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I’m lost? Great.

I'm not going to lie but, I find that goddess somewhat weird. She looks at me with warm eyes but it's as if she is trying to hide something, she calls me darling and she warned me of something that'll happen on my third birthday as if she cares. Well I mean she must care slightly if she gave me her blessing I guess?

I was now awake and looked around the room where everyone was still asleep. I thought it was daytime as I could see clearly but I guess that's just from my [Night vision] skill. I'll just go practice more with my bow then. After getting up slowly as to not wake anyone i left the room to go practice.


(Violet POV:)

I woke up when I heard a rustle of a duvet which I assumed was from mummy but instead I saw a small figure, bigger than me yet smaller than mum get out of the bed.

'Sissy?' I thought as I waited for her to leave the room and followed her.

I snuck around through the hallway trailing behind my sister when she suddenly turned around facing my direction before sighing and turning back around exiting the mountain.

'Phew thankfully it's night so we can barely see each other.' I thought rushing to the door and swiftly exiting before the door closed.

I sat down close to the edge of the cliff where I saw sissy's maid sit before and watched my sister do some light exercises and grabbing her bow shooting the target which wasn't moving like I heard she was currently practicing.

'Why isn't it moving?' I thought to myself completely aware I would get no response and tilted my head a bit.

Sister seemed unbothered by the fact it wasn't moving so in compensation she moved herself instead. She kept doing some weird manoeuvres and acrobatics all the while firing arrows from her bow with great precision.

"This might be better than when the targets moving and I'm standing still, I might do this more often." I overheard sister say while zipping through the air.

I was a bit wobbly from how fast sissy was moving but I was okay.


(Kiera POV:)

I noticed before that Violet followed me out from the bedroom and out to where I was now currently training and I'm aware of her every movement currently as she is considerably close to the edge of the cliff and I need to make sure she doesn't fall.

It's tricky doing three things at once but I'm managing so far. I'm jumping through the air, moving side to side, doing flips and somersaults, twisting my body increasing my flexibility while training my aim and stamina. Of course while doing all those movements I'm firing off arrows though most of them either don't hit or hit it just about and checking on where Violets positioned.

I continued training for another hour or so when I decided to take a quick break, wiping off my sweat. Let's check my status.











SP:[60/60] -> [24/75]


Strength:[20] -> [25]


Endurance:[30] -> [35]

Mental force/power:[ERROR]

Agility:[20] -> [40]


Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery: 36%] , [Perfect aim: 36%]


Passive skills - [Night vision]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

'Great my stats have increased and I'm getting better with my aim and bow mastery, they seem to go up at the same time by the same amount. Noted.' I though while laying down for 10 minutes to just get back up again and continue practicing this time my body moved noticeably faster and I was more focused on myself and the target as I completely forgot Violet was watching.

I increased my speed to as fast as I could and shit an arrow that hit the yellow on the board, still oblivious to Violet struggling to sit up properly.

(Violet POV:)

Sister got up after laying down for a while and started moving around again after she collected all her arrows but this time she was faster.

'Wow.' I thought as sister increased her speed yet again sending wind gushing from all directions from when she touched the floor.

I struggled to sit up and thought it would be best to move away from the ledge so I stood up to move away but as I did that a gush of wind hit me and made me stumble and lose my balance.

I started to fall back until my feet were no longer planted on the ground. In fact my whole body was now in the air.

"SISSY!' I shouted hoping she would save me but I was now to far down the cliff for her to grab me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks getting lifted into the air as I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable, but it never came. Instead I got a warm pair of hands pulling me close and a soft voice saying,

"Don't worry I've got you."

It was sister.

(Kiera POV:)

Despite saying for her to not worry I had no idea what to do as we were currently falling through the air.

'If only I paid more attention. Tch, how careless.'

I shot my arrow before I heard someone shout 'sissy' so I turned to the door then to the direction of the voice.

"Crap, I forgot Violet was here." I said to myself running to the edge of the cliff jumping off it to grab Violet.

Despite having no emotion I still felt a slight comfort from my family and Violet was a main source of it for me besides the fact we don't talk much.

Before I knew it I had dived off the mountain head first as if I was diving into a pool and grabbed Violet trying to comfort the crying girl in my arms. Why did I jump? I have barely any clue. Did I panic? No. Am I aware if I don't do something I will die and probably won't reincarnate again? Yes, of course I am.

Thinking about what to do I remembered i had wings but didn't know how to use them. They don't look strong enough to carry me and Violet let alone just me but that was my best option. I spread my wings out as far as I could and directed my body to angle down and I pulled Violet closer.

"Violet hold me tight okay? I'm going to try something." I said.

"Are we going to be okay, Sissy?" Violet said to me grabbing my collar and pulling herself into me further burying herself. Getting my clothes soggy from her tears.

"Of course you are, you'll be alright don't worry." I said but I was thinking something different.

