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Chapter 9: Chapter 09: Affinity

Two small blue lines, obliquely placed on either side, probably half a centimeter away from each other; connected to a rhombus through another straight line and a crescent-shaped curve, were inscribed on the back of my right hand. Shining like a thunderbolt, an ocean-blue circle enclosed the whole pattern. This unfamiliar intricate design on my ivory skin was glowing like a constellation in the night sky. I raised my head and looked at the prince with questioning eyes. Even though a part of me was afraid to know about this strange pattern, the other part was so curious that it masked all of my fears. Don't know how but the prince immediately caught the glow in my eyes and before I moved my lips to question him about the symbol, he replied with an affiliated smile.

"Don't worry, My lady! This is the proof of our contract. It's like a magic bind that connects us and also allows me to share my mana with you. Look! I have got it too."

He turned his right hand around, gently squeezing mine, and showed me the pattern on its back. Yes, it was exactly similar to mine and also had the same ocean-blue glow. After admiring its beauty for a few seconds, I flipped our hands back as I did not want to waste any more of his time on my useless activity. He let out a deep breath, took a glance at me, and then closed his eyes.

The very next moment, I felt a gush of energy seeping through our connected hands to my arm, then to my core, and finally from there spreading into my whole body. My tensed shoulders sagged, my eyelids laid down, breathing became quiet and my heartbeat paced slowly as if calmness and poise took over the storm inside of me. That was the first time I felt such inner peace. If possible, I wanted to stay in this calm ocean forever. My mind lost the track of time and before I knew it, the flow of energy ceased, leaving a void in my core. Opening my eyes slowly, I found the prince smiling at me.

"It's over, my lady!" he said in a low voice.

Even though I did not want it to end this soon but still, what else could I do other than let it go? So, I just accepted my fate as it is and looked at the prince. "Thank you so much, Your Highness!" I replied with a smile.

He turned toward the king, bowed his head, and let out. "I have infused my mana into the lady's core. It's completely stable now. She can have rest without any worry."

"Good job!" the king said unfolding his arms. After raising from the window sill, he walked towards my bed and addressed me with a gentle pat on my head. "Young lady, you should get some rest now and give your core some time to settle down. Even though you two have made a mana contract, your body is still adapting to this new energy. In case it shows any sign of instability, let us know immediately and we will handle the situation to its best. Alright!"

Worry and concern were evident in his voice and eyes, while his warm hand, caressed my hair, softly. In my whole life, except for my brother, I never saw anyone else care for me so much. If my parents were alive today, would they have looked at me like this? The thought ran through my head again and again. Before my brimming tears leave their nest and show everyone what I tried so hard to hide, I immediately took my hand up to my forehead and while adjusting my bangs, cleared those drops from the edge of my eyes. My miserable attempt to gulp back the remaining liquid made my words of gratitude stuck in my throat. While I was struggling with my pathetic self, Isis' voice reverberated in my ears, catching not only mine but also everyone's attention.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty, for taking care of my sister. Words cannot describe how much your help means to us. We will do our best to repay your favor," my brother said. His bowing head and modest voice took words right out of my mouth. Sometimes, I wonder how he knows exactly what goes on in my mind. But I'm glad he knows. I don't know what I will do if he is not by my side.

"Raise your head, boy! There's no need for you to thank me for this. It's my responsibility to take care of my people and even more so if they are my family," the king said with his calm voice, looking at him. My brother raised his head and met the king's stare with his determined and shining eyes as if they were looking forward to a future filled with hope and love.

A gentle smile ran across the king's face. And after a pause, he said, "Always remember that now you two are the members of the Royal Family. Understood!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Isis said aloud.

The king then turned his head towards the prince and called out to him," Zenier!"

"I'm all ears, Your Majesty."

"I want you to help them in adapting to the Royal environment. Arrange a professional teacher who could teach them the Royal customs as soon as possible. Help them whenever they need. They are in your care now."

"I will do my best. Your Majesty!" the prince said.

As soon as he finished his sentence, a metallic tapping noise reverberated in the room which stole everyone's attention. A hoarse voice came across the closed door.

"Pardon my intrusion! But Your Majesty's presence is needed in the throne room."

"Yes! We're coming," the brunette hair man said aloud.

'I think it's time for me to go. Rest well lady!" the king said with a smile. After that, all of them left, along with my brother, leaving me alone in the moonlit room. I flopped on the bed to process all the events that became a part of my life in a flash of light. But in truth, that was nerve-wracking, so I just ignored all that and closed my eyes, excitedly waiting for tomorrow.

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