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30.71% Final Fantasy: Crisis and Tranquility / Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Show Of Strength

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: Show Of Strength

Ramiel was gingerly cleaning his massive ship with a washcloth and Alexandra was still jealous how much love he puts into it. "Ahem, nii-san. I demand to use my coupon for infinite brushings." Alexandra took out the coupon that she received from her birthday.

"Ahhh, Bismarck-chan. My sister is jealous of our wonderful relationship. Sorry, but duty calls." Ramiel teased his sister and she pouted at him. "It's not my fault! You're clinging to that thing all the time!" Alexandra stomped on the ground, but she still took out her hair brush and handed it to him.

"Well, I'm just still excited and giddy. Don't be too jealous, nothing can replace you~" He ruffled her hair and she shut up with that. Blushing a bit due to happiness. "See, too easy." Ramiel laughed and Alexandra threatened him with a knife.

"Woah, woah. Let's calm down, put that down nice and slowly." Ramiel raised his hands and Alexandra squinted her eyes at him. "I demand something to appease my fragile heart." Alex huffed at him and Ramiel smiled at her.

"Come here then." He spread his arms sideways and she glomped him, he then kissed the top of her head and she was satisfied. "Now, brush my hair like you mean it." Alexandra glared at him and he sighed at her neediness. She didn't show it often though, so he indulged her.

She hummed at his ministrations and relaxed as she watched the beautiful view of Wutai. But before Alex could enjoy it to her heart's content, Angeal and Genesis went up to them while panting. "Commander! There's something wrong! A huge ass serpent suddenly spawned out of nowhere!" Genesis shouted out to them and Alexandra was pissed off.

"A what?" Ramiel raised a brow at their panic, but they saw the gigantic serpent at the north who was spawning geysers and vortices of water in the air that swallowed up a lot of the landscape. "This is surely an avenger's level threat." Ramiel frowned and he gave Alexandra her sword.

He brandished his halberd, making Genesis and Angeal look at his form. Both excited and scared to see him in action. "Genesis, Angeal. Go to Bismarck and protect the island as much as you can. Give support to me and Alexandra as well."

Alexandra gritted her teeth as she looked at Leviathan, her teeth sharpening to daggers with her immense rage. "That thing won't appear unless someone summoned it… Unforgivable, I was finally able to pry my brother off his ship."

She jumped to the skies, throwing sand everywhere. "W-woah, the vice-commander is pissed off." Angeal could feel his skin tingle from the Mako that leaked from her body. "Hah, there she goes. This will be one of the most destructive battles you'll witness. Work with Hanz to maximize damage control, Bismarck will save a lot of lives and landmass." Ramiel followed suit and they were dazed.

Angeal broke out of his stupor and smacked Genesis on the back. "Come on, they gave us an important mission!" Genesis shook his head and the two ran to the ship immediately in order to start it up.


Earlier, at Wutai village. The son of one of the ministers gathered a sizeable force. A lot of soldiers were dissatisfied with Godo's passiveness towards the war. So they were able to gather enough for a takeover.

"Our target is the summoning Materia of our beloved guardian, the Leviathan. It will surely purge the accursed troops of Shinra from our lands. Then we will mount a counter offensive after we gather our soldiers and bolster our forces." The young master thought that the plan was perfect.

Months will pass before Shinra can get the news and send more troops to Wutai. They will then attack Midgar with Leviathan in tow.

"By your will." The soldiers saluted and they marched to Fort Tamblin. Due to them having the element of surprise, the guards weren't able to sound the alarm. They quickly captured the fort due to their numbers and preparations.

Outside reinforcements couldn't siege the fort to support Godo. And mass confusion was rampant due to not knowing who are the enemies and who are the friendlies. The young master kicked down at Godo's room and the elites who sided with him surrounded Godo.

"What is the meaning of this!? You…" Godo saw that the perpetrator of the rebellion was the son of one of the ministers that were quite radical in dealing with Shinra. And after their attack, Alexandra assassinated them, not even leaving a single clue. Giving rise to suspicions and rumors.

