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60% Harry Potter: The bored Prodigy / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Growing up

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Growing up

[Third POV]

(1988, unknown forest located in northern England)

In the middle of a large forest without any human traces stood a wooden shack. But even if one wanted to, nobody would be able to find it because it was enchanted with a 'Fidelius Charm'. But if one would be able to see inside, you would be able to see a larger space inside the wooden shack itself. It wasn't as luxurious as a noble's mansion but it was as comfortable and cosy decorated, so that it had everything needed for everydays life. Inside the large living room you could see a young boy comfortably lying on a big sofa while reading a book. He was none other than Mikael Lestrange.


Well here we are, I am now over eight years old and during the last seven years of my life, after we left the Lestrange manor, a lot of things have changed. As you might have guessed my mother got imprisoned in Azkaban after torturing the Longbottoms to total crazyness. If it's of any interest to someone my father got imprisoned as well.

After the vanishing of the Dark Lord the magical world was in an uproar especially with the hunt of the Death Eaters. And while everything was chaotic in the outside world, Taya and I didnt even bother with anything and just lived our lives in peace. After my mother said goodbye to me that evening Taya and I left the mansion the next daybreak. While Taya was still clueless I explained to her that we wouldn't return to the mansion and just live away from civilization. At the beginning she was reluctant but after I explained to her what would happen in the wizarding world and that it was too dangerous for both of us, as I am a Lestrange and she is my loyal house elf, she followed my orders and swore to protect me. So after some consideration we decided to settle in a big forest far away from any settlements, build a small house and enchant it with a 'Fidelius Charm' so that nobody would find us. Since that time seven years ago we have lived here peacefully without anybody disturbing us. While Taya would manage the household as well as go outside sometimes to buy necessities, I mainly focused on my growth, training and knowledge.

During the last years my training progressed extremely fast. I trained not only theoretical but also practical. My theoretical training was very monotone if I had to say so, not that it mattered to me. I basically copied every knowledge I wanted to know about into my 'Book of all', read it and learned it. During these last years my magical knowledge reached the level of at least the third school year in Hogwarts standards and combined with my unprecedented knowledge from my last life I would probably be the most intelligent person in the muggle world as well as an unprecedented prodigy in the magical world, not that it mattered to me.

My practical training progressed fast as well. At first I just tried to control my magic freely and exhaust it after every session to increase my magic power overall. After I mastered my magic control I started to focus on spells but because I had no wand and was a prodigy I started with wandless magic. It took me a while longer as expected to cast spells wandless but I guess if you would compare it with every other wizard, my speed could only be described as that of a monster. So after the last years of training I can cast most of the spells, even complex ones, wandless and even without incantations. But besides the spells, the thing I practised as hard or probably even harder, was Occlumency. The main reason was that I didn't want anyone to pry into my mind and memories, especially the ones of my previous life.

After all these years my Occlumency is at the master level. I organised my whole mindscape and consciousness and now it looks like a world itself. It has many different defence mechanisms and everything important is 'stored' inside a big castle, perfectly organised and only accessible to me. I could just block all attempts to read my mind but I decided it would be better to create a fake one with memories and values I found best and were morally correct, so if one were to pry into my mind they would find that of an innocent child scared of the world. It was nearly impossible for another person or master in Occlumency to discover that it was fake, not because I think I am the best or perfected my defence but because I was just an eight year old kid and it was unimaginable I had this ability.

Another thing I found out during my training was that I am a metamorphmagus, which by the way grew like some of my other abilities stronger as my connection with nature and magic deepens. Another reason for this ability is probably my partial Black Bloodline, which has the gift of a metamorphmagus in it, which I got from my mother. I first discovered my ability when I was around four years old during one of my practice sessions. When I used my ability for the first time I was shocked because of the sudden change of my body but after I calmed down and discovered what it was I felt extreme joy because it was an amazing ability that would benefit me greatly in the future. I mean just imagining how I could use this ability got me excited.

