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16.66% The Dwarven Rise / Chapter 10: Arrival to Town

Chapter 10: Arrival to Town

[Lorraine POV]


Feeling the sun in my eyes, I slowly wake up while rubbing my eyes. When my hands touched my face, I winked, feeling the splinters digging deeper into my wounds. Sitting up, I noticed that I was on the wagon with Brother Jaque next to me. Looking around, I see Arius snoring while leaning against the wagon. Looking at his relaxed and carefree face, I smile.

'Looks like Arius was the one to move us on the wagon, must've been hard for him. He's sooo cute when he's sleeping.'

While I was admiring Arius' cute face, I notice something in the corner of my eye. Looking directly at it, it looked like a glowing dot in the air. Observing it for a few more minutes, I go and touch it, somehow instinctively knowing that it won't hurt me. Getting close to it, my hand magically flips with my palm facing up and the glowing dot expands into a screen.


Shocked that a white screen came out of the glowing dot, I yelped. I quickly look around to see if Arius and Brother Jaque were woken by the noise but thankfully, they were still asleep. Looking back at the screen, I start to read what was written.


Hey Lil one, congratulations on awakening.

Lil one, I'll give you a chance to become my apprentice. If you truly wish to walk the path of a warrior, I can greatly aid you in showing the right path. To accept, press your finger on your forehead while saying, 'I accept'.

On a side note, that potion managed to clear the toxins in his body but the toxins in his arm are far too concentrated. I'll stop the toxins from spreading but the arm is beyond saving. You must break the news to him and he'll need to have it amputated.

Awakening so early shows talent. Choose wisely O great fighter and warrior. I'll give you 3 years to decide.

-I'll tell you my name if you accept ;)


When I started reading the letter, my emotions went from jubilant to confused, to uneasy, to terrified. After reading about Brother Jaque's arm, I turn to my side to see his arm. Seeing how black it was, my eyes follow up his arm as I see a blue ring wrapped around his arm. Looking at his arm and then back at his face, anxiety creeps up on my face as I don't know how I'll break the news to Brother Jaque.

With my mind fully focused on the dilemma at hand, I didn't notice the sound coming from behind. I suddenly feel something hit me and hug my back. I tense up, not knowing what happened before relaxing after hearing a familiar voice.

"Sister Loorrrainne! You're Awake!"

"Arius! I'm awake! Waaa, Arius, get off my back! I'm going to fall over...."


With Arius jumping onto my back catching me off guard, we fall forward on Brother Jaque.

"Arkk! Haaa.. What's going on?"

"Big Brother Jaque! You're awake too!"

"Brother Jaque, thank goodness you're ok!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Arius, Lorraine. I thank the deity above that we all survived this attack."




"Can you guys get off me now?"


After the initial sense of relief of surviving the goblin attack with everyone still alive, the mood quickly turns bitter as Brother Jaque realizes that he could no longer move one of his arms. Looking at it for a while, he soon wears a grim frown on his face as he pieces one and one together.

"haaaa... Thoses arrows were coated in poison. Looks like this arm is done for. Hmmmm... but thankfully it seems like this ring is preventing the poison from spreading to the rest of my body. Does someone care to explain who did this?"

With Brother Jaque now looking at us with a small smile of relief and acceptance, I lower my gaze, not daring to look him in the eyes. I felt butterflies in my stomach not knowing how to tell Brother Jaque about the message I have. Looking over to Arius, his face was also facing away from us. He was been strangely quiet for a while now, the news about Brother Jaque's arm must have hit him hard. Looking back at Brother Jaque, I see he opens his mouth preparing to say something, but before he can, I decide that it's time.


"I know who!"

"Ok Shoot!"

"Ok, so it seemed that I awakened after killing the last goblin. At that time, I fainted and that was when someone came to help us. They even left me a message wanting to take me as their apprentice. The message says that they are the one that put the ring around your shoulder to prevent any more poisoning. But you still need to amputate the arm."


"Wait! You awakened!"

"Huh? Yeah, look at my info sheet."

"Wow! That's amazing, congratulations!"


When I started talking, I was really nervous and talked very quietly. But Brother Jaque always had a unique talent for calming people down, when he has that reassuring grin on his face that gives everyone the feeling that everything will be alright. Unbeknownst to me, I started speaking louder and more confidently.

Once I finished speaking, I was expecting the mood to become more gloomy, but when Brother Jaque started talking about my awakening, the mood became much more pleasant. It's like Brother Jaque wasn't even bothered by the fact that he needed to amputate his arm.

"ummm, Big Brother Jaque... I awakened too."

Just as Brother Jaque was celebrating my awakening, Arius finally spoke a word and said that he awakened too. We were shocked, I'd never heard of a 5-year-old awakening before. Arius was just sitting there looking at us while we were stunned. After a few more moments, Brother Jaque bursted into laughter and brought us in for a hug.

"Hahaha, you two both awakened, I am so proud! I can't believe that we have two natural awakeners in the family. Sister Arielle and Lisa would be so happy!"


After many more minutes of Brother Jaque being over the moon, we finally start getting ready to continue our journey to town. Due to the horse dying in the goblin attack, we needed to bring what we can in the bag that Brother Jaque had. There wasn't much to bring, only our weapons and a small amount of food. Brother Jaque insisted on being the one to carry the bag even though he was injured.

Slowly but surely, after many hours of walking, our group of three finally walked out of the forest. Looking not far in front of us, there was a town with a few dozen houses surrounded by tall wooden walls a few meters high.

Imbued with energy knowing that we have arrived at our destination, we quickly begin walking toward the small town with Arius quickly running ahead with amazing energy.

"Brother Jaque, you never told us the name of this town. What's its name?"

"I haven't? I must have slipped my mind with everything that has happened these few days."

Arriving in front of the town's gate, Brother Jaque turn's back toward me and Arius, who was now by my side.

"Welcome to Erlabyn, a small but cozy mining town!"


Dakria's Fun Fact: Before being awakened by Arius' arrival, Dakria has been asleep for around 50 years!

Staw Staw

Hi, the author here,

Another chapter to you guys, thanks so much for the support so dar. Greatly appreciated. I'll probably be sticking with a schedule of 1 chapter every two days now that school is about to start again.

Cheers people!

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