BA-dump! BA-dump!
Three hours after the undead attack on the capital, the fourth princess was struck with an arrow to the neck, dropping her from horseback. Everyone felt a shiver, and even people who couldn't sense magic sensed a cold wind as the mana diverged behind the walls.
Arad sensed Isdis's thoughts fade as blood dripped down her neck instead of going to her brain. As the scent reached his nose, his mind stopped processing thoughts like a human. Rage reveals the true self of creatures, and the dragon playing a human returned to his wild nature.
A booming roar shocked the capital and cracked its walls. The loud roar was enough to shatter eardrums, pop thin blood vessels, and shake the bones of all those close enough to the main gate.
While a red dragon would burn the whole city to ash, a magic dragon would use his magic to cause terror in those who enraged him.