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56.98% Strange Monkey Boy / Chapter 53: Chapter 53 Rescue Mission

Chapter 53: Chapter 53 Rescue Mission

"I found them."

The words slipped from Eren's lips before he had even fully processed them. Racing around the underground city and scanning through every energy level had been hard, only getting harder as more and more people woke up and were getting involved in the growing unrest. As people woke up, their power levels naturally rose, even more so as they became worked up, and so scanning through a sea of dormant power levels had been much easier than the storm that they now sensed around them.

But their travelling had paid off, as just as Eren landed on one rooftop he felt a small twinge of familiarity at the peripherals of his mind. Focusing on it, he had found it surrounded by several unusually high powers as well.

It was them. His mother and Hannes held hostage towards one of the far entrances to the city, closer to one of the military headquarters as well.

That must have been their plan, blend in with the other military personnel and use them as backup if they needed them. It was a good plan… but it wouldn't stop them.

"I sense them. Do you think they sense us?"

"It won't matter if they do."

Eren moved to lunge towards them, only for Mikasa's hand to grip his shoulder and hold him back. His snarl was instinctual, and although he didn't mean it he could see the hurt in her eyes as a result. He couldn't help it, he was filled with rage and a sense of urgency he couldn't control.

"We need to be smart about this. If we attack carelessly, they could hurt mom or Hannes."

She was right. Of course she was, she always was.

"Fine, you're right. We need to be quick, remove their advantages." He found himself thinking back to the night that had changed them forever, the night of Mikasa's kidnapping. When he had killed those people, he had done so on instinct, but it wasn't mindless, there was a plan behind each attack.

The surprise kill of the first man, the distraction to lead another way, how he had fashioned his knife into a spear… he needed to do the same here.

"Ok… we need to get mom and Hannes safe, so one of us will act as distraction while the other goes straight for them. That… that'll be you. You're faster than me, you'll do a better job."

It hurt to admit it, but the hurt was a childish one, born of embarrassment that he was not strong enough to rescue them himself.

"Are you sure? You won't be able to transform in here, there's too much of a chance you'll bring the ceiling down."

"I know. Don't worry, I'll make it."

He took a deep breath to prepare himself before he began to move. Mikasa followed, peeling off to the side as Eren moved out in the open towards them.

It didn't take long for the MPs to spot him, their senses alerting them to his higher-than-normal power level. His movements were exaggerated to bring attention to him, leaping up high and plainly visible as he travelled.

"Incoming! Everyone wake up!"

The two men standing outside quickly turned to face him, dropping into a simple fighting stance as he came closer. It was a very basic one, very simple compared to the multitude that Gohan had used and shown but the MPs in their private training hadn't had the luxury of learning such intricate techniques. As Eren moved closer, he recognised the stance for what it was, a very practiced but familiar fighting stance, one of the same he had been taught in the cadets.

From out of the front door, two more men streamed out as Eren landed, who immediately splayed out his fingers in front of his head.


The men all quickly shielded their eyes and turned away, throwing up their hands to block out the blinding light… that never came. As the first man lowered his arm in confusion, he caught the sight of Eren's fist just before it struck him.

The man was sent flying backwards into his comrade, while a Ki blast was thrown towards another. That man simply leapt away, soaring high up before diving back down towards Eren. The fourth man was unharmed and undistracted as the fight finally begun, with enough time to shout inside of the house before he turned to assist his comrade.

"Kill the cripple!"

Inside, two more men were waiting by the door to their hostages. When the word came through, neither of them hesitated to open the door while the other pulled a flintlock from inside his jacket and aim it towards the woman inside. At the last second however, his shot went wide as a body slammed through the nearby window and into him.

Mikasa let loose the ki ball she had been building into the second waiting man, the energy catching him in the chest and carrying him outside where it exploded, killing the man instantly.

She quickly switched to attack the first, however her attack had failed to stun him in any way as he struck first. His arm wrapped around her neck, squeezing tightly as he choked her and attempted to break her neck. Her hands gripped against his, but as the air was wrenched from her lungs she felt no purchase.

From behind them she heard sounds of grunting as Hannes kicked out against the man's knee, it did little to hurt him but the distraction was enough. One of Mikasa's thumbs found the man's eye as she pressed it in hard. He screamed as she felt the eyeball squish inside of the socket, and he flung her away in agony.

