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50% Bleach: Shinigami in the Shadow / Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

***Ok this chapter will be a bit of info dump I know but I will try making it short so you all don't suffer too much. Please bear with it as I plan on trying to make just this chapter like this. The story begins after this. Also there is no Truck-kun (Don't hate me >.< ) because it seems overused. Now on to story!!!***


"Oh come on! What is my healer doing?!" A voice yelled out suddenly from the small room, clearly upset. This voice belonged to Akio Kaminari, a 19 year old teenager who was busy playing his game on his system.

Due to it storming outside, he was stuck inside for the day so he decided to just stay in and play it safe as the T.V. in background of the room was talking about the large storm heading toward his location but Akio wasn't listening as he was just gaming.

Akio was getting upset as he was almost dead in the game and was almost done with the new raid that came out yesterday that he wanted to try but couldn't due to work. He was almost about to quit when suddenly the lights flickered which caused him to stop what he was doing as there was a thunderous boom right outside his window that shook it violently.

"The storm is heading southward as a possible tornado may be heading our way later tonight, please stay tuned as we further keep you updated on---" The news reporter or weatherman was saying in the background as Akio had been stunned by the amount of force that had shaken his house so violently.

Akio grabbed the T.V. remote off his desk and clicked the off button on it to listen to the rain a bit and cool off, the noise from it not really helping his mood while sitting back in his chair that creaked from the movement. When he closed his eyes to relax, there was a flash of lightning and louder boom than before, making Akio jump due to startling and rattling him.

Unable to ignore it, Akio stood up from his seat and began walking toward the window which had the curtain closed so he didn't have to see the dark cloudy day and rain as he preferred the clear sunshine so he can go out with his friends. Due to living alone his friends were probably the only social life he really had as his parents were in another country and he had to come here to continue his job hunt which he succeeded.

Upon reaching the window, he heard something cracking and groaning just as he pulled open the curtain. What greeted him was a large trunk that was coming towards him as it seemed to been struck by lightning. The tree across street of his house was heading toward him fast due to it's weight. Akio quickly turned to run away but he stumbled and almost fell as he scrambled to get away.

There was a loud crash as the tree connected to his roof and caved it in before slamming straight into him and everything in room. Akio was crushed halfway under the massive tree as pain was coming from his lower half. He could see his tv, computer, and everything in his sight broken along with branches of leaves in his room. His eyes were slowly losing color as he coughed out blood trying to breathe.

Unable to stay awake, his eyes slowly began to close, the last thing he set his eyes on was an old manga that had been on his shelf for years as he had stopped reading it and just collected it, the book close to his hand as he finally breathed his last with the rain pouring in, lightning streaking across the sky with a final boom as if to say farewell to the owner of the room.

Akio just floated in darkness, not sure where he was, he seeming to be a bit cramped as he tried to move. He couldn't move at all, getting a bit frustrated but then stops, clearly it not working so he just waited. All he could do was wait and after a while he saw something bright coming toward him or more like him being pushed to it. Unable to stop himself from heading toward it, he closed his eyes in fear of that unknown light....

"Congratulations Miss Onari, its a boy!" A deep voice said out loud that caused Akio to open his eyes to the strange voice. Immediately he was greeted with a ceiling and face of a beautiful woman that looked like she was in her 30's. Her green eyes looking down at him in pride and wonder.

Curious to who this woman was, he opened his mouth to ask but only some groans and cries were coming out his mouth. Akio was stunned, stopping and wondering why he couldn't speak or move that much at all. Looking down, he saw himself wrapped in blanket but that wasn't what shocked him.

The fact he was in the woman's arms was what stunned him, clearly him not being big if she was holding his entire body. That meant one thing to Akio as he put it together quickly that he had become a baby along with the earlier statement he head from the gruff voice.

'So I died and became a baby...I suppose my life ended, not shocking as I lived alone and there was literally a tree on me when everything went black.' Akio began deducing as he was analyzing what had happened. 'But there is few things I want to know...WHO is this woman? Where am I? And finally...How did I become a baby when souls go to their final resting place?'


****Ok I know it is short but it is the prologue, I will try typing more in next chapter, please don't hate the short chapter as the next will be longer. ^.^ ****

SilverWingx SilverWingx

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