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79.8% God Of The Omniverse / Chapter 245: Chapter 240: A Necessary Evil Part 6

Chapter 245: Chapter 240: A Necessary Evil Part 6

After Cheshire read the words on the document, she couldn't help but be confused. She looked toward Arias, seeking an answer, but he didn't speak. He just continued to walk forward until they made it out of the alleyway. Only then did he further elaborate on the matter. "Let's just say the government has been trying to create a fairly powerful asset, which I happen to feel will be put to better use in my hands."

Raven only listened silently, wondering what this asset could be and what benefits it exactly brought. Cheshire, once again, was more vocal about her thoughts as she asked, "So then where do we need to break in to get this asset? I suppose it'll be a bit easier to do now that the city's in chaos, but we won't have much time considering the soldiers will be here."

As Cheshire said this, Arias showed a smile and began crossing the road just in front of them as he spoke, "We don't need to go anywhere. The asset should be coming to us right about now."

Arias's words intrigued both Raven and Cheshire. They looked down the road that Arias was facing then they followed his gaze and soon saw a huge armored truck and several escort vehicles coming down the road. 

As they saw this, Arias further elaborated, "During states of emergencies, government facilities holding very sensitive data and important assets are evacuated to black sites, just in case of anything goes wrong. It may look like the government is rushing to save their people and stop whatever caused this disaster upon their cities, when in fact what they're really rushing to do is to save their assets and protect their secrets. However, we'll be taking this one."

Once Arias said this, the truck and its escort vehicles reached closer, just a few meters away. At this time, a voice boomed from one of the cars, clearly coming from a megaphone, "Move out of the way! You will not be warned again. Out of the way! You're blocking a government-sanctioned convoy. I repeat, you will not be warned again."

Arias ignored the warnings and simply raised his hand before flicking his wrist. Immediately, the vehicles that were reaching down the road suddenly came to a violent stop, as if they had run into an imaginary, impenetrable wall. 

It happened only for a moment, but for the speed at which these cars were traveling, it was enough to make them spiral out of control. The two convoy cars at the front were completely thrown into the air before colliding with nearby buildings. 

The two at the side simply skidded into the street and then buildings, while the two at the back collided into the rear of the armored van.

As for the armored van, once it hit the impenetrable invisible wall, which was, in actuality, Arias's telekinesis, it received force from both the front and back. 

In just those few seconds, the entire convoy had been broken. At this time, Arias gave a side glance to Cheshire and asked, "Are you just going to stand there?"

Cheshire quickly masked the surprise she felt and answered back cheekily, "What can I say? You put on a good show."

Arias scoffed at the remark and corrected her, "I would like to think of it more as an efficient strategy. As we don't have much time, you have permission to kill anyone you find armed in there." 

Cheshire began to walk over to the carnage but asked, "You're not worried I might kill the asset by accident?"

"If the asset really is what was advertised, you stand no chance of killing it. Besides, I doubt that they themselves were keeping it in the open," Arias said. 

Cheshire felt a bit concerned when she heard Arias's reply but proceeded nonetheless.

 She directly went toward where the armored vehicle stood, as two of the vehicles were way too high up for her to even consider looking for enemies there, while the remaining four faced collisions without armor. It was unlikely the people inside were even still alive.

As she reached the armored vehicles, Arias gave her a hand by simply waving his hand again, causing all doors to burst open, allowing her to get to her targets. 

Although alive, the two people who stepped out from the front of the armored vehicle were in a state of confusion, blood trickling down their heads. 

Before they could react to the madness around them, Cheshire suddenly lunged, retrieving two kunai resting on her belt before stabbing them both right through their unprotected heads, killing them instantaneously.

This was all done with speedy efficiency, as she rolled out through the other side of the door before rushing behind the armored van. 

As she approached, one of the guards who had been present and safe tried to grab her from the corner, but she dodged agilely, using her attacker's hand as a sort of handstand to leap up before coming down with force while still holding onto the man's hand. This caused him to be thrown away viciously by his own force.

The remaining guard was positioned right at the other side, looking the other way. The noise, of course, alerted him, and he quickly turned, ready to fire his weapon. But Cheshire kicked it out of his hand before launching another kick and slicing his throat with the sharp teeth of her heel. 

The guard gripped his throat in confusion as he felt blood practically flowing out of his neck. Upon killed this guard, she then looked at what was in the back of the armored vehicle. 

She could see two people, a man and a woman, both of old age and wearing lab coats. At the center of the van was a large mechanical white pod. Seeing no other threats, she yelled out, 

"The asset is secure, boss!"

God_Of_Brutality God_Of_Brutality

Anyway, half-dead pc or not, the chapter grind continues. Here's hoping i stock up enough over the weekend to release Monday to Friday next week.

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