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57.14% Infinityverse God Power / Chapter 8: Chapter 08

Chapter 8: Chapter 08

Akuro, who was heading towards the church again, was very close. That's because he was going at a considerable speed.

Finally arriving at the church, such a scene is before his eyes...

Issei: You're an angel, so fly! - said with tears in her eyes, and a face of pure hatred.

Raynare : Aaaaahhhh!!! - cried Raynare in pain, after receiving an angry attack from Issei.

Akuro's vision was as follows: An Issei, who until then had just defeated Raynare, being wounded with two holes in his legs. Caused by Raynare's two lances of light. Issei's arm was coated by Boosted Gear, which as Akuro expected, had evolved and was stronger. Asia was lying on the church bench, apparently lifeless.

Issei who was about to fall to the floor from exhaustion, was helped by Akuro.

Issei : Akuro... is that you...? - asked exhausted.

Akuro : Yeah. Looks like you had a tough fight, huh. - said with a smile leaning Issei's shoulder on his.

Kiba : You defeated a Fallen Angel all by yourself, huh? - says Kiba who had just appeared.

He and Koneko had finished defeating all the priests and fallen angels in the church basement.

Issei: You took your time, handsome. - he said with a weak smile at Kiba.

Kiba : The president told me not to interfere with your fight.

Issei : She did? - asked surprised.

Rias : Exactly. - said Rias entering the scene.

Rias : Because I believed you would defeat her.

Issei : President? - asked surprised to see Rias there.

Akuro (Think) : "Looks like she already finished what she was doing."

Rias : I finished with my hang-ups, and then I came here - he said referring to the defeat of the three fallen angels.

Then, after Rias said this, three people appeared from the shadows.

Issei: President, watch out! - shouts Issei, surprised to see that these three people were fallen angels.

Akuro : Calm down, Issei. They won't do anything. - said Akuro, smiling calmly.

Rias : Yes. After all, they are my servants now! - said Rias with a smile on his face.

Issei : Huh?! - Issei who was not understanding anything could only fill with doubt.

Kalawarna : Hmph! how did you stuff your mouth to say "mine". Don't think so highly of yourself, Gremory! - she said still arrogant even though she had been defeated and was now your servant.

Dohnaseek : A fallen angel becoming a demon's servant... How humiliating! - said Dohnaseek feeling more humiliated than ever.

Mittelt didn't say anything. He was just shedding comical tears.

Issei: President, could you explain to me what's going on...? - he asked with a comical sweat on the back of his head, seeing how the three Fallen Angels were acting.

Rias : Well, after Akuro, Akeno and I defeated them. I was about to destroy them, however, Akuro gave me the idea to turn them into my servants. And since I found the idea interesting... here we are... - he said, pointing to the three former fallen angels who were fighting among themselves because the three of them had lost to demons.

Issei: But how is that possible?

Rias: I just did the same thing I did with you. I revived them as demons. That is, they are no longer fallen angels. - said, finishing explaining to Issei.

Issei : But... what if they betray us? - said Issei raising one last point that was bothering him.

Akuro : Then... I will finish them off myself! - he says seriously, putting an end to the matter.

The now demons, hearing this, trembled with fear. Especially Dohnaseek, the same one who had been beaten by Akuro. The other two, Kalawarna and Mittelt, even though they didn't fight him, saw the beating that Dohnaseek took. Realizing that Akuro was no joke.

Kiba : Well, I think they will be of great help. Just now, Koneko and I were having trouble defeating the various priests that were here. That's when the President and them showed up. Thanks to the President's help, and theirs, we were able to defeat all the priests.

Issei: I know, but... - I was afraid about those three.

Kiba : Come on, it's like Akuro said. In case they try to betray us, let's just finish them off once and for all! - Kiba said with a smile.

Issei : Oh. Now I feel like an idiot for worrying about you. - said Issei who before was worried about Kiba and Koneko who had been left fighting against the priests.

Akuro : So, Issei, how is Asia? - Akuro asked, even though he knew the answer.

Issei : I'm sorry. I... I... I couldn't save Asia! - he said, crying as tears streamed frantically from his eyes.

Akuro : No need to apologize. You're still new to this Supernatural World. Your effort in wanting to save her is enough. - says, resting his hand on Issei's shoulder, with a look of empathy.

Issei : I just... Asia... I just wish I could save her! - said, still crying, close to Asia's body.

Rias : It's okay. You just didn't have experience as a demon yet, that's all.

Rias : No one is blaming you.

Issei : But... But... I... - said still crying.

Rias : It's too early to tell, but it doesn't hurt to try - he said pulling a chess piece from his pocket.

Rias : What do you think this is?

Issei : A chess piece?

Akeno : To be exact, it's a bishop. - pronounces Akeno, who had just appeared through a magic circle. Being again in his traditional school uniform.

Rias : The power of the bishop is in supporting the other demons in the group, this girl's regeneration powers could be useful.

Issei : President... You mean...

