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The Preparations

Grinmal has five massive continents spread across it's surface. The Nekronis kingdom is on the edge of the Alsheira continent, One of two continents on western hemisphere of Grinmal. The other western continent is Brindwal, a continent which is only slightly smaller then Alsheira but is not as tamed. While Alsheira has around fifty kingdoms and empires, Only three kingdoms have been contacted on the Brindwal continent. These Kingdoms are all near the edge of the Brindwal continent which faces the water separating the continent from Alsheira. According to those kingdoms however, Brindwal is mostly covered in rampant forests and small tribes of humans and elves who lack the strength and population to found a kingdom.

On the eastern hemisphere, there are three continents. These continents seem to be made up of mostly non-human races, with a horned human-like race seeming to be the most dominant, this race being called demons by the human. Any attempts to communicate using translation magic has only been met with swift violence. Not allowing those from outside the continent to come onto their land, the few cases that have been allowed access seeming to have never returned, their situation unknown to the continent of Alsheira. Due to this, almost no information has been gained on those kingdoms, and most of the leaders of the factions of Alsheira have left that hemisphere alone for now until they can find a method to talk with the residents of those continents on equal footing.

- Charon's Research Book #5, Page 588


While Hades was going through the ritual to change his race, Adam Vertigo was sitting in his office going through paperwork as a Butler came into his room. Adam was currently looking at several papers with a look of unadulterated rage, before he sighed and looked at the Butler. The butler bowed to Adam, before pulling out three folders and handing them to Adam. Adam quickly flipped through them, each folder being labeled with the name of the three non-human houses: Dracula, Calypso, and Eternius. He grinned as his previous rage seemed to be laid at the way side.

"Fucking finally! It took them almost a whole month to decide on this list. Those cousins of mine are so indecisive sometimes." Adam chuckled to himself as he looked at the folders, each one a list of names.

"The Ark is also almost finished my lord, The auto-navigation which was the most difficult part to build has finally finished. Now we just need to put the finishing touches on the ship and when the war inevitably starts between the kingdoms of Alsheira, we can send our youth to escape if..." The Butler, a man who had served the four kings for so many generations that even his name was forgotten by everyone, even himself, stopped as Adam held up his hand.

"Don't say it, you'll just make it more likely that we need it. Ideally, I'm just being a paranoid fool." Adam sighed as he looked over the lists again, before pulling out a a folder labelled Vertigo and a folder labelled Citizens, "Now, gather the guardians that each house has and tell them to hide a teleportation artefact on everyone on this list, hide them so well even those they are planted on would not be able to find them. Also, set each artefact's coordinates to the entrance to the Ark's location. Get this done as fast as possible, preferably within a week or two."

The Butler simply nodded before grabbing the five files. The Butler began to sink into his own shadow as his voice was heard without his mouth moving.

"As the four kings command, so this old man shall do."

"Now back to the troublesome work of preparing for a war which may destroy everything my ancestors have built." Adam's usual carefree smile was not even slightly visible on his face which was now the face of a king who had to face what felt like an impossible battle, "Meaning, that I have more paperwork to do."


As the fire which covered Hades body disappeared along with his soul going into his body, Charon knew that the ritual had been a resounding success. He watched as a ring with a copper hue to it floated patiently in front of Hades. Slowly, cracks began to emerge on the shell of ash which hid Hades new form from Charon's sight. Abruptly, the ashes were pushed away with a strong gust of Soul Mana as a handsomer version of Hades appeared where the ashes were previously as the copper hued ring immediately flew onto Hades' newly formed ring finger. Hades then cracked his neck as Charon got a good look at him, his hair which was previously dirty blond was now white with sigils floating across it just like Charon. Unlike Charon however, Hades hair was naturally much shorter and was just long enough for it to be slightly styled. Also unlike Charon, Hades iris' were still there but now shone as a deep shade of purple. Charon realized the eyes might be proof of his status as the creator, or 'father', of his new species.

"This is for the lack of warning, Asshole." Hades stated before landing a punch on Charon's face bringing him out of his thoughts as he was launched out of the dome of black fire made by Hades.

Charon began laughing as he got up but stopped when he and felt something click into place between them. Charon and Hades shared a glance before suddenly receiving a racial 'memory', Charon receiving it quicker than Hades who also received knowledge of how to turn someone into their race. The headache from the information being shoved into him resolving itself much quicker, with Charon's experience from last time helping him recover faster.

"Intriguing, due to our souls becoming a part of our physical bodies, we hold more power over not only our own soul and body, but also over others as well. Any 'promise' made by any one of us, whether it be with one of our own or with another race will chain the souls of those consenting to that promise, with my race being more resistant to the consequences due to our special nature. However, someone not of my race will not be so lucky. With the best case scenario for them being soul damage which will severely weaken them for quite a while." As Charon began to fall into 'researcher mode', Hades came back from the vision and could sigh before slapping Charon over the head.

"Charon! Save the research for later. How did we receive racial memories when you are the first of our species and haven't discovered much about this race yet?" Hades showed confusion, a rare emotion to appear on his usually confident and stoic face.

"Hmm? Oh, I think I already know the answer to that. You see, the brain had parts of it that handled breathing, digesting food, minor stuff that you wouldn't need to focus on right?" Charon became excited, like a child who discovered what his parents were planning to get him for his birthday.

"Yeah? But I don't see how... Ooooooh." Having listened to Charon's many rants about his research, Hades saw where Charon was going.

"Exactly, If the soul and the body are split, and the mind is where the two met previously, at least according to Mind-Body duality which so far seems to have been correct. Then that means that the part of our souls which handled those unconscious functions now have nothing to focus on due to our bodies most likely no longer needing the majority of those functions since we are mostly made up of Soul Energy and several types of Mana. So what do those parts do now, at the very least until we can gain control over our whole soul?" Charon continued his lecture, like a teacher patiently explaining a complex topic like it was common sense.

"Instead, it focuses on merging our consciousness with itself, one of the best ways to do so would be to fully understand what exactly the limits of our new race are." Understanding dawned on Hades face as he answered Charon's question.

"Exactly! Now because it's simply a part of our soul, it can only discover things as the conscious part of our soul does, however, due to it's capability to process information much faster than us especially since the conscious portion of our souls are so used to the limitations of a brain that we subconsciously apply that limit even though it is no longer a factor for us. So I believe our current goal would be to combine the subconscious and conscious portions of our souls before we can start truly figuring out how to strengthen our race further. Once our limitations, subconscious or not, are removed we can begin to rapidly improve and understand conceptsat rate never before seen amongst any race"

Of course, neither Hades nor Charon noticed that over the course of their conversation the two halves of their soul were slowly becoming fused, removing some of the subconscious limitations put on their thinking process. At the end, their souls went from being divided roughly in half between subconscious and conscious to about 30% subconscious and 70% conscious, something they would've noticed if both of them didn't get sweeped up in Charon's innate knowledge hungry nature.

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How will they combing the two parts of their souls? What is the Ark? When will the war begin? What's going to happen next? Find out next time on, The First Reaper!

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