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Leaving the Inner core area!

"I've seen you pampering others. But I never knew you also like to be pampered, Husband~" Ah Yin said while gently stroking Xuan Yan's head as he cuddled up on her lap with his face nestled in her stomach.

"What are you saying, I always suck on your boobs while sleeping and you will pat me." Xuan Yan replied causally nuzzling his face.

Ah Yin blushed and looked at Ah Rou, Xiao Wu, Zi Ji, and Bi Ji who were on the other side of the sofa. Ah Rou smiled wryly, while ZI Ji and Bi Ji's faces turned light red but Xiao Wu was in great shock.

Just now she noticed that Ah Yin is constantly calling Xuan Yan as Husband. Long Yeyue also called Xuan Yan as Husband b-because...

With flustered cheeks, Xiao Wu covered her face with her hands. Ah Rou noticed her daughter's face and smiled. I think there are additional lessons I need to impart to my daughter.

"Husband, there are others here..Don't embarrass me..." Ah Yin revoked and pinched his cheek. "Haha..."

*swish* At this time, with a tear in space Gu Yuena appeared in the Hall. Seeing the arrival of their Lord, Zi Ji and Bi Ji quickly got down and kneeled. Ah Rou and Xiao Wu also stood up from their seats.

"Lord!" x2

Xuan Yan turned his head from Ah Yin's lap "Nana?" Xiao Wu was awed looking at the stunning lady.

Gu Yuena signaled the others to get up and both ZI Ji and Bi Ji stood up on their feet.

With a smile, Xuan Yan took his head from resting on Ah Yin's lap sitting next to her. "Yan..." Gu Yuena softly uttered.

He patted the seat beside him "Come and sit! You came at the right time."

Gu Yuena gave a nod and sat beside him. "Have you already absorbed the Life crystals I gave you?"

"En. After you trained me for a while. I absorbed another one too." Gu Yuena replied.

Smiling Xuan Yan took a storage ring from his star ring (his storage ring) and tossed it to Gu Yuena. Gu Yuena caught the ring and frowned. But looking inside, she was surprised. There are numerous life crystals inside it.


"It's almost a week since I came here. So I thought of returning to the human world..." Xuan Yan said.

Gu Yuena's purple eyes wavered and she became anxious " are going? Did you not like it here? If you want anything.." ZI Ji and Bi Ji were also surprised to hear Xuan Yan leaving.

Xuan Yan chuckled and shook his head "It's not like that, Nana. I am a human and I have many important things to do in the human world."

"That's.." It's true that Yan is also a human and he must have some jobs to finish there too. She felt a little lost and lowered her gaze.

He smiled and gently placed his hand over hers "Don't worry, I will often come to see you..."

Raising her head Gu Yuena looked at him and sighed "yeah..." as she grabbed his hand tightly.

Xuan Yan then looked at Zi Ji and Bi Ji "I will come to see you guys too..."

Bi Ji smiled and nodded lightly "Yes, Young lord. We will be waiting for you."

But Zi Ji took two steps and kneeled in front of Gu Yuena "Lord...I need permission to go with Young Lord to the human world."

Gu Yuena and Bi Ji were startled to hear Zi Ji's strange request. Gu Yuena turned and looked at Xuan Yan "Yan..?"

"Well, I don't mind having Zi Ji with me. She is a good girl" he chuckled. Zi Ji's cheeks turned red hearing him calling her a good girl.

Bi Ji sighed dejectedly. She also wants to go with her Young Lord to the human world. But she can't. She is an Emerald Swan, A rare healing beast and now her cultivation has reached 650,000 years.

She is the one who heals the other Spirit Beasts who are injured and if she is gone, there is no one to heal them, so she was sure that Gu Yuena won't let her leave.

"If Yan has no problems, then it's okay. You can go with him." Gu Yuena said looking at Zi Ji who is kneeling.

"We will stay for today and leave tomorrow." Xuan Yan smiled and said. Zi Ji nodded her head "Yes, Young Lord!"

They talked for a while and after that Gu Yuena left the house. Xuan Yan sighed and leaned on Ah Yin's shoulders "Husband, it's already evening, need something to drink?" she smiled and asked.

"Hm? Yeah...!" Xuan Yan said as he gazed at the setting sun through the window. "Then raise your head." she said and lifted his head from her shoulder.

"But I want a shoulder to lean on." Xuan Yan said softly. Ah Yin sighed as she don't know what to do with this husband of hers. If she doesn't leave who will prepare something for him to drink?

"I-" Xiao Wu tried to stand and say something. But Zi Ji got ahead of her and said "I will give Young Lord a shoulder."

Ah Yin smiled "Please Zi Ji." Zi Ji excitedly got up and hurriedly sat in the place of Ah Yin. She won't miss a chance to be with her Young Lord!

