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85.71% Reeva's Diary

Chapter 11

The holidays have begun.

You feel the festivities as you walk in every street. Christmas trees in every home, office or malls. Every single mall and boutique are bustling with people looking for presents for loved ones or outfits for the season. Hair dressers and tailors are not exempted as a lot of people are in their shops wanting to make their hair and see clothes for Christmas. Everyone wants to look good on Christmas day no doubt. It's a beautiful holiday, even the hamarttan this year is mild.

Christmas is next week Friday and I can't wait. Mummy is going to cook all types of delicious dishes you could ever think of. I and my siblings will pick a whole lot of outfits for this season as we have decided to have lots and loads of fun.

Today is Thursday and I am hanging out with Seth. I hope everything goes well.

I sit up on my bed yawning and rubbing my eyes from sleep.

I walk into my bathroom lacadastically, fill my tub with hot water and little cold water and add some liquid soap in it till it's foamy I step inside and rest my head. It's been a long time since I have done this and it's so relaxing. No rush, no stress, no school, just relaxation.

I play some music while relaxing in the bathtub then I wash my hair with my shampoo -I recently loosed my hair, I'll make another one before Christmas. It took me sometime to realize that I am supposed to leave the bathtub.

I get out of the tub and brush my teeth, I attend my visit with Mr. White -I clear my stomach in the toilet- and your a towel on my wet hair.

I go into my room and get the hair dryer on my dress up table and blow dry my hair. Ever since my dad's company started progressing he has been providing us with constant electricity, we no longer depend on NEPA -National Electric Power Authority- for electricity.

My hair is so full and black still in it's natural state, I have refused to relax or perm my hair -to make it look like a white's hair- as I like it the way it is curly and thick. Afro has always been my style. I dress up and pack my hair neatly not forgetting to rub Vaseline on my skin to avoid looking like a snowman on the streets.

I go downstairs and join my family in eating. Soon I was I go back to my room and rinse my mouth with a wise amount of mouthwash.

I go back downstairs after adding some finishing touches. My dad is sitting down in the sitting room.

"Reeva where do you think you are going to?" My dad asks me with a stem voice.

"I'm going out to do somethings and have a little fun in the mall, you know they have so much amazing dishes and it's been so long since I tried some, pleeeeaaase" I partially lie to my dad as I am actually going out with Seth snd of course I'll try a lot of dishes.

"Ok be good girl and come back before 3 o'clock" he tells me.

Phew! that was easy

"Thanks dad bye" I say and he nods and I leave the house quickly before he changes his mind and says 'let's all go to the mall together as a family as we haven't done that in a long time', that will be a huge disaster.

I leave the estate and stop a taxi. I take out my phone and see two missed calls from Seth and I call him to tell him I'm on my way and he tells me he's almost there.

"We are here" the taxi driver tells me as I didn't notice because I was on my phone.

"Ok, thanks" I say politely and hand him his money, he takes it and gives me my change. I walk into the mall it's really busy, every store is full of people as Christmas is just around the corner.

I take out my phone and call Seth and he tells me he is in the food court and I rush there not to keep him waiting.

I get to the food court and it's really hard to locate him. I finally see him at a corner using his phone and I walk over to him before he disappears in thin air.

"Hey, I hope I didn't keep you waiting" I ask Seth and I mean it, I don't like people keeping me waiting so I shouldn't do same to others.

"Nahh" he say with a smile -that's what they always say even though they have been waiting for an hour "so what do you want to do first?" He asks

"What do you want to do first I'm ok with anything" I tell him.

"Ok, I was thinking we should see a movie first. What do you think?" He asks me.

"I'm fine with that" I say with a smile.

We walk to the cinema area and stand in line for tickets to an emotional romance movie. I hope I don't cry in there because I'm an emotional wreck. I even cry while watching an emotional cartoon at times or reading an emotional novel I'm just so emotional.

It takes a good amount of time before it gets to our turn to buy tickets and my legs are aching me I can't wait to place my ass on the cinema chairs.

We buy or tickets and go into the cinema area and we take our seats. I go outside and tell Seth to keep my seat for me to buy three packs 'Cheese balls' for myself as I am craving it right now. I get back and take my seat beside Seth.