Rias : I will reincarnate this nun as a demon! - said with a smile.

Akuro : Good for you, isn't it, Issei? - consoles him with a huge smile on his face.

Issei : Y-Yes... - says crying and smiling with happiness.

But before anything could be done, Koneko enters the church door carrying something with her.

Koneko : Chairman. I brought what you asked for. - says throwing what she had on the floor.

Rias : Nice to meet you, fallen angel Raynare. - reveals Rias, the one Koneko was carrying.

Rias : I am Rias Gremory, Heiress to the Gremory family.

Raynare: You are a daughter of the Gremory family? - she asked in astonishment.

Rias : It's a pleasure to meet you... Although this won't last long. - said with a confident smile.

Rias : And also... Your friends have now become my servants! - says dropping the feathers of fallen angels from his hands. Which symbolized that they were no longer Fallen Angels, but Demons.

Raynare quickly looked at the three new Demons. Those who had no other action but to look away in shame.

Raynare: Gremory's daughter... How dare you!

Rias : Since you appeared to Issei, I have learned of a plot of fallen angels going on in this city.

Rias : If you weren't causing problems for us, I wouldn't interfere.

Issei : President, does that mean that you did this for me?

Rias : Huh? Issei : Your Sacred Gear...

Akuro : I noticed that too. It looks different. - Akuro said feigning ignorance.

Issei : Yeah, he changed like that all of a sudden.

Rias : Red Dragon... Yes, I understand. That's what happened. - said, already understanding what had happened.

Rias : Fallen Angel Raynare, Issei's Sacred Gear is not as simple as you think it is.

Raynare : What?

Rias : It can increase the user's powers immensely for up to ten seconds to a point that even God can be destroyed.

Rias : It is one of the thirteen longinus, The Emperor's Red Dragon Gauntlet, Boosted Gear! - said revealing the true power of Issei's Sacred Gear.

Akuro (Think) : "Looks like it was all worth it. He has awakened the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet."

Rias : No matter how powerful he is, he needs time to increase his power, so he is not omnipotent. - he said at last, finishing his explanation.

This explanation, which until then only Akuro was aware of.

Akuro (Think) : "Exactly. The only omnipotent here is me. Hmph!"

Rias : And now you will disappear, Fallen Angel.

Raynare : Issei-kun.

Issei : Huh?

Raynare : Save me, I know I said all that, but as a fallen angel I had no choice but to do what I did! - she says dressed in the same clothes she wore in the encounter with Issei. And with the same sweet voice, to try to persuade Issei to help her.

Issei : Yuuma-chan...

Raynare : See? To prove, I didn't throw this away! - said showing a bracelet that Issei bought for her on their date.

Raynare : You remember, right? You bought this for me.

Suddenly a Tensa Zangetsu passes at enormous speed close to Raynare's face. Thus leaving only a small cut on his cheek. This sword when it crashed into the wall behind her, opened a huge hole in it. Indicating that if it had hit her, there wouldn't even be dust left on it.

Akuro : OY!!! DON'T PLAY WITH THE FEELINGS... MY FRIEND'S FEELINGS! - shouts with a serious and slyly angry expression.

Issei : Akuro...

Raynare, seeing, the destructiveness of that attack, was now paralyzed with fear. Akuro with a single hand movement, causes the Tensa Zangetsu to fly back into his hand.

Akuro : Never again... Play with his feelings! - he says starting to calm down, soon returning to normal.

Everyone present was impressed by the way Akuro had acted. Even the three new demons. After all, Akuro gives the impression that he is always calm.

Akuro : Rias, I think we should rethink this decision to kill her!

Rias : Huh?! Akuro, I admit that it was a good idea to turn those three fallen angels into demons. But you're asking me to leave her alive, after all she's done to the issei? - asks an indignant question.

Akuro : That's exactly why! If you kill her now, she will haunt his heart forever. Although this idiot is a great pervert, he treats girls in a kind way. The proof of this is that he risked himself to come and save Asia even though he had only met her a short time ago. If you kill this fallen angel that was his first girlfriend, the one who did all this to him. He might never open his heart completely again. His hesitation just now, having her ask for your help, is proof enough. - He finishes explaining the why of leaving her alive.

And once again, everyone is stunned by what Akuro says. Especially Issei, that Akuro is doing this for him.

Rias: Really. Sorry, I got a little carried away. I didn't think about that. I think you're right... - now calm, understand the reasons behind what Akuro had said.

Akuro : Well, I said that, but... it's up to Issei to decide.

Rias : Well, Issei? - he asks, waiting for his answer.

Everyone present in that church, began to look at Issei waiting for his answer.

Issei : If what Akuro said is true, then I cannot carry her shadow in my heart forever. That is why I will let it live until I overcome it and eliminate it once and for all from my heart. And when I am free of her, I will decide what to do with her next! - says Issei, making her decision.

Akuro : Pff... Hahahaha. That's it, kid. I felt firm. Spoken like a real man.

