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15.96% Rebellion of His Creations (SI) / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Preparation for War

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Preparation for War

(Am I going too slow with the story progression?)

"Uh… What happened to her?" Tanya asked after we entered my office to grab something.

"Don't mind her. Just a bitch that dares overstepped her limit." I said monotonically while ignoring the pitiful look Charlotte is sending me.

"Right…" Tanya gave me a weird look but actually happy inside that she can finally take the lead since her rival had fallen off grace.

"Anyway, here is the Orb. This baby here I make using my Orb as base but more tuned to your usage preference. Unlike me, you didn't have much mana to squander. So, having too much output is redundant. Instead, this has improved formula analysis devices that allow faster casting, aiming and other tasks in general." I take out the small box which contains the Orb I tailor made for her.

Tanya took the box and opened it to find the exact replica of her Elenium Type-95 but actually the inside is different from her original Orb.

"Let's go out and have a test run." I suggested which Tanya agreed instantly.

I didn't forget to leave some water and long lasting food lest my new petm decided to wander off. Also, yes. Instead of treating her as human, I changed her standing to that of a pet instead of misplacing the trust I gave her.

Looking at her helplessly twitching and whimpering while rubbing her legs together, unable to relieve her arousal, gave me a twisted feeling of satisfaction.


"What… Major is breaking her old records by leaps and bounds!" The troops that were given time to rest until their next assignment, decided to watch Tanya testing her new Orb.

"How tall is that?"

"Almost 20,000 in altitude."

"What! 20,000? We could barely hit 12,000. The twins are monsters. 20,000? That's baby numbers compared to Sir Ray that were recorded to have reached 50,000."

"By the way, I heard rumors that Sir Ray was promoted and now given leadership of the Wing." Neumann, who was among the crowd, opened this topic to ask his fellow soldiers' opinion.

"Really? Well, I sort of expected this to happen one day. Besides, it's not like there will be much difference anyway. Major Tanya will still lead us as usual only when we are taking orders from him." Weiss explained to his comrades that still didn't understand.

"Haah, I wish I could return to my hometown… I'm kinda worried that this event might affect them." A nameless mage said worriedly while looking at the sky.

Not just him alone, many are like him. Worried about their family and wanted to check on their family but they are on active duty. The most they can do is to deliver a letter and inquire about their situation.

Thirty minutes later, Tanya finished testing her Orb and is now in a room filled with maps and documents. A room dedicated for discussing their strategy or mission.

"I know that you are strong and all. But, do you have any plans on taking down Paris?" Tanya asked while wearing a plain white oversized sleeping robe, wearing glasses while reading through materials to study the geography around Paris.

"I actually do… kinda copied it from somewhere but the gist is to fly above Paris undetected then drop down to wreak havoc." I explain the same tactics used in the original Youjo Senki but I'm going to add my own improvement and adjustment because we currently don't have access to some things.

"Hmn, if we did this at night and added some kind of distraction…" Tanya stopped reading the documents and started rubbing her chin in a thoughtful pose. "We would have an element of surprise and the distraction will buy us time to target necessary infrastructure while remaining in the dark."

"Damn, I didn't think you were a tactical genius, Ray." Tanya couldn't help but praise Ray after giving his plan a thought.

"I told you it's not my idea, I plagiarized it from my previous life. I am in fact not someone that likes complicated thoughts and prefers to take everything head on." I said while trying my best to recreate a time detonated explosive similar to C4.

The explosive would be crucial for the upcoming task and I also need to think of a distraction that I can use during the attack on the enemy's stronghold. In the original universe of Youjo Senki, they used V1 rockets to allow a small team of Tanya's Wing to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold. While the rocket is the transport vehicle, it also doubles as a distraction as it is loaded with rockets that rain down to the ground and distract the enemies from the infiltrated Mages.

I have to work against time to produce both the explosive and find a way to create a similar distraction within a weak time.

