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26.66% Welp I'm not the Dragonborn / Chapter 3: I'm Out!

Chapter 3: I'm Out!

A/N; well here's the chapter I promised if you saw the accidental chapter. If you didn't good. It's unedited I literally just finished typing it up. I'll fix it up tomorrow and repost it tomorrow. Content won't change, just fixing little errors like spelling and grammar. Enjoy!

~Apollyon Pov~

"Well, my name is Anna and these two dumb bitches contracted me to take them out of Skyrim to avoid the war. What they neglected to tell me, is that the Imperials and the damn Thalmor, are hunting them! You know what that means?! They are being tracked right this second by the insane elves whose only goal is to put anyone not a part of the Aldmeri Dominion in their "Place". That also meant that they had set up several ambushes to catch us before we made it out. I fought off the first two, but the third ambush had almost a dozen Justiciars. These two barely took on 3 leaving me with NINE. The results are obvious… still took down seven though. If not for these two I wouldn't be stuck down here while that bullshit is going on up there." Anna almost has steam coming out of her ears. If she didn't look like she'd fight me, I'd definitely call her cute.

"The "bullshit" up there that you're referring to is a dragon razing Helgen to the ground. At least he was, until me and that lovely lady slaughtering the men to your right stabbed him in the eye and shot lightning straight into his brain." I said with exasperation at the situation ignoring the gasps and fidgeting occurring in the girl's cells at the sudden burst of information. Why couldn't the soul eater just go eat souls anywhere else right now? So inconsiderate.

"Well, you two? Anything to say for yourselves? It sounds like Anna has every right to be angry. Any reason to not turn you over to the imperials when we are out of here, anyone who has a tracking spell dedicated to them has some serious value to the yellow racists. Was that racist… probably, anyways answer please." Anna turned around to face her companions when I asked my questions clearly wanting her own answers.

Surprisingly, the Khajii- oh shit that's a cat girl. As the lovely, tailed, cat eared, slightly fur covered girl took off her hood I noticed how surprisingly human she was despite the aforementioned animalistic features. Her bright sky-blue eyes drew me in immediately, only complimented further by the black fur/hair spilling out to just above her breasts now that the hood is gone. Her tail and ears have tiny white spots on them which look oddly cute. She looks young though… maybe eighteen or nineteen mhm that seems right. She's not as tall as Alina but taller than Anna at 1.6m (5'6) Finally! A normal non-muscular body animal features aside of course. She looks soft, not a visible trace of muscle through her clothes, honestly looks to have had a pampered life. Her clothes are similar to what Radiant Raiment has you wear to the blue palace without the fur mantle.

"I don't know why they are hunting me; half breeds of all kinds are becoming more and more common so that's more than likely not it. My mom was a traveling Khajiit merchant while Da was a Breton of some renown but nothing exceptional. They assassinated my parents months back and I've been on the run ever since. I genuinely know nothing about why they would want me" The kitty finished speaking as tears threatened to fall from her eyes, snapping me out of my daze.

Pondering for a second I followed up softly "what's your name lil kitten?" after all my side quest tingles had started up and were advancing to a faction quest with these three.

"My name is Rihasa, s-sir" she squeaked out making sure to block out the screams of pain my companion's new friends were making.

Not gonna lie I was expecting her to say the "this one's name is" kind of thing the Khajiit have going one. Well, this is good news! She does not see herself as bottom of the barrel but rather just lower than me. Hence the sir? More information needed, I guess.

"Thank you for sharing kitty, I'm not going to hurt you and neither will Alina" I tell her as gently and seriously as possible.

Switching to a more serious expression and tone I continue "Okay so we have Anna and Ri's reasons for being in this cell. Granted Ri's reasons are a bit flimsy, I'm willing to bet she won't immediately attempt to kill me when I let her out. Anna, you'd probably join us till civilization yeah?" getting a grunt and a head nod I continue "alright wild Dunmer I choose you! What's your story?"

Now up till this point I hadn't seen any elves. Not a one. They looked different than the game.

Dropping her cowl to the ground exposing more than just her hair, the dark elf in front of me didn't have a huge forehead. Nope she's absolutely stunning. Her purplish skin was smoother than silk and contained hints of blue. Long snow-white hair going to her waist, with several small braids woven in, fell into to place. Her eyebrows arched in an almost permanent state superiority. Both eyes were the color of pearls and iris less, somehow standing out more due to the spirals on her face. She's the perfect height for her proportions 1.8m (5'10). Tearing myself away from noble appearance, I chuckled realizing something ridiculous.

The imperials are stupider than I gave them credit for I get Ri as she's only in her noble clothes which is none threatening. But I mean this elf is decked out in an intricate black-steel plate armor set that somehow is screaming light armor to me. The only piece that looks to be missing is her pauldrons showcasing her shoulders to the world, how scandalous. Spikes coming from the gauntlets only increased the ominous vibes I'm getting.

