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16.66% "The Demon Lord's Daughter" • Bleach x Tensura / Chapter 2: Ch 2: Demonology Lessons and Ichigo's Lessons

Chapter 2: Ch 2: Demonology Lessons and Ichigo's Lessons

And so...

The men were on overprotective mode around Rimuru's house while the ladies gave them their meals time to time.

It was decided that as a precaution, the two be in their room alone to avoid 'imprinting on the wrong person' as Vesta worried that the daughter may imprint on first thing she sees upon waking. They lack knowledge about Slimes, so this was crucial. They have to avoid looking inside the room and avoid that one window or else.

The daughter 'has the parts' he didn't have so yes, she MUST be dressed, unlike her 'father'.

Daughter woke up...and looked around.

It was an empty room with two futons put together side by side.

She looked to her left to see a blue-haired 'young girl', but she knew better.

As she got here, a mechanized computer female voice spoke to her while showing images in her brain on who this person is and all about him.

Rimuru Tempest, her new father.

And she was dressed in a hospital gown, but thankfully with underwear.

Weirdly enough, her father is smaller than she is, appearing like a middle schooler while she retained her high school figure and height. But her face changed to resemble him to be his child.

She shook him awake, making him stir.

'Mmm...' he opened his eyes to see what's basically a female version of himself face-to-face with him. She has deep blue eyes. "Who?"

/Your daughter./

'You' daughter...right?' Rimuru croaked out, standing up. 'Do you have a name?'

'Ichigo.' said Ichigo. 'I died and...I ended up being your kid.' she said. 'This is a little weird...' she said, scratching her head.

'You're telling me, I now know how a seahorse feels.' Rimuru chuckled with a cringe as that's exactly how he gave birth with some physiological difference. 'I'm a guy who gave birth.' he said weakly. 'Raphael-san told me all about you and I wouldn't wish what you put up with on child has to go through it.' he told her, patting her head. 'That's a normal life here. Everyone here is here.' he told her kindly. 'Adults should be relied on and you can count on us.'

That notion was strange to Ichigo.

Sure her own dad did his job as a parent, the issue was Seireitei and circumstances against everyone. The main issue was Aizen and his goddamn marble of doom. The rest of happenings was their entire fault for being so rigid, unflexible and a black and white way of thinking that what they caused by their decisions is biting them back in the ass.

'...if only I had that sooner...' Ichigo bitterly wept, and Rimuru hugged the war veteran before him who has a shit-ton of war PTSDs on her. All at age fifteen.

'Well, let's announce ourselves. I'll have to 'Name' you officially when I get better so pretend to be nameless for now, alright?'

'...fine.' Ichigo got all she needed to know while she developed after all. She'll have to deal with her new world.

When Rimuru used Thought Communication to contact EVERYONE...the men barged into the room worriedly.

'Rimuru-sama, is everything OK with missy?' Benimaru asked Rimuru worriedly as when they looked at the daughter, she was blue-eyed, and much more feminine and older version of her father. She also has longer hair than he did. Same fringe style, but her hair was down to her waist.

She was also clearly powerful and has poor control over her magicules.

'She's OK.' Rimuru smiled. 'No name for now though. I'm too weak to name anyone for now, I should rest more and teach her how to control herself. She's begun leaking magical energy. I guess I have to learn how to be a dad first.'


Not father.

Its something Ichigo needs more, Rimuru thought. Dads are fun-loving and always there, while fathers are too distant.


Ichigo had to deal with the secrecy going on as when Rimuru recovers enough, he can give her a Name and be officially introduced to everybody.

So for now, only his executives knows of her awake with him.

'Are you OK Rimuru-sama?' Shion asked him.

'...yeah, just a bit woozy for now.' said Rimuru as he had arrived with a shaky, unstable gait Ichigo helped him. 'I'll probably be OK enough to name my daughter in two more days.' he said weakly.

'He...llo...' Ichigo greeted slowly. She was awkward as she's now technically royalty given who her new dad is that everyone's waiting on her hand and foot, she wasn't used to this.

That, and her voice changed too. What's this cutesy shit she's got now?!

'SO CUTE!' Ichigo got startled and went slime mode. Her slime form was similar to Rimuru's, only, hers has pink blush stickers.

'Now now, don't overwhelm the kid.' Hakurou chuckled, gently chiding Shuna and Shion. 'She's still getting used to us.' he said as Ichigo changed back to human and was looking at all of them, familiarizing herself with them. Still clad in a sleeping gown Shuna gave her and barefoot. 'Rimuru-sama is eager to be a good father, but what of her education?' he asked Rimuru. 'As your princess, people will aim for her to get to you. That is out of the question.'

'There's that...and also, no swearing around my kid or you'll eat Shion's cooking for six months.' Rimuru threatened with malice that got almost everybody choking in fear of the idea while Shion looked dismayed.