"Godo Kisaragi, it's a good day for war. You will only lead Wutai to despair. Quickly! Find the summoning Materia for Leviathan!" The young master gave his orders and Godo was horrified. "You fool! You'll destroy us all!"

Godo's warning flew right above his head, not knowing the massive repercussions for his actions. "Enough talk Godo! Wutai will rise up to greatness with our lead! Shinra will fall and we will make sure of it!"

The soldiers quickly found the Materia that was inside a decorated box. Godo tried to stop them, but one of his former soldiers pointed their weapon at him. "Godo-sama, this is for the good of Wutai." The soldier was quite apprehensive, but they believed that what the young master was doing is the correct move.

The now former leader of Wutai couldn't do anything and cursed inside his mind. 'Stupid idiot! The Leviathan will not acknowledge him! All the higher ups know of this!' Godo couldn't stop the disaster that will befall upon Wutai.

Wutai's guardian deity, the Leviathan will only accept summoners that have been deemed acceptable. Proving their worth to be a ruler of the island that have given prosperity to its people. And it will immediately know that it was summoned for war, which will displease it immensely.

The young master went to the waters of Wutai and started summoning it with the help of a natural lifestream pool nearby. The massive serpent took form from the waters and it looked at its summoner. "Foolish human, wanting to use me for war? Then surely, this nation has fallen." It roared and smacked the retinue of the young master like an insect.


Alexandra flew to the skies, cutting the air with shockwaves due to her speed. Her wing sprouting. "You overgrown serpent! How dare you cut my time with my brother!?" The veins on her arm bulged with the amount of strength she was putting on her sword arm.

The Leviathan though proved to be a different beast altogether. Huge columns of water got raised to the skies and dense spears of water formed all over the island. "You wanna go!? Then let's go! Crescent!" Alexandra prepared for a swing, the thousands of water spears got launched like a barrage of bullets at her position.

"CLEAVE!" She swung Masamune, the air cracked and thick blades of crescent energy sliced through everything in a cone that only grew larger as it travelled. Their attacks cancelled each other out and the island was shaking from their display of strength and awesome power.

Ramiel arrived beside her and gave her forehead a kiss to calm her down. "Don't be too rash Alex, I'll brush your hair for as long as you want later, I'll even scrub your back." He sighed and thought that the island will surely sink if they continue their clash.

"Fine." Alexandra got calmer and they went to a standoff with the serpentine summon. "You've got a lot of nerve trying to destroy this island. I even went out of my way to preserve it as much as I could." Ramiel cracked his neck and his arms ballooned with power. Mako seeping to his muscles as his dress shirt got ripped.

"Let's test just how strong is the guardian deity of Wutai is, shall we?" Ramiel used rift walk and appeared right at Leviathan's tail. He grasped the fins there and roared, he spun and threw Leviathan at a nearby island.

The serpent flew like a bullet and crashed right onto the island with a resounding explosion. Creating massive waves of water like a tsunami. Genesis was taping the whole thing and he went wide eyed at what their commanders could do.

"Holy Minerva… So that's why commander doesn't fight?" He was livestreaming the fight and Midgar was watching the heroes of the Wutai war fight in real time.

The Leviathan shook its head and was quite surprised. So it communicated with him. "An Ancient? Why do you invade these lands, Cetra?" Ramiel was shocked for a second. "This island will be an important part of my plans. Give it to me and let's forget about all this."

Ramiel tried negotiating, but the Leviathan squinted its eyes at him. "Then take it for yourself, but I the Hydraean will not make it easy, Cetra." Ramiel furrowed his brows and negotiations broke down immediately as expected.

The Leviathan swam through the air and a tsunami appeared out of nowhere, tornadoes of water threatening to collide against the island.

