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69.23% Transmigrate In The Novel Extra / Chapter 9: Dull days

Chapter 9: Dull days

(1st Person POV)

Currently I am laying down on my couch while watching Kim Hajin team recording from the day's combat training on my TV.

'That guy is quite fast. In about three seconds or less he managed to shoot 59 out of 60 baby octopus with his gun. How is it possible to pull the trigger 20 times a second? Is it because of the gun or his talent as an author? In any case, the mercenary boss sure is lucky to found a guy who is good with his fingers.'

I mused quietly as I grab a handful of chips that is on the table then I eat it nonchalantly. The sound of crunching accompany me as I watch the recording alone in my dark penthouse.

'Kim Suho team comes in second while Shin Jonghak team comes in third. Both have impressive time but of course they are not fast enough to beat my team. This kind of thing is quite fun. I hope they did it again.'

I said it mentally while the recording is playing. Then my eyes look towards one of Kim Hajin teammates that play the role of utility player

'Yoo Yeonha. One of the love interests of Kim Hajin. If I remember, this girl still have a massive crush on Shin Jonghak as of now. Then in the future her feelings gradually change towards Kim Hajin. I guess investing in luck also have its effect on a relationship.'

The recording then change it's focus from Kim Hajin to Yoo Yeonha as I watch the recording with interest. Yoo Yeonha whip shot out and grabbed the octopus hump. As the whip wrapped around the hump Yoo Yeonha pull the whip causing the hump to get crushed under the pressure. Then one of the baby octopus jump towards Yoo Yeonha but before it can latch on Yoo Yeonha face Kim Hajin bullet hit the baby octopus first causing it to explode.

The baby octopus blood and mucus splash towards Yoo Yeonha direction but she calmly spread out her magic to prevent her clothes getting dirty. I snicker quietly as I saw Yoo Yeonha glare at Kim Hajin. Yoo Yeonha then shot her whip towards the octopus again as the two extra warriors leading the charge.

After nine minutes, Yoo Yeonha cut off four of the eight tentacles. All that while not moving more than a foot away from Kim Hajin. She has fulfilled her duty as the utility player that is supporting the warrior and protecting the marksman. Then the two extra warriors deal the finishing blow

'She is quite an impressive woman. Her whipping skill is good. Attacking while protecting someone is quite hard. And it takes a lot skills.'

I thought silently as the recording ends and show me a black screen. I then yawn and look at the clock.

"Ah, it's already 3am? That's a bummer, looks like I need to stay awake then to reset my sleep schedule."

I said to no one as I grab my psp from the table and manifest my IBM. The creepy ghost then looks towards me while tilting his half head. Probably questioning me why I suddenly summon him

"Do whatever you want. I'll give you time to explore and play around."

I said nonchalantly while playing the psp with a small smile. My creepy overgrown puppy then look at me for a few seconds before he turns on the TV and sit at the front of the TV while hugging his knee before replying with a creepy tone


'His voice is quite creepy but I have built an immunity to it. I still remember the first time he answered me when I asked him to read a first grade book. I feel kind of surprised and scared because of his voice. Anyway, how about I play Crash bandicoot. It's been a long time since I touch it.'

I commented in my mind with a small smile as I play on my psp.


The Next Day


(3rd Person POV)

Now Tachibana Shou is currently in the training centre along with the other Veritas cadets. The reason why it's because of the class they are having today. 'Anti- Personnel Training'

Cadets will form a pair then spar with each other for two hours. Cadets will use their training weapon to make the fight less painful and also easier to grade by the instructor.

As of now Tachibana Shou is currently squatting on the side of the arena while looking at the cadets sparring with each other with a bored face. The reason why he was on the sideline because his target Shin Jonghak or Kim Suho have their own punching bag and the lower cadets did not want to spar with him because of how ruthless he looks when he stab the Ring bull head in yesterday combat training recording. This cause Tachibana to sigh in boredom. He didn't bring his psp because he stayed all night playing it causing the psp to shut down because the battery is drained.

As he looks at the cadets sparring with each other in boredom a person suddenly sit beside him. He then glance towards the person in boredom and he found Chae Nayun sitting beside him with a blank face. Chae Nayun who manages to catch his glancing at her scowl and look at him as if he's a creep then move herself away a bit far from him.

"What's with the reaction?"

Tachibana frown in annoyance as he questioned her when he saw her creeped out reaction.

"You look like a creep. Don't look at me at all. In fact, just gouge out your eyeballs."

She reply towards Tachibana with a blunt tone while hugging her knee as she watch the other cadets sparring. This causes Tachibana to only sigh loudly in annoyance and frown at her

"*Sigh*.... I am your leader. Can't you give some of your respect? It's not that hard."

