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7.4% Reincarnated in Fate/kaleid as Shirou Emiya / Chapter 2: A whole new world

Chapter 2: A whole new world

(MC's pov)

Why is it so dark? I remember being sent to Fate/kaleid by the mysterious man, who was probably ROB now that I think about it, and the next thing was darkness, and now my head hurts for some reason. My foot or rather ankle too.


I just realized that my eyes were closed. That's why it was so dark. I must be pretty disoriented because of my 'travel'.

I tried to open my eyes as planned, and I managed to do it with some difficulties. My headache didn't help with it.

I looked around to see where I was to understand my situation better. I seem to be at a school ground as I could see a school building.

Now, why am I near a school? I was half expecting to be in the hospital because of reincarnation and all. The other half was ready to get memories of the old body as I woke up as a three, five, or seven-year-old.

I checked my body for any injuries, and lo and behold, I think I sprained my ankle. Not to mention blood coming from my head injury.

I feel dizzy, by the way. I may have lost too much blood.

I touched my head to see how bad is the wound by the amount of blood on my hand.

Seeing my red hand, I concluded that it wasn't that bad and I'll live, but the question was, why was my hand so small?

"Hey, are you alright!?"

I heard a voice of a young girl coming from behind me.

I turned back to see who am I talking to, only to freeze for a moment.

It was a dark-haired girl with twin tails.

She may look younger, but she was, without a doubt Rin Tohsaka.

And suddenly, all the dots started connecting. School, Rin Tohsaka, sprained ankle, small hand. I quickly looked up to see my hair tips, and just as I expected, and also to my horror, they were red.

...I've become Shirou Emiya.

(3rd's pov)

Just a few minutes later, a lone red-haired middle school was challenging himself, although some would say that he was doing something stupid. One of these people was a middle school girl watching said boy trying and failing a high jump.

For some reason, that girl couldn't take away her eyes off him.

'Why I'm wasting my time watching something unnecessary? What he does is futile, meaningless, and unsightly. No matter how much he tries, I can see that he won't be able to make the jump he wants to, so why. Why does he try so hard, and why I'm still watching him!' That was what the girl was thinking.

As she finally made the decision to walk away, she heard a loud noise coming from the direction of the boy to see him lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

The girl's eyes went wide open, and she ran up to the boy's location, but since she was quite far away, it took her some time.

During the time she took to get to the boy, said boy woke up and had the time to examine his condition, which was a pretty strange sight to see. Not many people would stay calm in a situation like this, after all. What's more, the boy didn't seem to mind his injuries that much.

"Hey, are you alright!?" The girl asked.

Hearing her boys, the boy turned to and recognized her, but it was missed by the girl.

"I may have hit my head a bit too hard. I would appreciate it if you would help me get to the nurse's office. I would get there myself, but..." He looked at his sprained ankle, and the girl followed his eyes to see what he meant.

"My name's Emiya Shirou, by the way."

Even though it was his name now, he didn't like saying it. One of the many reasons for that is because the name Emiya comes with infamous bad luck. It can vary from walking into the wrong changing room or, more specifically, into the girls changing room to having your entire family dead.

There were other reasons, some even unknown to Shirou, but that was the main one.

"Tohsaka Rin."

As she introduced herself she began helping Shirou get up and they slowly started walking toward the nurse's office.

During this walk, Rin stole a few glances at Shirou as she helped him walk, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Do I have anything on my face?"

For some reason, Shirou had this urge to tease the young girl. Was it reminiscent of his past personality, or he just wanted to tease a now real tsundere? No one really knows. Not even the person in question. It could even be both.

There was, however, one thing that Shirou knew. This whole situation felt somehow familiar.

The most logical answer was that it just felt like that because this whole situation was memed to death and he witnessed it a few times from the comfort of someone else's room. The other answer was that Shirou experienced something similar before he got reincarnated.

Rin, not expecting to be found out, was startled. After all, she was very discreet.

"N-no! It was nothing! I mean, I didn't look at you!"

Her first reaction was to deny all accusations.

Shirou repeated this process a few times for his amusement and pretended to not notice her frustration until they reached their destination. Although Rin's face was redder than before.

Rin helped Shirou sit on the bed and took the first aid kit to apply some ointment, and helped bandage Shirou's ankle. She also bandaged his head since there was a pretty bad cut there and although it had already stopped bleeding, it's always better to be safe since wounds like that can open by themselves because of sudden movements or other reasons.

"Thanks for the help Tohsaka-San. If it weren't for you, I would probably still be crawling to the nurse's office." Shirou joked as he scratched the back of his head.

"I helped you on a whim... I don't know what came over me. It's not something you need to thank me for." Rin answered as she put back the first aid kit in its place.

She may be saying that, but she was pretty worried about him because of all the blood she saw. She may be a magus, but she isn't an orthodox one. In other words, she isn't a cold-hearted person that would do anything to achieve her goals, and that human life had no meaning to her, even if she thinks about herself otherwise.

"Helping, on a whim or not, is helping, and for that, I need to thank you. Otherwise, I would look ungrateful wouldn't I?" Shirou smiled gently as if teaching someone younger than himself, which very well could be the case.

"Now, if you excuse me I need to put all the equipment back."

Although Shirou didn't inherit the memories of the body, the last show he watched and read before getting here was Fate/kaleid, so the story was still fresh in his memory. It may not be him that was using the equipment but the original Shirou probably promised to clean up after he used the borrowed equipment and promises are important to uphold.

Shirou didn't know if this version of Shirou promised Kiritsugu to become a hero, but that was the only promise that he did not plan to keep. He rejected the idea of becoming a hero of justice that could save everyone. It was purely idealistic and only possible in fairy tales. Most historical heroes would say the same.

Rin, hearing what Shirou planned to do, was flabbergasted.

"Hey, wait! The injured shouldn't be walking around! The other track members can handle something like that! What even is the club adviser doing..."

Shirou didn't let her finish.

"I'm not the club adviser. I'm not even part of the track and field club." He was slightly embarrassed by this. He thought what Shirou was doing was stupid. A bit inspiring but still stupid in his eyes.

"Huh!? Then why were you even practising high jumps!? Why..."

'Why were you jumping for the height you couldn't possibly reach?' Rin, however, didn't ask that out loud. This question, for some reason, couldn't leave her mouth. She simply hesitated to ask it.

Not having any other answer at the moment, he decided to use Shirou's words to answer Rin.

"Why...? Even if you ask, I jumped because I wanted to. Not being able to be is frustrating, no?"

"What the heck is that? It wouldn't matter whether you could jump that high or not! What a waste of effort!" Rin was feeling irritated, but she didn't understand why.

"I know even if I could jump that high, it wouldn't achieve anything. It might be futile, but that's no reason to stop challenging."

What Shirou was doing was futile, meaningless, and unsightly, but Rin, for some reason, found it... very beautiful.

Even though she found it beautiful, she still didn't want to accept it. It was very different from her values. It was so different, in fact, that it frightened her. Because if she acknowledged something like that, it would shake the very foundation of her way of life.

Still feeling irritated Rin helped clean up all the equipment and parted ways with Shirou leaving him alone.

(Shirou's pov)

I covered my face with my hands.

Talking like that was embarrassing. I mean very embarrassing. Watching or reading this scene was cool but acting it out was something entirely different, at least that's over, and I can act like myself... whatever it may be.

For now, I have at least one problem left. How do I get home?



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