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78.57% Reeva's Diary

Chapter 11: Chapter 10

Christmas is coming soon.

Here in Nigeria, we don't have snow falling -winter- in December like in most European countries, we usually experience hamarttan this period. It's like like cold and dry at the same time, the sun shining bright with brisk wind hitting your skin and no rain at all.

Your whole body will be whit, really dry and cracked if you don't take proper care by applying lotion to your skin.

This is the season where the Almighty 'Vaseline' becomes your skins best friend if you want to walk around the streets not looking like dust was of all over you.

And your lips are no exemption to this catastrophe, as they will be cracked if you don't use lip gloss on them. Even most boys use lip gloss during this period. Nate usually borrows mine saying 'his lips are too beautiful and he can't risk them'.

So don't mind anyone who carries Vaseline and lip gloss everywhere -it's normal.

It's early December now, and our school is about to go on Christmas break or holidays indicating the end of first terms school activities and the beginning of Christmas festivities.

This is the time where people celebrate without even knowing the reason behind the Holiday. It's about the birth of Christ -to celebrate him- but nobody cares even people who aren't Christains or do not even know anything about Christainity still celebrate Christmas *shrug*.

I'm in no trouble or tense situation as our exams for first term are to begin due to my daily adequate preparations. I'm so sure of getting an average above 90 at the end of this term.

I and Michael's relationship has been good, little quarrels and no cheating apart from that one time I caught him kissing one of his classmates. And he's utterly busy with mock exams and all, as 12th Grade students will be writing their external exams -WAEC, NECO and JAMB- next term. I pray Nathan and Michael get good grades so they'll get admitted to the university of their choice. I don't have much to pray about as they are both outstanding students.

As for Steph and I, we have gotten to the next level of our friendship. She's been good though. I like her more now and she's got a lot of fun up her sleeves.

We've opened up to each other. Well when I say 'we' I mean just 'her' as I don't have lots of secrets or fun facts about me tell. She told me about her she lost her virginity at the age of 13 and I'm 16 going on 17 but I'm not thinking about losing it anyone soon.

I know I'm with Michael and all but I don't know about losing my virginity yet. I just want to see where all of this goes first. As far as I'm concerned, Highschool and love don't mix.

It's total crap!.

I know it's like 'after you confessed your feelings and he did same and you guys already said you love each other'. But I think the whole conversion thing was just a joke-not like joke joke.... urrgh you know what I mean- not that I wasn't serious. It's just that I don't know what love feels like and all. And I'm still at the very beginning of this journey they call 'life' and I'm in no rush to see the middle of the road not to talk of it's end.

It's slow and steady for me.

I honestly don't know if his confession was true but I just want to keep negativity aside, embrace positivity and believe that he at least likes me the way I like him.

I don't know about love, but I do feel these annoying butterflies dancing and cheering in my stomach anytime he touches me or kisses me, I do feel shy and nervous under his gaze, the way my heart flutters at his simple gestures and the way I can't seem to pack him out of the large space he has occupied in my mind- he's living rent free in my head.


My dad's company has been doing really great lately. And it's just so amazing because we are going to be rich. What am I saying, we are already rich and dad says he's building a lovely new house -he wants it unique so that's why he's building instead of buying one- and we will be able to pack in in the 'New Years' and I honestly can't wait.

Anyways, I have to go to school as we are writing our first papers today. I'm a little nervous as my exam scores cumulated with my test scores will determine my position in class. In my former school I usually rank first in my class always setting a record, but the thing is I didn't have all these distractions -a boyfriend and friends who deem fun so important- so right now I don't know. So the thing is I don't know what to expect if I'm gonna top the class or not. *shrug*

I am already neatly dressed up for school in my perfect uniform as today it's Monday. I rush downstairs to join my siblings in eating breakfast. My parents have been busy lately cuz of work so they leave early so we don't get to do 'morning devotions' and that's a huge relief in my part I'm sure my siblings are glad too.

"Good morning peeps" I greet my siblings happily while sitting down at our wooden dining table.

"Good morning" they say all eyeing me suspiciously.

"Why are you so happy?" Zoe asks squinting her eyes at me.

"We are starting our first papers today and it's Chemistry and English and I'm just so excited for Chemistry and I'm so prepared" I say smiling brightly at her ignoring their suspicion.

"Are you sure it's not because of Michael" Zara asks inquisitively.

"Exactly what I was thinking same" Nate said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Come on guys I saw Michael on Friday last week..... What's wrong with you guys" I say with my eyes wide open surprised they hadn't fallen out of their sockets.

Soon we finish eating and head for school.


