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45.16% Strange Monkey Boy / Chapter 42: Chapter 42 Battle Between Titans

Chapter 42: Chapter 42 Battle Between Titans

On a battlefield between wall Maria and Rose, the Armoured Colossal Titan stood unopposed as the largest and most powerful Titan. Its plates unyielding, the skinless joints billowing flames that melted the flesh of nearby Titans, and its strength unmatched. With its new joints, even the lighter density of the Titan physiology meant nothing as its feet dug into the ground, small craters appearing as the dirt crumbled and compressed under the Titans weight.

From their position on the back of Eren's Titans, it was a frightening sight to behold. Wind whipped through the air as the Titan finished its transformation, followed in unison by other Titans sent soaring after Reiner had exploded outwards from beneath their pile over his Armoured form.

"Son! You're the expert, can we win this fight?"

Gohan was surprised to see Captain Levi asking him. He didn't look happy, and it seemed the rest of his squad was just as surprised, looking at him with brief shock before they turned back to Gohan and awaited his answer. He paused, thinking as he looked around at their overall position.

"We can, but we don't have to." They looked at him perplexed and so he continued. "Reiner is losing control, but all we need to do is get his focus back on the other Titans and we can pull back. The only one's who could survive a fight with him are those with Ki, everyone else here is a liability."

Captain Levi considered his words, before nodding in agreement. "Oluo, pass the signal that we need to fall back. Everyone else, get ready to cover the retreat."

Oluo leapt away, as did Gohan. The rest stayed with Eren as he changed direction and returned to the fight. While Gohan immediately leapt back into the fray with his speed and flight, the others needed to wait until they were closer and continue utilising their ODM gear.

As they broke away they immediately leapt into a plan of action, placing themselves between the Titans and the military as the beasts began to recover from their landings. They landed on several of the creatures, waving off the soldiers and ordering those back who moved to kill the Titans.

"Stay back! We need to lure the Titans back to the big one, don't kill them!"

The garrison soldiers balked, and the Military Police called them crazy, but as always it was the scouts who led the charge. One by one, they waited for the Titans to stand back up, the monstrous creatures fixating on their closest prey with their frozen and twisted faces.

"This is insane… come on you bastards! Come and get us!"

Scouts rode around with their swords waving in the air, keeping just out of reach as the Titans tried to snatch them from their horses.

Neither the garrison nor the military police members moved any closer, pulling back as they watched the scouts ride suicidally around the Titans.

"These people are nuts, no wonder so many of them die all the time."

From atop a small mound two of the MP's looked at them all dismissively, not noticing the figure approaching them from behind. A fist smacked him on the back of the head, knocking him off his horse and crumbling to the floor as he clutched his head in pain. They both looked to see a snarling woman, sword in hand and cloak billowing in the wind.

"On your horses and get moving! You've been given your orders now go!" Ilse moved to the other man still in his saddle and raised her sword, threatening to cut him down where he sat. He squealed in terror before snapping his reigns and riding into battle, his comrade recovering as quickly as he could to do the same.

"Good work Ilse." Mike joined her side. "Though try not to actually kill any of them."

"Damn high and mighty cowards, quaking at the sight of the Titans like this isn't their job." She growled as she watched the soldiers move closer to the Titans, none of them truly willing to get close enough as needed but it was enough to try and get some of their attention. "I've half a mind to throw them at the Titans myself."

"Calm down Ilse." Mike admonished. "If we do that then we won't have any more shields for our men."

He gave her a wicked smile before snapping his reigns and joining the battle.

Standing before the Armoured Colossal Titan, Gohan breathed deeply as he settled his heart. Adrenaline pumping through his body had his heart racing steadily, the familiar fighting feeling coursing through him as he looked up at his enemy. Except unlike so many others, the fight brought him no thrill. There was no enjoyment of a fight like his father, or pride in his strength like Vegeta, instead he felt only… a sadness.

Had this truly been the only way it could have gone?

Was the pain and hatred between them too deep to be anything other than violence?

He would not believe that. He may have failed on this day, but he would not accept that this was the only possible outcome. There would be a way to assuage their fears, to bring the war to an end and bring about a lasting peace, he would find a way to do it. But for now, he had to do what must be done.

Reiner was still a mental wreck, his focus ever changing and his body thrashing out in anger as he swatted away Titan after Titan.

