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57.91% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 150: Old rivals, new friends -146

Chapter 150: Old rivals, new friends -146




Deep within the most secure SITE in the world, three members of the O5 council are busy talking and planning.


"We are taking a major risk here, working alongside this Shield." O5-4 said.


"True, the risk is substantial, but even without this alliance, our operation of such magnitude would be a beacon for Shield and the US government. It's a matter of exposing less of our current strength." O5-1 reasoned, his voice filled with strategic calculation.


"I agree with the architect on this; we must be prepared to face some level of exposure if we are to deal with SCP-3199, and it's not the Foundation that is being exposed, but the Bulwark." O5-2 said, agreeing with Alex.


 "But the Foundation is the Bulwark, just a pointless cover name." O5-4 argued back.


"You are getting it all wrong. The Bulwark is the Foundation, but the Foundation isn't the Bulwark." O5-2 said, waving his hand.


"Are you planning on making the Bulwark a real secondary organization?" O5-4 asked in shock.


"Why not? Such an organization could have its uses; we would minimize any risk of the Foundation being exposed while still having a working relationship with the world, and if things don't go well, the bulwark can just be dismissed and abandoned." O5-2 started to argue his case.


 "And I expect that you would be leading this new organization?" O5-4 instantly knew what his old friend and rival were up to.


"Well, I expect that Architect will also have a leading role, but since it is about protecting the Foundation's secrecy I think it would fall under my preview." O5-2 said, throwing some bait over towards O5-1, who he knew would be difficult to deal with.


"He is already plenty busy; I doubt he needs more on his plate." O5-4 quickly spoke up, not wanting these two old foxes to start working together on this idea.


"Well, I'm already dealing with much of the work it would entail, so I don't see why I couldn't do it. And if you are worried, I'm sure once they arrive that O5-10 will be happy to join, perhaps O5-11 as well?" O5-1 said, throwing it back to O5-2.


"Indeed, sharing it between the four of us sounds reasonable, doesn't it?" O5-2 said, all too happy with having those two on board.


"Well, naturally, you don't disagree with that; they are both your subordinates; it just means you have others to do the work for you while you enjoy the benefits." O5-4 fumed as they were trying to gain more power right before him.


"Well, I say we shelve his discussion, though I guess we could add O5-8 to the project as well? To have five overseers on board?" O5-1 said, both trying to move on and at the same time asking O5-2 for his opinion.


"That's reasonable. I'm sure we can discuss it with O5-5." O5-2 said, satisfied with the potential outcomes. O5-8 was one of O5-5's people, so by adding them, they would gain a possible three votes from the current five-man council, meaning that he could pass the decision and he would still be mostly in charge with two of the five votes within the new Bulwark.


"You!" O5-4 fumed angrily, though in the end, he couldn't do more than curse angrily as he sat down.


"But let's focus on the matter at hand, the 3199 situation." O5-1 finally said, moving on though still planning on talking with O5-2 later; after all, the idea wasn't bad.


"Well, you two seem set on the idea, so I guess the matter is more or less decided, though next time, maybe you should ask for support and approval before doing something like this, Architect." O5-4 said defeated.


"10000 men, ground-to-ground artillery, and plenty of firepower should be enough to handle it from our side, right?" O5-2 said, asking O5-1 his opinion while also giving a rough idea of his upper limit he was willing to give.


O5-1 nodded thoughtfully. "That should be more than sufficient. We'll also have SHIELD's forces supporting us, which will help distribute the risk and keep our own resources from being stretched too thin. The key will be coordination and ensuring that we minimize civilian casualties."


O5-2 leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "And with SHIELD in the spotlight, any scrutiny from the public or governments will be directed at them, not us."


O5-4, still visibly frustrated but resigned to the plan, asked, "And what about the aftermath? How do we handle any potential fallout if things go sideways?"


O5-1 addressed the concern with a calm demeanor. "The Bulwark's primary purpose is to act as a buffer. If the operation fails or if there is significant collateral damage, the Bulwark takes the fall. The Foundation remains untouched. We'll also have contingency plans in place for rapid withdrawal and damage control."


O5-2 added, "Plus, with our agents embedded within SHIELD, we'll have firsthand information on their movements and strategies. This will allow us to stay one step ahead and make any necessary adjustments on the fly."


O5-4 finally seemed to relent, albeit reluctantly. "Fine. We'll proceed with this operation. But mark my words, any significant exposure or failure will be on your heads."


O5-1 nodded in agreement. "Understood. We'll take full responsibility. Now, let's finalize the operational details and ensure all contingencies are accounted for."


The three Overseers spent the next few hours meticulously planning the joint operation. Every possible scenario was considered, and backup plans were devised for each. By the time they concluded, they were as prepared as they could be for the monumental task ahead.




Meanwhile, at SHIELD headquarters, Fury and his team were also deep in preparation. The gravity of the mission weighed heavily on everyone's minds, but there was a steely determination to get the job done.


"Alright, team," Fury addressed the assembled agents, "we're about to embark on one of the most critical missions SHIELD has ever undertaken. The Bulwark will be leading the charge, but we are the backbone of this operation. Our objective is clear: contain and eradicate SCP-3199, protect civilians, and gather as much intel on the Bulwark as possible."