"Evangeline. I am a warrior who fought on the side I believed in. The Thalmor slaughtered my people and will not leave me be, because of the techniques we developed to hunt magic users." She stared at the ground in frustration and grief caused her shoulders droop "even if I get out, I will be hunted by one of the justiciars till the day I die, or they do. I will not beg; I'd just like to say I would rather not die in a cell."

OOOH! A hardcore redemption arc is brewing. That'd be fun to be a part of, after all my heart kind of hurts imaging my people being wiped out no matter the reason.

I'd need a people for it to truly hurt, I guess. Well, I have Alina… that's one friend woot, woot.

So, redemption, mysterious lineage, and… Anna. She is obviously normal. There's no way she has a quirk that makes her fun. Three for three is unlikely in wild background scenarios. Kinda smells like a wet dog though.

Well, I think it'll be fun.


"Lin." Swinging her arm in a ripping gesture one last time, Alina turns to me cutely tilting her head, as the last bandit tears clean in two. "I want to bring them out of the cave with us, and probably drop them off in Riverwood. Ya okay with that friend?" I say with a small smile reminding myself that she's already claimed me as her friend when she said she'd fight the Stormcloaks and imperials for me.

Gosh I am a squishy bastard when people willingly insert themselves in my lives. Makes me overlook their red flags and get a little too attached I'd say. Oh well.

~Alina Pov~

Huh? Why do we need them? Oooo Poly's smiling a gentle smile. I like that. Well, I don't mind them coming a long for now. Riverwood is a day's walk from here so two days with the girls and then it's me and Poly.

"I don't mind if they pull their weight and protect themselves. I don't think they will have much to worry about as far as danger is concerned, we'll just kill everything after all." I say after taking a couple seconds to think it over.

Poly nods in agreement "if you girls want to come with us, you should probably know that we are going to kill most, if not everyone on our way out. If you're willing to spend a few days educating us about the state of Skyrim in exchange for taking you to Riverwood that would be terrific. That way we can just send those two, who are just waking up, on their way."

Turning around I see the two legates stirring, I walk over with a small grin "how'd it feel to get your ass kicked by an unarmed, no magic Poly" the two look at me no doubt noticing the sadistic glint in my eyes.

Groaning Ysona speaks up "why are you acting like you beat us? You could use weapons and you took forever to finish those bear whelps. Don't get cocky brat"

~Apollyon Pov~


I leap across the room reaching around the smaller dragmer to stop Lin's fist from crashing into the stunned Ysona's dome. That would have been fine, but I did promise them that they could leave alive if they sparred with me.

"hey there poly. Why'd you stop me?" Lin questioned with her curiosity dousing her rage. Ysona unable to do anything but know she would have died had I not grabbed Lin's wrist with both arms. She is also a Dragmer ya know we strong.

"I already told that them that they could live little Dova. The old orc is clearly angry at her loss. They are a people of battle after all. Me whooping their asses hurt more than anything you can do right now so just let them wallow." I say with disdain my arms acting on their own and hugging her quickly from behind.

Turning around after giving Lin a quick squeeze I moved around her back to the waiting trio of interest.

"Well, what do you guys say? Wanna go on an adventure?" I say with my arms spread wide and a shit eating grin at the thought of my own trip into a world I loved. I know it's changed, hell, the last hour has shown me that more times than I can count. That just makes it better though. A chance to explore the world I love with no idea about what's around the next corner? The plot is undoubtedly similar but still, changes have already started. How exciting!

Seeing my excitement two of the girls were confused but the potato sack wearing one… she matched my grin. "Why not? You are clearly stronger than most, the way you two tore through the soldiers down would make anyone wary about joining you though. As long as you don't try to kill or hurt me, we shouldn't have any issues. Anna Katje once again, thanks for having me!" giving Anna a nice round of applause for her declaration, Alina right behind me cheering matching the little, badass, females' energy.

"If you can help me find those who killed my clan, I'll follow you to oblivion and back." Oh, I am surprised the broody Evangeline went next. Not surprised about what she wants from us though.

"No, I'm not going to promise anything." Her face masks the obvious disappointment she feels very poorly, cheer up assassin lady "I know where we can find more information though. I'm probably going to get mad and do it later anyways. You're welcome to come with us till then. We can help ya hone your skills needed to get your vengeance though." I say regretting how chuuni that last sentence sounded.

A resolute nod from our resident statue is all I get in affirmation.

Looking at the unsure kitten I say "I think you should at least come with us to Riverwood. Skyrim's a dangerous place for lone travelers, especially during these uncertain times" stepping forward I channeled my flames like earlier destroying the lock letting them out. "Ladies, you ready to get out of this dungeon?" their faces all morphed into serious expressions "then you should probably look around for armor and weapons that you are comfortable with. I'm going to have a chat with the legates."