The creatures were still attempting to climb his body, grappling with his plates as anchors as swarmed him. They didn't last long, as Reiner brought up one leg, some Titans managing to hold on and dangling while others fell. His foot came crashing down onto the body of one, crushing it entirely. Fire pumped out with the wind, blowing down more Titans with the mighty stomp.

Through it all, Gohan stood unmoving as forces pushed against his mighty wall of Ki. As the wind began to settle, Gohan finally moved. He darted forwards, a ball of ki flung to soar high into the air that weaved around the Titans arms before hitting him directly in the eyes. The Colossal Armoured Titans eyes exploded, popping in a shower of gore and viscera that had it clutching its hands over its face.

Gohan sent a powerful kick into the Titans ankle, the bones cracking beneath the plates even as they held their shape. The plumes of fire wrapped around Gohan and set parts of his clothes ablaze, his breath held to protect his lungs. The tips of his hair lit on fire, as Gohan focused his energy into his palms. He thrust his palms upwards, and with a powerful thrust of Ki he sent an invisible wave up and over Reiners Titan form, the fire caught by the Ki and washing over him.

The inferno built like a tsunami, crashing upwards across the Titans flesh and plates as black smoke built to block his vision. In the brief gap he had, Gohan took another deep breath, gasping for air under the exertion that strained his body. His senses screamed danger at him, and he leapt backwards as a Titan slammed into Reiners leg in its attempt to feast on the half-breed.

He turned his attention to the Titans, the horde around him growing larger as more and more were drawn to focus on the two of them. Another Titan, only six metres tall reached to grab him, only for Gohan to leap upwards, landing on the creatures head before soaring away. He surveyed the situation from above, looking at how the horde was mostly drawing in on Reiner, with a few still focusing on the rest of the military as they kept their distance on horseback.

A few had been caught, but timely intervention from comrades and Levi's squad had kept them from suffering any fatalities. He began to plan a hasty leave until he spotted something bizarre. One of the Titans had fallen over, steam billowing from its nape, yet there was nobody nearby.

No Ki blasts had been fired except by himself, yet the creature seemed to be… dying. Hovering in the air to study was dangerous, yet his curiosity could not be sated as he watched the event, feeling as the Ki from the creature began to fade, but also change.

A realisation.

Historia's words to him, her description of Ymir's past… Gohan spotted the decomposing body of Annie's Titan form nearby and sudden understanding flashed through his mind. He watched as nearby, three Titans all suddenly stopped their migration towards Reiner, and turned their eyes on the collapsed Titan.

He dove down like a rocket, heat building around his body before he came to a sudden halt just above the creature's nape. He probed with his senses and felt as the power in the Titan drew back, diminishing in strength and tainted sensation as it focused back into a much smaller form, the form of a person deep inside.

"Son! What's the issue?" Mike shouted to him from his horse, racing up next to him even as he kept watch on the approaching Titans. Several others moved in to join the man, a mixture of all ranks of the military. "Are we ready to pull back?"

"Almost!" He shouted back, landing on the creatures back and readying his hands. "This Titan is turning back into a human! We can't leave them here."

"What did he say!?"

"Turning back…?"

Mike looked to Gohan, the soldiers by his side, then to the Titans. "Explanations later!" He shouted to the soldiers, tugging on his reigns as he prepared to move. "Cover him from the Titans! You haven't got long Son!"

The soldiers were in a disoriented daze as they moved to follow Mike as he rode towards the Titans. All save for one, a Garrison soldier who stayed by Gohans side briefly first.

"Don't worry Gohan, we'll keep you safe."

The half-breed turned to realise that it had been a familiar face speaking to him, as he recognised the grin of Hannes before he too rode off to join in his defence. He was taken off guard, but Gohan shook himself back into action and plunged a hand deep into the fleshy remains of the creature's neck.

It was careful work, as he tried to gently pry away the muscle without tearing apart the person inside. He had seen how tightly those muscles and nerves could grip onto Eren's flesh, he didn't dare to imagine how badly someone newly returned to human form might suffer. With a small beam from his finger, he made sweeping cuts around the persons form as they became more defined through his senses.

Little by little, he reached closer and closer.

"Go that way you dumb bastard!"

Jean knew how pointless it was to try and argue with a Titan as it continued to follow after him with its dim-witted expression. Fittingly enough, the creature was as clueless at chasing its victims as it looked, pursuing Jean slowly as it bounced exaggeratedly with its jog. Each step had it swaying heavily, bouncing from foot to foot.

