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100% Reeva's Diary / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Months later

Today is the day Michael and Nathan graduate from highschool. It is the day they step into the next level in their lives. It's quite scary and exciting at the same time. I bet they are feeling nervous right now hiding under the perfect facadé as not to make anyone worry about them. I assume most guys don't like being pitied, even when everything isn't alright they tend to act like it's alright. I mean, its what most boys do, right?

It's going to be an emotional day for them. They'll be leaving their friends behind, their classmates and most of all they'll be leaving me. And that makes me wonder, will Michael also move on from me like he's doing to highschool. Will he do that leave everything behind and focus.

I've imagined scenarios on my bed when I'm supposed to be sleeping of him leaving me and then end up crying like a psychopath.

We've talked about him going and he told me I'm one person he doesn't dream to forget about.

But in the end, we meet to part and part to meet, right?

I guess I'll never know.

Of course, I'm happy for him. I can't expect him to wait for me to be done with highschool instead of pursuing his dreams. That will be too selfish of me.

I'll miss him, and that's for sure.

Goodnews!!! I got a new phone and it's an iphone.

God just decided to bless my family and I'm ever grateful for it.

I hear the clicking of heels on the perfect marble tiled floor. And then my door opens without warning to reveal my mother standing at my door ready and dressed perfectly. As always.

"How are you my daughter?" She asks with adoration filled in her voice, which I assume it's my brother's graduation and perfect results that has overwhelmed her.

"I'm fine mummy, how are you" I say mirroring her expression.

"I'm fine" she says and heaves a sigh and I see the look of satisfaction on her face.

They say humans are never satisfied with what they have but all I see in my mum's face is satisfaction and content. She looks happy.

She walks into my room and sits down on my bed beside me.

"I'm so grateful for what God has done in our lives" she starts her speech and for the first time in history of my mom advising me I don't feel like zoning out "see where he had brought us to, look at where I live in, growing up I lived in a house like this when I was fourteen years, but I wasn't happy. I worked day and night to be given little food and go to school. My parents were very poor and couldn't take me to school. So as their first daughter they sent me to my uncle's house to work for him and his family. I had no choice than to do all the work in the house and even take care of all the children. I didn't like it but still I didn't have a choice. I was being maltreated by my uncle's wife everyday. Even the clothes I wore were the ones my aunt was tired of using, they were so big but what could I do. I will do all the work and still have to go to school. I never knew a day will come when I'll call a house like this my home. I never knew I could be rich, all I wanted was to eat and go to school." She says and looks at me smiling passionately.

"And you see my dear daughter I hold no grudge against my uncle and his wife" she says looking at me with purity written in her eyes. I know she isn't lying because she has shown me her uncle and aunt and she relates with them like they didn't maltreat her throughout her stay in their house.

"Rather I'm happy, because without them I couldn't have gotten into the university and I wouldn't have seen your father, you see everything happens for a reason. I'm happy I worked for them if not I wouldn't be living a happy life today. They were my ticket to a bright future and I grabbed it. You see it's not all about the present or the past, focus on your tomorrow cuz that's what matters most. Remember cry now laugh later, and no pain no gain" she says looking me in the eye and I nod feeling the need to do so.

"You see I haven't had enough time to talk to you before now so now that I have the chance let me do that" she says looking at me like she's about to go into a more serious topic "You see I want to admonish you to be a very good girl. Don't focus on boys for now, you are to young and it's too much for you. They all want want one thing and that is to get you sprawled on their bed and get in between your legs. They are not healthy for you I'll advice. I always try to talk to your brother, I hope he won't treat any girl badly, and you just try and stay from anything sexual, ok?" She says and I nod "try your best and keep your virginity for your husband. He should be the first and only man to have sex with you. It's how it's meant to be. It's how God expects us to behave. With the help and grace of God you'll be able to keep it till you are married. Remember fornication is a sin." She says then then turns more serious looking at me with the most piercing gaze "promise me you will keep your virginity till you get married" she says looking at me with all seriousness "promise me" she whispered again and I reply saying "yes, I promise mom" I can't help but feel a little anxious with this little promise.

It isn't a big deal, right?