Turning around to see Ysona and Alina having a stare down. Girls we don't have time for this shit. We have to get out and Ammit's warning that she's adding challenges to the first area is still ringing in my head. Don't get me wrong the legates are strong, they aren't what I think a newly crowned Daedric Prince would deem a challenge for their champion though and that is stressing me out.

'Mara please keep Ammit's interference till Whiterun to a minimum please. If you do, I'll do so much good they'll call me St. Theresa.' Saying the silent prayer, I am hoping that the goddess will try her best, or at least grant me a boon…

Maybe all these people I have with me are my boon? Shit… that's quite likely.

"Alina, we need to chat" her head whipped to me as she strutted towards me, damn I'm lucky with my travelling companion and friend.

"what's wrong Apollyon? You look more stressed than when you were fighting the legates." Eyes wide with worry Lin questions me.

That's kinda cute, anyways.

"I don't think I've had time to mention this but Lady Mara and the new Daedric Lord Ammit have chosen me as their champion, but they are putting me through trials to see if I stay neutral or go one way or another. Basically, my life is now entertainment to them. Trouble is going to follow me like crazy and I can't shake the feeling that the caves we are about to run out of will not be a cakewalk like this room. If you don't want to come with me knowing all of this, I understand, but I just thought you should know why all the crazy shit that's going to follow me will happen." I whisper as quickly as possible.

"why would I leave? You promised me chaos and fun. Sounds like you can deliver. I'm not going anywhere Poly; I think my best chance at having a fun life is with you at my side. You can't scare me off with goddesses and Daedric princesses" she's all of that with a determined but somewhat happy look on her face.

Soooo lucky.

"Hey, you two I think we are as ready as we can be." Anna's voice pulls us out of our little heart to heart.

Ah damn. We got two pretty scary women, and a magic kitten. This group is turning out to be fairly well rounded.

Agryne is still in his armor, but he's picked up a great shield off one of the dead imperials cause… well I severely messed up his other one. Besides the blood stains on his arm, he looks exactly the same.

Ysona has taken off her chest armor and is just wearing wraps holding some medium sized grapefruits on her chest. Yep, nothing lewd bout that. Her motherly expression from earlier has returned but her eyes have never left me. Not a red flag. Both swords strapped to her hips ready for action and the previous blood smeared on her face is gone.

One of them grabbed a big f-u hammer off the ground. Its head is the size of my arm and appears be several other hammer heads fused together through novice grade alteration skills perhaps. Obviously, the wielder of this mess is Anna she's giving it test swings one-handed as we speak making it look weightless. She found a set of iron gauntlets and grieves in one of the chests littered through the dungeon probably belonging to the dead bandits. The gauntlets have two spikes on either side of the glove for extra damage when punching. Equally as deadly, the grieves have a spike at protruding from the knee. For some reason, she doesn't have a chest plate though.

Smacking my fist into my palm I realize it is because she's tiny. Proud of myself I nod continuing to inspect the rest of my group.

The dark elf has strapped two quivers of, about 36 steel arrows each, to her back and has found several steel knives around to strap to each thigh. Evangeline scary.

And last but most probably least my gaze lands on the kitten. She's changed out of the robes for what appears to be novice mage robes. On her waist she's sheathed a simple iron sword. Her right hand seems to pulse with golden energy, while her left faint flashes of pink light can be seen. I have an idea what that pink light is but I'm hoping it's not what I think. Charm magic is pretty generic and boring after all.

Grasping my weapon, I channeled magicka into it, trying to change the whole weapon this time. What I got was definitely worth the 40 seconds it took. A black handle leading to a tip reminiscent of a war pike. At the base an obtrusion helping my hands stop at the end of the swing instead of sliding off. Bellow the spike two twin axe blade on either side stuck out like dragon wings. Listen, I think I wanted to make this because of a game in my past life. It feels like something that I fought gods and disgusting beasts with. The only thing I changed was instead of gold flower inlays, the center of each blade pulsed with my magicka in a luminescent purple glow.

Grinning at my group of misfits and my newly altered weapon, "well gang, let's fucking go then."

Stepping into the escape tunnel I give out orders "the underground of skyrim is always trying to kill me so, we set up like this; me, Alina, and Anna at the front. Legates, the both of you will cover our ass, anything could come out of the ground so watch carefully. Us at the front will watch the ceilings and what's ahead. Evangeline your job is to make sure Rihasa doesn't die and has the time she needs to cast if it comes to it. Also, you will support the legates first and then assist the three of us should it come to it. Is everybody clear" heads bob up in down in response "no more talking we'll be sneaky for the next bit, only talk if we are about to get jumped."

"What does "jumped" mean?" Rihasa you- oh everyone else is looking at me too… whoops. I guess they can use context clues for most of what I say but not this? This writing is odd.