"Stupid Titan piece of shit… Fine! You don't want to go play with your friends? Sasha, Connie, bring it down!"

The two close friends rode in from behind, their ODM gear ready and swords drawn. Connie leapt off first, reeling himself towards a clean strike at the ankle of the creature and dropping it to one knee. As it dug itself into the dirt with its momentum, Sasha leapt to strike, heading straight for the creatures nape.

It turned its head towards her, mouth opening to reveal its slimy teeth.

With a squeal of terror, Sasha abruptly shifted her hips and let loose a jet of gas, soaring over the creature's head as it snapped at her. As she passed, she refired one of her hooks, and with some continued gas managed to get herself back on target, slicing out the creature's nape with an efficient strike.

She landed hard on the ground, quickly leaping back to her feet as she checked to see that the Titan was indeed dying.

"You was one scary sum-bitch ain't ya? Well too bad I'm better, woooo!"

She paused her celebration as Connie joined her to give her a high five. The two laughing with satisfaction and relief as they remounted their horses and surveyed the battlefield.

"Keep your head on straight Sasha!" Jean admonished, before frowning at himself and adding more. "Good job, nice recovery. Let's get going and-" He cut himself off as he saw the green flare fired high in the sky, but quite clearly arcing back towards the walls.

"Looks like we're done here. Everyone still alive? Good, let's get going. I'm not staying out here any longer than we have to."

"Hit that arm!"

At Mike's orders, one of the scouts leapt into the fray and sliced at the tendons in the Titans armpit, immediately sending the limb slack and useless. With the new opening and the creature distracted, Hannes soared upwards with blades raised and screaming a war cry.

He struck true, taking out the creatures' nape relatively cleanly as one of his swords snapped from his handle, but the flesh fell away smoothly. It was not his first kill, but like the rest of the Garrison he was still rather rough with his skills. Regardless, as he watched the creature drop to the ground and die, he felt proud of himself. His comrades seemed bent on replicating his success, as he watched them buzzing around the remaining creature, being careful to put it down without any deaths of their own.

He was loathe to admit it, but it was only thanks to the guidance of the Scouts that they were able to fight the creatures without dying. He may not have been as steadfastly zealous about the Garrison as some of his comrades, how could he when so many of the kids he knew had ended up in the Scouts, but he still had pride in his regiment damn it. But any true loathing wasn't aimed at the scouts, no that was saved for the Military Police.

They had been complaining and badmouthing everyone since the operation had started, only to be the last to actually engage any Titans. Their performance had been poor to say the least. Some Titans had been killed, but so had the MP's, all their fabled skills having been left to wither as they had sat drinking their lives away in the safety of Wall Rose.

Not all of them had been from Wall Rose of course, some of the MP's had been stationed in other major towns to help the Garrison deal with policing matters, but he had known those people, just as he knew these ones. They were all the same, and they were all like him, who he had used to be.


Had it not been for Gohan, Carla would have died in Shiganshina. The kids, maybe they would have as well, at best it would have cost them their mother. Because he'd been an incompetent, someone who had taken advantage of a cushy job and slacked off his responsibility. But never again. He'd not drank a drop since that day and had actually worked hard to get himself back in shape and bring back the skills he'd learned as a cadet.

Looking at Gohan as he worked away at the Titan, he saw the same reason now as he'd had back then. He'd wanted to measure up to him. To a child… What a sad world they lived in when a child was the best of them. One day that would change, he was sure of it. One day they'd be worthy to look Gohan in the eye, to be proud of themselves.

"Got it!" As the final tendon came loose, Gohan dug his hands deep inside and grabbed hold of the person, lifting them by the armpits as they began to emerge from inside the Titan. He was the first to realise the issue in that the person he was removing, was a woman.

A very naked woman.

A panicked blush had him dropping her by reflex, letting her sag against the Titan's corpse. He ripped off his shirt, not taking the time to undo the buttons before wrapping it around her for some decency as he finished pulling her out. With her finally out and held in his arms, Gohan leapt free from the Titans and bounded towards the rest of the main group, his supporters in tow as they withdrew.

There was no wagon of any kind that had been brought with them due to the speed at which they'd departed. Instead, Gohan needed to find another solution for her.


He caught sight of her as she moved to withdraw like the rest, signalling her over towards him as he held up the woman in display.

