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4.54% Jade Emperor
Jade Emperor Jade Emperor original

Jade Emperor

Author: Kawsar_Ahamed_5809

© WebNovel


In the mainland of martial heart continent, two figure was seen fighting with the Demon Emperor of outer realam.

At the last moment of death of Demon Emperor, Ye Chen the friend of Qin Chenfang stabbed him from back.

Qin Chenfang was astonished. He asked "Why"?

There was a cruel smile on Ye Chen's face as he said,

" You are dead now.I'm the Strongest saint in this continent. I'm the ruler here now,i always dreamed to be the strongest,so die for me my friend. "

With that Ye Chen stabbed Qin Chenfang to death.

Meanwhile 1000 years later,in a remote place of "Martial Heart continent "there can be seen a 14 years old boy lying in the bed heavily injured.

Suddenly,he opened his eyes.There were bolts of lights could be seen in his eyes.

"Huh,I'm  not dead,I'm reincarnated "

Qin Chenfang who opened his eyes said.

There were a tearing pain streams of memory of 14 years old boy, who was unable to cultivate were puts in his brain.Even as the strongest saint in the past the tearing pain almost made him faint.

"Qin family, Qin Chenfang, trash,

Since I am reincarnated in this body.I will not let myself suffer anymore,Ye Chen wait for my revenge",

Qin Chenfang said as the memory of the boy stoped streaming.

He, Qin Chenfang is the famous trash of Qin family.

As he was unable to cultivate, he was bullied by almost every one in the Qin family even through he is the son of the patriarch of Qin family.

Three days ago he was beaten half to death by his cousin Qin Shan.

Qin Shan is the son of third elder Qin Yuan.

He is 14 years old and is already at the 5th level of martial disciple realm.

Usually, Qin Chenfang is a timid person.He didn't even went to Qin family martial arts practice ground after not being able to cultivate spiritual Qi after he was twelve.

The dispute three days ago was because Qin Shan say something bad about Qin Chenfang's father.

Qin Chenfang was mad and attack Qin Shan out of rage.Qin Shan naturally Won't let this opportunity to go in vain.

So,the moment Qin Chenfang attack Qin Chenfang also attack with his fist and destroyed Qin Chenfang's heart meridian.

Three days later original Qin Chenfang died and the Qin Chenfang have been reincarnated in this body.

Qin Chen begun to think about cultivation.If he want to restore his cultivation,he needs a lot of resource  But he is a complete trash now.Qin family didn't even give him a pill per month let alone the herbs he will need.

There were sudden knock on the door. A 13 years old girl came in.

She was the maidservant of Qin Chenfang. Her name is Qinlan.

"Young master you are awake?

You are badly injured by Qin Shan.

Doctor said there is no hope of survival.

Patriarch even called the only 2nd tire alchemist Lu Cao of our Shan city but there is no avail.

He even said that your heart meridian is broken and you won't live past three days."

Worry could be seen in Qinlan's face.

Qin Chenfang's heart warmed up by hearing this.

Even though, he is not the real Qin Chenfang. He still contain some emotion of him.

In the past life, he was an orphan and he didn't have the feeling of being loved by the family.

"Don't worry. I'm all right".Qin Chenfang said.

master, you are awake. I have to tell patriarch the good news".

Qinlan left in a hurry.

Qin Chenfang begun to check his body.

He was astonished to find out that the legendary trash of Qin family is actually the most rarest Supreme Emperor Jade Body that appears in a millions of years once.

It's not that it can not be cultivated.

But it needs too pure spiritual qi of heaven to cultivate.

Qin Chenfang started to think about what cultivation method he will cultivate.

He knew three saint realm cultivation method but instead of choosing them he choose a cultivation method he found in a secret realm.

This method is" Five Elements Chaos Arts" cultivation method.

He can't cultivate this cultivation method in his past life as he was already a peak saint realm cultivator at that time.

He have to broke his meridians and start from the beginning. Even as a saint he can't accept that.

But now this body is perfect to cultivate this Five elements chaos arts with his Supreme emperor jade body.

As the name goes this cultivation method needs qi of five elements to cultivate.

Hurried foot steps could be heard. He stop thinking about cultivation. Three people comes in his room.

A middle aged men, Qin Feng patriarch of Qin family,Qin Chenfang's mother Lin Qing and his servant girl Qinlan.

Tears could be seen in Lin Qing's

eye as see saw her son lying in the bed.

"My poor son why did you fought with Qin Shan. He is already a cultivator.

You made mother worried to death",

Lin Qing exclaimed.

Qin Feng also have a questioning expression on his face as he looked at his son.He knows his son who couldn't cultivate is a very timid person and rarely put in a fight.

Qin Chenfang could not tell his father as he fought with Qin Shan because said something bad about his father, Qin Feng.

So he told them that he fought with Qin Shan because Qin Shan told him trash.

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