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Chapter 92: Chapter 92

For a moment I almost answered to serve the Emperor's will, but I know very well that I shouldn't answer that, I'm really getting into character now, I'm not really that fanatical... yet. So I can only put my hand on her back to get us a little away from the others, luckily she allowed me to do this, I really expected her to act unreasonably or well... as a woman.

"I'm going to be honest with you, I've thought of several ways to explain this to you, some would upset you, others I'm sure would convince you, but let's just decide, tell me what we can do to avoid a fight between us, I haven't known you for long but I really want to have normal friends, who can contradict me and tell me how stupid I am, and don't just tell me okay at everything or take me as some kind of savior or anything like that, I'm sure you understand what I mean." Okay...this came out more like a manipulative bastard than I wanted.

"Just don't go back to doing the same thing as before...." She stares me straight in the face. "You just say it, you don't have to act like a hero, rushing headfirst into danger, you're hurt, so avoid fighting alone and let me help you." If we are fighting Arachnid I don't think there will be a problem...

"Very well then, I cannot completely promise you that I will not do it since you know how the situation can change from one moment to the next, but I will do everything possible to avoid it... and I won't do it unless it's absolutely necessary." That's the only thing I can say, I don't really understand myself yet, I act before I think and I'm only convincing myself that I do it for the rewards...

"Haaa... I guess that's the best I can hope for from you... is it really necessary to put you in danger? Couldn't you fight with Kuroka and Kurumi to get out of that place without getting so hurt?" She ask me.

"Hmmm.... not to belittle them or anything, but those guys were supposed to be gods, so I really didn't have much of a choice, I only had one chance to win so I took it... although I didn't expect them to really be that weak or I'm just stronger than I thought." It would be best if I didn't mention that I wasn't really hurt... just the system wanted to kill me...

"Apparently no matter what world it is, if you are strong you will see everyone as lesser beings so you will underestimate them... just don't use that power again, you almost died after doing it once..." For a moment we both remain silent, although Cha Hae-In seems to have more doubts. "Regardless of whether you do, you are really a normal person... or rather... can we become normal again Leonhard?" Okay...emotional talk powers activate! Emotional support form!

"Well...if we take your novel into account, at some point you become 'normal'..." I lean against a shelf with my back to the others and point to a counter on my side where she finally sits. " I could talk about things like there is a plan for everything or things like that, but really we are strong because we were created that way. The people who imagined us, those who gave us life.... I'm sure you all think that they see us only as entertainment and amusing toy..." I can only smile a little at that thought...

"Is there really another way to look at it? My life is only to be the protagonist's partner, I was simply created to satisfy the readers' need for a pretty girl." Cha Hae-In just lifts her legs and hugs them putting her face on her knees.

"Hmmm pretty girl eh... well that can't be denied that you are beautiful but hey at least you weren't created by someone like Kuroka's creator." I say laughing as I see her face blush at first to shake a little when thinking about it. 

"Well that's at least relieving, even so it's really almost the same, I just don't have to be an exhibitionist and always show my naked body like her. What? Why do you look at me like that!?" She looks a little upset when I take off my gas mask and I look at her skeptically.

"Hmmm I'm pretty sure your armors aren't for fan service yes, maybe they don't show any skin, but they really show your sexy figure." She just glares at me. "Hey, don't look at me like that, your creator decided it, I just enjoy it, besides all of you look great in them." She looks a little upset at that.

"What do you mean with that? Are you one of those people who think that appearance is everything?" She points at my face, her tone annoyed but I can see in her eyes that she just wants to stop thinking about what's happening.

"That is a rhetorical question, you must look at it differently, even if you were created to entertain, you cannot deny the love that your creator has for you. He decided to create you as you are, give you a name, and write your story." When I say this I have an epiphany

"In fact, forget what I say before, we can practically say that we are directly creations of God, the children of God, our author is the god of our world, we are just the tools of the god. the instruments of his will, those chosen by God and which we are under his direct supervision...

It's funny, the question I asked before, why are we here, is practically answered, we were born in this world, we were given a story and a mission, we are the protagonists of our own life that is told to anyone who wants to read it, we are the satisfaction that God feels when writing it story. But not anymore, we stop being toys once we discover the truth... or we simply become exploited in another story.

Humanity spent all their life looking the heavens for answers, wondering the why of their existence, if God exists, and as always happens, we didn't like what we found." I turn around and see that she is paying attention to what I am saying. "Until a few weeks ago we discovered that we are fictional characters in a book, until a few minutes ago you were questioning your existence, something that the Cha Hae-In in her history would never have questioned, imagine what we can do tomorrow."