To Ichigo, that's WARNING ENOUGH. Yup, avoid the woman's cooking. But really, while she knows he's trying to be a good dad, she swore enough in fights...

'...why is that a threat? I don't understand?' Noir wondered and Rimuru wondered why he was still here. Wasn't their deal paid?

'...let's just say it's so bad you're forced to develop Poison Resistance or die.' Benimaru whispered in the man's ears. Noir twitched. Surely no one can be that bad at cooking enough its likened to poison? So bad its develop a Resistance or die? And this Fair Oni clearly speaks from experience...

'As for my daughter's education...after consulting my Wisdom King, she has her own skills at birth, so we''ll have to figure how to help her master them.' Rimuru continued. 'Being a Slime like myself, she's a quick learner so Language, Math and other general subjects should be a breeze, giving plenty of time for combat training. Now then, you...' he looked at Noir. 'Is there something regarding our contract?' he asked in concern. Wasn't those corpses enough?

"Contract?!" everyone thought as they looked at Noir incredulously. Does that mean this guy is...

'Oh, no no no! I made my decision.' Noir quickly made a handwave of reassurance before he knelt before Rimuru. 'I have decided to stay for Rimuru-sama.' this astonished Rimuru.

'R-really?' he gasped out. 'Well I'm not a typical Demon Lord OK? I don't even know how to behave like they do so I'll just simply be myself here.'

'How do you believe they behave though?' Shuna wondered curiously.

Rimuru spouted out many, many tropes in what he believes Demon Lords are like.

'I'm not like those, OK?'

They all had a VERY HARD TIME imagining a Rimuru like those, that they were glad that the Rimuru they know is the benevolent master they all know, and they pity the others who serve such people.

'Milim is just the weird one and Carrion is shockingly nice, so I'll wait and see about the others.' said Rimuru.

'We're lucky to have a master like Rimuru-sama so he's a Demon Lord we'd gladly work for.' said Benimaru.

'Well at any rate, welcome.' Rimuru smiled. 'You'll have to wait for a name though. Childbirth in a span of twenty seconds isn't easy.'

That, and a large chunk of his currently-recovering strength went to Ichigo that she exceeds Shion in magicule content. Out of all his executives, Shion has the most energy. And now, Ichigo dwarfed even her that she's the strongest, befitting her status as Princess of Tempest in everyone's eyes.

'Of course my lord. This one is already blessed enough for your acknowledgment.' Noir smiled and he was sincere about it.

'Contract between you and're a Demon aren't you.' Souei stated.

'Kufufufu, indeed so. I am an Archdemon.'

The council choked while Rimuru was clueless on why they're making a big deal out of it.

'As expected of Rimuru-sama! He can summon ones of your level?!' Shuna gasped out in shock. Archdemons are the most powerful of their lot! Not to mention what it takes to summon them!

'Demons of your level are rare and with good reason at're the strongest of your class!' Hakurou croaked out. Now THAT, was a surprise to the Reincarnators.

'Well, I have hit a cap since we have rules in our realm.' said Noir. 'My level may be a rarity as nobody I know ever became a Demon Noble...'

'Er...guys? Explain? Until I had my daughter I'm the youngest in this city being two years old?' Rimuru sweatdropped. 'I don't have the common sense you do.'

Awkward pause.


'We didn't know!'

'We're sorry!'

Ichigo sweatdropped at the ridiculousness before her.

'Allow me.' Noir chimed enthusiastically as comical reaction ensued he had to clap his hands loudly to shut the others up before he explained how his kind works.

Demons are Genderless Monsters that are Spiritual Lifeforms similar to Spirits or Angels. They do not have a Body normally, as they exist in the Spiritual World where they mostly wander aimlessly around. By default, most of the Demons do not have names or any sort sense of self. There are a few exceptions which include those that have developed an ego after being summoned several times and having contact with the Material World. Enough that they can freely choose what they want to be.

Within the Spirit World, Demons gain strength and prestige almost entirely by age. The older a Demon the stronger it is. However, it takes a long time to get truly strong within the Spirit World, since Demons are bound by a Magicule limit that forces them to polish their proficiency and efficiency instead. Within the Material World, as long as a body to possess is available, additional options to get stronger open up for Demons.

Demons can be summoned from the Spirit World to the Material World. Demons are usually serious and respect contracts, though that might also depend on which color line they belong to. Once in the Material World first an Ego arises. Each summoner provides more information to the Demon allowing them to become more proficient and knowledgeable with each summoning.

However, a Demon needs a body to stay in the Material World, as otherwise, the Material World will reject the Demon, forcing them back to the Spirit World.

'So Rimuru-sama offering me 20000 bodies of enemies he's slain, I was able to fashion a body for myself to fulfill our contract.' he said. 'It wasn't easy though, all those bodies have some hereditary disease I have to be very picky with construction material to avoid being impeded by defects.'

As for levels?

