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25% Guardian of the six gems - (fantasy) / Chapter 5: Running from fate

Chapter 5: Running from fate

Dread it run from it, destiny arrives all the same.

Kyra and Kiara are now in the harbor to board a ship going to one of the other Kingdoms.

They don't even know where to go when they get there. They don't have anywhere to go but all they know is they can no longer stay in their Kingdom. So running is their only option.

Wynstar is so weighty so they have to use her leech to walk with her to the ship before putting her in the cage when they get on the ship. Everyone is making way for them -no one wants to get in the tiger's way- and they earn a lot of stares but they don't care -the only thing on their mind is to leave this Kingdom.

Too many strange happenings have been occurring in their lives -beginning from their mama's death to that strange man, to running away from home, to their mama's missing body, to what the priests told them and to them running away from their homeland- and it's just too much for them to put up with this drastic change.

Never in their wildest dreams did they ever think they will lose the most important and only person in their life, their mama. It is very heart-aching and to top it up, a lot of frustrating things have been happening in their lives enough to make them lunatics.

The girls have finally found a spot on the ship to settle down.

"Go in the cage Wynstar" Kyra tells her pleadingly and she obeys while they lock the cage.

"She has been a good girl all along not being aggressive in any way" Kiara says speaking exactly what's on Kyra's mind.

"Yes been thinking the same too, she has been quiet not even making the slightest sound, I think she understands what's happening" Kyra says earning a nod from Kiara.

"I'm just tired of this run and hide thing" Kiara mentions of the blue.

"I'm fed up too but there isn't much we can do..... I just hope we won't run forever, you know?" Kyra says.

"Yh me too.... We deserve the peace of mind.... We've not gotten a break since mama's death not even a chance to mourn properly I'm just so fed up I'm tired I miss mama.... I don't know what to do Kyra I'm losing my mind" Kiara says while crying hard and Kyra's eyes get teary but she keeps it in like always.

She always cries when Kiara is not around. Always crying herself to sleep trying to muffle the sounds in her uncomfortable pillow.

It's not been easy for them at all can't blame them for crying at every given opportunity.

"It's ok sis..... Everything will be alright" Kyra said talking more to herself than Kiara and getting up to hug her.

"When? How? I'm tired" Kiara asked still sobbing.

"Don't worry I'm here for you ok?" Kyra assured her sister earning a nod from her.

The ship they boarded had a lot of rooms for the people on it. So they were paired in groups of five in each room. Since Kyra and Kiara had a tiger with them no one dared to pair up with them.

Soon evening came.

"I'm hungry" Kiara whined, bringing Kyra out of her thoughts.

"Ok lemme give you some bread that I bought, ok?" Kyra said earning a nod from her

Kyra brings out the bread from her sack, breaks it into two and hands one part to Kiara and takes the rest for herself.

"Thank you" Kiara says to her sister

"You welcome, now eat up" Kyra says and Kiara nods.

Soon they are done eating the bread.

The waves are restless this night.

"I can't sleep" Kiara said.

"Me neither, I feel restless" Kyra replied.

"Let's go outside then, I really want to see the horizon where the water sea and the sky meet.... It would be quite a site and I also want to see to the stars" Kiara suggested and her eyes lit up.

"Yh I want to see it too, we can take Wynstar out too.... Everyone will be sleeping now except the sailor, of course" Kyra added with a slight smile on her face.

"Let's go then" Kiara says with a hint of excitement.

With that they go outside with Wynstar.


In the Heavens

The deities are discussing about Kyra and Kiara and how stubborn they are especially Kyra.

"These girls are so stubborn they intrigue me" Farrack - god of Fire- said smirking.

"Especially Kyra..... the girl is so stubborn she's the one fueling Kiara's stubbornness" Vasha -goddess of Weather- said with a smirk on her face.

"Just like you" Garrick -god of Creation- said mimicking Vasha's smirk earning a playful glare from her and the rest gods chuckled.

"They think they can run from fate... just like that" Vyn - god of Air- laughed out.

"The worst part is they believe we are fantasy" Garrick said.

"I swear on Garrick's life those girls are the strongest unbelievers I've ever encountered" Vasha joked making the rest of the gods laugh and earning a glare from Garrick which she returns with a smirk.

"I'm gonna pay them a visit" Farrack said with his signature smirk playing on his lips.

"They'll be scared to their wits" Nyssa -goddess of nature- said.

"In what form would you appear to them?" Nyssa asked Farrack.

"A gorgeous man in flames... Of course!" Farrack replied and everyone of the gods let out a little chuckle.

" I kinda feel sorry for them... you know they just lost their mother and all this pressure is just so much" Syphyn -goddess of water- who has been quiet the entire conversation spoke up with little sympathy in her voice.

"Anyways they can't escape their fate... they are not the first neither will they be the last to hate their destinies" Garrick said with a shrug

"I know my plan will go through....

so let's just sit back relax and watch" Farrack said with his signature smirk playing on his lips.

"This will be so much fun" Vyn said with amusement in his eyes.


The girls and Wynstar are outside right now, on the ship. No matter how the waves roar, the trio refuses to go inside for safety.


They are just standing and watching the sky. Stupid right? The sea isn't happy tonight but they have decided not to take cover.

Before they could register what was happening and take cover, a huge I mean a very mighty wave lands on the ship -making the ship sway to one direction- taking the girls and Wynstar into the sea.

Kyra, Kiara and Wynstar tried to swim to the surface of the sea when a whale swallows them up in its large mouth.