Tachibana mumble softly as he looks towards the direction he is looking before. Chae Nayun who heard his mumbling just scowl slightly before mumbling something in an annoyed tone.

"How about you do something that deserves respect before asking for one?"

Then a loud voice coming from the edge of the training centre can be heard

"You two,Why are you two slacking off! Spar right now if you want a good grade!"

The female instructor who is supposed to 'watch' this class shout towards Tachibana and Chae Nayun while she is putting Kim Hajin in a headlock. Since Kim Hajin is a gun user he needs to have a spar with the instructor because there wasn't any gun for training.

Tachibana only yawn in boredom even after being threatened by the instructor while Chae Nayun frown. She then stand up with an annoyed face

"I thought that I can rest a bit because of the previous mathematics class. What a pain."

Chae Nayun mumble softly then she look downwards with an annoyed frown on her face to the squatting Tachibana who have a bored face while looking at the other cadets.

"Oi, let's have a spar before the instructor scold us more."

She said towards Tachibana with a disdainful scowl while looking at him. Tachibana then look upwards to her with his usual smile


He replied towards Chae Nayun with a cheerful yet carefree tone as he stands up with a carefree smile. Chae Nayun scowl only deepened as she saw how Tachibana is reacting

'This guy.... Why he is so annoying? I don't like the way he is behaving. So carefree.'

Chae Nayun thought silently as she start to walk towards an empty arena while holding her bow with an annoyed scowl. Tachibana then follow her from behind as he hold one of his swords while the other one is on his back with a smile.

Now the two of them is on the arena and standing against each other. Chae Nayun attach the back of her arrow to the bowstring as she point towards Tachibana. Tachibana smile widen seeing her action as he unsheath the sword he is holding. No words need to spoken. They already knew in their mind that the moment Tachibana/himself drop the sheath the fight will begin immediately. The tension around them continue to intensifies

Tachibana then drop the sheath as he dash forward at a fast speed while clenching his sword.


The sound of the sheath hitting the floor makes Chae Nayun come to her sense as she saw Tachibana in front of her and trying to make a diagonal slash using his sword

'Damn it! He's fast!'

Chae Nayun thought as she dodged his slash by a breath causing some of her hair gets cuts in the process. She then aim her bow to his face

'You make quite a large move, it will take a while for you to position yourself. I win this time Tachibana Shou!'

Chae Nayun shouted in her mind with a grin thinking she is already victorious from this battle but that is far from the truth. Tachibana then pull out his other sword from his back and slashing it downward hitting Chae Nayun bow causing her to drop it while wincing from the pain as she stumbled backwards and land on her butt

Tachibana then put both of his swords on between her neck forming an X with a small smile. Chae Nayun can only look upwards with a shocked face as she feels the cold blade on her throat. As Tachibana about to pull his swords he sense a pair of daggers coming from his side causing him to lean back with a small smile on his face.

"Oh my~ I don't think we are buddy- buddy enough to play fight with each other Shin Jonghak."

Tachibana said while looking at the perpetrator who threw the pair of dagger with a playful tone and a smile. Shin Jonghak only look at him with a cold glare and a calm face

"Don't go too far Tachibana. It's only a sparring not a duel to death. I might need to substitute her if this goes on."

Shin Jonghak said to Tachibana with a cold tone which causes Tachibana to smile to widen.

'Ah, how can I forget that this guy has a crush on her.'

He thought silently as he glance at Chae Nayun who look towards him with a shocked face before looking back at Shin Jonghak with his wide smile

"Are you perhaps inviting me for a duel to death Shin Jonghak?~"

Tachibana said it with a playful tone as he tilt his head. Which causes Shin Jonghak look at him with an indifferent face

"Take a guess dipshit."

Shin Jonghak replied bluntly. An imaginary black and white sparks collide as the air grew heavy. The other cadets including Kim Suho stop sparring and look at them with interest and curiosity.

"Ah, how honoured am I to be invited by the grandson of Shin Myungchul~"

The smile on Tachibana face widened a lot more as he trying to provoke Shin Jonghak. But before the situation start to escalate the instructor intervene

"Alright, that's enough for the sparring class today. You guys can go back to your class now."

The instructor whose hair has a bite mark that was caused by Kim Hajin put off the fire between the third and second highest ranked cadet. Shin Jonghak glare at Tachibana coldly while Tachibana only smile at him while waving his hand.


A/N: My bad gang from now on I will be posting one chapter a day.

I_d0nt_kn0w I_d0nt_kn0w

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