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54.92% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 145: Park tour -141

Chapter 145: Park tour -141


Alex, who was currently using several different powers to appear with Coulson and the others, started to walk towards the Park entrance, where his Foundation personnel quickly rushed up to surround him in a protective circle.


While the Foundation personnel might be hiding the SCP logo, it was still there, they were still there meaning the this place was part of his kingdom, allowing him to project his thoughts here, seeing and hearing everything that happened.


Another ability he used was one that on its own was rather useless, Eidolon Encho, the ability to project an illusion of himself that could scout ahead. It wasn't useful on its own since it couldn't be got very far away from himself.


But if the himself who made the illusion clone wasn't his body, but instead his mind, it suddenly became a lot more useful.


The illusion didn't have any compact ability, in fact, should anyone touch it, they would know that it was just an illusion right away. But he didn't care much; he even had a few other abilities that made people feel less inclined to try and touch him.


As was expected, he was stopped by the entrance and asked to pay the fee. With a wave of his hand, someone went up and paid to have everyone enter the park, which wasn't cheap since there were more than a hundred people in his group.


"Alright, you all just continue to carry out your mission, investigate everything, use D-class as needed, and try not to put yourself at risk; I want all of you back out in one piece, not including D-class naturally." Alex said as they entered the park while the Shield group seemed to be trying to get in for free.


Though that wasn't going to happen, this wasn't a normal park, and there were no normal people here. Something that shouldn't be surprising given that the people at the front hadn't even made a comment about the weapons they were bringing in.


Alex only cast a glance at the group for starting to lead his own little escort deeper into the park. Something that caused Coulson to just pay the bill so he could hurry and catch up with Alex.


"You are splitting up?" He asked, seeing the large Foundation, or as he knew them, as the bulwark, split into many small groups.


"Yes, they are here to investigate and see if anything has changed about the park since it last appeared." Alex said while the guards around him tensed up from having Coulson run up to them.


He quickly ran back to his own group. "I want you to follow them around, don't do anything, just watch and record everything; whatever they do, I want to know once we are done here."


With that he ran back to Alex and didn't waste a minute before he started to ask question after question.


"Please, Agent Coulson, many of these questions can be asked simply by exploring the park." He said as he mostly dismissed him, knowing that it would do nothing but make Coulson more eager for answers.


"Greetings, I would like to know if the good Dr is currently in the park?" Alex asked one of the SCP-949-1 instances who stood around.


Though the answer was… lacking, in fact he was completely ignored. "You." He said, pointing at one of his guards. "Ask the same question."


"Yes, sir! You, are Dr Wondertainment in the park today?" The guard asked or rather demanded at the mascot-looking SCP creature.


"Maybe, maybe not, only one way to find out~" The creature sang and tried to be amusing.


Though it did confirm to Alex that these beings weren't able to see him, or at least they somehow knew that he wasn't real, and as such, didn't react to him.


As Alex's illusion continued to guide his team deeper into Wondertainment Land, he remained vigilant, projecting his thoughts and observing everything through his various powers. Coulson, determined to gather as much information as possible, continued to shadow him closely, although Alex's dismissive responses only fueled Coulson's curiosity.


They stopped before a ride, which a group of Foundation personnel stood before, the D-class being forced to ride it. Alex observed the ride, which seemed like a normal drop tower.


Yet after the ride reached the peak and then dropped down under the force of its own weight, things started to turn strange.


It seemed to drop, yet barely moved. Almost like it was glitching out, though they could hear the screaming voice of the few D-class on the ride.


"What is happening." Coulson couldn't help but ask, confused at the sight before him.


"Something that defies the natural laws. Something which Dr Wondertainment is rather famous for." Alex commented from the side, trying to figure out what was happening.


He figured that maybe space was being stretched, making the drop far longer for those on the ride. Well, whatever it was, it left all the D-class passed out before they were even halfway down again.


After the ride came to an end, Foundation personnel went in and gathered the passed-out D-class; they would need to be questioned about what they had experienced. Only then would they hopefully be able to figure out want happened on that ride.


Coulson observed this and asked, "Is there any danger of these anomalies spreading outside the park?"


"Not likely," Alex replied. "Wondertainment Land has its own set of rules and boundaries. The anomalies are confined here. Our job is to make sure they stay that way."


As they moved on, they encountered more bizarre attractions. A carousel where the horses changed colors and shapes as they moved, a funhouse where mirrors didn't just reflect but also seemed to change the appearance of the people looking into them, and a roller coaster that looped through what appeared to be different dimensions.


Each attraction had its own strange effects, and Alex's team meticulously documented everything. Coulson's team, meanwhile, did their best to stay out of the way while observing the Foundation personnel's actions.


That isn't to say that the Shield personnel didn't also try to gather information, but they were just a bunch of brutes, and the staff was all SCP-949-1 entities who didn't fold for pressure; they knew no fear and just ignored their threats are treated them as playful antics.


They found many clearly anomalous things, both new and old ones, recorded within the Foundation files, such as the spooky Manor, where the D-class came out with another head stitched to his shoulder.


