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86.84% Wield The Sword Like No Other / Chapter 33: Chapter 19: The mysterious savior

Chapter 33: Chapter 19: The mysterious savior

The door to the study clicked shut. A dimly lit candle flickered, disturbed by a slight gust. At the door stood a disordered lord. His golden hair was ruffled, his clothes in disarray and there he stood with only socks covering his feet with a bottle of sour wine in his hand. "It is unlike you to call people up at this hour, Lord Valleric Haven Faxon," slurred Caspian, pointing a sloppy hand to the dark lord in the leather chair. "Funny is it not? You share the same surname as Ulric... ANYWAY! What have you called me here for? The party is downstairs," blabbered the blond.

Valleric motioned towards the couch, sternly advising, "I suggest you take a seat and sober up at light's speed. Serious matters have risen to my attention. I plan to take action."

"I sure hope your plan of action is different than that queen of yours," garbled the blond, raising a weary brow, "She kills when there are issues. Is it a *hick a woman thing?"

"Do you know why I love her, Caspian?" posed Valleric, his expression hard with annoyance, "Because, she and my demons waltz together."

Caspian pursed his lips. "Yeah, I can see why you are a perfect match. Dark entities you two..."

Valleric suddenly rose, the faint moonlight illuminating his wings. The room had instantly grown heedful as if a screech from the chair would cause him to lash out. Caspian startled up to his feet himself, a sloppy hand reaching to sturdy himself. He raised the other hand, abandoning the bottle on the side table. "I-I think I have sobered up," he muttered, avoiding the intimidating glare directed toward him. He couldn't see it, though his skin prickled at the feel of it.

"A book has gone missing," Valleric started lowly, "A book with beneficial contents for either grasp it may be in. The queen wants that book found."

Caspian released a disagreeing breath. "How does the queen expect us to trace it? It is a book with no magic trail, nor have you enlightened me on the author or title."

The dark lord lifted a chin. "It was written by the late prince. The title, 'Enchanting Flowers'. My inkling on a lead? The one and only Doctor Eisenbach."

Caspian gasped, "What? Do you mean to say our good doctor is an asset to the dark?"

Valleric nodded. "That time she had to attend the queen's wounds, she was different. She was harsh. First I thought she was protective yet her last words were unsettling... She called Riona a moth, which she is aware would offend our queen. Eisenbach seemed on edge after the maid's murder."

"Where do we find her?"

"The higher floors of the castle in her lab. She keeps her collected herbs there where no kitchen staff would steal any. Undoubtedly, she would keep other things hidden there."

"When do we go search?"

Valleric marched towards the lord, causing him to back into the couch, plopping down. "Why not this very moment?" asked the lord, pointing to Caspian's feet. "If your tootsies won't freeze."

Caspian lifted a lip to sneer, "How dare you mock me? I will be more silent with only socks."

"Hopefully you won't slip," snorted Valleric, yanking the blond up by the shoulder, pushing a knife into his hand.

Caspian blinked up in confusion when the future king leaned in to whisper to his ear, "If she attacks, you defend yourself. Do not hesitate to spill blood to protect."

Without a swoop of wind, Valleric opened the door, vanishing into the shadows, not waiting for Caspian to regain himself from a trembling hand. The blade reflected cold silver. Intimidating enough for the lord to gulp before setting a foot out the door. His mind was racing as he shuffled along the walls, not prepared to ascend to dangerous heights.


Caspian was tempted to halt for directions. Luckily before a turn, an all too familiar grasp pulled him around the stone corner towards a flight of ascending stairs. They twisted along the inside of the tower. Flimsy moonlight would occasionally pour through simple windows; which were more like intentional gaps left open by missing stones.

Valleric pointed a finger up. "The lights are off," he whispered, "Meaning she is not there."

"What if she's the type to sleep in her office?"

"I doubt it. The doctor is aware that the body requires proper rest. On a soft bed."

"Then why does your beloved madam still sleep in her study?"

Valleric smirked, correcting, "Actually, she has moved to my room."

"Since when?" gasped Caspian, earning him a slap over the mouth with a palm.

Valleric gritted, "Hush up you nitwit, we are still on a mission. I will inform you later."

The blond pried the palm from his uncomfortably open mouth, nagging, "Spare me the vulgar fragments."

"There aren't any. She only started to do so last night. I am unsure if she is even in my room this evening."

They trudged silently up till a dark door reached their view. With swift hands, Lord Faxon opened the door, holding it as a shield as he stealthily swooped into the room. As expected, it was empty and ill-lit. Caspian peeked from the entrance, his gaze scanning over hoards of jars. Shelves decorated the walls all around, herbs hanging to dry from some while others were packed with more jars. Simple titles covered the lids while some were clear, allowing the viewer to identify the contents.