She did not stop as she landed, immediately leaping back towards him and sweeping out a leg that knocked him to the ground. Her fist buried itself in his throat as he gasped and choked. She may have broken his windpipe, but she didn't wait to check, instead she gripped the bonds that held Hannes and Mrs Jaeger bound and ripped them apart, gripping the two of them in her arms as she flew them all from the house.

She landed with them in a nearby alleyway, gently placing the two of them down as she checked them over.

"Are you okay?"

"Mikasa, sweetie…" Carla placed her hands on the young girls cheeks as she checked her over in turn, making sure her adopted daughter wasn't harmed. "We're okay, thanks to you. Where is Eren?"

"He's fighting the other guards. I-… I need to go help him, will you-"

"We'll be safe." Hannes was already lifting Carla with his shoulder, beginning to carry her as he stood. "You go save Eren, both of you can come find us after."

"Please Mikasa, be safe."

Mikasa heard Mrs Jaegers pleas as she turned and raced back towards Eren. With the two of them safe, Mikasa was free to focus her full attention on the fight as she approached. Eren was still moving, but so were the other four MPs, surrounding him as they fought.

There was a growing crowd, easily visible as Mikasa arrived, flying up over a rooftop and descending down towards one of the men. He sensed her in time to dive away, but stumbled as he landed, with Mikasa catching up to him quickly. His arms came up to block, catching some of her punches.

Jab. Cross. Hook. She ducked under a punch the man threw back, and countered with an uppercut that caught him square in the jaw. Her follow up roundhouse kick landed perfectly, and she heard the crack of his ribs beneath her foot. He gripped his ribs in pain, wincing as he dove away before a Ki blast struck towards them.

Mikasa shielded herself with her arms as the ball of energy hit the ground and exploded, sending up shrapnel, dirt, and heat that bombarded her body. Squinting through the cloud of dust, she saw the man who had sent the blast towards her receive a punch to the jaw from Eren, too distracted to see him coming.

Eren may not have been as fast as Mikasa, but he could hit just as hard and fight just as nasty. Eren kicked the man squarely between the legs and jabbed his thumbs into the man's eyes as he buckled. He screamed only briefly as Eren was wrenched backwards by another man grappling him from behind.

The opening was made for the now bloody eyed man to beat on Eren as he struggled against the grapple, but his legs were like jelly and he couldn't stand. Eren managed to stomp down on the foot of the man holding him, and bash his head into his nose, spurting blood as it was broken.

The grip loosened, and Eren spun to attack only to freeze as a knife flashed out and the man struck. Eren grabbed the man's arm before it could reach him, only to abruptly let go and allow the knife to sink into his flesh.

As the knife plunged into the side of his chest, Eren twisted and grabbed the man whilst kicking out his legs. The man was flipped over, landing hard on the ground with a yelp but not yet down. Eren wrenched the knife free and stabbed towards him, his arms caught by the man before the blade could pierce him. Eren through his full weight onto the knife, watching as it sank slowly towards his target.

It was taking too long, and out of the corner of his eye he could see the other man rising back up to attack. Instead, Eren shifted his grip, and cut into the mans wrist instead. As blood began to pour and the man yelled, his resistance wilted, and with one jerk the knife was wrenched free and Eren slashed him through the neck.

The other MP threw himself against Eren, landing the two of them in a heap as the MP on the ground clutched feebly at his neck as his heart pumped blood that spurted between his fingers. Eren's own wound was crackling with electricity and steam as it rapidly closed, only to be met by blow after blow from the MPs fist.

The two of them struggled on the ground, Eren almost missing the rapidly growing shouts from around them.

More MPs were coming, regular ones, armed with rifles and swords as they parted the crowd. Eren cursed whilst the man on top of him smiled in victory. Too early, his reinforcements weren't there yet and Eren seized his chance, flipping the man over driving a fist into his face that knocked him free from Eren.

With the two of them broken apart, Eren took the chance to spot Mikasa, seeing how she had likewise dealt with one of her opponents and was busy with the second. Her man was busy preparing a Ki blast when she kicked out his legs. The energy fell free for a moment, before she grabbed it and plunged it down into the man's head, blowing it away in a relatively clean kill as the blood and viscera was incinerated.