At the island though, Bismarck's engines roared as it floated to the air. Thousands upon thousands of Nouliths orbited the ship and they casted a barrier for Wutai. Obscene amounts of Mako pulsed from the ship and the mithril constructs created an aegis that protected the island.

"Good job!" Ramiel shouted out and Alexandra prepared a counter to the attacks of the serpent. "Cyclone slash!" She swung her sword multiple times and tornadoes of wind crashed onto the massive column of water that the Leviathan controlled.

"That won't hold up." Ramiel squinted his eyes and saw that Alexandra's attacks were being overpowered by the denser and heavier water. He inhaled tons of air and the miniature Materia in his blood vibrated. The Mako that flowed in his veins nourished the Materia and a spell was conjured inside of his lungs.

"Cover your ears!" Alexandra shouted out to the Bismarck as she created a barrier on herself. Ramiel roared and a beam of heat got released from his mouth. The intense heat crashed onto the water and steam explosions released shockwaves, creating tsunamis that crashed onto the shield that the Bismarck created.

"Full broadside!" Ramiel immediately ordered and the turrets of the ship concentrated energy to the cannons. It released its super heavy shells and crashed right onto the position of the Leviathan. Massive fireballs swallowed the mist and hurricane like winds uprooted the trees of Wutai.

Ramiel clicked his tongue when he saw that the Leviathan was covered in a sphere of super dense water. "So you want to do this the hard way. Keep it busy, Alex." Ramiel flew higher to the skies like a bullet, looking like a comet.

"Can do, Line Drive!" She positioned herself for a stab and disappeared in the blink of an eye. She collided with the sphere of water where the Leviathan hid and split the columns of water in front. Alexandra clicked her tongue, not able to pierce the thick shield of water.

She loaded her whole body and Mako and a thin film of it coated her body. "Hyper drive!" Alex went into a stance and slashed at the sphere multiple times as she disappeared from place multiple times due to her speed.

"Watch out! Heaven's fall!" A vacuum of air started sucking in everything at the center of the sphere of water and the Leviathan felt the dangerous attack of Ramiel. Columns of water like geysers crashed onto him. The beast created water constructs of its form and roared, the gigantic serpents of water clashed with the point of his halberd.

"Brace for impact!" Alexandra retreated, seeing her brother fall down from the sky like a meteor. The Leviathan's efforts slowed him down a bit, but his descent held true and he hit the serpent's seemingly invulnerable shield due to the water around them.

A light flickered, but suddenly it blinded everyone who watched. An explosion of Mako and fire created shockwaves that displaced the waters. Storms of lightning and fire bathed the island, sinking it to the bottom.

Tsunamis rocked the island of Wutai and threatened to swallow up the landmass. "Nii-sama!" Alexandra shouted out in concern, knowing that would definitely damage him as well. Steam took out everyone's sight and lightning crackled at the battlefield.

Alexandra then saw Ramiel fly at the island at breakneck speeds. The tail of the Leviathan swatted him away. She glared daggers at the serpent's wounded form. Its scales cracked and its fins had burns on it from Ramiel's attack.

"You dare!" She appeared to teleport on top of the Leviathan's head, her azure eyes glowing with rage. Alex delivered an axe kick at its head and the Hydraean dropped into the waters like a rock. "Halfmoon slash!" Alex swung her odachi and the ocean got split for miles.

But the ocean was still its domain. The Leviathan managed to swim away and its tail went to the surface. Alexandra noticed that it was doing something, but its massive tail broke the sound barrier immediately and crashed to the surface of the water.

"No you don't! Force pulse!" Ramiel released a shockwave from his palm. Geysers of water sprung to life from the waters like a jet, sinking islands as it got cut down. Water rained down from the heavens and turned into serpents.

They concentrated magic into their mouths and jets of water crashed onto the shields of Bismarck. Far away mountains got cut in half and islands that were in the way of the jets of water sunk.

"Damned serpent fucker! You won't sink Wutai! I'll be having a resort here!" Ramiel clapped his hands and concentrated. The sinking islands floated in the sky and formed into a dense landmass of earth. Alexandra quickly knew what to do. "Concentrate fire on the water serpents!"