I know deep down I have to keep this promise.

Of course silly, promises are meant to be kept.

After hearing my answer my mom leans closer and hugs me.

"I love you" she whispers and I whisper back "I love you mom".

This is the most my mother has said to me and from the way she looks I bet she has more to say but keeps it all in as we have a graduation to attend.

She pulls out from the hug and starts saying "I'm happy I have all of you. You are all intelligent and beautiful children. I'm proud, look at your brothers result 340 in jamb and straight A's in his WAEC and NECO. He's the head boy and I'm sure he is the Valedictorian for this year. I know you'll do same I trust you and your siblings. You see why I'm happy I worked for my uncle ?" She says with a bright smile on her face. I like my mom cause she always sees the best in people and in bad situations.

She creates good out of bad.

"Ok, ok get ready fast, sorry for delaying you" she says standing up straightening the bed and straightens her dress too- that's my mom always trying to make things perfect.

And I smile and say "no problem mom" and I mean it.

She gives me a bright smile as she leaves my room. And I assume she's the happiest woman on earth.

I just hope I don't ruin that happiness.

I continue with my preparations for the graduation ceremony.

I have already done my hair and my makeup and I pick a white and black polka dot boyfriend gown that has off-shoulders from my wardrobe and wear it and I put on my black strap heels. I pick my purse and stuff my phone, some money and the gift I plan on giving to Michael.

Its a Versace black leather wrist watch. It's really beautiful though. I know he'll like it. I have to give him something he'll use to remember me.I know he won't forget me but I'll still love to give it to him either way.

I go downstairs and enter the kitchen I see my dad and my brother talking and I think they just finished cuz dad just patted Nate on the shoulder and he's leaving. He passes me and we both smile at each other but don't say a word.

It's now I and my dad left in the kitchen.

"Reeva how are you?" My dad asks me.

"I'm fine, you?" I ask him.

"I'm very good" my dad says with a bright smile. I guess everyone is very happy today.

"Be a good girl, Reeva, I know you'll make me proud" he said with a proud smile.

"Yes dad" I say and he walks closer to me and gives me a hug

"Even if I'm not here , make me proud, ok" he says and I see an emotion flash in his eyes but I couldn't decipher what it was.

"Yes dad" I say showing him my brightest smile.

"Ok go eat something we don't want to be late for your brother's graduation" he says and part my back.

I grab some bread and spread butter on it and eat. I won't be eating much today so just three slices would do with a glass of hot chocolate would do.

We all leave the house to assemble in our car.

Our parents allowed Nate to have an after party at our house after the ceremony. I and the twins helped Nate arrange the compound and the house for the after party today. We ordered somethings and cooked somethings too. Nate took everything seriously so we were done with all the preparations yesterday.

The good part is my parents won't be home.


My parents sit at the seat assigned to them at the row the graduates parents or guardians. I seat with my friends at the row where students who aren't graduating are to stay. Zoe and Zara sit at the row for families but not parents. While Nathan seats on the row for graduates. My school likes serenity and orderliness that's why it's like this. We waited for sometime as we arrived a bit early to the ceremony.

The ceremony is being held at the school's multipurpose hall.

Soon Mrs Edith, who introduced herself as the school's secretary and the host of today's ceremony took the podium.

"Good day, Dear parents, families of graduates, Graduates and esteemed students of Cedel Academy" she started her speech and some people reply to her greeting while some didn't which I am among because I'm looking for Michael in the graduates row.

"I am very pleased to have you all here" she says and smiles at the congregation before her "We would begin this ceremony with a speech from a well known entrepreneur in the state, he is a young entrepreneur, he is not only known in Nigeria but also in the continent and some countries in other parts of the world. It is a privilege to have him talk to all of us today as he will or might give us the secret to success in your youth. Let us with a clap offering welcome Mr. Barry Ayomide to the podium" she said and smiled and we all clapped while the famous entrepreneur took the stage.

I wonder how they got him to come here. The school must have gone through a lot to get him here. He is the famous business man that owns a lot of companies in different parts of the world.

It is in deed a privilege to have him talk to us.

