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Chapter 6: Voldemort

{The Dark Lord has disappeared!!}

{Is this the end of the War?}

{Where is the Dark Lord now?}

{Our Savior is a baby!?}

{What will happen to the Death Eaters}

{The Longbottom couple tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange}

{Watch out for the wanted criminals: Pictures attached!}

{Hogwarts professor changed to Severus Snape. Dumbledore says Second chance}

These were the headlines that Lucas saw recently in the newspapers as he continued on with his schedule for the past month and a half, and has made significant progress in it as he continues his learning endeavors.

Lucas only stopped for breaks when someone borrowed a book, came to return it, or going to the celebration party for the defeat of the Dark Lord Voldemort, during which there was a celebratory atmosphere in Hogwarts ever since even after two weeks now.

With Intermediate Alchemy and Potions, Lucas had perfected his personal version of the memory crystal pen, which now apart from the normal functions, also has a mental connection directly connected to him through which he could give some more advanced commands to the pen as well.

The pen now has a rudimentary intelligence and can handle some errors, like refilling the ink, priority changes of tasks, reporting of interruptions by a third party, font size, style, color, texture, shapeshift to different writing tools, translate to different languages as required, and change ink based on features.

Speaking of ink, Lucas also developed many types of it. Apart from the basics like different colors, waterproof, invisible, scented, invisible revealer, there are also hologram ink and music ink. As the name suggests, they show the hologram or play music when tapped with a wand on the keyword.

The different inks can be combined as well to form different effects by mixing them in equal proportion, or buying the ink with the combined function. This was the part that needed potions at the Intermediate level.

The paper which cooperates with this is charmed to magically connect to any such pen writing on it, and cooperate accordingly. It also has many colors, textures, shapes and sizes that it comes with, as opposed to the boring parchment without any variations.

Although it has reasons due to it's magical properties, Lucas could modify and use it in his paper very easily so it wasn't an issue and in fact a little cheaper to make.

'Its about time I start selling them as well with the Dark Lord defeated and his minions being arrested left and right, I can use this gap to grow my business without much trouble as the pureblood families are either recuperating or saving themselves from the aftermath of the war, especially with my assembly line ready and my savings about to bottom out with the expenses needed for the research.' *Teardrop*

Lucas had used up 80% of his savings in his research and mastery of alchemy, potions runes, and some simpler rituals to get his practical mastery up to mark, as for the magical knowledge, he was done with everything in his head with the help of an intermediate mind art spell of parallel thoughts.

At least in terms of knowledge, Lucas was the absolute best among the best in the entire magical world. This is only except mind arts as he has mastered it completely, even if he is not able to use a majority of the advanced spells due to his low magical energy reserves.

Currently, he was learning the technology side of the knowledge with parallel processing and another thought with lower priority was learning about life skills like etiquette, cooking, dance, music, art, etc., with three being his limit unless his magic reserves increase.

'I really need to get ahead with rituals or find a way to increase my magical reserves or at least regeneration rate by a large extent. Once that happens, I can actually master things without having to do it physically with the Dream Sanctuary spell.'

This was an unexpected surprise that Lucas had when he was studying the advanced mind arts, where he came upon a spell which could simulate any environment you wanted in your head and whatever you practice there, you could do the same in the real world.

Basically like a VR simulation but with real muscle memory gained due to magic. This was an ancient spell developed by a magician as he did not like wasting time to test his experiment fails due to lack of proficiency, and made a spell that could simulate anything in your mind, and even create things as long as you know what it does.

Even the results would be like what happened in the real world with the help of magic. He later developed many dangerous spells and potions as well which could be fatal just practicing it unless you are proficient in it, but very powerful at the same time if successful.

The drawback was the magic drain. It took a lot of mana to keep it running. The cost would increase as the time dilation increased, the experiment uses higher quality materials, or more harm was caused to your body in the space.

Lucas could only maintain it for a minute, 6 hours inside with time dilation, and that was also making as many revisions as he could in the spell to make it more perfect, but any further and the spell would degrade.

'Maybe I should try asking professor. I may have all the knowledge, but they have experience, which is much more valuable.'

With that thought, Lucas decided to go and meet professor Flitwick and ask for advice with magical energy amount.


Lucas knocked at professor Flitwick's office, located near the West Tower on the seventh floor, thirteenth window from the right.

After getting the signal to enter, he went in and went straight to the point as he saw the professor writing on some parchments.

"Hello professor. I wanted some advice from you. Is this the right time, or should I come at another time?"

"No no, its alright. My door is always open to my curious students. Please sit down Mr. Lucas, I will be done shortly. In the meantime, enjoy some cupcakes if you would like."

Professor replied with his squeaky voice and waved his wand as a few cupcakes began a dance and finally landed on a plate on the table.

"Sure professor, it would be my pleasure."

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