"I need you to take her!"

She hesitated, likely more out of confusion as to where she had come from than anything else. Eventually however, she relented, accepting the unconscious woman carefully into her arms as if cradling a child. With his arms freed, Gohan turned his attention back to his main threat.


The Colossal Armoured Titan was being swarmed, as slowly more and more Titans continued to climb up the sides of his body. His vision had cleared, and his eye was nearing repair, yet that wasn't what Gohan truly cared about.

Reiner was in emotional turmoil after eating Bertholdt and inheriting the mans memories. He was thrashing, attacking uncoordinated, but his focus was not yet fully on the Titans. Gohan would need to fix that. He needed Reiner to focus entirely on the Titans to allow them the time to escape unharmed. Part of him considering staying, fighting it out, ensuring that Reiner wouldn't come back and attack the walls again.

But as the strain through his body reminded him, he did not have his strength fully back. He was stronger, as he had become every day since he had first arrived and been so severely diminished, but looking at Reiner as he was now, this was not a fight he wanted to have now.

Reiner would face justice when they returned, when their forces were fully mustered to launch an attack and reclaim Wall Maria once and for all.

So Gohan focused his sights elsewhere, eying one of the still living Titans that hadn't re-joined the herd. Six metres tall, a bald spot, and a crying face, Gohan pitied the creature as he struck it, breaking its knee and bringing it down. The next part would be difficult.

He gripped the creatures' leg, trying to brace so that he would not rip the limb off. Fingers dug into the flesh, Ki built through his body, then spread into the creature as he strengthened it to make it hold together.

Then, he began to twist.

Spinning around on the spot, he heaved the creature from the ground and span in a circle. Once, twice, then he let go. The creature was not elegant as it was flung across the field, soaring high and true it still managed to hit its target. Landing directly on Reiners' face.

"Did he just throw a Titan…?"

The impact was hard, and he was sure some of the Titans bones had broken, but it managed to retain its grip. Holding onto the Titans face as it bit down, tearing a chunk of flesh from his brow as he roared in anger. One of Reiners colossal hands came up and squished the Titan into bits, the distraction not having lasted long at all. But it had still worked.

Reiner focused his entire body on the creatures grappling at his legs, sweeping down a fist and pulverising several in a single blow. They stood no chance against him, but it didn't matter. They were many, and it would take him time. Time enough for them all to escape.

Breathing a sigh, Gohan turned back to the astounded faces of his comrades. The soldiers were looking at him with disbelief, and for a brief moment Gohan remembered that many of them had not seen him truly in action, they had heard only tales of his abilities. They likely did not measure up to what he could actually do.

His attention of the soldiers was dropped however, as some familiar faces rode up to his side. The Special Operations Squad were watching him with hesitation, save for two exceptions. Captain Levi was fixing him with the deadliest glare he'd ever received from the man, and Petra… Petra wouldn't look at him.

"I should explain…" He began, cut off as another spoke before he could finish.

"You should, but later." Commander Erwin trotted between Gohan and the rest of them, his eyes fixed firmly on those under his command. "All hands, return to Wall Maria at once!"

He punctuated his order with the bang of a flare, the green smoke soaring proudly through the air and snapping the men and women into action. Those around him all did the same, as no matter how much they seemed to want answers they had their orders to follow first.

"Hey Gohan." It was Ilse, taking the chance to stop by his side before she rode to take her place. She laid a gentle hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile. "It's good to have you back. If no-one else, you've got my trust."

She moved on with the rest. Distantly, he saw the small groups of his friends. Historia rode alongside Ymir, with her team as Nanaba led them. Hannes rode with several other Garrison members, commanding them even as he kept a careful eye on Gohan. Jean, Armin, Sasha, Mina, Hannah, Franz, and Connie all rode together in one team. The one to give him a lift was Mikasa, riding to his side and offering him an unneeded hand up.

He gladly accepted it, hopping onto the back of the horse with his hands on her shoulders as Eren's Titan form took his position by the side, making his way into a jog as they rode on their way.

"Mikasa… I'm sorry about what happened. About not telling you."

His words were soft, shameful as he spoke, but he knew she heard them. But instead of any blame, or anger, she simply placed one of her hands on his.