'If my wings fail to slow down our fall I'm sure I won't make it but I'll try to help Violet get some sort of chance to live. I mean I've already lived once but Violet hasn't. I'll take on the impact and she will only suffer minor injuries and I'm sure mum will be searching everywhere for her. It'll be okay.'

My body was now angled and my wings were catching the air. The strain the pressure was putting in my wings was immense and it hurt but I was okay, this pain meant nothing it barely tickled. Slowly our the speed we were falling got less and less until we were gliding down at a safe pace. I managed to land relatively well and got scratched by only a few branches, ripping my clothes a little.

Still holding Violet I looked down at her. She was still trembling.

"Violet it's okay, we've landed safely." I said using one hand to stroke her hair. Despite the good news I still hadn't smiled but my eyes softened and Violet could tell when she looked at me.

Her gaze changed directing to my now ruffled wings which were bleeding and had red streams steadily flowing down my wing and dripping of the feathers at the bottom. It was only one wing which seemed injured as it was a little hard moving the right wing but the left was fine to move.

"*gasp* Sissy! Your wing! Are you okay?!" She asked panicking.

I folded my wings quickly and said, "yeah I'm alright but I'm not sure how we are going to get back up the mountain. I mean we are pretty far."

"We should wait for mum to find us. She'll probably use magic but it'll take at least 4 days from this distance and we'll have to keep on the move to stay safe." I muttered to myself.

"Sissy, I couldn't hear what you just said?" Violet said looking confused.

"Ah, we just need to find a safe place to hide." I said calmly as I walked with Violet in my arms.

I was walking towards the mountain as monsters probably knew that dragon lived there and only the weaker monsters would go there and even then there wouldn't be many. As I was walking I was looking around making sure there were no monsters trailing us or if I was heading in the direction of some.

I heard a rustle in the bushes ahead after walking for about 7 minutes and I crouched down placing Violet down as I reached for my bow which was sling over my back. I pulled my bow of my back and took out and arrow getting ready to fire. I slowly inspected the bush and approached it quietly and cautiously. It rustled again causing me to stop moving forwards and ready my bow.

A wolf suddenly jumped from the bush, mouth open, towards my direction snarling. It had red fur and black eyes with a long tail with black streaks running down it. It's claws were long and overgrown and it's ears were pointed up twitching.

'That's a demonic wolf right? System can you inspect it?' I thought jumping back and firing and arrow but it dodged and I hit its back instead causing it to howl.


< Race:[Demonic wolf]











Skills - [Scratch] , [Berserk]


'Okay, easy, I can beat this.'

Pulling out another arrow I drew back my bow as the wolf lunged for me. I fired off the arrow and since he was in the air he had no chance at dodging so I hit the back of his throat.



< Demonic wolf x1 has been killed >

< 7 EXP gained >

< You have levelled up, upgrading stats all by 3 >


'7 EXP from a wolf, score!' I thought to myself as I went over to the wolf and slung it over my left shoulder after taking out the blood covered arrows and putting them in my quiver.

"AH, Sissy are you alright? The wolf didn't hurt you?" Violet asked looking at me with eyes full of concern.

"No I'm alright. Anyway this'll be our dinner tonight so let's go find somewhere to sleep." I said nonchalantly walking towards the mountain once again.


It was now night time and you could hear the crickets making those weird noises and the wind rustling the leaves of the trees nearby.

Violet and I stumbled across a tree with a very wide trunk and was taller than your average tree. Looking at the tree, I knocked on the bark expecting it to not be hollow and that I would have to hollow it out but no, it was already hollow. It was the perfect place to rest inside.

I used the skill [Scratch] which extended out my claws but I didn't swipe instead I jabbed my claws into the trunk making a rectangle shape and opened it revealing the hollow inside of the tree. There was enough room to fit 3 maybe 4 of mums bed inside to just cover the floor and it seemed quite cozy.

Anyway on the journey there we encountered more demonic wolves but nothing else really and my stats now looked like this.














Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery: 36%] , [Perfect aim: 36%]


Passive skills - [Night vision]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

So I killed around 8 wolves which was quite a lot but they would normally travel in groups varying from 3-6 so I was quite lucky finding just one by itself. When I found them in groups above 4 I would jump up a tree and shoot from safety up there as they couldn't climb. Anyway I snapped 3 arrows so I can't use them so I only have 12 left. They seem like they can hold on for another day or two depending on how many monsters I encounter so I'll have to figure something out.

I put Violet to sleep but she was currently in my arms hugging her arms around my waist and it took a while to get her to calm down.

The wolf meat was quite good and surprisingly I'm a good cook but I have no skills with cooking yet so I don't know how? Anyway I'm going to be staying up all night making sure we aren't attacked. This'll be a long night huh.



I’m actually so stupid, I was supposed to post this earlier but I forgot to press publish. I’m so sorry apologies for the wait. I hope you enjoyed!

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