Soon the movie starts and at the middle of the movie my prayer not to cry was for vain as I cried so well. It's one of those cliché cancer movies that still happen to make me cry each time I watch them. A girl fell in love with a boy that had cancer in the process of helping him finish his bucket list. It was too painful that the boy had to die, I felt the girl's pain. I imagined myself in her shoes and I saw that I wouldn't be able to bear the pain.

"Whoa that was emotional, but do you always cry when watching these type of movies?" Seth ask me with a smile as we leave the cinema area.

"Yh, sometimes" I say sniffing and laughing at myself for crying and using my hand to rub my eyes.

'It's just a movie' I keep telling myself.

"So let's eat something and talk so we can go home, ok?" He ask me and I nod still sniffing.

We arrive at the food court. I order a hamburger, two chilly dogs and fanta while he takes deep fried chicken and coke.

"Thank you, the movie was good" I say before taking a bite of my hamburger.

"You are welcome" he replies me.

"So  let's do something, you tell me one funny thing that you have experienced and I'll say mine, I want to laugh a bit" he says then takes a sip of his coke and smiles.

"Ok, so we had this huge dog in our house and my annoying grandma came to the house and wanted to play with my younger sister and the dog thought it was an attack and he ran off and grabbed her butt with it's teeth.... It was so funny and I had to keep a straight face" I say as both of us laugh hard "Or the day I told my siblings I could eat red chilly pepper raw and they gave it to me and I chewed everything and smiling like an idiot, my tongue was literally on fire but I kept telling everyone I was ok, I drank six cups of water and even put ice blocks in my mouth but it didn't stop, God I nearly died that day just because I wanted them to praise me" I say laughing hard as he joins me in laughing. "Your turn" I tell him

"In primary school I and one of my friend had malaria, we went to the sick bay and they gave us malaria drugs and you know how bitter it is" he says with disgust written all over his face "we took it back to the class and my friend used water to take his own and the whole class was praising him saying they couldn't take malaria drugs and then I wanted more praises so I threw the medicine in my mouth and chewed every single thing and drank water I was dying inside but I was smiling they all asked me if it isn't bitter and I said it is not bitter that I do it all the time and they praised me" Seth says laughing.

"You were stupid" I say laughing.

"I won't argue on that one, but you were too" he says still laughing hard.

Soon we were done eating. We bid farewell and I board a taxi to home.

'Hanging out with Seth isn't that bad afterall' I think on my way home.

I get a call from Stephanie and I pick it.

"Hello" she screams through the phone and I remove the phone frome my ear instinctively.

"Hello what's up?" I ask her.

"I just called to tell you that they are releasing our results tomorrow" she says and my heart beat increases, I wasn't expecting it, I know I'll do well but I'm just used to topping the class.

"Ok?" I say through the phone.

"Ummm you can check it online and can come to school, but I want us to go together" she tells me.

"Ok, so what time tomorrow?" I ask her.

"2 o'clock" she says.

"Ok see you then" I tell her.

"Bye" she says and I hang up.

Soon the taxi stopped at my estate and I alighted the car and walked to my house.

Phew I made it before 3 o'clock.


Today is Friday and I'm going to take my results with Stephanie and I'm a little nervous.

I go to the bathroom, have a nice bath and brush my teeth. I spent about an hour in the bathroom.

I go downstairs to eat with my family.

"Good morning mom and dad" I greet my parents as I join them in eating breakfast.

"Good morning" they reply with bright smiles on their faces.

"Dad I am going to collect my results from school today" I inform my dad.

"You can just browse it online, why the stress?" Nathan asks me.

Why does this boy have to be like this.

"I want it printed that's why I'm going" I tell him eyeing him and he shrugs.

"So by what time" my dad asks me ignoring I and Nathan's chatter.

"12 o'clock" I reply and he nods.

"Ok don't waste unnecessary time" my dad warns as he points his index finger at me giving me a knowing look.

Soon we were done eating so I go upstairs and get my phone and my bag. I go downstairs to watch tv till 11:30am. I call Stephanie and she meets me at my house. And we board a taxi to go to school.

We get to school and we go to our class teacher who hands us our results after checking for ours in the pile of students results on his desk.