Caspian pulled his nose up. "It reeks of alcohol," he commented, searching over the table for any clue about the book. Valleric rose a brow, shooting back, "Just as much as you do."

The blond rolled his eyes, his hand trailing a finger over the table, expecting to find crumbs of finely ground leaves. "At least her workspace is cleaner than how she looks."

Valleric opened drawers, actively ignoring his companion. Rummaging around, he found nothing. The bookshelf was void of what they searched for and so were the multiple shelves of jars. "Do you know where she hid it?" poked Valleric, pausing instantly. Caspian almost choked at the sudden breath he inhaled. "Pardon?" he squeaked.

Valleric spun toward him, his shoulders tense. "You could be working with her for all I know," he said. Caspian flung his arms, releasing a frustrated grunt. He proceeded to fold his arms tightly over his chest, grumbling, "I thought we were past this."

"I cannot be too sure."

"Then I will tell you: Rest assured that I am no threat to the Queen. I am only sent to spy on the lords if that is what you would like to know."

Valleric nodded briefly, taking a step, a faint crunch caught his attention. Both their faces dropped to his booted foot. The shadow guard lowered himself, the pads of his fingertips tracing the floor to find ridges. "Aha," he mused, A hidden compartment."

Caspian leaned in to look as Vally heaved the cover from the hidden box. Inside were a few distributed objects. A couple more samples of plants stood out. Caspian picked them up for closer inspection. It wasn't long when his eyes widened, his hands pushing the vile towards the other lord. "These are poisonous, Valleric," he muttered.

Valleric finally pulled a book from the depths of the hidden hole. "We have found yet another serpent."

The two men moved hurriedly down the flight of stairs. They had left the lab as they have found it. Unexpectedly, as Valleric trudged from the last step, cold steel came in contact with his throat, causing him to instinctually pause. "Have you at least washed your grubby hands before looking through my possession?" prompted a cold voice.

Caspian gasped, "How long have you been waiting for us?" The woman pressed the blade further to Valleric's neck, hissing, "Long enough to gather anger."

Eisenbach's head bobbed towards the stairs, suggesting they climb back up. Caspian immediately did so compliantly, peeking back to find Lord Valleric clamping his jaw aggressively. He kept the book in a large pocket hidden in the inside of his coat. His face seemed to darken in color, as if anger painted it. The doctor kept her glare, reminding him of who had the upper hand.

Eventually, he took a reluctant step back, hesitant to turn — afraid to meet a stab in the back. Caspian reached for his arm, slightly pulling him with. The gesture only served slight comfort. Both their chests heaved with tense fear.

Eisenbach firmly held both men in her gaze. One slip-up could cause a scene, she reckoned. Valleric muttered, "I thought you were a simple humble healer who detests bloodshed."

"I am and I do, but ze day Prince Drystan fell to his knees, I knew what needed to be done."

"And what might that be?" queried Caspian, still carefully walking up the steps, face to the front.

"Riona iz no queen," she hissed, "Riona has no qualities of a royal. She only devours ze light of others. Even of her own kind."

Valleric frowned: "Her kind?"

"Yes, the moth king dethroned his daughter in hopes of replacing her with Riona," explained the not-so-innocent doctor, poking her blade toward them. "Now hurry up."

The night was silent up in that tower, only their careful steps could be heard. Caspian sniffed, his nose wet from the freeze. It would not be long till they would reach the lab... It would not be long till they would face their demise...

Eisenbach was about to jab her blade again to hurry them along when her shoulder rammed against the stone wall. She grunted, pushing back against the force that drove her to the side. She struggled to turn her neck when the icy tip of another blade met her throat, right above the vital artery. Her eyes widened, a horrified shriek leaving her lips. Both lords twisted with fright when all they could see was a dark cloak.

"You seem to have forgotten in whose castle you roam," whispered a low voice, "What do you have to say to yourself?"

Eisenbach seemed to pale, a stutter leaving her now stiff body, "Y-you're not the Queen. Who are you?"

The dark figure pressed the blade further, gently slicing her skin as it proudly stated, "A humble protector of her majesty."

With no words further exchanged, a blood-chilling gurgle occupied the air. Both men stood iced in place, both pressing into each other. The shadow's hood lifted to glance them once over before vanishing back down the flight to descend into darkness from whence the figure came.

Caspian's fingers dug into Valleric's arm, earning him a hiss, "Let go." He did so, his hands darting to dust off the nerves. The blond let out a shaky breath, asking, "W-who was that?"

Valleric pushed the hair from his face, his gaze staring in the direction of whence the figure appeared. He sighed, "Speaking of the devil... That was my uncle. That old man never ceases to save me from trouble."

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