Maria Hill stepped forward, her voice steady and authoritative. "Our evac protocols are in place, and all agents have been briefed on their roles. We need to be swift and efficient. Remember, we're dealing with a highly dangerous and unpredictable threat."


Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff exchanged a look of mutual understanding. They had faced countless threats before, but this felt different. More ominous.


"Stay sharp out there," Barton said, his voice low but firm. "We'll get through this."


Natasha nodded. "We've got each other's backs. We'll handle whatever comes our way."


As the team dispersed to make final preparations, Fury watched them with a sense of pride and resolve. They were ready. They had to be.




At the break of dawn, the joint forces of SHIELD and the Bulwark mobilized. Convoys of armored vehicles, transport helicopters, and troops moved out towards the identified hotspots. The air was thick with anticipation and the underlying tension of an impending battle.


Fury, standing at the forefront, watched as the operation unfolded. He knew the risks, the potential for disaster, but he also knew the strength and resilience of his team.


"Let's move out," he commanded, and the forces surged forward, ready to face the monstrous threat of SCP-3199 and whatever else lay ahead.


The operation to save humanity from an unimaginable threat had begun, and there was no turning back.




Steve looked around at the madness around him. The countless people in military-like gear brought him back to the war, which almost felt like it never ended. He was still fighting Hydra, still fighting against monsters, only sometimes those monsters weren't monsters in the form of evil humans but the literal kind.


So far, they had managed to deal quite a few blows to Hydra, though the capture of Reinhardt was no doubt the biggest. As one of the heads of Hydra and someone who had helped rebuild it step by step since its fall during the aftermath of the war, he naturally held a lot of information.


And while he wasn't the one pumping him for information, he was assured that the Foundation knew what they were doing, and so far, he was inclined to agree. The number of new targets added to the list grew daily.


Though today he wouldn't be fighting Hydra, today he would be doing something likely even more important.




"Good afternoon. I called you here because there is an important mission about to take place, and I figured you three might want to take part in it." Andres said as soon as they entered the room.


Steve also noted that the projector or holographic display module or whatever they called it was already turned on and ready, hinting at this not just being an important mission but also time-sensitive.


Steve took a seat, along with Buggy and Peggy, all of them exchanging curious glances. They knew that whenever Andres called them in, it was always for something critical.


"This isn't the normal Hydra hunt; if you wish to take part, the monsters you will be hunting will be a different kind altogether. Though even more deadly." Andreas started, and while hearing that the mission wouldn't be about Hydra, Buggy grew less interested; Steve still pained attention.


"Hydra, if they win, will merely impose a new world order on the people; they will rule, and likely not kindly, but there will be hope. This threat is far worse, as if not stopped, there won't be anyone left; this isn't a threat to the world, but the potential excitation of the human race."


His words certainly ensured that all of them were at the edge of their seat; after all, none of them wanted to see Hydra win, but even that wouldn't be bad compared to what this new threat would be about if allowed.


"SCP-3199," he said, opening the holographic display. Soon, a lifelike version of a 3199 monster filled most of the room.


The grotesque, chicken-human hybrid on the screen was enough to make even the most hardened soldiers uneasy. Its twisted form, combining the worst features of both species, was a testament to the horrors that humanity's darker impulses could create.


Peggy was the first to speak up. "What exactly are these things, and how do we stop them?"


Andres nodded, acknowledging the gravity of her question. "SCP-3199 is a genetically engineered organism. They're incredibly resilient, breed rapidly, and are highly aggressive. If left unchecked, they could potentially wipe out humanity. Our mission is to contain and eradicate them before they can spread further."


Buggy, now fully engaged, leaned forward. "Where are they coming from? Is there a source we can target to stop their spread?"


Andres sighed. "That's one of the mysteries we're trying to solve. We don't know who created them or why. Our immediate concern is the hotspots where their population has surged. We, however, won't be working alone; the Foundation, which will be going under the name Bulwark for this mission, will be working alongside Shield and possibly the military."


Hearing that they would be working alongside Shield did get their attention; after all, Shield and Hydra were one and the same.


"Which indeed means you will be working around Hydra, which is why if you accept this mission, you will need to do some under disguise, something we at the Foundation will ensure you will be given, should you accept." Andres said, leaving the decision to them.


"Is that even a question? There is no way we are just going to sit back while a fight like that is going down." Steve said, rising up and standing tall as he glared at the image of the monster before him.


Andres nodded, a small smile of satisfaction on his face. "I expected no less from you, Captain. Your dedication is commendable. We'll provide you with everything you need for your disguise and ensure that you are well-prepared for this mission."


Peggy and Buggy exchanged determined glances before standing up as well. "We're with you, Steve," Peggy said, her voice resolute. "Whatever it takes."


"Yeah, can't let you have all the fun, can we?" Buggy added with a grin, though his eyes were serious.


Andres continued, "Very well. We'll begin preparations immediately. You'll be briefed on your roles and given the necessary equipment. This mission is crucial, and your experience and skills will be invaluable."


[Flashback end]




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