Cha Hae-In, just look down, wait did none of them really think about this? Is it because its authors never thought this could happen so they never questioned their existence? Denial born from the need to exist? I wish Cha Hae-In was broadcasting in the main chat channel so I could read the thoughts of the other chat group members.

"Also due to the position of your cell phone you must be streaming... are you sure you want to talk about Kuroka like you did?" A look of realization comes to her face.

"Wha!? Sorry Kuroka, although you can't really blame me, the clothes you're wearing really leave little to the imagination, plus you're not really embarrassed about getting naked in public and you don't even wear underwear..." She immediately puts her phone pointed at her face, okay that confirm it she is transmitting to their private or 'women' channel.

"You should try to become a Youtuber, now that I think about it, that could help you, you could try to cure your embarrassment. Most likely you can talk in front of a camera without a problem, Right?"Cha Hae-In sees me strangely... "It is someone who uploads or transmits videos to the internet while interacting with the public in a chat."

"I know what a streamer is... but I don't think I can really do it... besides I'm already famous so it would be problematic to show my face like that... not to mention that the Guild is in charge of my public image... if I show my personality I think it will bring them a lot of problems..." She just lowers her head...does she really have low self-esteem?

"I think many people would fall in love with you, you are powerful but very tender and innocent, your author really wanted to create a moe and sexy character at the same time." Cha Hae-In just makes a gah sound and covers her blushing face. "In this case you can become a streamer in another world or simply create a Vtuber."

"Vtuber?" She asks me while she sees me between her fingers, looking really adorable... *click*

"Yes, Virtual Youtuber a avatar that use software of tracking movement... wait you don't know about that...? Anyone in the chat know about it?" She looks at her phone for a few seconds then she looks at me and shakes her head. " I fell that I won another millions dollar idea... although I really already have too much money already...." 

"You can really make money like that? I know about some streamers, but they really aren't as famous as the idols or hunters... what's the difference in using an avatar instead of doing it in person?" Cha Hae-In finishes speaking and I look directly into her eyes. 

"Hae-In, let's be honest, if I was walking down the street and decided to invite you, would you listen to me?" She spends a few seconds without speaking. "No you wouldn't."

"Hey, I'm not an empty person!" Cha Hae-In protests as she stopped covering her face

"I'm not saying you are, surely you would listen to me but you would reject me, that's the truth, just look at me, I'm not really good looking or anything like that, well I have much money and that help too but you I don't think that appeals to you... Now that I think about it my 'god' must hate me and even more so with all the shit that he keeps throwing at me... " She just stares at me trying to understand what I said.

"What do you mean with that?" I look at her.... damn I really talked too much...

"Let's start with this.... hmmm my rebirth or rather my transmigration was more or least a error or maybe miracle...." Cha Hae-In just stares at me, she blinks and I blink, she stays like that for almost a minute, I don't need to read her mind to have an idea about what she will do, so I put my hands in my hears.

"WHAT!!?" And not only did she scream, I can hear multiple notifications in the chat. I quickly stretch out my hand and pat her head.

"Calm down okay... and for the record, my 'main' personality is that of an old man, physically I am 25 years old, mentally... I'm something like a 60 years old man, but I have approximately 400 years of memories being alive, I have really not finished analyzing the puzzle in my head." She just deadpan at me... what they would really do if they discover my life span must be about 3 or 4 months old.

"Oh yes that is very reassuring! Thank you for your trust... DO YOU REALLY THINK I WOULD SAY THAT!?" She yell again I pat her head to try calm her down. "Yoruichi says it is impossible, 'normal' humans souls cannot live that long without serious consequences."

"Yes, as I remember, the person is divided into Body, Soul and Mind, but as I said, it's strange with me.... my body is a young man, again for the record, it's not really me when I was young, I was more handsome in my 'past' life, my mind is that of a old man, with family and all that, but my soul is... strange or at least that's what I think, I feel like it's much older than I remember..." so far I don't even have confusion between the memories of each life, it's only me who decides to confuse them, but everything just seems to fit together perfectly...

"So you may have a multiple personality problem?" She ask me seriously

"No... not really, until now I've always been in control. And I just haven't thought much about it." Well at first I did have that since I could ask for 'opinions' but I don't think I should mention it... on second thought, as soon as I have the opportunity I should go to Yoruichi and Urahara so they can check me out... my system isn't reliable

"So that's why you are always doing something, it helps you stop thinking about your past..." Yes, that could be one way of looking at it, I'm probably doing that unconsciously...

