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Chapter 206: Chapter 206: The True Arias Markovic Part 2

In the early hours of the next morning, Arias had gotten up ready to begin executing his plan.

Unexpectedly, the moment he left his room, he found Cheshire already in wait outside, just leaning against the side.

"Don't you ever sleep?" Arias asked with slightly raised brow, to which Cheshire simply smiled. "I sneak in naps here and there, sleep is overrated."

"I see. Well get what you need and go downstairs to the vehicle. Mercy should've left everything arranged." After instructing Cheshire on what to do, Arias went down to the lower floors, his destination, the cells.

Upon reaching, he of course went to the only occupied one, housing an incredibly angry Ivy.

As the door swung open, she couldn't help but stand from the corner she chose to curl herself in.

"Are you that excited to see me?" Arias mocked, his tone casual as yawned ever so slightly.

Ivy felt a strong urge to curse him but she didn't dare to do so, knowing the odds this time around were far from favorable.

"What do you want?" She instead did her best to ask this in the most casual tone she could muster, which came across very forced.

Arias showed a smile at this and tilted his head. "What? No insults, no yelling? You must really want to leave."

It didn't help that Arias spoke to her with contempt and didn't try to hide it either.

Ivy however maintained control of her emotions and structured a calm reply. "You said to give you a reason to let me out, well, I can be ally and friend, who knows when you'll need my expertise in future…"

Ivy's answer was right off the top of her head. Even she knew it wasn't a very good offer but when she considered more intimate options… she immediately felt disgust and was completely unwilling.

Arias looked at her with a curious brow and walked closer, before reaching into the pockets of his slacks and retrieving a collar of sorts.

He casually tossed it toward Ivy's feet and revealed. "Funny you should mention your expertise, I just happen to be in need of an extra to help me sort out some… various issues. But if I'm to let you out, I need some reassurance, that collar is it."

Ivy slowly lower her gaze to look at the collar and immediately grew angrier. It didn't take a genius to realize just what sort of collar it was, especially given her experience in meta-specialized prisons.

"I wear that thing and it's no better than having a bomb on me and giving you the remote." Ivy vexedly replied while trying her best to not completely break out in rage.

Her pleas though fell on deaf ears. "It's cute you think you have a choice, and even cuter that you think I can't kill you without the collar. Do I need to prove you wrong?"

Despite Arias speaking with a smile on his face, his words made Ivy gravely concerned about her fate. She couldn't tell whether or not he was bluffing but she certainly couldn't risk it.

With great reluctance, she picked up the collar and wore it immediately after.

Seeing her do so, Arias gave an approving nod. "You see, in the end you did become my pet or in your case, exotic houseplant. Well, follow me as we're on a tight schedule."

Feeling like she had just fallen for a ploy, Ivy's anger could not be expressed by words.

She could only glare venomously at Arias's back as he walked out while gesturing her to follow him in a manner one would often use for a pet dog or cat.

'I'll get you back for putting me through this…' Ivy angrily declared inwardly as she proceeded to follow him behind.

The duo soon arrived in the buildings main lobby and then made their way to the outer car park, where Cheshire could already be seen standing near dark SUV, and beside her… a confused Raven with nothing more than her back pack.

Seeing Ivy behind Arias, Cheshire couldn't help but show a mischievous smirk but she prevented herself from making any inappropriate comments, instead asking a proper question.

"This isn't what I pictured when you said two more additions but oh well, when in Rome." Ivy shifted her glare from Arias to Cheshire, finding her mocking especially irritating.

"Well, this one is disposable and as for the girl, it's too dangerous to leave her too far from me." Arias casually revealed before walking over to a quiet Raven.

"I'd be lying if I say things will be easy going forward, especially given your unique circumstances, but… I can at least guarantee, you'll be safe from your father." Arias spoke softly to Raven who seemed nervous about the current circumstances, even though she lacked the expression to show it.

Arias didn't need to see her reactions or expressions to understand what she was inwardly feeling inside. Given the circumstances, he knew she felt only constant fear, regret and guilt, drowning herself deeper in it the more she stayed alone and or idol.

His choice to bring her along was indeed to keep an eye on her, but also to "mold" her in a sense. Her latent potential was just to attracting to put aside.

"I'm fine," Raven flatly replied and nodded, "I'm just don't want anymore people to die for me."

Arias showed a small smile and nodded, "I understand, and they won't. Maybe her, but she's expendable," he added whilst shifting his gaze to Ivy.

"Now with that out of the way, we should get going." Arias brought the short exchange of words to an end and was about to enter the SUV when Cheshire asked, "didn't you mention something about an interview?"

Arias showed her a minuscule smile and nodded, "already done and pre-recorded, the Gotham Gazette's Vicki Vale should air it tonight, once we're long gone."

