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Goku Vs Ginyu

--- Goku's Pov---

After Zarbon left, I looked at my boy and told him " You and Krillin go with him, These guys that are coming are no joke"

My son replied with a worried expression " But dad it's really dangerous!"

I nodded in confirmation at his statement then I looked up in the sky toward where those approaching's ki signature where and scolded him " I'll be fine son...

Listen to your father... Now is no time for dilly dallying. Go grab the radar and look for the dragon balls while I keep'em busy!" with a tone that demanded no arguing.

My best friend looked at me with the same expression as Gohan and stated " Let's listen to Goku, Gohan come on let's leave"

Soon enough, they left thankfully before those ki signatures arrived. I didn't want my child and my friend to suffer in this soon to be battle, one of these guys is much more powerful than I imagined.

I looked at Vegeta and I saw him with such a frightened expression, it honestly momentarily stunned me.

I heard him mutter " damn it I shouldn't have let Burter escape. Now even Frieza is coming"

"Fri...eza" I uttered each syllables slowly and told Vegeta " you deal with the other one, I'll take on that Frieza guy"

Vegeta looked at me and stated "You don't understand Kakarot, I can tell, you became stronger but Frieza is on a whole different level."

I was honestly slightly taken aback by his retort , I inquired " Even though I am this strong, You saying I still ain't a match for Frieza"

Vegeta lightly smirked and retorted " You'll find out soon enough."

After His statement, Two figures appeared in the sky above, namely Frieza and Ginyu whom I recognized since I felt Krillin's mind earlier.

I soon saw them looking in my and Vegeta's direction with visible anger on their faces, the smaller on of them, Frieza declared commandingly " Ginyu take care off these pests but do not kill them. I will chase after their allies. They will all pay for making a mockery of Frieza."

The purple skinned horned alien named Ginyu stated respectfully "Yes Lord Frieza. Rest assured that they will all be dealt with by the time you come back."

Frieza then sped off at such speed that I could not react, He chased after Gohan and the others. I immediately lunged at him with my full base power, however, Ginyu appeared before me stopping me in mid air. 'Blast it. Hopefully they manage to escape.' I thought with a frown marring my face.

I then yelled in Vegeta direction " Oi Vegeta hold off this guy while I go after Frieza"

Below on the ground, I noticed Vegeta ki erupting all around his body, then he screamed " So long Kakarotto HAHAHA" and took off to the sky, flying away very fast.

I screamed "Vegeta!!!" in astonishment at his action which momentarily stunned me.

Ginyu, cunningly exploited the opportune moment of my temporary distraction. With a thunderous voice, he suddenly exclaimed, "an opportunity!" Seizing the element of surprise, he lunged at me with lightning speed, a blur in my vision. His fist, propelled forward by the momentum of his velocity, connected with brute force, sending me hurtling through the air for several meters. Reacting with swiftness, I tapped into my inner strength, harnessing the power of my ki to strengthen myself and regain stability amidst the Namekian sky.

As I suddenly stopped mid-air, a huge surge of energy came up from behind, making me instinctively look over my shoulder. It was Ginyu, throwing a powerful Karate chop strike right at the vulnerable spot on the back of my neck. I quickly ducked to dodge his attack, deciding not to let him dictate how the fight goes. Taking advantage of the moment his strike missed, I countered with a quick back kick, aiming my right foot at his face. But, with impressive reflexes, he swiftly turned his head to the right and used his knee to block my attack and lessen its impact.

With a swift retreat of my foot, I swiftly turned, launching a flurry of left-arm punches. Effortlessly, he dodged them all, a smirk gracing his face. Those punches, however, were merely a setup, a prelude to a straight punch from my right arm aimed at his face, which he evaded with ease. Ginyu, overflowing with confidence, promptly initiated his own assault, throwing a combination of hooks and crosses. Yet, I barely managed to avoided his punches, countering each dodge by a punch. For a moment, the battle remained a fierce exchange, powerful punches thrown and expertly avoided, neither side landing a decisive blow.

I patiently waited for the perfect opportunity, observing his movements closely. As soon as he threw a sharp hook, I swiftly weaved to the side, evading his attack with precision. In that split second, I seized the moment to retaliate, opting for a powerful frontal kick that landed flawlessly on his torso. The impact was astonishing, launching him back with tremendous force, his body flinged through the air like a weightless feather.

Without hesitating, I swiftly pursued his airborne figure, my hands clenched together as I prepared for my next move. With undeniable strength, I unleashed a sledgehammer-like strike upon his exposed back, compelling him to descend with extreme velocity towards the ground. As he plummeted, I channeled the energy within me, creating ki blasts in both hands. With a fierce determination, I hurled the uncharged blasts towards his descending body, each one finding its mark with uncanny accuracy.