Rias : If that's what you want... - says approaching Raynare who was on the floor amazed at what she was hearing.

Raynare : Wait! Noooo...

Rias then revived her as a demon.

Rias : So, how are you feeling like a demon now? - asked, holding back from laughing at her face.

Raynare: How humiliating! I an elite fallen angel, become a demon? - said, her face red with shame and frustration.

Kalawarna : Raynare, it seems that you have joined us.

Raynare : Shut up!!!

Dohnaseek : Anyway, we all know whose fault this is.

Raynare/Kalawarna/Mittelt/Dohnaseek : It's that human's!!! - they say looking at Akuro.

Akuro : I have a name, you know. And it's Akuro Kenshin.

Raynare : Akuro, right? One day I will make you pay for this humiliation!

Akuro : Ahahahahahahahahaha...

Raynare : What's so funny, human?

Akuro : No. It's just that... Having the word, "defeat you" and my name in a single sentence, and coming out of your mouth... It's really funny. Hahahaha...

Raynare : Muleque! Are you implying that I can't defeat you?

Akuro : Hahahaha- Huh? Insinuating? Didn't I already make it clear? After all, it's pretty obvious. Hihihi...

Raynare : Why, you cheeky bastard!

Akuro : The cheeky one, who is much stronger than you! By the way, you better start measuring your words. Of course, if you don't want me to make you feel pain worse than death!

Raynare, after hearing this, became quiet. Remembering the attack that almost took her life earlier.

Kalawarna: Don't be cocky, human. When the time comes I will play with you, and make you my puppy. - says a rosy, sadistic smile on her face.

Akuro : Sorry, but... I'm not interested in you. So... - says Akuro indifferently, rejecting this voluptuous woman in front of him.

Kalawarna, a woman that several humans would kill each other, just to be able to talk to her.

Kalawarna : S-You...! - with a red face at being rejected by a man for the first time in her life.

Rias : So, all that's left is to reincarnate the nun.

That being the case, the process of reincarnation into a demon began which was just like in the original story.

Asia then began to open her eyes.

Akuro/Issei : Asia!

Asia : Huh?

Issei : President!

Rias : I'll leave the rest to you. Show her how to proceed, after all you are her senpais! - says starting to leave.

Asia : Akuro-san... Issei-san... Ah... I was...

Before she could finish speaking Issei hugged her.

Issei : Let's go home, Asia.

Akuro and the others seeing that scene, apart from the new demons, had a light smile on their faces.

The next day.

Club room.

Akuro : Good morning, everyone. - says, entering the club room.

All : Good morning.

Akuro : Where is Asia? - asked not seeing her anywhere.

Akeno : She said she wanted to show you something.

Akuro : To me?

Rias : Yes. Asia can leave now.

Just as asked by Rias, Asia walks out through a door of the club, wearing her new school uniform.

Akeno : She wanted to show you her new school uniform.

Issei : I said she looked nice, and that I didn't need to show you, but... - Issei says that she didn't like the idea of Asia showing off her new uniform exclusively to Akuro. In other words, "jealousy".

Asia : So, Akuro-san, how did I look? - she asks with her cheeks slightly flushed.

Akuro : You look beautiful in it. - says with a slight smile, unaware of the weight of her words.

Asia : Is-is-it really? - says Asia, who now looks like a bell pepper, so red she is.

Raynare : I don't think she looked that pretty! - says Raynare, entering the club room along with the other three new Demons.

Akuro: Huh? Those clothes... Don't tell me that the four of you are going to school too?

Dohnaseek : Tsc! Unfortunately yes! Miss Gremory made us do it! - he said with a not very happy face.

Rias : With the help of my father's influence in the school, I managed to get them and Asia into the school. Asia, Raynare, Kalawarna and Mittelt will be new students and Dohnaseek will enter as a school counselor.

Akuro: Ah, I see. - I said, analyzing the situation.

Akuro : But I must say, you three also look good in those uniforms... - Akuro says to the girls.

Raynare : W-What are you talking about? - she stutters in embarrassment.

Kalawarna : Y-You seem to have good eyes to notice my beauty? - says blushing a lot.

Mittelt : Y-he said that I-I am beautiful! - Poor Mittelt was the most affected, she was the same or even redder than Asia was before.

Issei : I must agree with you Akuro, they look beautiful... Muhahaha... - said making a perverted face.

Akeno : Ara, Ara, Ara. Now that we are all gathered, this is a welcome party for our new members! - says, entering the room with a cake.

All : Huh?!

Issei : Looks delicious!

Koneko : Issei-senpai, I'll eat mine and your piece.

Issei : What?! Oy! Koneko-chan, that's my piece! - says seeing that Koneko took two pieces. Hers and the one that would be his.

All-Issei/Koneko : Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Akuro, who until then was laughing along with the others, has his face replaced with a serious expression. Looking in the direction of a bird, with a color of fire.

Akuro (Think) : "So, it's coming your turn to appear, huh..." - Thinks remembering what was going to happen after the fallen angels arc.

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