I glance at my result without letting Stephanie see it. My average is 93% and I am second in science class and overall third in the whole of Grade 11. I quickly arrange my result in a file and put it in my bag.

"What is your position?" Stephanie asks me.

"I'm not telling you, you will see it next year when you resume" I tell her keeping my bag away from her.

"Please na" she whines but I don't give in to her pleads.

"Because I don't like showing anyone my result" I tell her and she grumbles till we board a taxi to go back to the estate.

She keeps nagging me about showing her my results but I don't give in.

Soon we get to the estate and Stephanie storms angrily to her house and I go home too. I know she won't be angry with me forever *shrug*.

I go into the house and go straight to my room till God knows when.

The whole day went by so fast and I'm on my bed again to sleep till the next morning.


Waking up this morning I'm thinking about Michael. He called earlier saying we should go out. We have not gone out together in a long time and it hurts. I'm a bit excited about seeing him today.

I do my usual bathroom routine, dress up and join my family downstairs to eat.

I finish eating and call Michael and he tells me he'll be on his way. I leave the house telling my parents that I am going to the gym for workouts.

Michael says we are going to the park today so I board a taxi going to the park. I come down from the car when the driver stops in front of the amusement park. I call Michael and he says I should meet him at the ferris wheel ride and I meet him there. He hugs me so tight and I hug him to. We've missed each other.

"So are we riding that thing" I say in horror pointing at the ride.

"Yes" he laughs out finding the horror look on my face funny.

What a gentle man.

"We are not riding that thing?" I tell him.

"Yes we are, or are you scared" he tells me with a smirk playing on his lips.

"God knows I won't climb that thing" I tell him and before I know it he lifts me up above his shoulder.

Am I that light.

"Drop me down, you goat" I say while hitting his back. People are looking at us, some are smiling, some adults have a look of disdain on their face that says who are these untrained brats or don't they have parents.

"Here" he says dropping me in the line where we get to pay to get on the ride and he holds me by the waist firmly so I don't get to run. We pay and he practically forces me to get in the ride. Before I got in it was war, people were shouting at me to go in, it was quite embarrassing but who cares, they didn't see the boy that was taking me in the ride against my will.

Throughout the ride I was hitting Michael and screaming 'I WILL NOT DIE YOUNG' with tears streaming down my face in horror and Michael found the whole situation funny.

"You are a DEVIL" I tell Michael as we get down from the ride.

"You are my angel" he said smiling and I smile shyly and he pinches my cheeks.

He always manages to make me smile.

We take the boat ride and I hold Michael really tight so I wouldn't fall into the water as I know I'll die if I fall, and we take a few other rides and we head to the ice cream stand to get some.

"So what's your favorite flavor" he asks me.

"It's chocolate" I tell him.

"Mine is vanilla" he says "Give me one chocolate and one vanilla" he tells the man selling the ice cream.

He gives us and we start licking the ice cream.

"You lick your ice cream like baby, look at your top you've already stained it, and you have ice cream all over your lips" Michael says laughing and reaches out to help me clean it and I slap his hand.

"Oww! what was that for" he says acting like he's hurt.

"Leave me alone" I say walking away and he runs after me and hugs me from behind and I feel butterflies dancing in my belly and my stomach tightening.

Oh God he knows how I like this.

"I'm sorry baby, you are just so cute" he says kissing my neck and the butterflies in my stomach double and they start doing somersaults.

This boy is a DEVIL.

"I forgive you" I tell him and he turns around and kisses me on the cheek and I'm sure if I was fair I would be as red as a tomato now.

We leave the park hand in hand and he books a cab and takes me home before going he goes home. He never lets me go alone in a car he says it's not safe.

I enter the house and see my both parents in the sitting room.

"Where are you coming from young lady?" My dad ask in a very stern tone.

"Those your legs don't like staying at a place" My mom says angrily.

"It's Saturday I went to the gym then branched the mall to get some things" I lie raising a small bag filled with somethings I bought from the park.

"So can't you be fast, look at the time it is 4 o'clock" My mom says eyeing me.

"I'm sorry" I say, I'm just too exhausted to deal with my parents right now.

"Go to you room and don't try this again" my dad says  with his usual threatening look and I run upstairs to my room.

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