The Hook a Duck game with large screaming living duck toys, though the Random River Rapids were closer for renovations, which could be good or bad depending on what would change about it.


Then there was Bumper Cars, a popular game, though here it was far more extreme as the cars devoured one another. And an unlucky member of D-class also lost his life on that ride.


Yet there were no signs that Dr. Wondertainment was in. something Alex had hoped given that Wondertinament had appeared together with the park, but it would likely have been too easy if he had managed to capture someone like them right away.


After all, they had managed to evade the Foundation for decades in the SCP universe, and there, the Foundation were tens of times more powerful then it was here, even with the Multiple other organizations working against them like the GOC.


Coulson, observing all this, couldn't shake off the feeling of awe mixed with apprehension. "How do you even begin to contain something like this?" he asked, more to himself than to anyone else.


"By understanding it," Alex replied, having overheard him. "And by making sure it doesn't breach its own boundaries."


Coulson nodded, appreciating the gravity of the task. "We need to coordinate. SHIELD can help monitor the perimeter and ensure nothing slips through. And if Doctor Wondertainment is indeed using this place as a base, we'll need to be ready for anything."


"There is no need to coordinate; you are welcome to build your own fence, or whatever, but don't interfere with us; don't expect that we will care for you; this is a bulwark undertaking, and we don't need some upstart like Shield to start messing things up." Alex dismissed him. While he wouldn't mind using Shield's resources, he had no desire to work with them.




Coulson's eyes narrowed slightly. "Upstart? SHIELD has dealt with plenty of anomalies and threats. We're more than capable of handling ourselves."


Alex smirked, the illusion's eyes glinting. "I'm sure you are. Just stay out of our way and we'll stay out of yours. That's the best way for everyone to stay safe."


As they continued through the park, they encountered more strange and dangerous anomalies. A Ferris wheel that seemed to loop through different timelines, a haunted house where the ghosts were all too real, and a game booth where the prizes were small but highly dangerous creatures.


Despite the tension, both teams managed to avoid any major incidents, though the eerie, unpredictable nature of Wondertainment Land kept everyone on edge.


As they reached the central plaza of the park, the Foundation personnel regrouped, sharing their findings and ensuring that no significant threats were unaccounted for. Coulson, determined to maintain a presence, continued to monitor their actions closely.


Finally, Alex turned to Coulson. "We've seen enough for now. It's time to leave before anything else happens. Remember what I said, Agent Coulson. Stay out of our way."


Coulson nodded reluctantly. "Fine. But this isn't over. SHIELD will continue to monitor the situation, and if we find any reason to intervene, we will."


Alex's illusion nodded. "Of course. But let's hope it doesn't come to that." He said and ended the use of his abilities. To Coulson, it would seem like he had just vanished into thin air.


Leaving him shocked and with more intel about this mysterious senior member of the bulwark, though he was still sure that Fury would be around him for not getting more information than he had.


As the illusion of Alex vanished, Coulson stood in the eerie silence of Wondertainment Land, trying to piece together everything he had witnessed. He signaled his team to regroup, his mind racing with thoughts of how to proceed. SHIELD needed to be prepared for whatever the Bulwark might do next, and he had to report back to Fury with all the gathered intel.


"Alright, team, let's head out," Coulson ordered. "Keep your eyes open and make sure we have everything documented. We need to debrief as soon as we're back."



The SHIELD agents moved with practiced efficiency, gathering their equipment and ensuring nothing was left behind. As they made their way to the park's exit, Coulson couldn't help but glance back at the bizarre attractions, each one a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the anomalies contained within Wondertainment Land.


Back at the SHIELD headquarters, Coulson found himself in a debriefing room with Director Fury. The room was dimly lit, with screens displaying various feeds and data collected from the mission.


"So, what did you find?" Fury asked, his one good eye fixed on Coulson.


"Wondertainment Land is filled with anomalies, as we suspected. The Bulwark is handling containment. They're using D-class personnel—prisoners, essentially—to interact with the anomalies. And someone going by O5-1, one of their leaders, was there. He made it clear that they don't want our interference," Coulson reported.


Fury leaned back, his expression unreadable. "Did you get any useful intel on this O5-1 or their operations?"


"Not as much as I'd hoped," Coulson admitted. "The Overseer wasn't willing to say much, though I will make a full report of everything; we were also able to record the whole trip, so hopefully, we can pick up some details. O5-1 was, however, covered in a suit, so his identity is unknown."


Fury nodded slowly, processing the information. "We need to keep an eye on this. Wondertainment Land is a potential powder keg. We can't afford to let our guard down. Continue monitoring the situation and gather whatever intel you can. If they step out of line, we need to be ready to act."


"Understood, Director," Coulson said.


As Coulson left the debriefing room, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. The anomalies in Wondertainment Land were unlike anything he had encountered before, and the presence of the Bulwark added a layer of complexity to the situation. He knew that this was just the beginning of a much larger and potentially dangerous game.

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