Before they know it, they found themselves in the belly of a whale.

"What the heck just happened?" Kyra screamed.

"We are in the belly of a whale and we are still alive" Kiara screamed in horror .


But it happened

"Why were we even outside.... What in the hell was wrong with us" Kyra said confused.

"Too late to regret.... Now we wait till this whale digests us" Kiara huffed sitting down on the belly of the whale.

"This place is just so yucked!" Kyra complained joining her sister to sit down while Wynstar lies down next to her.


"Can things get any worse" Kiara grumbled

A few hours later

Thru felt something, sudden. It was like the whale hit something causing them to lose balance.

"What's wrong?" Kiara asked confused.

"I think the whale stopped moving maybe it hit somewhere" Kyra replied.

"Ok.. I-" Kiara was about to say something when they felt movements in the belly of the whale.

Before they knew it they were on shore.... the whale had vomited them out.

"Now what in the hell is happening the whale just vomited us just now... and it's morning , can things get any stranger" Kiara yelled in confusion losing her mind.

"So the money we spent was for vain, but thank the gods we are alive" Kyra screamed.

"Are you sure it's not the work of the gods? I mean the whole whale thing" Kiara said thoughtfully.

"No I don't think so... it's just-" Kyra was about to say something when they heard someone speak.

"You still do not believe that we are real, huh?" They heard someone with a regal voice speak and they turned to see the source.

To say they were shocked was an understatement.

They saw a man in flames. His whole body was on fire from crown of his head to the sole of his feet and he didn't act like he was on fire.

It was as though the fire did him no harm. Like the fire was his own. Like it pleasured him rather than hurt him.

He had a smile plastered across his extremely handsome face.

"Who are you?" Kyra asked the man in shock and Kiara's mouth is open in shock while Wynstar is just staring at this mysterious man.

"I guess your mother must have told you about me, if not, I am Farrack, god of fire" the man in flames introduced himself.

"What!" Kiara screamed now able to talk.

The girl was too shocked that she couldn't utter a word.

"Yes, yes... now can the both of you close your mouths" he said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"You see we the gods have chosen you both to go on the mission.. but since you refused to believe I took it upon myself to come here and talk to you and that 'whale thing' was my idea" Farrack told the girls.

"So you were the one who made us not able to sleep and go outside even tho the waves were big? And was it because of you we were able to see in the whale's belly?, Cuz I was wondering how we were able to see and how we didn't die with the amount of water the whale swallowed" Kyra asked thoughtfully raising her brows at him.

"Yes yes we want you alive so.... " He shrugged "smart girl, exactly why we choose you and especially because of your unbelief, you both are intriguing" Farrack said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Ok since you, deities are so powerful why not just go do it on your own it shouldn't be that hard" Kyra spoke up with so much courage.

"Exactly!" Kiara mumbled.

"You see sweethearts, it's gonna be damn easy for us, dealing with that gross King but what fun will there be if we just do that, you know we could use some show it's really boring up there.... and honestly, we can't just intervene in human business like that there are rules" Farrack said with a smirk.

"Then choose someone else" Kiara said with boldness amusing Farrack.

"You both are the best option.... We have chosen you guys for the job and there is nothing you both can do to change that, so I'll advise you to stop 'running from fate' or else I'll come up with more gross ways to get you back on track" Farrack said with a tired look on his face.

"You'll use these two horses to go back to your village, your tiger has paws so she'll run..... You'll go on an adventure to the 'Dark Forest' you will get to the heart of the forest and you will acquire some alliances on your journey to the heart of the forest and go fight the King afterward and save the day.... Then you, Kyra will become the 'Guardian Of The Six Gems' Easy!" He told them and two horses one black and the other white appear out of nowhere.

"Ok is that all" Kyra asked him with a tired look on her face making Farrack smile.

"What?" Kiara asked Kyra raising her eyebrows comically at Kyra with a confused look on her face.

"What... You heard him we don't have a choice, don't want to get transported in the belly of an elephant next time" Kyra replied with an irritated look on her face and Kiara just looks down sad while Farrack chuckles.

"Belly of an elephant you say, I have more gross plans for you if you decide to run again" Farrack said with his signature smirk playing on his lips.

'Something about this gorgeous man's smirk creeps the hell out of me' Kiara said in her head.

'Oh so you think I'm gorgeous hahaha and a friendly reminder, I am no man, I am a god' Farrack's voice played in Kiara's head and she shot her head up in shock to see him smirking.

Always smirking!

"Ok now I'll leave you two.... here's the map to the 'Dark Forest' " Farrack said and disappeared and a map appeared in Kyra's hand shocking her.

"You are the leader Kyra like he said I and Wynstar are only here to assist you so what do we do now?" Kiara asked Kyra.

Kiara was right, she was not the head and she was glad she wasn't.

"Let's go back to the cottage first we need a break at least for a day" Kyra suggested.

"Of course, at least we have horses now it will be easier than walking back" Kiara said.

"Let's go Wyn baby" Kyra said climbing the back of the black horse.

Kiara didn't complain she just climbed in the white one. Afterall she liked that one

With that they ride to the cottage -with Wynstar crawling beside them- silently praying that they'll find peace.

You often meet your fate on the road you take to avoid it.


Author's note: Hope y'all love this chapter.

It's a funny one.😂

So we've met the gods.

What do you think about them...

They freaking found their selves in the belly of a whale -I actually copied the 'inside the whale' thing from the story in the bible 'Jonah and the big fish' 😂😂

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