The result was an intense symphony of explosive impacts. Upon connecting with his body, each blast resonated with a resounding "Boom," causing a cloud of dust and fiery smoke to engulf the areas where he collided with the ground. And so, I continued to unleash ki blast after ki blast towards the area where I felt his ki. Each subsequent attack carried the same level of force and precision as the previous ones.

I stopped launching ki blasts at him, taking a moment to catch my breath. With a careful gaze, I looked at the ground where I had sent him flying, surrounded by a cloud of smoke and dust. As the mixture of dust and smoke cleared, I saw him standing calmly in the crater from my relentless attack. He only had minor burn marks on his body, nothing too serious. He stretched his neck and said, "Well, isn't this interesting. I rarely get to enjoy my battles so much. Want to crank up the intensity?" With a wave of his hand, he gestured for me to land, inviting us to continue our showdown on solid ground.

I was honestly taken aback and pumped up by Ginyu's power. Then I thought, 'Dang, Vegeta really ran off on me! Gotta settle this real quick.' I gradually descended until I reached the edge of the crater where Ginyu was. With confident steps and swagger, Ginyu walked out of the crater and said, "Well let's wrap this up real nice, even though I'm enjoying myself. After all, Lord Frieza's orders are absolute. Plus, you should be grateful to meet your end by the great Ginyu himself."

I responded with a serious expression " Good then let's end this quick! But for good measure Will you leave this planet peacefully If I asked"

Ginyu burst into laughter, his hearty chuckle echoing through the expanse as he responded. " What are you? Stupid? Of course not. And don't go speaking like you can beat me"

Tension filled the air, palpable as we locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity. Time stood still before both of us simultaneously lunged forward, colliding with a force that sent shockwaves through the surrounding atmosphere.

Our elbows clashed fiercely, creating a resounding impact that echoed in the air, blasting gusts of wind in every direction. With intensity pulsating through my veins, I unleashed a flurry of precise punches aimed directly at his torso. He displayed his mastery of combat, skillfully evading some and defending against others with a swift forearm block. In response, he retaliated with a series of calculated blows, which I also evaded by barely moving out of his attack range.

As the battle raged on, our repertoire expanded to incorporate a symphony of kicks. Each strike was executed with unwavering power and force, propelling the clash to new heights. Blow after blow, we exchanged hits with ferocity, each refusing to yield any ground or concede an advantage. Though neither of us could claim a definitive upper hand, the relentless dance of combat remained unabated, with no respite in sight.

In a swift motion, we skillfully propelled ourselves away from each other, creating a considerable gap between us. With an air of confidence, Ginyu watched closely, his tone unwavering as he uttered," I thought I told you to get serious. You think I am a foul. I know you are concealing your true strength. Well this...pause....this is gonna make you get serious just watch"

After his statement, a surge of power coursed through him, manifesting as a brilliant purple hued aura that ignited around his entire body, resembling a flickering flame. With a mighty display of force, he extended his hand towards me, palm open, -Milky Cannon- unleashing a charged blast of circular purple ki that hurtled towards me at incredible speed. Reacting on instinct, I imbued my legs with latent energy then leaped straight upwards to evade the incoming attack, Since I had no room for any other evasive maneuver.

The devastating orb of ki tore through the Namekian landscape, effortlessly ripping the earth apart like a powerful snow plow carving its way through fresh snow. Its destructive path continued, until it reached a serene body of water, possibly a lake. The explosion was imminent, and it expanded rapidly in a domelike shape, engulfing the surrounding area. As a result, a series of powerful gusts of wind thrashed about, causing chaos, while a thick cloud of dust blanketed everything in sight, obscuring the once clear view.

As soon as the dust and smoke settled, a deafening silence fell upon the scene. The small body of water that once glistened in the sunlight had vanished, leaving behind a barren lake bed, cracked and parched under the heat of the powerful blast. My heart raced as I took in the sight of the enormous crater that dominated the landscape, a testament to the sheer power of the attack that had just been unleashed.

Relief washed over me, visible in the way my breath escaped my lips in an audible exhale. With a mix of exhaustion and relief coursing through my veins I thought 'Phew, This was bad", I then turned my attention to Ginyu. His smirk, a silent acknowledgement of the devastation he had caused, He visibly reveled at the destruction he caused with an odd peculiar pose. Without a moment's hesitation, I propelled myself from the sky, hoping to catch him off guard.