"Zi Ji!" Xuan Yan smiled and gently placed his head on her soft shoulder. Zi Ji smiled happily with a red tinge on her face and Ah Yin entered the kitchen.

Xiao Wu sighed seeing this. She is quite slow. Smiling Ah Rou patted her head. Do not stress! Your time will come. Bi Ji chuckled seeing Zi Ji's happy smile.

Hearing her chuckle Xuan Yan looked at Bi Ji "Bi Ji, I told you I would help you increase the purity of your Life Energy. I will help you next time."

Bi Ji was surprised and nodded "Yes, Young Lord!"

Xuan Yan smiled "And I will also bring a gift from the human world."

Bi Ji titled her head lightly "Gift? Hm. Ok!"

A bulb glowed in Zi Ji's head and lightly lowered her shoulder. She grinned as Xuan Yan's head slowly scooped down from her shoulder.

Xuan Yan smiled wryly. What is she doing? His head reached the verge of falling down from her shoulder but Zi Ji carefully held his head and said "Oh! Young Lord, it seems like it is quite hard for you to place your head on my"

She gently brought his head down and placed it on her lap "It would be comfortable this way, Young Lord!" she smiled innocently. Xuan Yan sighed in his mind. If you have asked me, I would place my head on your lap, you nitwit.

But Zi Ji laughed in her mind. Plan success! She began to stroke his lustrous white hair delicately. She is envious of Ah Yin as she always does this with Xuan Yan and is lovey-dovey with him. Even though Ah Yin has weaker cultivation than her. It is all because of Love!! Then she also loves her Young Lord! Humph!


In the morning~

*swish* Xuan Yan appeared in Gu Yuena's private space and saw the majestic Silver Dragon. Gu Yuena raised her dragon head and with a silver light, she turned back to human form.

She took a few steps forward and arrived in front of him. Xuan Yan smiled "I am leaving. Heal yourself with that Life crystals."

Gu Yuena nodded quietly and grabbed his hand "I-I will miss you..." He chuckled and embraced her delicately "I will miss you as well."

Leaning forward Gu Yuena fell into his warm grasp placing her head on his shoulder. Feeling his warm body she involuntarily closed her eyes to enjoy his body heat. It's kind of pleasant to be in someone's arms.

Her hands traveled to his waist and she hugged him firmly. She has never hugged anyone and now staying in his embrace her heart fluttered with a sweet feeling.

Her fingers ran through his back twisting his clothes and pushing her body onto him. She wants to feel more of this pleasant feeling. Xuan Yan's body shuddered feeling her soft body on him as her boobs brushed with his chest.

He gently patted her back "Nana." Hearing his voice, Gu Yuena came out of her stupor and opened her eyes. She retracted the hug but still, both of them are holding each other's waist.

Her hesitant purple eyes looked into his golden eyes tenderly. She is still reluctant to leave him. But what has to be done should be done. And he has things to do.

"I will come again soon..." He said faintly and kissed her forehead *smooch*. Gu Yuena's eyes widened as her body shook in surprise because of the sudden forehead kiss. Xuan Yan chuckled and disappeared from there.

She placed her hand on her forehead and she can still feel the heat of his soft lips. *badump* Her cheeks turned beet red as she again thought of that kiss.

She slowly inclined on the wall and sat down as she curled her legs. Her heart palpated quickly and she placed her hand over her chest as she can feel it running wildly.

'An indescribable feeling will fill your heart...The feeling of wanting to spend more time with him. Always want to be with him...'

"Now I will miss you even more Yan..."

Then she looked above at the ceiling and saw Xuan Yan and the others. A beautiful smile bloomed on her face "You better come soon. love!"

Then she remembered seeing Xuan Yan kissing Ah Yin's lips because she is his woman. Her fingers trailed her lips "Maybe one day..."


"Yan, you are leaving? Why? Stay here more...." Wang Qiu'er yelled as she snuggled her face on his chest. After crossing 100,000 years she is even bigger.

Xuan Yan rubbed her head stroking her jaw "It's not like I am going forever. I will definitely come back."

"You will come back tomorrow?" Wang Qiu'er asked blinking her three eyes.

Eh? Tomorrow? "That would be hard. I will return soon as I can. You have to wait for me."

After a few minutes of persuasion, Wang Qiu'er finally calmed down. Xuan Yan smiled and looked at the other Great Beasts.

Bi Ji smiled back "We will waiting for you..."

Di Tian nodded "Yes, Young Lord!"

Xuan Yan nodded and with that, Xuan Yan, Ah Yin, Zi Ji, Ah Rou, and Xiao Wu disappeared from the Star Dou forest's inner core area.


I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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