I arrive at my desk in my class bringing out my study book from my bag to revise what I jotted down while reading. The class is noisy so I'll just try to focus. Everyone is trying to get the whole book in their head but I see that as a mission impossible. I think you just have to study regularly to study well.

I see Steph walking towards my desk from the corner of my eye.

"Hey girl" Steph smiles brightly stopping at my desk.

"Heyyy .... I'm busy" I tell her the obvious while focusing on my book.

"Can't I just stop by to say hi to my bestie anymore" she whines.

"I'm sorry but I need to finish this" I say apologetically pointing at my book.

"I know you love your education more than me..... You can go on with your work you bookworm" she fires and storms away, I don't have tone to pursue her so I shake my head shrugging sheepishly and vote my head to my book to continue reading.

Soon it was time for our first paper, Chemistry -my best subject- to begin. *squeal*

"Settle down class, it's time for your first paper" Our invigilator speaks up causing students to tense up running about trying to do the 'eleventh-hour reading' -last minute reading- and I drop my books in my bag and place it aside awaiting my paper.

"I don't have time for this nonsense.... If you are not settled down in a minute I'll share the scripts for those seated and those who aren't will wait for 30 minutes before beginning the paper and mind me I'll retrieve your scripts at the same time" our invigilator threatens causing those who aren't settled down to run to their seats abandoning their books not caring were they place them. Ave the invigilator starts to share or scripts to us.

Soon we are done with the papers for today. The exam was a breeze actually.

Today I'll have to wait an extra hour for Nate as his papers are ending one hour after mine. But I don't mind as some of my classmates will be waiting behind, maybe even Stephanie.

I'm just standing by my desk when I see Seth walking towards me.

"Hey" he says smiling at me.

"Hey" I reply him with a smile

"How were your papers?" he asks me smiling nervously and scratching the back of his head.

"Since when do you ask me 'how my papers went'? " I ask him raising a brow at him.

"Since now" he says smiling slipping his hands in the pockets of his trousers that are hanging loosely on his waist -the belt is utterly useless, for fancy.

Since when did this boy turn a nervous smiling wreck.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask him rolling my eyes.

"Ok ok I just want to be your friend that's all" he says scratching the back of his head.

"Ok.... they were fine how about your's" I reply his question from earlier.

"Fine so...." He replies then laughs saying "this seems awkward"

"Yh" I join him laughing "what do you actually want" I ask him raising a brow at him.

"Ummm....was just wondering if you'd want to hang out" he says scratching the back of his head which by now I assume is a nervous action.

"Ok sure... But fun fact, I have a boyfriend" I tell him so he won't think I'm leading him on. "So when will that be" I ask him.

"After our exams" he smiles, then I see Stephanie walking towards us.

"Hey girl" she squeals while literally jumping on me.

"Ummm bye Reeva" Seth says and starts walking away.

"Byeee" I scream at his retreating figure and he stops and slightly turns his head to the side giving me a slight smile before walking again, just like Adrien from Miraculous Ladybug.

Gosh that was hot.

"What was that about?" Steph asks squinting her eyes at me.

"Just talking" I say rolling my eyes at her sudden suspicion.

"But I saw some tension between you two and the way he turned around giving you that hot smile .... You have a bf Reev" she says trying to pry the words or of me.

'oh so she sees his smile as hot too" I think

"Nothing...he just asked me if I'll like to hang out sometime and I made it clear to him I have a boyfriend" I tell her honestly.

"Ok" she says still looking at me suspiciously.

"What?.... You don't trust me" I say balling my eyes out.

"Ok... I trust you" she says finally "Ummm I can't wait till Nate finishes his paper my mom called me saying I should come home.... So bye" she said and hug me and I bid her farewell.


"Oh I was so tired of waiting" I groan at Nathan.

"Where's Steph?" He asks ignoring my statement.

"My exams were fine" I say pissed without being asked that he doesn't even care to ask and he rolled his eyes "she said her mom needed her for something" I tell him glaring at him and someone hugs me from behind and I know exactly who it is, Michael.

"Hey cupcake, how are you?" He asks

"I'm good babe" I say smiling looking up at his face behind me still hugging me from.

Nate rolls his eyes and says "get a room you two" and he just walk away seeing that we are ignoring him.

"I'm fine, how many times do I have to tell you that when someone asks you how you doing you reply and ask them back" Michael said shaking his head and smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry daddy" I say smiling innocently at him.

He laughs saying "you should call me that often"

"Yes daddy" I say again and he smiles

"Let's go your brother will be waiting" Michael says and I just reply with "ok"

We leave the class hand in hand and I see the girl I saw him kissing and hatred bills all over me.

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