"I see… Well, at least we have something to work with for our infiltration plan. Next is the retreat after we succeed or fail. We must prepare contingencies for both situations." Tanya reminded me.

"Hum… Our goal is Paris. But to take down Paris, we must pass through the enemies stronghold on the Rhine front." I mumbled while my thoughs wander into my mental archive.

The operation Shock and Awe. It consisted of few phase which started by retreating the Empire forces on the Rhine Front to create a vacuum of power to bait the Francois Republic to stretch their forces thin by claiming those vacuum space. Then Tanya's Wing will make use of the opportunity when enemy forces are stretched thin to infiltrate from above and wreak havoc on the enemy's stronghold to break the command chain and communication to the enemy forces occupying the trenches. Then finally the Empire will maneuver a division to the back to surround the Francois Republican soldiers in the trenches while the retreated forces will advance once again alongside the division that is now behind the unaware enemy soldiers.

My own twist is roughly similar, the Rhine Front will retreat to stretch thin the Republican soldiers who will advance to occupy the empty fortifications and trenches. Then I will lead the entire Wing instead of just a few troops to infiltrate the enemy's stronghold and raze it to the ground with firepower. After that, it will proceed as originally while I will continue to the capitol in one swoop to take down its government infrastructure, crippling the entire command chain that sustains the Francois Republic military.

I am more than sure that the Wing, with my support, is sufficient to take down a city on our own. Since once our goal is achieved, we will dip out instead of trying to siege the city and let the Imperial military take care of the rest.

"Your plan sounds good other than taking on Paris with just one Wing. I would call it suicidal if someone else propose this plan to me. But I place my trust in your ability." Tanya evaluated my plan while noting down the entire plan on the map laid on the table. "After all, it's not an exaggeration to say that you alone carry enough firepower to rival a Wing of flight mage."

"Also, what is the payment you demanded from Zettour?" Tanya suddenly shifted the topic out of curiosity to what Ray negotiated with Zettour.

"The usual material for my magecraft experiment and to see a ship cannon. The biggest one they have." I blurted while I am focusing to alter the property of the material in my hand using Alteration to increase its reactivity.

"Ship cannon? Why the heck would you need to see a ship cannon for?" Tanya asked but quickly came to a realization. If Ray can pretty much Trace anything with enough mana, wouldn't he be able to Trace a portable ship cannon and deploy it wherever he needs.

The thought of being shot by cannons belonging to a large battleship made her involuntarily shiver from the chill that went down her spine. Not even the strongest shield casted using Gospel Magic can defend against a battleship cannon fire. She would rather take an artillery shell point blank than the former because that's one way to go if wanted to be buried without a complete corpse or even any at all.

Tanya remembered something that immediately halted all her thoughts.

"Ray, those plans you made would work but what if Albion Kingdom or Unified States manage to send their forces to reinforce the Francois Republic?" Tanya asked while looking at his direction.


The object he is trying to alter suddenly glowed brightly due to him losing control of the mana and exploded on his face. But thankfully nothing happened to him except his three hours long progress is now back to zero.

"Fuck! I forgot about it." I facepalmed while Tanya also couldn't help but put on a worried face about the mission that will take place in another two weeks.


Around 3 am in the morning, I finally finished devising an improvised plan with Tanya and made minor progress on creating the explosive device. We both decided to hit the bed since we were gonna leave first thing in the morning, at 7 am, to the Rhine Front to start implementing the plan we came up with.

I drag my feets into my office which is also my bedroom before plopped on the soft mattress.

"*Sigh* Taking over Paris, finding a way to travel out the world, and most importantly, growing my power… There's too much to do and yet so little time to get everything done." I complained out of frustration growing in my mind caused by stress.

I wanted to leave this world so bad and go somewhere that isn't here. Having to deal with Being X shenanigans is rather stressful. Even if I defected and escaped to a remote location in this world. It's useless if Being X can send soldiers to pursue me and that will be more dangerous than my current situation that at least still has the Empire as my backer for whatever reason.