From six down to one, the final MP pulled back as his reinforcements broke through the crowd and levelled their guns on the two of them.

"Hands up! Don't move!"

"The hell are you waiting for, shoot them!" The other MPs looked uncertain, fingers hesitating on triggers as their eyes flickered to the crowd of onlookers.

"Eren and Mikasa are heroes!"

"Don't hurt the scouts!"

"Down with the MPs!"

"Fuck the police!"

"The government has betrayed us!"

More and more shouts began to arise as the crowd became more and more angry. It was clear that Eren and Mikasa had been recognised, and despite how the situation must have looked, they were being given the benefit of the doubt and trust in favour of the other soldiers.

The surviving interior MP cared not however. If his reinforcements were hesitating, then it would be up to him. He dropped his hands and began charging a Ki blast, only for another to explode into him from behind.

He dropped lifelessly, back smouldering as his comrades looked onwards with shock before the crowd surged at them. A civilian with a white headband grabbed one of the men's muskets and began to wrestle for control, the battle swiftly won as others joined in and quickly began to overpower the soldiers.

One musket managed to be fired, hitting and killing a man struggling over the gun. The crowd did not abate, as they furiously pulled at the MP who had fired, fists thrown and makeshift clubs swung. A full-scale revolt was beginning with no sign of slowing as the crowd charged towards the military headquarters nearby.

As the crowd began to thin, Mikasa and Eren saw where the Ki blast had come from that killed the man from behind, as two figures emerged.

One, a regular woman wearing a white headband who was struggling to help carry a bloodied and bandaged woman. It was the second woman that Eren and Mikasa recognised, as the two figures slowly made their way towards them.

Taking ragged and tired breaths, Petra summoned the strength to smile brightly at them in relief.

"It's good to see you."

"I wasn't expecting to see you."

Standing in the office of Commander Pixis, Armin was overcome with a sudden feeling that he had not thought his plan through. Facing down the barrels of muskets and the drawn swords of his guards, Armin did his best not to let any of his fear or doubt show.

"Sir, we need to talk."

"That much you've made clear." Pixis turned his attention to the second intruder in his room, as Dina Fritz awkwardly fidgeted at her uniform disguise.

The two of them had both managed to sneak inside and find a supply room, donning Garrison uniforms to make their way closer to Commander Pixis' office. It had gone well for the most part, with Armin keeping his head down and with Dina drawing attention to her instead of him.

It had promptly failed when Dina hadn't saluted a superior officer, the man angrily demanding an answer as to why she hadn't done so. The plan had only fully fallen apart however, when she had reflexively snapped into an entirely different salute. There had been a stunned silence after, one that was followed by Dina punching the man in the face and the two of them sprinting for Pixis' office.

Barging down his door with angry soldiers on their tail, they had come face to face with many guns and swords, along with a few familiar faces of the Elite Garrison Team that had participated in the Trost counterattack.

"I must ask young lady, why are you here?" Pixis seemed to instantly disregard Armin in favour of Dina. "Mr Arlert I can deduce, he wants me to release the Scout Regiment, but I'm curious about you."

"Sir, if I may speak, you must-"

Armin was cut off as Pixis simply raised his hand, not even looking at the young boy as he waited for an answer.

"That was a mighty fine speech you gave in Trost young man but I have no need of it here, I already know all that you will tell me. So I ask again young miss, why did you come?"

Dina looked at the man with eyes narrowed as she tried to deduce the type of person he was. There had been no rehearsal of what they would say when they reached this point, instead planning that Armin would speak and she would follow.

"I'm here because you're all making a terrible mistake."

"Oh?" He didn't seem surprised, even nodding his head in agreement. "Why do you say that is?"

"Because you don't know what it's like out there." Dina eyed the muskets his guards held, ancient weaponry by her eyes. "You're hopelessly outmatched. Marley is at least a hundred years ahead of you. They've got the men and the guns to conquer this whole land and kill everyone here."

"So I'm aware. We've already experienced one of their attempts."

"A small one, covert. I heard about the outer wall and the Warriors who struck here, that's nothing compared to what they have at their disposal. They held back out of fear of reprisal, but you've all done nothing. If it wasn't for Ymir and myself, you wouldn't even know you were at war. Shiganshina was five years ago and you did nothing, they won't hold back for their next attack."