"It's okay Gohan. It's okay." He knew she had questions, they all did, and he would give them answers, but it seemed for now she didn't care. "I'm just glad to have you back…"

He squeezed her shoulder in thanks, a tear building in his eye. He owed them all so much for their trust in him despite what had happened. He would not disappoint them.

"It's as clear as when we rode down."

Commander Erwin rode up front with Levi and Mike by his side. He appreciated Levi's report, but it was as expected, their expedition had not been long enough to have the Titans regrouping at the walls.

"So let's not dance around the issue. What are we going to do about Son?"

There was a growl in Levi's voice that he wasn't bothering to hide. The man was angry, rightfully so at what had been hidden from him.

"When we're back inside the walls, we'll head to the Trost Garrison Headquarters. Pixis was scheduled to visit them after the operation commenced. If we're lucky, we can have him there in time for Gohan to explain everything. After that… we'll see."

"You think you can still trust him?"

"We can." Mike who spoke up, his voice certain. "No matter what he tells us, he has my trust."

"That sounds like Ilse talking, not you Mike." Levi's snarl had Mike sending one back in turn. "I get why she trusts him, but don't go letting your girlfriend influence your decision here."

"Levi, stow it." Erwins reprimand took the man off guard. For a moment, he thought about saying something in defence before dropping it and remaining silent. "There will be no decisions made until after we've returned."

He wasn't happy, but Levi let it go for now as he continued to focus on his senses, watching out for any sign of Titan life as they returned to Wall Maria.

From atop Wall Maria, Gohan watched the fields before him. The view of his rampage, and Reiner still fighting against the Titans in the distance. He breathed deeply, savouring the crisp fresh air as he thought things through in his mind. By his side, Eren and Mikasa stood in silence, their silent support as they let him think in peace.

Footsteps sounded the end to his contemplations, and he turned to Commander Erwin as he approached him, Levi and Mike in tow.

"So it seems you have some explanations to give."

"That's an understatement." Gohan allowed himself the small chuckle. "It's going to be hard to explain, and you won't all believe me I'm sure."

"We'll give you time. Saddle up, we're heading to Trost to discuss."

Gohan nodded but did not move. "Not just me. There's a lot of people I owe an explanation to. Mikasa and Eren for starters."

Erwin nodded in acceptance. "Anyone else?"

He thought for a moment. "Jean Kirstein, Armin Arlert, Mina Carolina, Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Ilse, Historia, and Ymir…"

"Just half the damn military it seems." Levi snidely added, his temper hot and patience short. "Think we can cram anyone else into this room for your talk?"

Erwin put a hand on Levi's shoulder, subtly telling the man to back down as he continued. "This meeting will be with Commander Pixis, I want to keep this focused on key personnel. Do you think-"

"They need to be there." Gohan interjected, not meaning to be rude but he needed it said. "They all deserve an answer, and this explanation… it's going to take a long time. I need to tell Hannes and Mrs Jaeger… but I'll tell them on my own."

"We'll be there." Eren corrected, accepting no other answer than yes.

Gohan smiled back in appreciation at both he and Mikasa, who nodded likewise in mutual agreement. "That'll be it for now then." He turned back to Commander Erwin. "When do you want us to leave?"

"As soon as we can. Mike, have the requested names ready to accompany us, and make a wagon ready to bring our guest along as well." He motioned to the still sleeping woman, now more thoroughly wrapped in a proper blanket to protect her decency as she was gently laid on the ground. "We'll have to wait until she's awake to find out who she is."

"Dina." Eren answered on instinct. The others al turned to him in surprise, and it took Eren a moment to register just what he had said.

"How… did you know that?" Mikasa asked him, worry clear on her face.

"I don't know…"

"I think that'll be on me to explain then." Ymir walked over to the group of them as Historia supported her with one arm. She wasn't wounded, just tired from using her Titan form for so long. Long distance travel did not suit her Titan form at all. "But if I'm right Eren, then I'm sorry. You're really not going to like the answer."

Trusty_McGoodGuy Trusty_McGoodGuy

AN: Hello all, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm pleased to see most everyone enjoyed last weeks chapter. What I was attempting to type out last week was the forbidden word, p at reon. It seems there's an auto detect and delete function on that... I will likely look into setting one up after I return from my holiday, and as a reminder next weeks chapter will be my last before my break.

In the meantime, let me know what you think with a review, I love to read each and every one of them. If you have questions, feel free to ask them in your reviews and I shall answer them.

Next chapter due: 27/03/2023

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