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Chapter 1: Kaiser Daido and Susan Frill

The village burnt in ruins, the cries of children rang through the meadows. Flames engulf the lands as the raiders gathered what valuables were left. And one child stared at two corpses that burnt together. His mother and his father. He stared, but no tears came. A team of raiders rode up to him with horses, one got off and walked up to him.

"If we return, there will be more than adult casualties. The children will suffer, and your town will be destroyed. Farmstead will no longer be thriving like it once was, and we will be the center of agriculture." The men started to laugh, but in the commotion the kid clicked

his tongue. In a monotone voice, he simply said, "If."


The yellow lamp failed to illuminate the room, her parents laid on their death beds. She stared in tears, she cried and screamed, but it was no use. The Blue Plague had gotten them, now it was a matter of time until they died. The healthcare for the poor in the capital was little after the great migration, this meant many had losses.

The girl screamed as her mother closed her eyes, and her father said his goodbyes. She clenched the blanket, making stains with her tears and the spit drooling from her mouth. She couldn't help it. For hours, she sat there, until she grabbed her dad's knife and exited the building.


As the boy readies his sword for battle, the raiders rode towards them in search of a battle. The boy raises his right hand, with his sword, and swings down on the first man. The sword penetrates through his leather, slices through his shoulder and chest, and chips at the leg of his horse. The horse slips, and the man falls off and starts to bleed out. But the boy makes sure to finish the job, and decapitates him.

The second man comes charging, but the boy targets the horse instead. The horse falls and so too does the man. His neck is exposed and the boy has a clear slice. And like the previous man, he too is decapitated.

The third man comes charging in unprovoked and nearly gets a hit on the boy, but he blocks it with the hilt of his blade. The boy charges towards the man and fakes a right, and swiftly changes the trajectory. He steps left, and jumps up to the man. He spins in the air while swinging his blade, and cuts the man down and off of his horse. He then does the same thing he did to the previous men.

He takes their heads to the city which they came from, and drops them in front of the mayor. He sheathes his blade, and stands tall to speak.

"I, Kaiser Daido, shall protect everyone from Farmstead."


As the girl stands in front of the judge, she stares coldly at him. The room is filled with muttering and meaningless gossip. Until the judge slams his hammer and begins the trial.

"Ms. Frill, you have been convicted of the murders of 42 men, and contributing to 8 'private executions'"

Private executions are people murdering a selected person, whether they are indebted to a person or really did do something wrong.

"There are also multiple counts of you stealing medical supplies from a small clinic." The judge stated.

"I was badly injured." Ms. Frill rebutted.

"I can see by the massive bandage on your arm. I can only assume a cut or bruise from a metallic object." The judge said.

"You would be correct your honor." Ms. Frill confirmed.

"Ok, back to the case. With 52 lives in your hands, how do you think you're going to get out of this?" The judge asks as guards slowly close in. Ms. Frill squirms subtly to get a dagger and conceals it under the stand.

"Like this your honor." She rips free from the handcuffs and stabs a guard in the neck, she knocks the other one out I'm one kicks and books it out of the building. She is jumping off roofs and vaulting walls like a monkey. The judge aggressively gets up and yells, "Susan!"


In the East forest, Kaiser is searching for some berries, and discovers a small shack. He enters and is met with a very fine smell, one that may not connect to a shack in the woods. It smells like what a female young adult's room would smell like. But then, a knife is out to his throat, and Susan grabs the back of his head.

"What is your business here?" She asks, "Are you a guard who they sent looking for me? Or are you a bounty hunter trying to kill me?"

Mind you, Kaiser is in full armor and has two blades on his hip. His appearance fits that of a knight, but he has more actual combat experience rather than just practicing all day and not actually being able to use your abilities.

"I do not know who you are, and I am not looking to make enemies. I merely saw this shack which I thought was abandoned, and wanted to explore the inside. But the situation I'm in, proves that this shack is in fact not abandoned." Daido answers.

She tries to drive in the knife but Kaiser elbows her in the stomach and she falls back. She coughs up a little blood and takes a deep breath. She then charges Kaiser again, he parries the knife and pins her to the ground. He has her arm pinned to the ground with his knee, and the other is being held down by his hands.

"Why attack me if I had no intention of being hostile?" Kaiser asked.

She clicked her tongue, and a swarm of bugs circled Kaiser's body. He was then soon entirely encased in insects. But then the insects burned away as he took a step towards Susan. He placed his hand on her shoulders and stared at her.

"My village needs more help. May you lend your power to help us?" He asks.

"What do you need help with?" Susan asks.

"When it rains, the dams break and they wash away the crops. We need to build stronger dams, and fast. A catastrophe is coming." Kaiser tells her.

"Yeah I heard, fine, I'll help. On one exception, if you help me too." Susan says.

"Anything, what is it?" Kaiser asks.

"You need to teach me how to fight better." Susan tells him.

"Ok? Is that it?" He asks

"Yes." She replies.

"Ok, follow me." He says.

As they are walking back to the town, they start to make some small talk.

"So, who are you?" Susan asks him.

"My name is Daido. What about you?" He asks.

"My name is Susan Frill." She answers.

The sun glistened in Kaiser's eyes, he blocked it with his hand and continued walking. They soon made it to the town. It was already starting to rain a bit, so they had to build the dams quickly.

"Everyone! I've got extra hands to help us, if you need anything just ask us two! Let's start building!" Kaiser tells everyone.

The dams were easy to build, it was a wood frame and concrete overtop the wood. They could build about 100 yards every 50 minutes. But with the help of Susan, they could build 10 more yards in that time frame.

As they were building, a man came running up to Kaiser and Susan.

"Daido!" The man yelled.

"What? What is it?" He asks.

"There's a troll heading this way! I'd say it's about 20 meters tall!" He told him.

"Ok, stay here, we'll handle it!" He says, he then runs off into the forest with Susan. When they saw it, it towered over everything. They charged the giant but they were swept back. Susan runs up the back but it jumps and slams her down. Susan would then be incapacitated and would be unable to continue fighting.

Kaiser managed to block every swing with his sword, but his strength was withering. Until the troll slammed his fist down on him. His body sank into the dirt, again and again he got smacked down.

In the Tree of Gazar, an ancient god awakens from his slumber. Kaiser, the god of all creation and omniscience. He sees Kaiser fighting the troll, and picks him as his vessel. He enters his mind, and talks to Daido.

"Are you scared? Are you weak? Do you feel like you're not going to win? No one cares. Do better!"

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