""Jumped" means sneak attack I think!" Alina said with a smug grin on her face.

"The little dova got it right. Now after we round this corner anything could happen so prepare yourselves for combat." Getting looks of determination everyone groups up how I asked. Anna to my right and Alina on my left I walk into the room that should have Stormcloaks… only to be greeted by a massacre. Limbs cut from bodies littered the floor. Blood had polluted the water in the room. One guy is impaled on a stalactite and hanging from the ceiling. Physics apparently stopped working. Bodies strewn across the room made it hard to estimate but I'd say at least forty blue bois were unalived here.

At the center of it all stood a dozen people.

"DREMORA!" Rihasa called their attention with a cry of fear.

"Kitten…" *sigh* "they aren't dremora, they're too pretty plus they aren't Darth Maul enough, but they are covered in blood and guts so maybe?" my eyes haven't left the three figures collect their weapons. They each had a shield the size of my torso lined with razor sharp blades. Some wielded war axes while others used long swords. Dark Silver plate armor with black highlights covered everything below their necks. Each one male or female all stood at 2.1m (7ft) tall. Their faces were exquisite and cold expressions only made them look the part. All of their skin varied in color from a normal pale complexion to dark reds and blues. Each one's horns were different varying from goat horns to devil like small horns. Their tails were all pretty much the same being a thick spade tip weapon only the color varied from one to another matching their skin.. This was an execution force to be sure. The common theme was a pitch-black emblem on their chest plates and shields of a crocodile, jaw spread wide in a silent roar, with a mane like a male lion behind it.

Amy what the hell is this elite task force of Tieflings doing here.

Three stepped forward, one wielding a great sword single handedly shield in hand with Navy blue skin and large horns. Another gripped two short swords in reverse grip like daggers her shield on her back and bright red skin like a tomato she has crown like horns following her hairline. The last, clearly the leader, just had his shield strapped to his back no weapon in sight just a pair of spiked gauntlets dripping with the blue bois blood he was just a light tan pretty lame to be honest, with tiny ram horns one the side of his head.

"Lady Ammit has sent you a message champion" snorting with disdain he spoke "She said "Apollyon, don't be mad, I just want to make sure you can fight with non-mob characters" I'm not sure what that means but, not even one of us believe you are worthy to be her champion. We have been given orders to kill you and your party. Our lady believes you lot will win however so prepare yourself." The large demonic elf spoke gritting his teeth as he spoke about how Amy liked me more than them.

"Heh, mommy issues much" I said stretching while drawing my trusty axe I looked at my group. "Legates and Rihasa if you don't give everything you have, you will die. Anna, smash. Evangeline same thing we talked about earlier. Alina go nuts bud" having done the best I could I silently cast Ebony flesh on Anna, Alina and my Battle-axe which killed my reserves so no Magic for the first bit.

I think my magicka pulls in the ambient magicka around, but so does everyone else's so the more that everyone pulls in the less I can pull. Theories for later.

I turn back to the kill squad as the first three charged at me, how nice making it so I don't have to go to them. Whipping my axe into action, I swing in a broad arc in front of me only to be stopped by the great sword user's shield. For convenience I'll think of them by their skin color, not like they'll be here long enough to know their names or I'll die. Win-win I guess.

Tearing myself from my thoughts as tomato sends a flurry of swings my way, twisting my body two glancing blows hit my should and hip respectively slicing the skin superstitiously.

A grin splits my face, they aren't slow. How fun.

Pulling my axe towards me hooking Navy's sword and wrenching him into the air towards Tomato as I spin away from a fist covered in pale blue flames from Tan. Tomato turns and ducks slightly, Navy seeing this stretches his left arm out bouncing off her shield with his own allowing him to right himself in air. The two spring into action to close in on me.

Tan pressed the attack towards me while his friends took a half second to recover and avoid injuries. Weaving through as many punches as possible I swing an overhead blow cratering the ground around us making Tan lose his balance slightly, flipping over my axe at him dragging it behind me into a devastating arc which is surprisingly blocked by Tomato and Navy's shields. Idiots my Axe is modeled after the greatest demon killers to ever exist weapons. The blade that hit cracked Navy's shield and forced tomato's back due to the pressure.

My axe blade also took damage however as the side that connected dulled considerably and I saw a spiderweb effect spread throughout the blade. That's not good at all. Well, I just changed the aesthetic I can't add matter so even though it looks threatening it's basically hollowing being held together with the ebony flesh spell. Better be quick.

Realizing I had a time limit till my weapon truly shattered I rushed Navy cause he's the only one who took damage from the last clash. Throwing my axe forward like a spear, he panicked using his sword to deflect it up I jump catching my spinning weapon grabbing it out of the air. As I fell back towards the ground behind Navy, I used my tail to bat his weapon aside, tensing my arms I swung with a war cry tearing from my throat, the axe connecting with his right side.


