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64.28% Reeva's Diary

Chapter 9: Chapter 8

"Oh my God" I said waking up from sleep. I think I just had the longest sleep ever.

Today I won't be going to the gym today because of my date with Michael. I would lie to my parents I'm going to the gym. I can't tell them I'm going on a date.

I don't want them preaching the good gospel to me, not on a Saturday morning.

I rush to the bathroom, have a nice bath and brush my teeth. I go downstairs to eat breakfast with my family. So I go to the living room to join the rest.

"Good morning mom and dad" I greeted my parents. My siblings are still in their rooms.

"Good morning sweetie" my mom smiled at me which I returned

"Good morning, how are you?" My dad asked

"I'm good" I replied to him

"Ree please come join me in the kitchen let's prepare what we will eat this morning" my mom pleaded with me but I know that's an order I don't have a choice at all.

"Ok ma" I told my mom

I followed her into the kitchen.

"If you like don't wear the apron and the toque that is on the island over there because I don't want hair in my food" she said pointing at the Island.

My mom is strict about kitchen hygiene, infact hygiene in general.

"Yes ma" I said grabbing my stuff

"What are we cooking mom?" I asked my mom while washing my hands with soap and water in the sink because I don't want my mother telling me to do it with a spank.

"Egusi soup and fufu" she replied to me. I love this food, but preparing the fufu is just the part I dislike. My mom usually buys already pounded and sieved fufu, our work is just to add water to it and stir till it is solid and cooked properly. As easy as it sounds don't underestimate the turning of the fufu, God it's stressful as fuck.

" Bo bo (come come) use the pink plate in the fufu container to collect six plates of fufu and put it in that big pot over there-" she said pointing to a pot at the corner. And I was silently praying that she would want to make the fufu herself and not me.

"Add water to it and stir it with the akpaso (wooden spatula) on the stove if you like add too much it's you and your siblings that will eat it till it finishes I will just make eba for me and my husband" and no my prayers were not answered. God whyyy

And with that I started making the fufu and I tried my best not to spoil it because I can't eat fufu that was not made well while my mother made the egusi soup on the other side of the gas cooker.

By the time I was done or when I felt like I was done with it, my hands were aching seriously like I just lifted a dumbbell set for hours.

"Ama (girl) why are you turning off the stove" my mom asked me

"I'm done ma" I told her

"You are done with what?" She asked sarcastically while looking into the pot and I was about to say something when she cut me off

"When I tell you to watch me while I do things in the kitchen you will not agree you will be lying down on your bed and using your phone. Always on your phone. You are not even done making it and the under part of the fufu got burnt in your presence. Is this how you will make fufu in your husband's house ehnn?" She scolded me and I shook me head. God my mother will not kill me. I am not always on my phone what is she saying

"I will not die young" I said in my head, a phrase I say when I'm tired or fed up. And God knows I'm both tired from turning this fufu and fed up from my mom scolding me.

"I'm not always on my phone o" I grumbled quietly but enough for her to hear. This was what upset the most like how I'm I always on phone. And these are those moments I say I'm not the best daughter a parent could have. What can I say I try.

"So I can't talk to you again, can't you keep quiet when someone is correcting you and apologize must you talk back, can't you hold that mouth of yours" she scolded me angrily with her voice raised I don't understand why she is angry.

"I just said I am not always on my phone which is true" I told her again

"Your mouth will put you in trouble one day" she said pointing at me

"Abeg shift let me do this thing well , if you go outside now they will say I didn't train you well" she said angrily only if she knows I'm only trying to keep it in.

And with that I took off the apron and the toque and left the kitchen to arrange the dining table.

"Instead of you to stay you are walking out on me, God where did I go wrong in traning this child" my mom said

"I wasn't walking out on you, I was going to arrange the table and by the way you were done talking" I told her and I raised my voice so she could hear me

"Look at the way you are talking to me, who are you raising your voice at, can't you just shut up when being scolded or I don't have the right to scold my child" she said losing it

"God I raised my voice so you could hear me" I groaned. Just shut up Reeva, this won't take you anywhere you know your mom.

My mind says 'just keep quiet and apologize' but my mouth is saying 'I am right and I'll defend myself'.

Defending myself even with my elders is a habit that the heavens know I'm trying to stop but because of my temper it's not easy, like the saying 'easier said than done'. It's not easy at all especially when I'm right.

"You are groaning at me ?" My mom asked me looking shocked. Like is that the first time I've done that

"What is happening here?" My dad asked walking to the kitchen.

"It's your daughter here that doesn't have manners, always talking back at me, she even walked out" she told my dad.

"I-" I was about to say something.

"Shut up, enough of this" my dad shouted at me cutting me off at the beginning of my protest to my mum's accusations.

"Fine" I groaned and walked out finding it hard to shut up.

" Look at her behavior" I heard my mom say while I walked out but I tried my best to shut up and leave her cuz I know my mom.

I left and arranged the table and later went back to the kitchen to get the food my mom served for everyone on two trays and arranged the plates of food on the table.

My siblings arrived about two minutes later after they finished doing their chores in the house. And we all sat down to eat breakfast.

Soon we were done and I left for my room while Nathan and the twins went to the living room to watch tv. I would have loved to watch tv with then but I have a date with Michael

I get into my room, set my alarm till 12pm and climb on my bed to sleep till that time.


Few hours later

'Beep beep beep' I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I have to prepare for the swim date with Michael.

I brush my teeth, wash my face arrange my hair, dress up in gym clothes I pack my swimming trunk, some money for my transport, my soap, vaseline and my phone in my cross bag and head downstairs.