Hearing this, Ivy couldn't help but show a look of disgust, "is there anyone in this city that woman isn't sleeping with? Tsk."

Cheshire showed a curious and tapped her finger against her chin as if pondering. "Sounds like you wanted more, ouch, that must hurt."

Ivy narrowed her eyes toward Cheshire, having had enough of her provocations. "Not as much as it'll hurt when I-."

"Enough, let's go." Arias cut the two off before they start a long winded argument or exchange.

He entered the vehicle's drivers seat and Raven followed suit the quickest, entering the back without saying a word, choosing to keep silent under her hoodie.

Cheshire gave one final smirk to Ivy before acrobatically entering the vehicle through the sun roof, putting herself in the passenger's seat. "Didn't think you're the type to drive yourself boss."

Ivy was the last to enter and said nothing, just angrily shutting the door and diverting her gaze elsewhere.

"There's lot you don't know about me." Arias replied cryptically before starting the car and driving off.

Later that day, like clockwork, news broke of his monumental decisions and soon after, his pre-recorded interview with Vicki Vale was broadcast.

It showed Vicki in a lone chair with the city background behind her and Arias in his private office, also having the city behind him.

Given that it was shown that both parties were in different locations, many took this pre-recorded footage as if it were a live broadcast.

It began with Vicki starting off with some pleasantries before getting to the matter at hand. [ So, your company, or rather former company, Leviathan, released an exclusive report to our network, which said you had no interest in regaining your assets and that furthermore, you plan on ending your role for the Gotham City Special Task Force, is this true? And if so, why? ]

Arias was shown to be calm as he nodded and heaved a sigh, expressing some fake emotion of helplessness.

[ It is. As for why, the reason should be quite clear. Through Leviathan, I've been able to do some wonderful things for the world and the meta-populace especially. However, my recent actions are beginning to stain what Leviathan stands for, so I chose to step down, knowing that it is in capable hands and will continue to do good.]

[ As for the task force, you could say the reason is the same. I had only ever started it to help the crime infested Gotham and also show my friend princess Diana the better side of the outside world. Although she is still learning, she has won the hearts of many with her actions and bravery and so I felt she was ready to take up the mantle of leading an independent superhero group. With the league now under investigation, crime will skyrocket if no brave individuals step up to help the people.]

Vicki nodded her head at his answers, showing a look of appreciation and understanding, completely selling the lies Arias was cooking.

[ You have indeed done a lot, and I think I speak for many of Gotham's residents when I say, thank you for that. But doesn't this mean you're giving up everything? Your wealth, power? What do you plan to do now? Politics maybe?]

Arias feigned a charming laugh and shook his head before his expression turned serious again.

[ No, I don't think politics quite suit me and yes, I am leaving everything behind but knowing that what've I've created will continue to better the lives of many is enough. As for what comes next, I plan on taking on an unofficial ambassador role in Markovia and continue helping meta-humans and children. More importantly though, I want to ensure anti-meta terrorist groups are thoroughly erased so they can never endanger the lives of the innocent again. ]

The amount of nonsense Arias was spouting was simply astounding, but even incredible was the fact his past actions could actually back his words.

It was truly a tough ask of anyone to make Arias look bad given all that he had accomplished for the "good" of mankind and aliens alike.

Vicki played her role well as well and showed a somewhat tearful expression, ranting for a view minutes about how she was affected and then helped by him.

What followed were various testimonies being shown from children, parents and the elderly from all walks of life, telling the world about how Arias Markovic helped them.

After the display, Vicki showed a proud look and brought the interview to a close.

[ Well we must sadly bring this interview to an end but once again, on behalf of all the people you've provided for and saved, thank you and good luck in the next chapter of your life.]

Arias equally displayed a proud look and smile, nodding at Vicki's words.

[ Thank you for having me, and to the greater public, thank you for your support and understanding, I wish you well. Goodbye.]

As the interview came to an end, Arias and his make shift team were already on a large yacht like boat in an unknown location.

Arias was seeing his own interview on the deck under the cover of night, with Cheshire right behind him.

"Wow boss, you really know how to make an exit. A shame, just when I was getting used to the high life. Anyway… what are we really gonna be doing?"

Arias switched off the tablet he was watching the interview on and tossed it aside before glancing at Cheshire and smiling.

"The world can never truly appreciate someone if all they bring is happiness to the masses. They'll love you at first but soon take what you've sacrificed for granted, making you nothing more than a slave to them, a fool if you will. That's why, to truly win over the people, you need to show them the horror that takes place in your absence… even if you must create that horror yourself. That Cheshire… is what we're doing."

A/N: Remember when I said payback? Welp since I'm already lacking stones, next chapter coming Friday. Yes, I'm petty. Jk, just no bonus chapters for you lot. Enjoy the cliff.

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