He is quite handsome tho now that I have seen him in person. I should get a photograph with him after this ceremony. He's a business celebrity and I just hope his bodyguards don't push me away and he will find favor in my sight and take a picture with me.

"Hello everyone. I'm pleased to be able to talk to you all today. I won't be taking much of your time as I am a man of few but meaningful words" he started his speech which I was surprisingly determined to listen to "Graduating from highschool is a good thing. You are leaving one stage of your life and moving to another stage of life. It means you are making progress. Usually when people are done with highschool they think they have made it and feel on top of the world. But be guided, finishing highschool doesn't mean you have made it so cut those wings" he says and we laugh "You still have more things to accomplish if you want to be great in life. Don't rush!!, Some people will want to take shortcuts to success but mind me shortcuts to success are only road to unforseen destruction. So I will warn you now in advance, as they say to be forewarned is to be forearmed. Do not indulge in illegal practices to make money, like practicing 'yahoo' as it is often called in our country. As you all know yahoo is a very common at this time in our country. Young youths, male and female have used this act to taint our country. I'll urge all of you not to be a part of it. For the end of it like I have said before is not good. And as they always say do not do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. As you wouldn't want to be scammed also do not scam others. And remember what you do to others will surely come back to you one way or the other." He said and paused looking at us like he was serious about the last part he mentioned then he continued again saying "Also les I forget, I urge you all to pursue your dreams and don't give up. Don't let anyone or anything be a road block to your success keep telling yourself 'I can make it and I will make it'. Always make positive affirmations and take good care of yourself. And remember giving up is never an option. That being said, I would like to congratulate all the graduates seated before me today. Thank you" he says and ends his speech exiting the stage proudly with everyone clapping vigorously.

Immediately he got down from the stage he left with two other men in suit. Oh God, my plan to take a couple of selfies with him has been tarnished.

As soon as he left the stage Mrs. Edith took the stage with a bright smile plastered on her face. I wasn't interested in listening to her as I continued looking for where my boyfriend is seated.

I don't want to distract him so I wouldn't call.

Soon I sight him seated at the back area. I stared a bit, he looks good. He's got a new haircut and it really suites him. He finally looked towards me and smirked and I turned my face quickly embarrassed I was caught staring. And I suddenly found interest in what Mrs. Edith was saying.

"-- Let's welcome this year's Valedictorian and Head boy, Nathan Smith to the stage for his speech" Mrs. Edith says into the mic smiling brightly as Nate walked up to the stage. And I saw myself mirror her smile. I was so proud of my brother. I clapped with all my might.

Then I saw my mom get up and shout "that's my son". God this woman just knows how to embarrass somebody. I saw Nate bow his head embarrassingly while walking to the stage and I silently prayed she wouldn't do this on my graduation ceremony.

Nate took the microphone from the overly grinning host and began his speech "Good day everyone-" he said beginning his speech.

Nate soon finished his speech and everyone was applauding for him while he gave the host the mic and went for his seat grinning.

It's now the end of the ceremony and everyone is chatting or taking pics. People are crying here and there. It's an emotional yet exciting scene.

I walk towards my parents, because I know they would want a family picture with Nate. Family goals!!

I really want to go over to Michael now and have a very good time with him but I know better. After taking pictures I can find a way to get to him.

We took a lot of family pictures together. Nate and Michael took pics and I and Michael took pics too it was fun somehow. But I still was worried that Michael will be leaving me, but of course I masked it with a smile.

I gave Michael his gift and he likes it.



You should skip the remaining part of this chapter if you don't want to read about anything sexually related. But if you don't mind you can read this part and you won't miss some little details.

Soon our parents dropped us home to prepare for the after party and they left as promised.

Everything was set.

Michael and three other guys which I assume to be Chidindu, Ryan and Joshua -I've met with them a couple of times so I know, they are Nathan's friends- arrived at our house.

And I see Michael wearing the wristwatch and I smile, it suits him.

We all greeted each other and Nate introduced Zara and Zoe to his friends.

"Hey cupcake" Michael said walking over to me and embracing me and I felt shy and happy at the same time he was calling me that in the presence of his friends.