Bismarck flew to the skies and the Nouliths orbited the ship. The fragarchs defended from the mountain splitting jets of water being spit at them and the weapons began casting spells. A barrage of firaga spells rained and explosions littered the skies.

"Nice support! Eat this! Shattered Heaven!" Alexandra then imbued the massive landmass with gravity and it ignited the air from its speed. The Leviathan was about to shoot it down with the sea serpents remaining. But Ramiel had his hands free and concentrated once again.

"Planetary Devastation!" A black orb formed in the middle of the serpents and sucked them in with the Leviathan. "Ice age!" Ramiel froze the water and the Leviathan tried getting out of the frozen ice. Ramiel blew cold air from his mouth, the Materia in his body making his body almost freeze from the sub-zero temperatures.

The Hydraean protected itself with all the water it could muster, seeing the meteor about to hit itself. A bright light emitted from the impact and a shockwave that rocked Wutai to its core hit the island. Tsunamis formed and Bismarck quickly swooped in front of the massive wave that would definitely sink Wutai.

"Bismarck, fire at will!" Ramiel ordered once more and the guns of the battleship roared. Raining hellfire and metal on the Leviathan. After a full broadside barrage, the Leviathan appeared and was turning into particles.

"Excellent display of strength Cetra, I the hydraean submit to you as my summoner. Bring the wrath of water unto your enemies." The Leviathan nodded at him and crystallized as Materia, the water delivering it to his hands.

"What a fuck fest." Ramiel went wobbly and fell below as he started to relax and go unconscious from using his all. "Nii-sama!" Alexandra flew to him immediately and caught him in her arms. She quickly checked if he was okay, sighing in relief that he was just exhausted.

"Now, who is the fucker that's responsible for this… Wutai will be annexed today." Alexandra glared at the island and was barely holding on to reason. Wanting to make the island of Wutai go boom with a Megaflare.


At Midgar, the populace watched the SOLDIER 1st class fight the Leviathan and were awed by the godlike display of power. And at sector 5 of the slums, Elmyra was watching television. But the channel changed suddenly.

Lazard got the broadcast from Wutai and he immediately changed the channels of Midgar to the live fight. Thinking it was time for them to show the overwhelming might of SOLDIER and launch an attack to Shinra right after.

"Hey! Ifalna! Look at this!" Elmyra immediately called for Ifalna and she went to the living room. "Isn't that Ramiel and Alexandra? The SOLDIER 1st class of Shinra?" Elmyra furrowed her brows when she saw the titanic serpent they were having a face off against.

"A summon!? Oh my god!" Ifalna knew the stories of the Ancients about the summons and their power. Leviathan was one of the strongest ones at that, they were also fighting in the ocean.

They watched the battle that would surely be put in history, with Aerith coming after she heard the commotion. "Woah! Ramiel-nii and Alexandra-nee are fighting that thing!? Go! Go! Kick its butt!" Aerith cheered for them.

Vincent who just returned from shopping once again for their daily food needs dropped his groceries and got a glimpse of his children. "T-that's insane." Vincent was speechless, seeing his kids squaring up against Leviathan.

Their battle sunk dozens of islands, making his brain go haywire. "I… I didn't know that they were that strong, Ifalna." Vincent stared at Ifalna and she didn't have a single clue either. "Don't look at me like that, I didn't know too!"

"They're the coolest! They are surely super heroes!" Aerith nodded sagely and Vincent had to sit down from the shock. "Lucrecia, are you seeing this? Our children are fighting one of the strongest summons in the world." Vincent was both proud and horrified.

"It seems that they will be returning soon, Wutai doesn't stand a chance against them it seems." Ifalna had a thoughtful look as they saw Ramiel create a meteor with from the sunken islands. The world was shown a glimpse of the future rulers of the world.


Thanks for reading everyone. Anyways, ciao.

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