Pixis sighed, the kind that was long and deep with such an element of defeat that many of his guards turned to look at him warily.

"You are correct of course. We have been blind to the true threat to us. Not the Titans, but the masters who pulled their strings. Is that why you are here? Now that you are aboard a sinking ship you seek a way to survive?"

"You won't survive. Not really… when they come and conquer, even if they don't kill you, you won't survive. I've lived the life that awaits you outside of these walls. I've lived in the ghetto's, been a victim of their oppression. We are nothing but scum to them. They kill us, use us, turn us into Titans to kill their enemies. When my husband was a child, their dogs killed his sister. Ripped apart a child for the crime of breaking a curfew. He told me every night he could still hear her screams… Our people live this life every day for the sins of our ancestors, sins no suffering will ever undo. Yet from everything I know, Marley treats us better than the rest of the world. That is the fate that awaits you, every one of you if you do not prepare yourselves. You must be ready for Marley, and the only way forwards I see is through Gohan."

She paused. His name still gave her shivers, the memory of his attack on Annie before her death. His unstoppable power… but it was precisely why she trusted in him. His powers were impossible, a godly ability the likes that could change things, that could be the way to free her people.

"His powers are the only chance you have. Your government wants to blind you again, to shackle you to living like sheep within these walls while you wait for the wolves to come and slaughter you. He won't accept that, and neither can you. If you don't side with him, if you don't do what is right, then the extinction of the Eldian people will be certain… of everyone here too."

Pixis was silent in contemplation as he thought. Eventually, he turned away and looked pensively out of the window as he thought through his options.

"Do you know what will happen if we do this? The land will be unstable. Hundreds of thousands will suffer, many will die."

"With respect sir… what choice do you have?"

Dina was not a military woman, nor was she a woman local to this land. Dina was a mother who had been born and raised under the oppressive fist of Marley. With a hope for change, she had turned her own son against her and robbed his childhood and future from him. But she knew what her world was like, what life would hold for all of her people. And so… what choice had she had?

Pixis thought back to the last, most difficult choice he had made. The purge following Shiganshina and sending so many to their deaths. It had been cruel, it had been unfair, and it had been necessary. When he had contemplated the decision, he had ultimately known that he would have to do it. What choice had they had?

What choice had they now?

One choice, one answer. They had to fight. With Gohans support, with the country led by those who would support the Scout Regiment, they had a chance. They could fight, and they may win. To give up, to do as the government demanded of him, they would all die. The time that remained for them would be peaceful, but it would be finite. The choice that remained to him would be painful, people would die, but he would have to make it.

"Very well."

The men in the room looked to him with hesitation, Ian walking up to his side and leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"Sir… are you sure?"

"She's right. We both know that she is… our country will not survive with this government at its head." With a heavy heart, Pixis turned back to the soldiers in his room, all anxiously awaiting his decision. "Give the order, all members of the Scout Regiment are to be released at once."

Armin and Dina sagged with relief as several others immediately began sputtering complaints, only to be silenced as Pixis held up his hand.

"Have the Garrison forces present stand ready in the assembly yard with the Scout Regiment, I will speak with them there. All non-necessary personnel are to be in attendance at full combat readiness. All ODM equipment is to be in use and have all confiscated military equipment from the Scout Regiment returned."

A few others looked hesitant to act, however Ian took the initiative as he snapped into a sharp salute. "Yes sir!"

His decisiveness and no small amount of peer pressure pushed the rest of them into action as swords were sheathed and muskets de-cocked. Dina and Armin watched as the soldiers began filing out of the room and rushed into action.

"It seems that history, shall be the one to judge us this day." Pixis fixed the two of them with a hard stare. "Today I have made a decision which will change the course of our nation forever. Perhaps I will have the luxury to die before I know if I have made the wrong choice…"

As the men and women of both the Garrison and the Scout Regiment stood in assembly, a constant sense of unease was in the air. Many Scouts glared at their once captors, whilst those same men and women glared back with the belief that a great mistake had been made.

The presence of so many blades did not help their predicament, and officers from both sides were working hard to control tempers.