"Hey babe" I said smiling shyly and hugging him back.

"Oh com'on, get a room dudes" Chidindu said with a grin on his face and the rest of them laugh and I immediately wished to wipe that annoying grin off his face.

Chidindu is always teasing people.

Michael just took my hand walking away ignoring him.

Soon more graduates started to come in. I invited Stephanie and the rest, I know Stephanie is coming for sure but I don't know if the rest will come.

I wouldn't even know if they come as I'll be spending most of my time with Michael.

"Come let's go to your room" Michael says and grabs my hand. I just thank God my room is clean, it's always clean though but I put in some extra touches. I kind of had an idea we will end up in my room.

"Ok follow me" I said leading him up the spiral staircase and down the hall to my room.

We walked into my room and I suddenly became conscious. Maybe it's because Michael is in my room? Or maybe it's because we are in it together? I couldn't help but ask because he was staring at the room way too kuch "What is it, you want to go back outside* I asked and grimaced a bit.

"What? No" he said scrunching up his face "you have nice room Reeva" he complimented going to sit on the bed.

"Thanks" I say not really knowing what to say as I sat down with him.

"It's pretty big though" he added.

"I'll really miss you Michael" I say totally ignoring what he just said "We'll keep in touch" he said cupping my face in his large palm.

"But I'll hardly see you, you will be out of the country, how's that even going to work" I say as my eyes begin to well up.

"Don't cry baby, everything will work out, ok?" He says looking at me in the eyes.

"Yes" I say sniffling and cleaning my eyes.

I'm scared Michael will dump me when he sees those white chicks.

"I don't like white chicks" he says as if he read my mind "and I will not leave you" he says and kisses my lips. He pulls away after sometime and I grab him back and press my lips to his suddenly biting his lower lips asking for entrance and he moans a little and I stick my tongue in his mouth exploring it and tasting every part of it.

We pull away from each other parking and trying to catch it breaths.

"I feel like I you" I tell him honestly.

"I like you too, obviously and that was intense" he says with a grin plastered on his face and I felt that thightening feeling in my stomach.

He brought his lips to mine again and kisses me a bit more roughly. He starts tracing kisses down my neck and my collarbone causes me to moan.

"I really like you Reeva" he said into my ear with his voice husky.

He reaches for the back of my dress and unzips it.

"The door" I say suddenly remember that we didn't lock it and anybody could just walk in.

He stands up to lock the door understanding exactly what I meant.

He walks back to the bed planting himself before me and continues to unzip my dress. Then he easily unhooks my bra skillfully and removes it tossing it to the side.

He starts tracing kisses from my neck. His lips a bit wet and hot making my skin burn under his touch. While he trails kisses on my skin he kind of blows air from his mouth making my skin tingle and causing me to moan in pleasure. It's an enjoyable feeling.

He gets to my breasts and cups them in his large palms. "Your breasts are large" he says looking at them like they are some biology specimen and I suddenly become shy hiding my face.

"Don't be shy, they are pretty" he coos looking at me and I become more shy again covering my face and bowing my head.

"Aww, you are so cute cupcake, the name suits you" he teases

Can this boy not continue teasing me.

He places his hot mouth to my left breast and sucks softly on it while carefully massaging the other causing me to moan in esctacy. He uses his teeth to graze my breast a little and I let out a louder moan. Good he's so good.

"Don't stop Michael!" I moan into his ears.

"I love you baby" he says on my breast. And I suddenly want to feel his body on mine.

I grab the hem of his shirt and try pull it off but he takes it and pulls it in a swift move instead.

I immediately grab his face kissing him and pressing our bodies together. I raise my hips to his level grinding on him. He's pretty hard.

He stops kissing me abruptly and I gasp in surprise.

"What?" I ask him

"Do you want to do this?" He asks with a soft look in his eyes.

"I- I- do-n't um I don't know" I stutter and bite on my lower lip nervously. Why am I nervous?? I want this. Don't I??

"See cupcake I don't want to make you do anything that you don't feel comfortable doing, we can wait for later okay?"