With lightning speed, I closed the distance between us, appearing behind him in a blur of motion. My right foot unleashed a swift and precise roundhouse kick, aimed directly at him. However, Ginyu's instincts kicked in, and he managed to evade my attack by swiftly lowering his body, an effortless display of his agility and reflexes.

As my strike missed, I swiftly pivoted, landing behind him with my back facing him, while maintaining my balance. Reacting in an instant, he spun around and unleashed a devastating knifehand strike, forcing me to react promptly. With a graceful roll, I evaded his strike, smoothly transitioning into a standing position. As I attempted to regain my composure, Ginyu appeared, phasing into existence before me, his presence palpable.

Without hesitation, he launched a solid punch that found its mark on my left cheek, leaving a sharp stinging sensation. A mischievous grin formed on his face as he executed a lightning-fast dashing elbow thrust, catching me off guard and landing squarely on my nose. Sensing an opportunity, he swiftly followed up with an uppercut to my chin, causing my head to jerk backward. The force of his strikes was relentless, as a spinning hook kick connected with one side of my head, disorienting me. The impact sent me hurtling through the air, crashing mercilessly into hills upon hills, my senses overwhelmed by the whirlwind of action and intensity.

I stood back up, blood trickling down my nose and mouth, emerging from the hill rubbles in a hazy state. Gradually regaining my composure, I harnessed my Ki, feeling its power surge within me. With a resounding cry, "Kaioken!" escaped my lips, igniting a fiery red aura that enveloped my body. My muscles expanded slightly as the quick surge of my ki surged through my being, charging me with renewed vigor.

In a swift motion, I propelled myself towards my opponent, startling him with my newfound speed. His baffled expression revealed his confusion as he exclaimed, "Kaio what?" Undeterred, I pressed forward, attacking with an onslaught of strikes, each one finding its mark. Although he managed to block one of my punches, his wavering confidence only fueled my determination.

Seizing the moment, I unleashed a spinning back kick that struck his midsection with precision, propelling him backwards through the air. Swiftly pursuing his airborne form, I reappeared underneath him, executing a double upward kick that sent him soaring skyward with tremendous speed. My relentless assault showed no signs of abating as I phased behind his ascending body, delivering a powerful elbow strike to the middle of his head, the impact causing him to descend rapidly.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I dashed after his descending body, reaching the ground before his impending impact. In an instant, I cupped my hands together on the side of my torso, positioning them slightly above each other, poised to unleash the next phase of my attack.

I focused intently, channeling my inner energy, or ki, into my hands. With deliberate precision, I condensed this energy into a concentrated wave, gradually growing in size and intensity. Swiftly, I exclaimed, "KAAAA!" Suddenly, a small orb of vibrant blue ki materialized between my hands. Feeling the surge of power, I continued, "MEEEEE!" The orb expanded, glowing brighter and pulsating with energy. "HAAAAAA!" I roared, the orb further expanding and radiating with an intensified light. Now, as I reached the zenith of my power, I cried out, "MEEEEEE!" The light emanating from the orb intensified even more, illuminating the entire area. Finally, I bellowed, "HAAAAAAAA!" As the final syllable echoed through the air, I pushed both of my hand toward the sky while revealing the orb of ki, It surged forward in a straight line like a ray gun with incredible force.

The ki wave traveled with unparalleled velocity, streaking through the air in a perfectly straight line before rapidly approaching Ginyu. In an astonishingly brief span of time, he managed to regain some semblance of stability from the descent and retaliated. Ginyu unleashed a full-powered ki wave that collided with my own, resulting in a spectacular clash mid-air. However, it quickly became evident that Ginyu was at a clear disadvantage in this ferocious exchange of energy.

I yelled out with fiery determination, my voice echoing across the desolate Namekian landscape, "Last chance, Ginyu... Will you give up and peacefully leave Namek?"

He bellowed back amidst slight panting, his tone filled with defiant arrogance, "Don't be ridiculous. I am none other than Captain Ginyu of the mighty Ginyu Force. There is no way some freak from nowhere can simply defeat me."

Undeterred by his bravado, I roared back at him with unwavering resolve, "Then prepare to meet your end! KAIOKEN TIME THREE!"

The reddish aura enveloping me intensified the air around me as my muscles contracted, ready for the imminent clash. My Kamehameha, charged with immeasurable freakish power, and grew in size, dwarfing Ginyu's feeble ki wave. With a thunderous collision, my wave consumed and absorbed his, its momentum pushing relentlessly forward, blazing a trail across the sky and beyond, its destination shrouded in mystery. I could only hope that its path would not cross another planet, outside of Namek, and that it would eventually dissipate without causing further destruction.