The sound of metal ripping apart echoed in the small cave as navy's chest plate tore in the face of my axe. Before death had a chance to take him a gate to oblivion wrenched Navy through it.

Spitting at the other two, sweat dripping down my face from the exertion of the first exchange between me and the leaders. My grin resurfaced. I took down an Elite Tiefling hit squad commander by being a reckless maniac. Shit's crazy. Oooo my magicka is pulsing again, not completely full at all, but if I'm creative I should be able to make this a 1v1 on rust situation.

Tan and Red stared blankly at where the companion had been. Turning to me they both activated their own magic. Red's daggers sparked with electricity and two lighting horns poked out from behind her crown. Tan's size increased with his armor growing as well until he was 3m (10ft), his veins glowed with what looked like his pale bule flames.

This is real, is all I can think as I watch the Tiefling leaders enter phase two like the enemies in a Shonen anime. I wish I had a small pinkette telepath here to describe my increased heart rate and shit eating grin as I put my axe into a ready stance.

"come on, don't want to let Amy down do ya" I taunt the two powerful existences in front of me. After all there's slim to no chance I win. I got lucky with navy, he didn't expect my tail as a weapon and my axe is about to break. Tan has more close quarter's combat than I do and just took magicka infused steroids meaning a contest of strength is impossible, Tomato is undoubtedly faster than I am. Unless I magically kill one of these two they perfectly compliment the weakness of the other.

"YOU BLASHPEMOUS WRETCH" Tan roars, lumbering towards me at what could be considered a fast pace.

As my thoughts race to find a solution, tomato almost vanishes in a crackle of lightning appearing right in front of me swinging both swords slashing deep into my chest in an x-pattern sending me skidding back from the force of her blow. Righting myself I break out in laughter.

That's streak a modded spell she's using. Do you know the disadvantage of streak? It only works in a straight line from where the caster is facing. Since this is real, I can't discount the possibility she can use it laterally as well but, I know what her "trump" card centers around.

Tan's lumbering had led him to the spot I stood up from, swinging his arms down in his best hulk impression, the ground where I had just leapt from, cratered, and cracked with blue flames pulsing in the cracks.

Using my axe as an anchor I slammed it into the ground seeing Tomato flash out of existence facing my expected landing point. She appeared right in sword reach of where I would have landed. Letting the ice, I had been building in my hand, pour out towards her she turned her body only to flash in the direction she's looking.

Gaining a small confirmation, I used my axe as a bat to connect with Tan's fist, which was a stupid decision. Luckily the shaft of the axe broke killing the blow's momentum by splitting the weapon as the whole thing crumbled to ash like a spider who didn't feel good.

Pushing my magicka to each hand Ice started taking shape into two rough looking long swords. Casting ebony flesh onto each weapon I sigh at my now, again, empty reserves.

Tomato flashed out of existence just to say hi to me… by slicing a tic tac toe board into my back. I must be made out of sturdy stuff if this fruit can't deal a killing blow with these rapid slashes.

Her blows staggering me didn't stop me from sidestepping a haymaker from Tan though. I felt like a Belmont avoiding death. Watching his fist start to pull back I slice upwards with the sword in my right hand bringing the sword in my left in a slash towards tomato both blows connect. The blow to Tan only dug through the muscle in the wrist till his bone, this sounds good however, the fire inside his body sealed the wound as I pulled my sword out. Tomato was smart, she dipped her right shoulder towards the sword blocking the slash with her shielded back while stepping into me with her horns lowered.

Being shocked is not fun at all. Especially when you are simultaneously impaled and forced to sacrifice your left arm to block a lethal attack.

As her horns pierce my arm, I twist my right wrist towards Tan, throwing the sword in my right hand at his face. Tan seeing this leaps back, catching the sword before it connects a smug grin plasters his face seeing my abysmal state.

That grin vanished though when he sees Tomato dragged through another portal. When he jumped back, I clenched my bicep using the tensed muscles to hold her in place while using the claws from my right hand to tear at her throat, Amy obviously saved her follower before death by dragging her to oblivion. Let me tell ya, Tomato's face of shock was delightful.

A blood thirsty grin contrasted my tired eyes as I looked at Tan "Well Tan it's just me and you Mano y Mano. Whatcha got big chief?" pulling my right hand up into a loose boxing stance as blood poured from my chest, back and loosely dangling left arm.

Tan let out a roar of rage, dashing toward me he struck quickly, and flames shot towards me with each blow, reminding me of something. I'm a dragon, using my slightly superior speed, I danced around the fists while bathing in the flames. Each strike slowly, minutely, losing momentum.

