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Alexander King

Alex did not participate in the interrogation of Lawson and his subordinates. After all, seeing what Brian could do, he didn't need to get his hands dirty. So he could only go out and chill.

Saying bye to Brian after talking about the next phase of the plan, Alex went out. He has other things to do.

Whether it is a movie or novel. The sudden reversal and plot twists are the things everyone likes to see most. The audience enjoys the thrill of the unexpected...

Alex is preparing for something like that for his upcoming live TV show. He needs a huge reversal and twist to the show.

He still needs to orchestrate everything required to make that show memorable for the French and the world.

He will show the dark side of society to the whole world. No, he is not some hero of justice. What he is after is the chaos that will ensue as a result of his actions. The more chaotic the world becomes, the more fun he will have.

[He is a bit crazy.]

"The time has come to try out the most OP function of the system. (Modifying Other Peoples Attributes)." Alex thought to himself.

No suitable candidate has popped up in the past for him to use this skill. But it is just a petty excuse. The real reason for holding on till now is that Alex is a cheapskate.

During his years on the street and at the orphanage, he has honed this skill to perfection. At that time, this was a valuable skill that helped him survive.

But now, he can finally let loose without worry. He has already died once. What can be worse? He doesn't fear death.

But he is not a brain-dead fool, rushing into every dangerous situation seeking death. He is far from it. Even though he doesn't fear death, he cherishes his new life.

This is his second chance, and he will make it count. So each of his actions till now has been precisely planned and calculated.

Some may say, "then why is he putting himself in the line of fire for Brian, a complete stranger?"

This is the Marvel Universe, where shit can go haywire pretty quickly. So he is looking for a way to gain power. There is a mission issued by his system concerning Brian.

But no explanation of what he should do is provided. So he could only find out the real contents of the task by exploring and experimenting. So yeah, he needs to interact with Brian and other protagonists even though being near them is hazardous to his life.


Alex went to the police station, sat in front of a shop, and waited patiently by drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. His previous call seems to have been effective.

Many police are going out of the station in a hurry. They are probably going to the construction site. How they will deal with newspaper and TV reporters will be fun to watch.

Alex wanted to go and take a look at the construction site. But on second thought, he let it slide and focused on the mission.

He is looking for a policeman. Not to modify attributes but for a whole other reason. He wants to know if there is a single good policeman in this place.

Alex wants to find a policeman who can cooperate with him. Preferably the kind of person who is middle-aged has a heart of justice, is suppressed because of his disobedience, and is depressed. He can make good use of someone like that.

If he can contact such a person, it will benefit him in the later stages of his plan. If not, he will have to waste some crystals to change someone's attributes.

In short, Alex wanted to find someone like Gordon from Batman and make him his man. He will then sneak that person into higher positions. So that he will become a more valuable pawn.

Alex plans far ahead. He is not in the independent world of "Taken" but an intricate world of spy-killers, gods, and devils.

He wants to have a strong network of people under him. His aim is to build an organization more powerful than Hydra.

With his systems cheat skills, it's pretty simple to convert high-level spies, world leaders, and directors of super organizations like Nick Fury, etc., into his men. If he can get the necessary level of crystals, he can even convert One Above All into his loyal follower.

But the only problem is that his system still needs to give him directions to get more crystals. He could only hope that after he completed his missions, he would get some crystals as a reward.

There is a catch there, also. He wasn't given any details of the mission except the name of the character he needed to contact.

So yeah, he had to figure out a lot of stuff by himself and not get killed in the process.

Just when Alex couldn't wait and was about to say, screw this and proceed directly to the next step. A policeman came out aggressively. He was a little far away, and it was dark, so Alex couldn't see his face clearly, but he had a strong build.

Alex decided to check the man's attributes. If he doesn't make the cut. In that case, Alex will have to find corrupt leaders and waste more crystals to change their attributes. Such a pain.


Alex concentrated on the man.


A pop-up window opened up, showcasing the man's status.



Name: Alexander King

Age: 25

Occupation: A regular Policeman


☆Core Attributes☆

1. [Red - Romantic French Man]

A true Embrodienment of France. A heart filled with romance but always aching without a partner to share it with.

2. [Red - Rich and Rebellious Heir]

The son of the oil tycoon Sir Robert King. The direct heir to assets worth trillions. Wields huge political and financial power.

But due to his rebellious nature, he is unwilling to accept the path set by his father. Instead, he wants to achieve greatness solely by relying on himself.

3. [Red - Knight Of Justice]

Unlike his sister, who went down the path of darkness, he wants to be a Knight in shining armor. He wants to save all people and rid the world of darkness.

Yup, he has a hero complex. And a severe one as well.

4. [Read - The Tyrant] (HIDDEN & SUPPRESSED)

The personality of a powerful Tyrant is imprisoned in his mind. It is currently hidden in the depths of his subconscious mind.

The sadistic and cruel nature of a Tyrant is constantly trying to break free from the shackles imprisoning it.

It is waiting for the right time to emerge and devour this current personality. And get rid of Alexander's stupid hero complex by taking full control of the body. Once unleashed, he will bring chaos and destruction, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

5. [Purple - Ordinary Policeman?]

He is just an ordinary policeman like everyone else. He reached this position solely due to his efforts.

But he is still alive because his rich father pulling the strings behind the stage. Otherwise, he would have become a rotten pile of bones at the bottom of the sea long ago.

6. [Purple - Turning Danger Into Safety]

He can turn any dangerous situation around in a blink of an eye.

He is always walking the thin line between life and death. Resulting in him acquiring this attribute.


"Hiss!" Alex gasped.

He is not shocked by the amount of red and purple attributes Alexander has. But the attribute [Red - The Tyrant] made him take a long breath of air.

"What the fuck is going on with that dude?" Alex is dumbfounded.

"The sister who went down the path of darkness and a father named Sir Robert King, an oil tycoon. All of this seems to connect with a movie I had seen long ago." Alex connected the dots.

"NO way?" Alex's expression became strange.

"The World Is Not Enough, 1999. A James Bond movie. Was there such a person in the original movie?" Alex wondered.

If such a person existed, he would have become either a well-known hero or a fearsome villain. He won't have been a nameless, nobody-level character.

If there is no such person in the original movie, where did he come from... Wait...

A bold guess suddenly appeared in Alex's mind.

This world is not the independent world of "Taken," but a fusion of "Mission: Impossible," "The Bourne," "007", "John Wick," and other "spy movies" along with "Marvel movies"!

When these worlds merge, there will be changes in the plot and characters. So it can be explained. But isn't he a bit of an anomaly even after that?

Alex searched for an iron mine but got a diamond mine instead. He can imagine that he will be most certainly be dragged into the plot of the James Bond movie as well.

He doesn't care about it getting his hands dirty in exchange for getting a powerful and influential person as his subordinate. He is gonna make Alexander completely loyal to him.

The first member of the organization has been selected. As for Brian, his potential is exhausted even though he has skills. It's better to have him as a friend than as a subordinate at the moment.

Alex got up and followed Alexander.


Authors Notes

Hey, guys just want to say that from this point onward, this is gonna diverge from the original. Until now, I have only made some minor changes.

But as the original story progresses, I am annoyed by the MC's choices as there are better paths to take.

So from now onwards, it's gonna be different from the original. New characters like Alexander King will be introduced, and some annoying ones will be removed. The plot is gonna change as well from the original.

Hope you guys enjoy it.


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