Speaking of which, with a slight wave of the Astrological Bureau junior officer's hand, the people behind him distributed sheets of paper to each person present.
Li Huowang took one, leaned in closely, and discovered that it seemed to contain some addresses and descriptions.
"These are all suspected members of the Oblivion Path. Bring them in, dead or alive," he said.
"As long as you can positively identify them, for the ordinary head of an Oblivion follower, one head, fifty Yangshou Pills, and a half rank promotion."
"For the heads of Sanyuan and Sixi, one head, three hundred Yangshou Pills! A promotion of three ranks!"
"Among them, the one who kills the most will receive a personal award of thirty-six cycles of unblemished Yangshou from the head of the Astronomical Bureau!"
Upon these words, all present buzzed with excitement, such rewards were truly unprecedented.