Being X somehow cannot turn those that already are my allies into enemies apparently. I confirmed it with Future Calculation. The chance the Empire as a whole to turn against me is 0%. Works for me I guess.

Clearing my mind off any thoughts to fall asleep, I finally noticed the near unnoticeable noise. A stifled moan and grunt from my left. I just recalled the existence of the bitch.

(I have no excuse, I'm horny.)

(Nsfw till end of chapter.)

"Damnit… just when I wanna fucking sleep." I cursed at my hormonal phase. "No way I'm going to sleep with a raging boner like this."

Unpleasant the experience of being raped was, I couldn't deny the experience isn't pleasurable.

I crawl to the edge of the bed to take a look at her. She seems to be asleep? Not really sure but her eyes are closed. She seems to be moaning unconsciously and keeps trying to masturbate. Only to be denied as her hands suddenly freezes and moves away from her oozing and soaking wet crotch.

"Eye for an eye, I guess. Not like I can sleep like this." I whispered while looking at the tent on my pants.

"Consider this a payback." I said before pushing aside the piece of wet and sticky fabric soaked with her fluid that soaks even the floor which I didn't notice until now, and has patches of dried fluid.

Damn, her inside is twitching a lot and very warm. Definitely a hundred times better than those silicones my pathetic virgin ass used for relieving myself. I might even keep her just for this purpose because I can tell I am damn addicted to this shit.

It's making me angry because I knew this would happen. That's why I keep avoiding the taste of carnal pleasure. Once I taste it, there is no coming back.

"It's all this bitch fault!" I growled and choked her with my arm while using her like an object without remorse.

Releasing all the stress and frustration accumulated throughout the day on her with physical abuse that feels very satisfying. Especially when she already woke up but only silently receiving the physical abuse with suppressed sob and whimper mixed with pleasurable moans.

The feeling of dominating someone physically bigger than myself into such a submissive state was very satisfying that I sort of understand why BDSM was such an enjoyable thing for some.

Feeling lazy to fuck her myself. I sat on the floor while pulling her hair so she rose up from the floor.

"Cmon, you lazy bitch. Move your lazy ass and satisfy your master. Not the other way around."

"Y-Yes master…"


"Bitch don't talk, they bark!" I scolded her while clenching her neck and stared straight into her eyes with my mana surging slightly to intimidate her.

She shut her eyes before whimpering again annoyingly in fear while her vagina suddenly tightened and leaking fluid that I cannot identify due to the darkness that was only illuminated by the moonlight but the slight stickiness of it do confirm my assumption.

"Pft… To think you would be those kinds of people that get off from this kind of situation." I laughed amusedly before slapping her ass. "Move it. I will never give you permission to stop."

"Also, where is the bark? Huh?"

"Woof Woof!" She barked shamefully, trying to hide her face while I quickly pulled her hands away.

"Good girl. Be an obedient bitch and I might consider keeping you as a pet." I said, obviously got too carried on by the mood while enjoying the various expressions she is showing.

Ten minutes later… I finally couldn't take it anymore and released inside her with a loud grunt before my body went limp but I quickly get a hold of my body and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Here, be grateful and suck it clean. Don't you dare bite it." I grab a handful of her hair and pull her face to my cum stained dick. She immediately put it in her mouth and worked her tongue to lick and suck it clean.

"Tss… Woah!" I couldn't help but gasp a little due to still being sensitive. It felt like she was sucking away my soul that my waist felt too weak to even stay seated.

After that is done, I can feel exhaustion pulling me into dreamland. My whole body felt very relaxed and also tired like I just ran a marathon.

"Good girl… Now you can rest too. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day. *Yawn*" I ordered while caressing her hair.

Seemingly confused that I suddenly stopped being rough with her, she finally lifted her eyes to find mine but I already laid on the bed. Since her body was compelled by the order, she also took her rest on the floor where she felt she belonged, next to my dangling legs.

(Nsfw end)


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