After five minutes of coniously dodging, waiting for an opening in his guard, I saw what this man was willing to do for Amy. The flames inside his body caused burn marks to appear across his skin surely causing him pain. Adrenaline can help a lot, but even my wounds are starting to ache, and they aren't destroying me from the inside out. His body is soaked in sweat finally fails him when he takes a step forward to deliver an uppercut with his left arm his perception is off causing slightly stagger. Seeing me chance I twisted into his guard flattening my hand I thrust it up piercing into the bottom of his chin tunneling straight into his brain.

His body started shrinking as I panted holding him aloft waiting for Amy to come get him… but nothing happens. Tossing his corpse, I look around at my group, everyone has some kind of injury. Alina's is a light cut above her right eyebrow the way she's panting suggests she found a speed-based opponent who could match her wind magic which terrifies me. Anna has a bloody right thigh and the center of her chest down her pant line appears to have been cut but a sword or something. Looks artificial. Evangeline is bleeding from several cuts across her forearms and one puncture wound on her back however, it's her keeping distance from Rihasa that draws my attention. The kitten is covered in blood, but I doubt it's hers cause she's just looking at in disgust. One of the legates is dead. It's Agryne. One arm severed, his neck slit and an ice spear sticking out from his chest. Seems a little overkill. Ysona is covered in blood on her torso masking what I am sure is a fair bit of slashes.

Ysona looks at him for a couple seconds with pity before dropping her imperial bracers and greaves to the floor. Leaving her in just chest wraps and a battle skirt. Throwing the imperial steel to the side she picks up his spear and holds it gently staring at it with sisterly affection.

"I'm officially leaving the legion. I'd like to travel with you, um Poly?" Ysona the motherly half orc sounded resolute till she got to my name.


I never told them my name, laughing out loud I start to speak only to be interrupted

"You don't get to call him Poly old hag" Lin's eyes were shining with a light that promised bloodshed.

"Hahahaha, little dova I just never told any of them my name." everyone suddenly had a flash of realization, after all, they really didn't know it.

Still chuckling I turn "Everyone it's so nice to meet you, my name is Apollyon and as you just heard, I am a potential candidate for the new Daedric princess and Lady Mara as their champion." A mischievous grin formed as I said my kind of titles. "I hope we get along."

Blank stares and dropped jaws from everyone in the room except Alina who was smiling from ear to ear.

Anna was the first to recover "Wait, wait, wait. There's a new daedric lord?"

"Ammit's her name, she battled the late Molag Bal and stripped him of his titles become the new Daedric Princess of domination and Brutality" I say kicking a rock next to my feet as I start to use cure wounds on my injuries.

Anna's mouth opened and closed like a goldfish while Alina saw what I was doing and started mimicking it on the other injured in our party.

"Truly a worth person to help me fight against the Thalmor" Evangeline whispered to herself seemingly forgetting everyone, but Anna had increased senses due to racial abilities.

"Is that all you think about?! He's the reason we all almost died right there you heard those three!" I stand corrected, Anna has increased senses making me wonder what the hell she is.

Evangeline looked up looking confused "Why would I not try my absolute best to avenge my people? It seems like we would have died without him getting us out, and then I am not confident I could have matched a single one of those captains. What I am confident in, is that Apollyon is strong enough to have caught Lady Ammit's eye, as well as kind enough to gain the blessing of Lady Mara."

Evangeline's analysis left everyone stumped including myself. Looking at the dark elf I smiled and said "thanks for the trust in me Angel" seeing the gentle look sent her way Evangeline was obviously lovestruck I mean I'm hot as hell and strong what's not too like?

She nodded and said "Never call me that again. We aren't close enough for nicknames and I hate angels."

*Glass shattering*

After picking up the broken pieces of my confidence I stare at the three who haven't said they'd come with me. Turning away from them I load the Tiefling into my inventory armor and all. Agryne's corpse stared blankly at the ceiling, not wishing a warrior who faced me with resolution to rot in a shit cave like this I walked up and conjured red and gold flames as a sign of respect. "Off to Aetherius for you brave warrior." With a slight melancholic look on my face, I burn the man to ash. Without sparing a glance at the others faces I begin my march to the drawbridge and hopefully last area of the first "mission" of the game.

"Well, let's just get out of this damn cave." Alina giggled at my hate of the cave and began skipping along with me seemingly unphased by the wild dungeon experience we just had.

Arriving at a wooden wall I knew to be a drawbridge I glance over my shoulder to see all the bad asses and the small cat, followed behind. Apprehension, on Anna's face made it clear how she felt, but the other three were difficult. Ysona looked exhausted yet determined to continue living, Rihasa just looked annoyed glancing at her blood-soaked clothes with disgust, Evangeline looked as happy as a warm stone.