Angry mutterings did not abate until Pixis began to take to the stage. Some of his key staff were already up there awaiting his arrival, but in step with him was the recognisable form of Dina Fritz. Waiting off to the side, Armin was just barely visible to his comrades in the Scouts.

As Pixis took to the centre of the stage, his eyes cast over everyone present. There was well over a thousand personnel in front of him, one of the largest forces available at any one location.

He cleared his throat.

"ATTENTIOOOOON!" The crowd was silent, waiting for what he would have to say. "I have gathered you all here for one purpose. I have ordered the release of our brothers in arms as you have all well noticed. Today I declare that their arrest, was a grievous betrayal by our government… and by us. Today I have taken the first step to rectifying that mistake. And today, will be the day that I commit treason against our government."

"I am sure that by now, you have all heard the rumours about the origins of the Titans, and of life beyond the wall. I am here today to confirm to you that those rumours are true. The origin of the Titans is us, human beings. For over a hundred years we have fought hard to kill what was once our own kind, the same human being that stands beside each and every one of you. Take a look at them, each of them and yourselves carries the potential to be turned into a Titan. The source of these transformations lies far beyond our walls, in a nation known as Marley.

"In our presence today is one such person, a woman who was transformed by Marley and unleashed upon us. Thanks to the actions of Gohan Son, she has been returned to her human form, to bring warning of the nation that seeks to exterminate us all. Their first attack was at Shiganshina, five years ago. Just recently, they unleashed an attack inside of Wall Rose itself, transforming the village of Ragako into monsters with the intent to kill more of us. Our government… knows this. Our government has lied to us all.

"More than that, they have taken efforts to remove from truth from our minds. The Scout Regiment has played a pivotal role in bringing the truth of this deception, and they have paid a tremendous cost in blood to do so. Now, the government which we have loyally served has ordered us to detain our loyal brethren, so as they may continue this deception against us. This cannot be allowed to stand. It is with a heavy heart, that I must ask you to help me do the right thing. That we must take the first step to liberate our country from the lies and betrayals of our government, that we must fight to save ourselves and our families from the threat beyond our walls, a threat that our government would have us lie blindly down to accept. I will not demand that you take up arms against your fellow man, any here who cannot accept what we must do will be free to leave, I promise that none shall face any consequences for their decision.

"However, you must all consider what shall happen should we fail. Our government will continue to deny what lies beyond these walls. They will arrest any who speak the truth against their lies. When the time comes, and our enemy breaches the walls once more, it will be our government that will allow it to happen, that will allow yourselves and your loved ones to die in a pointless attempt to keep themselves in power just a little bit longer.

"So I ask you, every one of you here today. If you are willing to do what must be done, then offer up your finest salute. Dedicate your hearts to your nation, to your fellow soldiers and to your families. Show your resolve to face the ugly truth of the world beyond our walls, and the enemies within them. Salute with all of your heart, and every ounce of your strength. ATTENTION!"

Pixis snapped into a salute, as did each of his officers beside him. Without hesitation the Scout Regiment did the same, unified in their faith that they would not allow the betrayal against them to go unpunished. For the Garrison Regiment…

There was a moment of silence that followed, each person in deep thought as they contemplated what had been told to them. Until one by one, they began to salute.

Commander Pixis was their leader, the man they placed their trust in above all. He had seen them through at the battle of Trost, commanded them to success during the counterattack in Wall Rose against the Titans. Above all, he shared with them the truth of what was beyond the walls, and they believed every ugly word he told them.

They saluted and cheered in support as they stood by him in this fateful moment.

On stage, Pixis smiled, turning to one of his attendants. "Have messages sent to each of the Garrison headquarters in every region. A coup is in effect, and the Military Police is to stand down in their arrest of the Scout Regiment. Now… we march on the capital."

Trusty_McGoodGuy Trusty_McGoodGuy

AN: The civil war has now fully commenced, the first cries of true treason have been called and the shots are soon to be fired. Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and of course the good news that Petra is alive! Hooray for happy endings... so far, oooh ominous. Would love to hear everyones thoughts with a review, they're a great read each and every time.

If you like my work and want to read the next chapter a week early, why not consider supporting me on P at reon and get access to chapter 54 - Fight Night.

That's  P at reon (dotcom) (slash) TrustyMcGoodGuy

Next chapter due: 10/07/23

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