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60.13% A Druid In Game Of Thrones / Chapter 182: CHAPTER 182

Chapter 182: CHAPTER 182

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293 AC


The Great Sept of Baelor loomed with awe-inspiring grandeur, boasting seven towering marble spires that seemed to reach for the very heavens, each dedicated to one of the seven gods. Its exterior was adorned with intricate, meticulously crafted carvings, and its colossal doors were a masterpiece of artistic craftsmanship. Stepping inside, one entered a vast, luminous space where towering stained glass windows painted a kaleidoscope of colors across the polished marble floors.

Within this sanctified space, an atmosphere of profound reverence and solemnity prevailed, the air filled with the soft, murmured prayers of septas and septons seeking solace and guidance from their gods. And it was within the hallowed halls of the Great Sept of Baelor that the High Septon of The Seven now stood before a congregation of fervent worshipers.

His voice thundered with righteous indignation as he denounced the Druid Emrys as a harbinger of darkness, a servant of the devil intent on corrupting the souls of the faithful. His words found echo in the passionate eyes of the septas and septons present, each filled with zealous conviction.

"The Seven, our true and benevolent deities, watch over us with unwavering love and protection," the High Septon proclaimed, his fervent voice resonating through the sacred hall. "But beware, for there are those who would lead us astray, who would have us bow to false gods and unholy powers."

As the climax of his sermon neared, the High Septon raised his hands high, his eyes ablaze with fervor. "Let the light of the Seven guide us, and let us stand strong against the darkness that seeks to engulf us!"

The fervent congregation erupted into passionate prayers and cries of agreement, their Faith steeled by the High Septon's impassioned words. After the sermon, a group of septons and septas gathered in a dimly lit chamber, their expressions grim and resolute.

"The druid Emrys's influence is spreading like wildfire," declared one septon, his voice tinged with anger. "We cannot allow his heretical teachings to take root among our people in the North."

"Indeed," added a septa, her gaze unwavering. "His claims of powers and miracles are nothing but tricks of the devil. We must expose him for the charlatan he is."

A younger septon, his eyes burning with fervor, boldly stepped forward.

"Our faithful must be protected from his seductive lies. We should organize patrols, devout men to ensure that his influence does not spread, and the purity of the Faith remains intact."

An older septon, his voice etched with concern, voiced his thoughts, invoking the specter of history.

"Are you suggesting we take up arms and rekindle the Faith Militants? Have you forgotten the horrors of Maegor's reign? While King Robert may lack dragons, his explosive temper rivals that of Maegor."

As if summoned by the weight of the discussion, the High Septon himself entered the chamber, his presence a force that silenced the room. Every person in attendance rose from their seats, offering deep bows of respect and reverence, until he signaled for them to sit.

"My brothers and sisters, the time has come for us to make a resolute stand against this looming threat. The Faith of the Seven stands as an unshakeable pillar, and we shall not waver in the face of these dark forces that seek to cast their shadow upon our lands."

The High Septon's condemnation of the Druid Emrys had already been resoundingly delivered in his sermon. Ravens, bearing his instructions, had been dispatched to every other Sept in Westeros, especially in the North, the Vale, and Riverlands, with orders for the septons to follow suit in denouncing this perceived heresy and rallying their faithful. The High Septon continued with unwavering conviction, his voice resonating through the chamber.

"We must seize the advantage of our longstanding connections with noble houses who remain steadfast in their devotion to The Seven," he declared, the weight of his authority punctuating his words. "House Manderly, House Locke, and House Ramsgate in the North have deep-rooted ties with the Faith. We shall call upon their unshakable loyalty to denounce the Druid and rally their bannermen against his heresy."

A septon, renowned for his political astuteness in the capital, stepped forward, determination gleaming in his eyes.

"These houses not only possess significant coastal and political influence within the North but also extend their sway far beyond their own lands. If we can persuade them to join our cause, they can become formidable instruments in the endeavor to isolate and curb the Druid's pernicious influence."

Another septon, well-versed in the intricate relationships between Northern houses, offered his insight.

"Convincing House Manderly to fully embrace the Faith may indeed be a challenging endeavor. While they may be devout believers, the influence of Wyman Manderly and his loyalty to Ned Stark cannot be underestimated. He may denounce the Druid initially, but if pressed by Ned to retract his words, he is likely to comply. We might find more favorable reception from Houses Locke, Ramsgate, or Woolfield from Sheepshead Hills."

Following his words, a resolute septa voiced her determination.

"We shall dispatch our most skilled envoys to these houses, bearing the High Septon's message and the unwavering Faith of The Seven. With fervor, we shall plead with them to stand alongside us, to confront the encroaching darkness that seeks to corrupt our people."

The High Septon nodded in agreement.

"Our envoys will impress upon them the urgency of this matter, emphasizing the grave threat Druid Emrys poses to both our Faith and the kingdom. We shall invoke their sense of duty and honor to defend the realm from the pernicious influence of these false gods."


In the quiet chambers of White Harbor, Wyman Manderly sat in contemplation, his fingers drumming thoughtfully on his wide belly. His solar in White Harbor was a harmonious blend of maritime history and practicality. With a large window overlooking the sea, it boasted blue curtains adorned with wave and ship designs. The room featured sturdy furniture, including a substantial wooden desk laden with scrolls and maps, a bookshelf filled with naval literature, and a comfortable armchair positioned by a seashell-adorned fireplace.

A table set with refreshments reflected the Manderlys' communal values, while subtle merman motifs paid homage to their sigil. The solar exuded a sense of authority, warmth, and a deep connection to the sea. Wyman had received the Faith's plea for support, their words dripping with urgency and fervor. Yet, Wyman's response was measured and deliberate, reflecting his astute understanding of the precarious situation. His advisor began cautiously.

"The Faith seeks our aid, for they perceive the Druid as a threat to their power and influence. They wish to rally Houses to their cause and have requested us to denounce the Druid as an agent of demons."

Wyman leaned back in his chair, his gaze distant as he contemplated the delicate balance of alliances and loyalties. His room seemed to echo with the whispers of the sea beyond the window. After a thoughtful pause, he finally spoke, his voice steady.

"The Faith is not my concern," he declared with a measured tone. "My allegiance has always been to House Stark and the traditions we hold dear."

While his family had always been followers of the Seven, his belief had been more rooted in tradition than true devotion. As he spoke, his thoughts drifted to his son, Wendel Manderly, who had witnessed the Druid's power firsthand during the Greyjoy Rebellion. It was Wendel's accounts that had left a lingering impression on Wyman's mind, and it was his advice that had significantly influenced Wyman's approach. The room seemed to grow still as his advisor hesitated, uncertain of Wyman's intentions.

"My lord, shall we not openly refuse the Faith, then? Clearly stating our allegiance." the advisor asked, seeking clarity.

Wyman's gaze turned resolute as he leaned forward, his ample figure imposing. "No, we shall not," he stated firmly. "We will heed the advice of Lord Stark. The Druid's influence is spreading, and the Old Gods' followers grow in number. We would do well to remain neutral in this matter."

His advisor nodded in agreement, recognizing the sagacity of House Manderly's stance. Wyman's wisdom and foresight were evident as he chose not to openly antagonize the Druid, understanding the delicate nature of the situation and the rising influence of the Old Gods' followers. While he might be the follower of the Seven, he would always heed the warnings of Lord Stark.

While House Manderly maintained its neutral position, the Faith's hopes for their support gradually waned. The intricate web of political intrigue in Westeros continued to unfold, with alliances shifting and motivations often concealed beneath the surface.


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