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75% Bleach: Shinigami in the Shadow / Chapter 2: The New City

Chapter 2: The New City

'So I died and became a baby...I suppose my life ended, not shocking as I lived alone and there was literally a tree on me when everything went black.' Akio began deducing as he was analyzing what had happened. 'But there is few things I want to know...WHO is this woman? Where am I? And finally...How did I become a baby when souls go to their final resting place?'

While Akio was busy pondering, he was thrown off suddenly by that same deep voice he heard.

"Miss Onari, what will the boy's name be if I may incline?" The gruff voice asked and Akio turned to look at a large brown skin guy with small glasses that he couldn't see through.

Akio had a feeling he had seen this man before, unable to know where as he was stumped, trying to recall why the large hulk of a man seemed so familiar to him. Unable to think, he just gives up, figuring he had plenty of time to think later, the current situation was more important.

A voice spoke, it rather soft, weakened a bit but comforting all the same, "Hm...I think Akio Hitsugaya is a good name. I hope he grows up strong and healthy...." The voice drifted off as if sad about something.

The large man immediately caught on and quickly bowed thinking he did something wrong to make the woman sad. He began to speak quickly, "My apologies Miss Onari for making you upset in any way!"

The woman quickly looked up before smiling and shaking head, "It is fine, it is not your fault but thank you for worrying about me." She said while cradling Akio in his hand, which made him begin to tire, unable to stay awake.

Akio soon passed out unsure why the name was so familiar before his mind lost focus and forcing him to rest. Once asleep, Onari soon set him down in bed to rest. She moved to look at the other person in the room, her white hair swaying slightly from turning her head to the large man.

"Tessai... How is Toshiro doing, have you heard anything...?" Onari seemed worried for some reason as when she was made to leave, she regretted not bringing Toshiro to the human world with her, regretting it immensely. Everyday she worried about Toshiro but for his safety and hers, she left with Tessai, her friend, along with his boss that day.

"...He is doing fine, boss' informants says Toshiro was found by a good person to take care of him, she will look after him well and he seems to be talented in Reiryoku..." Tessai spoke to her softly and with respect to ease the woman's worries to which she sighed, meaning he succeeded in the end.

Onari nods in understanding, still worried but not too much now. She returned her gaze at her newborn child and smiled, gently rubbing his head to comfort him in his sleep her child slept peacefully on the bed.

Tessai sat quietly at side when the door was opened and sounds of clogs could be heard entering the room, trying to sneak his way in to peak on the situation. Seeing his assistant sitting on ground near wall and Onari on bed with sleeping child, he smirked playfully, hiding behind his fan.

"Oh my, if I didn't come in, I would think you three were a family~!" The person in clogs and wearing a green and white hat teased playfully to ease the atmosphere.

Tessai didn't look affected and Onari just chuckled at the other's antics.

She looked at her friend's boss. "Good to see you too, Kisuke." She said while not minding as she got use to it but Kisuke still laughed a bit playfully before he closed his fan and got serious.

The air got tense a bit the moment Kisuke was no longer smiling. "Sorry to ruin the mood but I did find out a bit about the problem we are facing...and it's not good..."

Tessai and Onari stayed silent to allow Kisuke to speak.

"...You will have to stay here...until we can strike at the right time. We will have to bide our time, preparing for the right moment, until I can analyze and come up with a defensive measure against them." Kisuke looked down, his hat covering his eyes.

Onari was listening attentively before she thought it through and nodded, "Thank you Kisuke and Tessai..." She said while looking at her son, determined to protect him here if she can.

Tessai seemed to sigh in relief, knowing how his friend could sometimes make irrational choices but seeing her look at Akio seemed to hold her back enough to choose wisely. He stood up from the floor and walked over to his boss, nodding and leaving room, Kisuke not moving from his spot.

"I will keep you informed of Toshiro and if anything happens, I will pull some strings to get him out of there. I don't believe they will find him, it was a good tactic to put him right outside the gates, they don't even notice he is there...for now..." Kisuke said seriously before smiling and putting up fan, "Now then, I have a cat at my shop to feed so I have to get back."

Kisuke turned and walked out, as he did, he shut the door and the soft thud caused Akio to wake up from the noise, about to go back to sleep thinking something fell in his room. It was at last second he remembered where he was so he snapped back awake.

Onari saw that Akio was awake, and seemed to comically panic a bit, only just having him she was worried what to do, her past experience wasn't that much. Having made to flee so quickly that she barely had been a parent.

New to her new responsibility she had to come up with something that she thought a parent would do. Quickly making a decision, she thought that he would be hungry so she stood up.

Akio watched with a bit of amusement at his mom's antics, giggling a bit which made Onari freeze.

She looked over at child. Having heard him laugh, she seemed to be stuck, thinking hard as if she was doing something hard.

The laughter of Akio stopped, seeing Onari so seriously staring at him, he pondered if he did something wrong...sweating bullets at fact he could do nothing, her gaze so intense. Swallowing a bit, he didn't know what to do, the situation was so tense that you could hear a pin drop.

Akio wished for the other guy to come back, at this moment not sure if that was his father or not.

While Akio was trying to think what to do, Onari was different, her only staring unconciously while she began to think '...Do I feed him a bottle now or later? His cute laughter caught me off guard as it was so cute that I froze...Now he isn't laughing, I just wanted to see his smile and hear his laughter... Is motherhood this hard?'

The two were stuck staring at each other, one wondering what he did wrong while other just wanted to watch her child, making an awkward but comical situation.

If a certain hat and clogs were to see this scene they would tease and laugh at this as he knew that Onari wasn't used to being a mother while the child was just a newborn.

After a while the silence finally broke, Akio suddenly thought of something, swallowing his pride and began to cry which stunned Onari so much she nearly fell back at the turn of events.

Taking deep breathes to calm down so she doesn't make the child more nervous, she walked back and picked him up, smiling which seemed to work.

After Akio was calm, he looked at her white hair and green eyes, curious how she had such a unique coloration but he soon snapped out of the useless thoughts trying with his small brain to be focused on more where he was than on his supposed "mother."

Onari was glad that she did nothing wrong, suddenly feeling exhaustion as tension left her.

Laying down while staring at her baby boy, finding his blue eyes adorable, a curiosity inside them which she liked. Giggling a bit to herself, it caught her son's attention which in turn she began to speak softly to him.

"Welcome to Kagamino City my precious baby boy." Onari spoke softly while the baby tilted his head, causing her to chuckle at this because she doubted he understood what she said but in end she was happy to welcome him still. After setting him down, she laid down next to him, closing her eyes while holding him close.

'So I am in Kagamino City? I guess I really am in a new life also a new city' Akio's last thoughts before the warmth of his mom along with her heartbeat soothe his small body and drifted off to sleep.

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