My mom is in the living room and to leave the house you have to pass to the living room. I have no choice than to use my planned lie.

"Young lady where do you think you are going to?" my mom's stern voice filled the room stopping me in my tracks.

"I'm going to the gym, I couldn't go early today" I told her

After what felt like forever she finally spoke

"Ok you can go" my mom permitted me scrutinizing me from head to toe.

"Thank you ma" I appreciated her while leaving the house

And with that I left the house. I called Michael earlier and he said I should meet him at 'Blue Heavens Hotel and Spa'. I get out of the estate and stop a taxi and tell the driver the address.

Soon the driver reached the destination. I called Michael and he told me to walk inside and I'll see the swimming pool area. And I did as I was instructed.

The place is big so I was scanning the area for Michael when I heard my name. The place is really busy I don't know I think it's a pool party, almost everyone is barely dressed whether in swim suits of not and I'm dressed in baggy sweatshirt and joggers.

"Hey Caleb what are you doing here?" I asked a little bit shocked

"I should be asking you, you don't look like you came for a party" he asked eyeing me from head to toe and I noticed he was shirtless and wet. God he has a nice body, look at those abs. Reeva stop you have a boyfriend.

"Yh the person who invited me didn't tell me it was a pool party" I said

"Who's that?" He asked me

"Ummm Michael from Ss3 I am looking for him sef, oh look he's over there" I said pointing at Michael who hadn't noticed me.

"Don't mean to be nosy but are you guys dating?" He asked me

"Yes we are, gotta go he'll be waiting for me" I told him

"Ok see you around" he said waving me before walking back to the swimming pool and diving into it. I don't really like swimming so I'll not always be in the pool. I know right, why won't an Ijaw like swimming? It's long story.

I hope I'll get over my fear for pools and water bodies. Like look at me my name is Reeva and the meaning of my name is river, whatever.

"Hey Michael" I said as I approached him.

"Hey I've been waiting for you cupcake" he said smiling

"Why are you dressed like that" he asked me eyeing me from top to bottom.

"You didn't tell me it was a pool party and I can't leave my house dressed like I am going for a party or dressed like a whore without my parents screaming" I joked and he laughed.

He looks so Oh My God. Just look his abs and his wet swim shorts hanging on his waist. And his hair is beautiful when wet.Curly brown wet hair falling on his forehead. This sight is heavenly.

"Fair point, you like what you see?" he asked me smirking

"Oh please don't flatter yourself" I said sticking my nose up in the air like a proud bitch.

"I'm not flattering myself you'll see before we leave you will be all over me" he said smirking at me while I opened my mouth agape.

"No I wouldn't" I said like a sad child

"You look cool tho" he complimented

"Thanks, where do I change?" I asked him after appreciating his compliment

"Over there, see that door at the right on that small building that's the females washroom you can change there, I can't wait to see you in your swim suits" he said biting his lower lips, he looks hot doing that.

And I walked there with my bag. I changed into my yellow and orange floral swimming trunk with an opening at the back and a little fley at the waist part. The contrast it made with my brown skin is beautiful. If my mom was here she'll make me wear tights.

I put on my shower cap to protect my hair and showered before going to meet Michael.

I walked towards Michael and the moment he saw me his mouth fell open.

"What?? You know you would be the one who wouldn't be able to keep your hands to yourself and will be all over me, huhh??" I asked him batting my eye lashes at him innocently and he gulped.

"Pfft what? no" he denied while laughing nervously

"Whatever, but you better keep your hands to yourself liar" I said and walked away. I'm taunting him and this is not nice but who cares.

"Ok, ok I won't be able to keep my hands to myself" he confessed

"Good boy, good Michael" I smiled in victory.

We swam for sometime- when I say swim I mean I was at the 4feet part just feeling the water. And Michael like he said couldn't keep his hands to himself.

The water was cool, it was good after all that sun. Soon it was 3'oclock, I have to go home.

"Michael I have to go home my mom will kill me if I'm not home before four" I told him. I don't want to anger my mom not after our fight this morning.

"Ok we'll leave now" he told me and I nodded.

And with that I took my bag and clothes and left for the washroom.

I used my soap to wash myself in the shower and cleaned up with my personal towel, rubbed the Vaseline on my skin and dressed up and packed my hair that still got wet even after using the shower cap. Good thing the shower is not outside.

I packed up my things and left the washroom. I met up with Michael.

"What took you so long? and why are shining after swimming?" He asked me

"I showered using my soap and I brought Vaseline" I told him

"Whoa! I see you came prepared" he said

"Yup" was all I said

"Let's go"

And with that we left and he booked a cab. The driver will drop me off first then Michael like the dinner party. That night was lovely.

Soon we got to my estate I told them to stop outside, so my mom doesn't question me why I took a cab from the gym that is just in the estate.

"Bye love you cupcake" he said kissing my cheek

"Bye" I said smiling while getting out of the car.

I walked to my house, good thing it's not in the latter part of the estate. Just about five blocks away from the gate.

I opened the door to my house and stepped in. And I saw my mom pacing about with her hand on her chin in the living room with a mix of an angry and worried expression on her face.

"Where have you been? I've been calling your line and it was switched off , why? I was even about to go the gym just now, what is wrong with you?" She bombarded me with questions.

"I'm sorry, my battery is dead" I apologized.

"If you do that again I promise to spank your ass till it hurts so badly that my hand prints will be left on your ass" she threatened me causing me to cringe, I don't want to experience that.

"Don't do that again. Make sure your phone is charged next time or you use someone's phone to call, ok?" She said calmly now

"Yes ma" I nodded. And I left for my room.

Author's note: Please again vote, comment and share thank you. XOXO :)

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