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Chapter 92_ Undefeated King (8)

Just after Lexus received the title of the Hero King, with a jingle of a bell out of nowhere, one man intrudes the Hall of Fame that was just recently cleansed. The expression of the elf stiffens like a statue.

Sticks was overwhelmed. The man's presence— he felt a huge pressure and couldn't move due to the divine power coming from the man.

"The Martial God!"

Why? Why is there an absolute present? Sticks is now unaware of what he needs to do. Even an elven sage that lived for more than hundreds of years, Sticks cannot be compared to Chiyou because of the weight of the only one martial god's identity.

"I've been watching your journey. I'm really glad that you have finally blossomed as the Hero King."

Sticks was unable to speak any more because of the distinct difference between an absolute and a non transcendent. His excitement with purifying the Hall of Fame faded, and he began to worry about Lexus, who was now speaking with Chiyou.

Just then, a roar that shook the earth, a huge shadow that erased the raging sun from above appeared.

"A real… Dragon! ?"

Sticks was seriously wondering if what he was looking at was wrong. His tone and expression were stiff but fear could be clearly seen. Although he didn't want to believe it, the one in front of him is definitely an ancient dragon who has existed since the beginning.

His fear about the ancient gourmet dragon who chewed on the roots of the world tree because he was curious about the taste was triggered. From Sticks' perspective, the dragon race was a transcendent race he feared for giving Sticks an incurable disease for more than hundreds of years.

『 Only one Martial God. Did you think I will allow your selfishness to get through to my contractor? 』

Dragon Words—every single word spoken by Nevartan towards Chiyou contained a great power that exerted force on the world. This force was as high as Nevartan's magic power and crushed Sticks.

The infinite power and destructive nature of a dragon far exceeded the elf's imagination and Sticks fell into fear. Dragons were different from great demons. Friendship might not be possible but they weren't clear enemies.

Even without the current knowledge of Sage Sticks, the purpose of the Tower of Wisdom wasn't to harm the dragons but to satisfy their desires and prevent them from going on a rampage. Even the humanities first legend and absolute, the dragon killer - Dragon Slayer and the tower members such as Sword Saint Biban were afraid to have dragons as enemies.

'Will I pass away today?'

He gave up and shut his eyes. With the appearance of the massive dragon, he truly believed his luck ran out. After all, he was in the presence of the insane dragon. After a while, Sticks couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. Chiyou left but he saw that Lexus was friendly with Nevartan? He was so confused.

What was the reason why people who met dragons feared and hated them? Why didn't the arrogant great demons not have any history of clashing with the dragons? Dragons were originally a species one couldn't make friends with. However, Nevartan is not showing any hostility towards Lexus at all.

After the disappearance of Chiyou, the dazed Sticks heard the complaint of Lexus.

"I have one million challenger points but really… It's a pity."

Lexus made a dejected expression. Why? It was just like in the novel, all the items that he could buy in the golden carriage have disappeared.

"Hmm. Now that I think about it, I've never stumbled upon that carriage while I was conquering this place."

According to the novel, one extremely lucky person met the Fog Island on the 10th island. One unlucky person didn't see it despite reaching the 30th island. In Greed's case, he encountered it on the 21st island.

However, he should be an extremely lucky person but despite his quick pace, he didn't encounter it at all. The items sold in the store were really great. They were rare things that couldn't be bought with money.

There are four types of products sold at the store on the golden carriage called the Challenger Store. There are teleportation scrolls to the East Continent, elixirs, various class change books, and skill books. The class change books range from normal to rare rated, while the skill books range from normal to unique rated.

『 Why are you so upset over such unimportant things? 』

Most people might covet the rare and epic rated skills, or any items. But Lexus now had skills that transcended even legendary skills so Nevartan wasn't interested. For Lexus who is now a myth, they were just a waste of points.

Nevartan—was it because he polymorphed into a human? His name that should shine brightly was white like the names of ordinary NPCs.

"Well… It's just a shame that I couldn't buy anything with this one million challenger points."

Madra's Diary, A diary written by Death Knight Madra himself which holds the deteriorated form of his swordsmanship that Greed earned in the novel, was not set out as something he could purchase because he had already absorbed Madra as his death knight.

"Fog Island and the golden carriage was an arrangement made for the growth of those who challenged the Behen Archipelago. Now that the Behen Archipelago is cleansed, the reason to raise challengers has disappeared. That is probably why items such as the elixirs and books have disappeared."

Sticks talked while frantically attempting to control his growing fear of Nevartan as he became aware of his declining mood.

"Well that makes sense. Thank you, Sticks."

When Lexus heard him, he regained his composure, which calmed the scared Sticks down.

"Don't thank me. I haven't done a lot."

He shook his head. It was Lexus that was responsible for everything.

『 Then, I'll be taking my leave. 』

Since Nevartan prevented what burden Chiyou wanted to push towards Lexus, he came to the conclusion that his reason for being here had already been served.

