuan Yan's team had positioned themselves at the front. Xuan Yan, however, had chosen to remain at the back, hands clasped behind his back.

Yao Zhi frowned and looked at her teammates "You girls stop those girls, I will reach Mr. Dio Brando."

Her teammates exchanged puzzled glances, one of them questioning her decision "W-What are you saying? captain?"

"Of course, you can't beat him."

Yao Zhi just smiled and her teammates understood "You...just want to fight him even though you are gonna get defeated, right?"

"Hehe! help me girls. We are gonna lose anyway..."

"What will the Principal think if she hear this?"

Yao Zhi looked at Shui Yue Er "We will soon defeat you, girls and fight Mr.Dio Brando."

This made Zhu Zhuqing chuckle "Do you really think that we would let you girls approach my Yan."

The Botanic Academy girls felt uneasy hearing this, they also know the strength of Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

"We will defeat you girls and make Mr.Dio Brando fight us." the girls of Botanic Academy are determined to prove their worth and get closer to their idol, Mr. Dio Brando.



*swoosh* The Botanic Academy girls acted swiftly, releasing their martial spirits in a synchronized display of power. "Red Flame Thorns!" "Ivy Vines!" "Mimosa!" The arena floor seemed to come alive as countless branches emerged, entangling the girls from Xuan Yan's team, effectively immobilizing them.

Seeking this opportunity, Yao Zhi quickly jumped to the back of the formation her heart pounding with excitement. She was determined to reach her idol, Dio Brando.

Yao Zhi knew even if the girls of Xuan Yan's team escaped from the binding, they had to fight her own teammates.

All she wants is to fight with...her idol.

With a cheerful smile and a surge of anticipation, Yao Zhi approached Xuan Yan. Her voice was barely a whisper as she muttered, "Mr. Dio Brando."

*woosh*  But just as she was about to reach him, a sudden blur of purple caught her attention. Zhu Zhuqing appeared between Yao Zhi and Xuan Yan with incredible speed

"I told you that I will not let you touch my Yan."

Zhu Zhuqing bent her knees and *swoosh* she appeared in front of Yao Zhi and gave a kick in her guts sending her tumbling backward.

"Urgh!" Yao Zhi was on the verge of being thrown out of the arena. But a red vine appeared from the ground and grabbed Yao Zhi as she was pulled onto the stage.

  Zhu Zhuqing smirked "You are quite stubborn."

*swoosh* *boom* *thrissh* *blast*

Two minutes passed, and the fight came to an abrupt end, with the Blue Tyrant Academy emerging victorious. Xuan Yan smiled and walked toward the center of the stage.

*huff* *huff* With ragged breathing Yao Zhi coughed and slowly stood up with the help of her other teammates.

Hearing footsteps, Yao Zhi raised her head and saw Xuan Yan approaching them "M-Mr.Dio Brando..." her voice stammered.

Xuan Yan smiled "You guys played well..." The girls were surprised to hear Xuan Yan's compliment words.

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded "With a team full of control spirit masters, I am surprised you guys made it to the rankings."

"You guys are really a good team and have good cooperation."

With that they left, Yao Zhi and the girls looked at the back of Xuan Yan walking out of the arena and bowed "Thank you..."


A week passed~

In the night~

Under the starry night sky, in the tranquil garden of Liu Erlong's house, Ma Xiaotao found herself in a cozy embrace, nestled securely in Xuan Yan's lap. She gazed up at the bright stars overhead, her arms wrapped affectionately around his neck.

Xuan Yan, too, cherished this moment, his fingers gently tracing patterns through her hair as he watched the starry display above.

With a soft smile, Ma Xiaotao turned her ruby eyes toward Xuan Yan and whispered, "Brother Lord..."

Xuan Yan playfully pinched her lips, a hint of amusement in his voice. "How many times have I told you to stop calling me Brother Lord..."

A rosy blush crept onto Ma Xiaotao's cheeks, and she stammered, "I-It's just embarrassing to call you H-Husband...and I can't call you by name."

"Then you should also stop calling me Sister Tao, Brother Lord..."

Xuan Yan gently shook his head, a fond expression in his eyes. "No, I like calling you Sister Tao."

Ma Xiaotao huffed, her pout returning. "Then the same goes for me as well, Brother Lord..."

Xuan Yan couldn't help but chuckle at her stubbornness. "Is that so, Tao?"

"H-Huh, U-Um..."


"B-Brother Lord..."





"Say it, Tao'er."

"H-Husbaababa..No, as I thought I can't say that. Its so embarrassing..." she plunged onto him burying her face on his shoulder.


Meanwhile, Ah Yin and Long Yeyue stood at the doorstep of the house looking at the scene. Ah Yin spoke "Sad I lost the Rock paper scissor..."

Long Yeyue's lips twitched "You and Yueha got yesterday's whole night with him."

"Yeah, right..hehe"


Amidst the chilly night breeze, Ah Rou and Xiao Wu perched together on a sturdy tree branch. "Then Brother Yan goes like woosh and boom...the match is finished."

Xiao Wu is excitedly talking and showing gestures displaying how Xuan Yan easily defeated his opponents in today's match.

A chuckle escaped Ah Rou's lips as Xiao Wu dramatically explained Xuan Yan's match. As she listened, her gaze softened, and her thoughts inevitably turned to Yan. as she continued combing Xiao Wu's hair with a wooden comb.

But then she remembered something and asked "Xiao Wu, yesterday I saw Yan combing your hair with a different comb.."

Xiao Wu's face lit up with a fond smile as she confirmed "Yes Mom, Brother Yan made a wooden comb by himself to comb my hair..."

"H-He made it himself?" Ah Rou was surprised to hear this. Xiao Wu's laughter tinkled "Yeah, it even has rabbit-shaped designs..."

Her daughter's words stirred a whirlwind of emotions within Ah Rou. Xiao Wu continued playfully, "He easily combs my hair and it also looks beautiful, little plum." Xiao Wu said teasingly.

Ah Rou's heart trembled and her lips quivered as her thoughts were driven to Xuan Yan's tender golden eyes and his heartfelt chuckles.

"Yan..." she murmured in a dreamy tone, lost in her own world. "Ouch, Mom..." Xiao Wu's voice brought her back to reality, and she blinked, momentarily disoriented "Sorry, Xiao Wu...I was just dazed."

Xiao Wu tilted her head inquisitively "What were you thinking to daze off, mom."

H-Huh? "I-I was thinking..." her words stuttered. Ah Rou hesitated for a moment, grappling with her decision. 'With courage, I faced my daughter and asked about that.' she remembered Mo Xing's words.

  "Xiao Wu, I have something I need to talk with you about.."

Xiao Wu was confused "Talk with me? About what, Mom?"

"About Yan..."

"About Brother Yan? What do you wanna talk?"

*huff* Ah Rou took a deep breath and strengthened her resolve. It is now or nothing, she can only gamble that her daughter would understand.

"I-I also want my hair to be combed by Yan!"



I hope you guys liked this chapter!


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