Well lets just keep going. I pulled the lever lowering the drawbridge noticing that the set up here was the same as the game. A stone staircase led us down to a small stream. Moss and torches hung on the walls guiding us towards the exit. Stopping I motion for them to wait as I run down the hallway collecting the gold pouch next to the unfortunate soul who died down here. Chucking the potion and gold back into my inventory I jogged back to my group. Following the water till we found a chest resting next to a rock.

In it I laughed seeing white-silver sword great sword sticking out from either side of the lid. Mara you sly dog, you felt bad about what Amy did eh? Picking up the sword I noticed a dragon engraving running the length of the blade. With a small guard at the top of the handle ending in a blade of the same silver metal. The pommel had a black soul gem powering whatever the goddess enchanted the blade with.

"I won't say not to free stuff, but I am still bitter" in a voice so quiet only Lin heard me, as she's the one closes to me.

Honestly, I'm not mad in the slightest. I know everything Amy just did is for her enjoyment, but can I really be mad? I'm in my favorite world, making friends with beautiful yan- women, with two pinnacle existences trying to make my life fun. What else could I need? Less life-threatening situations? Hell, no that'd be boring after what I've already experienced anything less than extraordinary sounds awful. Maybe that'll change if I fall in love and want kids but until the day, I take an arrow in the knee I will be adventuring with the best of them.

Rounding the corner, I froze. I forgot about the spider crabs for a second. Their carapace is tough for sure but we are all superhuman creatures armed to the teeth. We tore through them like me eating a crab feast. Bits of shell were scattered around the room as Evangeline stayed behind harvesting their poison and eggs for anything worth harvesting. For fun while I waited, I set the webs on fire. That's when I found out how flammable the giant spider's homes actually are. Save that for later.

Looking at my group all I see is dissatisfied women glaring at me. Note to self not everyone is flame proof like you and Alina. Saving that tidbit of knowledge, I slowly backed out of the spider's nest and started following along with the water again.

Up ahead was a bear if memory serves. Yep, there he is a lump of cuddly fur hiding a murder machine. Maybe girls will like me if I dress like a pimp from the 80s. deciding the fate of the bear I sneak as quietly as possible after casting what I believe to be muffle. Because honestly, I've never had a clear understanding of this magic, which may bite me in the butt here. I decided I'd focus my magicka on stopping the soundwaves my footfalls and body create, making what I believe is a soundproof bubble.

Standing right next to the asleep bear I'd say it worked. Picturing a large needle made of lightning in my brain I move my hand about an inch away from the sleepy boi's head. "Sleep well big guy" I whisper activating my mana based on the image in my brain instantly piercing his head.

Glancing over to the tunnel that led back to the spiders I only see Evangeline staring at me in awe. I guess I didn't muffle? Maybe silence is the better name for this magic.

With how often her mouth is open do you think that she has swallowed a lot of... flies? Food for thought.

"Well stop staring and come help me skin this. I have no idea what I'm doing. Anything else is aside from the skin is all yours Evie" with that motivator she slightly jogged over pulling out a hidden blade.

"Stop giving me pet names please." She responded somewhat quietly. Curious what her face looked like a small chibi version of myself cheered when saw purple dusting the tips of her ears.

I am not horny; I just enjoy making cute girls look cuter. The mantra repeated in my head helped me learn with Evangeline's guidance.

While we worked the rest of the women had finished up in the spider room doing what only Amy and Mara know.

Looking at my rag tag team of beautiful women, I made sure everyone was good "welp time to leave Helgen, the most relaxing place in Tamriel behind, you all ready?" getting a mixture of nods, eye rolls, and giggles, thank you anna and Alina.

"it's time then for the real adventure to start!" with a a face splitting grin I stepped out of the cave only to hear dragons' roar. Yes, you read that right, dragons with an s, as in multiple. This is turning into a whole ass day.

"Everybody down!" I yell out. Unlike in the game these dragons have eyes that work quite well. Well maybe not Alduin he only has one.

Speaking of dragons, it's only the big boy and two of his friends. I wonder if he called them to kill us, but we were already gone and now he's throwing a tantrum. What good friends sticking with him thru his goth kid phase. I wonder how it is hurtling thru time just to see everything is basically the same besides a massive number of humans worshipping you.

Oh, the scaly boys flew by without finding us although, I can still hear the big boi whining like a bitch.


Glancing at Alina I see she has the same mocking smirk on her face which makes me lift my fist "my people bump fists when we are proud of what we've done" understanding my intent she lifts hers and bumps fist with me.

"Congrats Lil dova you're officially Unbound!" I laugh so hard it brings tears to my eyes.

Everyone just stares at their screen with judgment at my poor joke, I mean at me. Why would anyone be looking at a screen?

"I think I'm okay with you coming with us Ysona, but you'll have to ask Lin, she's the one who has a problem with you." I say gesturing toward the two.

Ysona knows that it's her fault and as a mature woman she apologizes "Sorry your soft and got angry when I said you were a whelp." Oh… maybe… maybe not.