The Demons gain stronger power as they live longer. Demons who have reached a certain level reach the upper limit of the amount of possessed Magicules, eventually making them numerically equivalent in terms of raw power. Knowledge and experience are the things that matter from there. In other words, the difference in proficiency becomes the difference in combat ability.

Noir being over ten thousand years old, he's an Archdemon-class Primordial due to his age but he was way stronger than a typical Archdemon but he's hit his level cap that its a long wait before he becomes a Noble.

As for lineages, they are based on colors.

'Us ancient Primordials have descendants...Black from myself, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, White and Purple. Demons afterwards become our descendants upon reaching a certain threshold of power, demons are assigned a color that matches one of the Primordials based on their personality. All demons of a certain color share the basic personalitiy traits of their progenitor and while they might express these traits in different ways, their demeanor and mindset are always a match for their progenitor.'

'So Rimuru-sama when summoning, its a random deal that when summoning, watch out for the color of the aura that comes out.' Noir warned. 'Blacks like myself and Purple are whimsical as we do what we want to do and stick to it. That includes interpreting our own way vaguely-given orders as long as we can do the job perfectly.' he said as his words got Rimuru inwardly twitching. Well, his first order isn't vague, thankfully, but he'll have to carefully word his instructions from now on.

'Red and Yellow are Unnegotiable that to be on the safe side, make sure you can pay based on the level of what you summoned and your request as getting shorted will get anyone killed. The negotiable ones are Blue, Green and White as I've known them.'

'And you're a Black who decided to throw his lot with me.' said Rimuru. Noir nodded. For some odd reason this guy threw himself to him on his whims alone, so he'll have to be careful with this guy. 'Very well. I have tasks for everyone soon but let's keep it quiet that he's an Archdemon lest our human allies start pointlessly panicking.' he told everyone. 'We need a cool head for what's coming as things aren't over yet.' he said grimly.

'Now then, regarding my daughter's lessons...let's start with her skills.' said Rimuru. 'Through my Food Chain, her skills were added to my abilities to access. Her Unique Skills are Monk of Destruction and Monstrous Power.' he began. 'With Monk of Destruction, this skill is lethal as she can easily wield Spiritrons, the energy used in Holy Magic as well as Magicules and make constructs of energy to wield in battle. As such, she has appropriate Nullifications.' he told them.

'As for Monstrous Power...well, she becomes a being of instinct while gaining bony armor plating...a Berserker Warrior that fights instinctively while gaining bony armor plating on her person and gaining immense physical strength from it. The only way for it to stop functioning upon activation is if she's defeated or her enemy is killed. She can't willingly turn it off, so it's a last resort if things get dicey.'

There was one more aspect to it that Rimuru will never reveal.

Monstrous Power is the embodiment of Ichigo's Hollowfied Zangetsu if Monk of Destruction embodied the old man. Ichigo has two spirits in her, Upper-Tier Spirits, no longer Zanpakuto. So they'll have to talk to Ramiris about them at some point. Zangetsu will take over.

'She also has Arts and a few Extra Skills. She'll have to watch us fight so she gets an idea, before she spars with any of you.' said Rimuru. 'Let's start things slow, make her watch so she'll learn. Let's start with hand-to-hand. Black, make a clone of yourself and spar outside for her to watch. Slow at first, slow enough for humans and increase till she gets the idea. All of us are swordsmen and magic-users so we're not too good with that.' he instructed. 'Let's all go outside.'

And so, outside the government building?

The two Noirs began sparring as they all watched.

This was mostly for 'Ichigo's benefit' but the two Reincarnators have to play pretend.

Once at a good enough speed enough to amaze everyone? It was a speed Ichigo can see considering who she fights on a random tuesday.

'Missy, did you see all that?' Benimaru asked Ichigo who nodded.

'Then spar with Black.' Rimuru instructed. 'I want to see how much you've learned.' inside however? He was relying on Raphael to keep his face poker-face because on his own, he was trying not to snicker.

Ichigo obeyed, skipping to where Black is.

'Please go all out Princess, so we can measure what you've learned.' Noir instructed and she did.

Shunpo in front of him and he quickly caught her...hi-speed sparring ensued he was impressed.

"Just by watching, she can do this already!" he was amazed and elated. On the other hand, several jaws dropped with eyes popping out.

'So...for her training all she needs is to watch us to catch up to us in skill...' Souei croaked out in shock.

'Next, Hakurou and Benimaru, sword sparring!' Rimuru instructed as Noir and Ichigo went to the sidelines to watch.

They had to go slow...before going all out.

After that, Benimaru lent his sword to Ichigo as Hakurou was the best swordsman in Tempest Rimuru still loses to him.

Again, she was formidable.

'...yeah...watching is training.' Rimuru sweatdropped. 'Enough said.'

She fought insane god-complexed sickos, of course she'd be this good.

'All that's left is school subjects now.' Shuna said weakly.


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