"I'm not completely sure... I just do what I always did, work or rather fight, nothing changed about that... " I wonder who I will have to face in the end of my history... to the point of having to create an super powers army to help me to achieve it.

"I really don't have the slightest idea of what I could say to you. But if you need my help or that of any of the members just say it and we will be there for you."Cha Hae-In finally seems to have come out of her moment of confusion.

"At the end of it all it doesn't really matter much what happens, we can follow the script of our worlds or just ignore it, unlike our counterparts in their worlds, we have each all of us to help each other." I really wonder what I'll have to face... I look at the chat again...

[Yoruichi: Watch out Hae-In! Right now Leonhard has all the elements of a NTR hentai protagonist!]

"Wait, what!? What did I say.... wait, did you just call me an ugly bastard!? I may not be handsome but I don't go around harassing women either!?" I just breathe and adjust my awesome commissar cap. "I don't need it really, after all, women really love the uniform." Cha Hae-In just stares at me...

"Yeah... right... by the way, what happens with it... why does it have so many.... skulls?" Why not? It's the only true answer... but I can't really say that...

"The skull represents the sacrifice that maintains the Imperium of man and it represents humanity itself. It's important to make the distinction: it's a human skull, not some Xenos we killed and used as a trophy, is a normal human one and we give them their proper respect." (I made some modifications but it was written by redditor Huller_BRTD)

"I thought you used it as an intimidation tactic... Yoruichi ask if it has some religious meaning?" 

"It seems like you're really getting into the role of a streamer.... but well it's used to show that at its core, the human being is perfect. Skulls are used to display that even in death humanity is superior to any xenos. It also helps making the people of the Imperium accept death as a natural part of life, which makes it easier to lay down your life for humanity and it's Emperor."

"Sigh....people from the future are really hard to understand... and how do we go from talking about our place in the universe to why skulls are used religiously?" She just pouts a little.

"It is one of the things that shows that we are alive and aware of it, not just machines programmed to follow an established pattern of responses, we are alive and destiny don't chain us anymore." I turn around a little and see that apparently the others are already prepared, Tucker is trying to flirt with my girls but seeing how he does it... he will end with a kick in the dick soon.

"True, we are alive... with the whole future in front of us... thank you very much for listening to me Leonhard... by the way, I wanted to know who you were before? If possible we would like to know." She looks directly to my eyes.

"Maybe you need to be a reporter too... anyway that man was just a shadow of the past... although out of curiosity, who do you think I am?" I ask really interested, since any 40k fan would know that I'm just pretending since I'm not a religious fanatic.

"Prince Roland told us about two characters, as he don't know much about it, but the only commissars in there are Sebastian Yarrick and Ziafas Cain, are you one of them?" Cha Hae-In asks me seriously and like everyone else she really doesn't pronounce Ciaphas' name right.... to which I can only laugh out loud. "Don't laugh!! Be Serious." And now she pouts againt. *click*

"No, seriously, how can you think I'm one of them? Sebastian Yarrick the 'Hero of Hades Hive' and 'Hero of Armageddon', the deeds of that man are legendary and not to mention Ciaphas Cain spelled KAI-a-fass, his title says it all 'Hero of the Imperium', his feats fall short when calling them legendary or heroic." After that I start to explain a little telling some of their battles and enemies.

"It should be noted that both of them are normal humans and If you want me to talk more directly about them I can do it later since this is just a bad summary about both of them, not to mention others like Ibram Gaunt, Severina Raine, Macharius or Sly Marbo... and you'll see when I talk about the emperor's children." I turn to look at her and see that she just stares at me with her mouth open. Behind me I can see that the idiots were listening attentively...

"That's one of the most badass story I've ever heard." Grif says... "Yes, we have the Lieutenant Lucius and Master Chief and their story is as badass as yours." Lieutenant Lucius? Who the fuck is that?

"Who were you then? If you say you never lost a battle you must really be a badass too!" Donut exclaims. 

"Difficult times create legends and even more so when the lives of so many are at risk, I am sure that like several of my fellow commissars and soldiers, your Lieutenant and Master Chief are not the only heroes of mankind." I say while I cover my face with my gas mask... and adjusting my awesome commissar cap and outfit, maybe the uniform is really affecting me, but hey, I'm already pretending to be a commissar, let's play that joke on them.

"My name is Alpharius." I wonder when they will realize what I said was a lie...

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