"It's not like I don't feel comfortable doing this it's my mom, she wouldn't be happy if I do this now she even made me promise I'll be a virgin till marriage"

He chuckles a little bit and I frown "what?" I ask him.

"Nothing you are just so cute" he says making me blush.

"So we aren't going to do anything?" I ask him in a whisper bowing my head

"We won't have sex, but I can still give you the pleasure you need" he says with a smirk playing on his lips and I shoot up my head.

He pulls the dress completely off me and pulls my underwear with a swift move.

"Open your legs for me" he oders looking up at me through his eyes lashes and I slowly obey without argument.

"Wider" he commands and I do it.

"Beautiful" he whispers and I felt those stupid butterflies jubilating.

He starts placing soft hot kissing on my thighs giving me a tingling sensation. He trails kisses on both my thighs he reaches the entrance of my flower garden and kisses the skin close to it and then kisses my entrance a few times causing me to make series of beautiful moans.

He starts over by trailing kisses up my thighs and when he gets to my flower garden he flicks my pussy with his tongue causing me to moan his name and grab his hair.

He stops for a moment "don't stop please" I beg.

"Sweet" he says licking his mouth and I'm wondering how a pussy can be sweet.

He continues flicking his tongue over my pussy and then takes in his index finger and he fingers the hell out of me and I roll my eyes back in pleasure.

"You look extremely beautiful" he says looking up at me.

He continues and then I feel my inners tighten "faster" I moan.

He obeys and I feel my pussy release a liquid. I rest my head on the headboard of my bed panting.

And there you go my 'very first orgasm'.

"You feel good?" He asks me and I nod not having it in me to respond.

Sheet catching my breath "What about you? Let me make you feel good too" I ask pointing at the part bulging out in his trousers.

"You want to give me a bj?" He asks with amusement in his eyes.

"If you want, I mean yes, but I haven't done it before but I would like to give it a try for you" I tell him.

"Ok" he said smirking and his immediately unzips his trousers and pulls it with his boxers in a swift move and his dick is before me.

He rest his head on my headboard and I stay on the bed in between his legs. I start to become a little bit nervous.

I hold his dick and place my lips on it and go down slowly licking it.

"Stop teasing" he grimaces.

I start sucking on it faster. My mind tells me to flick my tongue on the tip and I do it and he jerks moaning my name "oh Reeva you are so good" and I get the courage to do more.

I use my teeth to graze on him a little bit making him moan. I continue to suck harder and while flicking my tongue and grazing my teeth on him from time to time and he keeps moaning and the sounds are like music to my ears encouraging me to continue. And then I look up at him through my lashes white my mouth is latched to his dick "Keep looking at me like that" he says in a husky voice.

"I feel so good Reeva" he moans and jerks forward into my mouth and he releases a hot thick salty liquid which I assume to be sperm and I swallow it down. We lay on the bed for sometime "get dressed" he says getting up and lifting me up "lets go out before it's gets too suspicious"

It's already suspicious.

"That was the best bj I've ever received, It was amazing Reeva, If I didn't know you well I would have said you were lying about it being your first time" he says and I blush.

We dress up quickly and leave my room. The party is still going on.

Its not like we spent hours in there.

"Go hang out with your friends, ok? Let me go see the guys I bet they've been looking for me" he says and I nod and walk away looking for my friends.

I see Stephanie in the kitchen pouring herself some wine "hey girl" I say approaching her.

"Hey were have you been?" She asks looking at me suspiciously with a growing smirk on her face.

"I was with Michael"

"Oooo" she coos "so what were you two doing" she says waggling her eyebrows and taking a sip of her wine.

"Nothing much"

"You guys had sex" she says with a smile on her face.

"No no" I say a little bit quickly "he just ate my pussy and I gave him a blowjob that was all" I tell her and she frowns a little bit but covers it immediately and I wanted to ask her why but I just pushed it aside.

She has been encouraging me to have sex with Michael so I think she is disappointed I didn't, but who cares *shrug*.

"Ok but enjoyed it right?"

"Yes, so what about you and Nathan?"

"We did it" she says smiling dreamily "he was hot"

"Good for you, anyways where are the others?"

"They are socializing and exploring your lovely house" she says smiling.

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