"Hey, Nev! Want to visit and take a look at my territory?"

『 I don't really mind but I'm looking forward to it when my child hatches from the egg. 』

In his polymorphed form, Nevartan replied. Although he was intrigued about the idea of taking a look in the kingdom of Lexus, he wanted to be present when his child hatched.

"I see, Then if that's the case, why not try transferring your lair in my kingdom. Since you're my friend, I won't really mind if you will create your dragon lair somewhere or just below my castle."

『 Interesting. That idea coming from you doesn't sounds bad. 』

With the offer of Lexus, Nevartan became tempted and decided to take a look at a human settlement after hundreds of years.


After Lexus cleared the Hall of Fame, or the Behen Archipelago…

[A new hero has given peace to the specters of past heroes and has opened the final gate of the Behen Archipelago.]

A world message. It referred to an alert that appeared to all players of Satisfy, regardless of species, affiliation, and level. Why were the contents revealed to all players? It was natural because the importance was high. The fact that a particular situation emerged as a world message meant that the situation would have a profound influence on the flow of Satisfy.

Thus, the world paid attention to the protagonist of this world message. Discussions were held all over the world on TV channels.

『 First, we should pay attention to the title of hero. A person strong enough for the system to classify as a hero will certainly be a top ranker. They are also likely to have a hidden class. 』

『 I'm sure that it's a legendary class. That is why they are interpreted as heroes. 』

If the system recognized them as a hero, it was likely they had secured a legendary class. The viewers also agreed.

[The great hero, Undefeated King Lexus has given rest to the heroes and succeeded in cleansing the Behen Archipelago.]

[This will be a long-standing achievement in humanity's history.]

There was an explosion of comments in the chat windows of the Internet relay rooms.


-Undefeated King Lexus? Is he a legendary class user like Greed?

-Legendary Undefeated King? Can he be compared to Greed when in the first place, Pagma's Descendant is a blacksmith rather than a combatant.

-Did you see the dreadful power of those skills when he logged out Hurent and Bondre? Pagma's Descendant isn't weak.

-Pagma might be a simple blacksmith, but he had the best swordsmanship after Sword Saint Muller.

-Wow, it's no longer just Greed. I had a lot of expectations for the first legendary class since maybe I can become one too! The ability of a legendary class is amazing.

Hundreds of millions of people but none were familiar of who Lexus was. The players also didn't consider that an NPC would be the protagonist of the world message.

「 Master has become the Hero King? I know that he was extremely talented but to think that he received the same title Sword Saint Muller had. 」

Yes, Sword Saint Muller was also the Hero King.

Just like Greed learned about Pagma, the legend who was called the best swordsman after Muller tried to learn more about Sword Saint Muller. He discovered a variety of Muller episodes that ordinary people didn't know. He couldn't be ignorant about the Hero King.

「 To think that even without my help, master purified and straightened my mistake. 」

Pagma muttered a mournful sentence to himself. Despite becoming Lexus's servant, he was unable to fulfill his role as the sword and shield. He found himself as a failure of being a death knight towards his master. Altough such thoughts entered his mind, he was still fulfilling what his master had ordered him. It was to nurture his successor.

[Class Quest: Completed]

[You have seen and understood the teachings for the Great Swordsman Pagma's Sword Dance!]

[The title 'Great Swordsman' has been obtained.]

[The new resource 'Sword Energy' has opened because of the title effect.]

[The effect of the Sword Mastery skill has slightly increased due to the title effect.]

[The information of Pagma's Sword Dance has been updated.]

[All of Pagma's Sword Dances will be opened. All sword dances can be fused without restriction except for Sky.]

[The fusion of sword dances has become relatively free.]

[When using a sword, the resource consumed will be changed from mana to sword energy.]

[Instead of having an increase in level, the sword dances have been reset to level 1. The maximum level of all sword dances is three. However, the level of the fusion sword dances is fixed at one.]



Greed happily exclaimed after he confirmed the details of completing his class quest. As Pagma was looking at the very thrilled Duke Greed, Pagma was able to catch a glimpse of the atmosphere of Reidan during his time of teaching Greed according to his master's order.

Though people were divided into classes, there was no discrimination of any sort between them. People seemed very happy, cheerful and free-spirited.


'These people, they are all experts.'

Each and every one of them, though they were dressed up as normal farmers or workers, was actually a great warrior. What surprised him the most was how good they were at hiding their power.

This meant that they were constantly controlling their mana to prevent their power from flowing outwards. Pagma's eyes glistened at the discovery.


[+10 Undefeated King's Battle Gear]

Rating: Legendary (Set)

[Durability: Infinite Defense: 3,000

* When a legendary weapon is equipped, attack power will increase by 20% and attack speed will increase by 10%.

* The power of all wide-range skills is increased by 50%.

* Doubles all physical abilities.

* Unlocks a unique characteristic of every evolution in battle. This characteristic is permanently maintained. However, this ability is reset when the wearer changes…

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