Lin's does the famous smile, not smile, and responds "it's okay I didn't expect a hag like you to comprehend how much better I am than you. An ant doesn't even know what a boot is does it?" So, Lin has lowkey young mistress vibes. That's neat.

"You two both know that's not what I meant. I don't want to deal with this for the next day or two. Figure it out or don't talk to eachother… please" my shoulders drooping slowly with exhaustion. Without even sparing a glance back I start trudging down the mountain. Surprisingly, it's Rihasa that runs up to my side first.

"Sir Apollyon?" she's speaking with so much respect it's almost palpable. Ugh.

Looking at her from the corner of my eye I say "just Apollyon kitty. I don't like people looking up to me"

"oh um… Apollyon do you think you could clean us off with magic please? I hate the smell of blood and we all reek of it." Scrunching up her face like that makes me want to boop her nose.

No, no we aren't doing that to a grown ass woman who "controls" people to kill them. I definitely didn't push that tidbit of knowledge, that Evie let slip, to the back of my brain to process later.

Stopping my march I looked at our group, we really were looking rough. I looked around for a second, spotting a couple stalks of lavender flowers I gathered everyone up as easily as herding cats. Everyone staring at me with a look that said "what now" besides Alina who was just curious. I started picturing a high speed, spinning ball of water that wouldn't damage our bodies but only purge our bodies and clothes of dirt and blood.

Locking the image in I channeled my magicka tossing the lavender up in the center of us as the sphere took shape around us. Keeping my focus, I ran the water for 30 seconds. Finished with washing I fell on my ass from a lack of magicka. Everyone dripping water wore shocked expressions not understanding how they survived the turbulent water that thoroughly cleaned them.

Chuckling while panting I asked Alina "imagine warm wind rushing from your hand, so hot it could dry these clothes in a second, but the wind only wants to dry the clothes not burn us. Once you have that image locked in your brain try pushing your magicka out, do it on me first to make sure you have the right temp, you and I should never get burned. These ladies will so we need to be careful." Since it's wind magic, she should be able to do it, she's a broken existence after all.

Sure enough, first try Alina managed to make it work shocking everyone in our group. This confirms at least one theory, magicka works on imagination, at least mine and Alina's. I am willing to bet that everyone else's rely on knowledge and mental imagery though. What I mean is that they have to understand what process they're trying to accomplish requires. Hence the spell tomes that explain the science behind one spell rather than simply imagining it.

Still catching my breath as Lin dries everyone, I ask Rihasa if she could try the spell Lin just "created" and direct it at a nearby tree. With a concerned look she froze.

"I don't think I should. Magicka isn't easy to shape unless you know exactly what you're doing. Those two spells you both preformed break every rule that I know. Logically they don't even make sense. The water should have torn us apart, and the wind should have burned us. Frankly the fact you both did that is insane." While the cat's world view crumbled, I looked toward Evie with a questioning glance.

"it's true, not only those two but what ever spell you used one the bear is not something even my family knew, and we are quite literally a family of assassin warriors." She spoke with barely veiled awe of our achievements.

"Don't forget that Axe you made from a burned stick and a lump of metal. Asking anyone to do what you two with magic is unfair. What utter bullshit" Anna was… pissed?

Looking at the last person who could possibly say that they could do it, Ysona just shook her head in exasperation.

Well my group of bad ass girls… got kind of lame huh?

Oh well, they more than make up for it with their other combat abilities. I mean we went into a fight with a dozen elite hit squad members of a Daedric Lady with 7 randoms who met for the first time. I think we have fair chance to win most fights.

"AHHH. Alina, I forgot about your feathery friend!" I was already grinning while thinking of these girls faces when the Griffin pops out.

"Aura! Yeah, I'll let her out right now. She's gonna be so happy to see Skyrim again." Opening a green portal, the cub flies out tearing through the air around us before landing. Sitting no less that a foot away from me she stared at my face before she slightly lowered her head to look at my hand. Understanding the unspoken signal, I started rubbing between the cute cub's eyes.

Turning my gaze back everyone except Lin's jaw had just met the floor. Alina ran and tackled Aura rubbing her face into Aura's side.

That seemed to snap everyone out of their trance. Before they started asking questions, I raised my hand to stop them. I can't believe I forgot, there was a group of three bandits looking for the treasure before. They should be close enough to hear us. What brought this back to my attention was I smelled BO and we had just been force bathed with one of the smelliest flowers known to man.

Looking towards where the wind was coming all I saw was fa- and large, large man. He looked at all of the women of my group with a lewd glint in his eyes and a tent pitched. Oof bud, these are not the women for that.

Neutral_Cherub Neutral_Cherub

seeing this many people reading my story is cool. I hope to hear from some of you if you get a chance! toodle-loo ya filthy animals.

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