---Namek---- Gohan's Pov

I found myself suddenly awakening underwater, disoriented amidst a tumultuous scene of intense tremors and ki blasts whizzing in every direction. As fear began to grip me, I desperately struggled to gasp for air. However, to my astonishment and relief, I soon discovered that I could breathe beneath the water. As I gasped for air, my senses heightened, revealing a shimmering, protective kiai sphere emanating from my head and neck, enveloping me in its ethereal glow. This miraculous shield provided me not only with the ability to not drown but also a newfound sense of wonder and curiosity.

As I scanned my surroundings, I realized that my left hand was firmly clasped by another. Turning my head with swiftness, a wave of relief washed over me as I recognized Mr. Zarbon as the one holding my hand. With utmost care, he shielded us from the barrage of ki blasts, ensuring our safety. Floating nearby was Krillin, peacefully submerged in the water just inches away from Mr. Zarbon.

The moment they noticed my awakening, Mr. Zarbon released his grip on my hand and swiftly signaled for me to remain still. With utmost concentration, he returned to his task, diligently protecting us from any ki blast aimed at us.

I stood firmly by his side as he had advised, frustration mounting within me at my own helplessness. Concentrating, I tapped into my inner ki to identify the source of the ki blast and sensed an immense power emanating from above in the sky—it was Frieza. I swallowed hard, my determination evident as I clenched my teeth. Fortunately, the barrage subsided before long. Anxious to leave the water, I moved to emerge, but Mr. Zarbon firmly grasped my hand, silently instructing me to wait. After a few agonizing minutes, Frieza's presence receded into the distance, prompting Mr. Zarbon to ascend from the water, followed closely by us.

As we emerged from the depths, our eyes beheld a scene of utter devastation, fueling my anger. I seethed with rage over Frieza's destruction of the once beautiful landscape of Namek. Lost in thought, contemplating our next move, I was startled by Mr. Zarbon's exclamation of, "Oh, shit!" His body careened toward the water with alarming velocity, but with swift reflexes, I managed to catch him before he met the surface of the water beneath us.

With worry etched on my face, I anxiously called out, "Mr. Zarbon, are you alright? Mr. Zarbon!" Alas, no response echoed back; I held him there, motionless and unconscious. Krillin swiftly approached us, assessing the situation and sighing in relief, he assured me, "He's only unconscious. Come on, Gohan, let's blast off from here" Taking Mr. Zarbon from my grasp, he gently placed him on his back and soared across the Namekian sky. I followed closely, aware of the urgency.

As we soared through the sky, the wind rushing against us, I turned to Krillin, my voice filled with concern. "Hey, Krillin," I began, trying to mask the worry in my words, "do you think Dad will be okay fighting those strong guys?"

Krillin's face grew somber as he met my gaze, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Honestly, Gohan, I don't know," he replied, his words weighted with the weight of the unknown. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from Krillin, someone who had always displayed unwavering confidence in dad.

My eyes drifted downward, taking in the breathtaking landscape of Namek below. The vibrant blues of the plains stretched out, the crystal-clear lakes and sea shimmering in the distance. The worry that tinged my face intensified, for the fate of my father hung in the balance.

Krillin's voice broke the silence, a flicker of determination entering his tone. "But here's something I do know, Gohan," he said, his eyes gleaming with a newfound resolve. "I've never seen Goku this confident before. He's always managed to pull us through the toughest situations. So, let's trust in him and his abilities.... We need to increase our flight speed and bring Zarbon back to safety quickly."

His words gave me a sudden surge of confidence. Despite the danger, we all had faith in Dad and his powers to lead us out of this mess. In that moment, I knew I could count on him to save us. He always had, and he always would. That thought filled me with determination and courage - no matter what happened, we would be victorious. We set off, our pace quickened, and I knew we'd make it back safely.

----Author Notes-----

Hey there, dear reader! Did you catch the epic showdown between Goku and Ginyu? The suspense, the action, the thrill... it was all there! Trust me when I say, more heart-pounding battles are headed your way. Get ready. And hey, I may not write at lightning speed, but that's intentional - I want to savor every moment, ensuring the story unfolds perfectly. No rushing here, my friend. We'll take this journey together, step by thrilling step. 😉

Thank you for sticking around and reading my work till now—I truly appreciate it! I'm grateful to everyone who has shared their positive and constructive comments. Also Milestone, we finally reached ten overall chapters.

I've invested countless hours into refining the story, chapter after chapter, in hopes of providing an enjoyable experience. If you've been enjoying it so far, I'd be thrilled if you could show your support through your Actions by commenting, and POWAH STONESSSSS!

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