But besides my huge improvements in magic, knowledge and my newly discovered abilities I also received another unexpected thing or what I would call it, a new partner. Around two years after Taya and I settled down in the woods, we heard a painful scream from the woods, which sounded like the last cries of a dying bird. Because I had nothing better to do and it would bring me some excitement from this unknown situation I decided to follow the cry and look at what was going on. After a short walk I found the source of the cry and it was a lethally wounded bird, which looked similar to a Hippogriff, but because of my relatively vast knowledge I acquired during that time I came to the conclusion that it must be a thunderbird. After some thinking I decided to bring it back home and try to heal it. So after I called Taya and a few days of great care from her the thunderbird survived the critical stage of its injuries. After it stabilised and regained its consciousness I started to communicate with it.

This was another ability I discovered during my stay in the woods. Animals were naturally attracted to me and when I said something they could understand me even though they couldn't speak. The same was true the other way around, which means that I could understand them as well. After some experimenting I found out that it was more like an instinctive communication through my connection with nature, which was one of the reasons I enjoyed nature and animals very much and found my peace as if I was at home while interacting with them. This was a new feeling to me, because I never really felt a real home, but I found myself welcoming this change and new emotions.

Anyways back to the thunderbird. So after explaining the situation and showing that I had no hostility the thunderbird told me its story after I asked it. It originally lived alone in the United States but two months ago it got hunted down and captured by animal traffickers. After that it got smuggled into England to find a potential buyer but it got lucky and escaped. During the escape it got attacked and badly wounded and with its last strength it came to the forest where we met. After that we decided it would be best if the thunderbird stayed with us a few more days to recuperate and during that time we communicated more and got closer. So after the thunderbird healed completely and it was time to part, it asked us to stay and follow us which shocked us at first. But then it explained that it had nowhere to go, never had a family and always was alone, it felt warmth for the first time during its stay which is why it wanted to stay with us. Another reason was probably that animals were naturally attracted to me and as I was feeling home while I was with them they felt the same. So I decided that the thunderbird could stay with us, I mean come on who doesn't want a pet that can literally create storms if it wanted to. So we decided to bond and let it imprint me while I would give it a name as well. Turned out the thunderbird was female and so I decided to name it Sabra. So after that time we had a new member in our small household, who accompanied us during the last years, Sabra, my thunderbird and pet.

But enough of that, the part I am most proud of besides my training and self studies are probably my heaven defying looks.

Because the one thing that changed the most besides my abilities was my appearance. And I must say damn. While before I was a one year old with nearly any hair, baby fat and no distinctive features, I am now a heavenly beauty that would stun everybody at least for a short time if they saw me for the first time. I now have white hair with a bit of black at the ends, which is normal in length with a bit of curls and covers my forehead. At the beginning I had pure black hair, as beautiful as that of my mother, but as time went by and my connection with nature and magic grew deeper the black started to fade and was replaced by a bright white, which despite being white and not golden looked as warm as the sun itself. My eyes are violet and they seem to change its depth as my emotions change. While they most of the time looked bright with a sparkle as if you looked at the night sky itself, they sometimes seem as deep as the ocean, as if they would suck in your soul if you looked too long and deep into them. My facial features can be compared to that of a female top beauty. I have long lashes that give me an otherworldly and distant look to my face, combined with a delicate nose and lips. The same was true for my body. While I was only eight years old my body looked to be eleven to twelve years old due to my body potential. I had well developed muscles and white skin, without any fault, that enhanced my beauty. If one had to describe my looks I could probably only be described as a pure being straight out of heaven.

Besides my own changes I was surprised by a few others. While I had no direct contact with the outside world I still knew a lot of things because I could just copy the Daily Prophet into my 'Book of all' as well as Taya who informed me of the things happening in the wizarding world and rumours she picked up while shopping. The major thing I found out was that both James and Lily Potter were still alive and they had not only one child but two. One boy and one girl, the boy named Harry James Potter and the Girl named Ava Alice Potter. While these things changed, the thing unchanged was that Harry Potter was still proclaimed as 'The Boy Who Lived'. And while I did not discover any other changes at the moment, part of the reason was that I didn't want to waste my time on looking for differences between the world and future I know and the world I currently live in and the other that I found it more interesting to experience some more surprises in the future, I still believed that there would be more surprises that awaited me.

While I was lost in my memories and those thoughts I was suddenly brought back to reality as Taya teleported into the room and started to speak.

"Young master, Taya wanted to remind the Young Master that he wanted to visit Gringotts tomorrow and ask what Taya should prepare." she said. During these years we lived together we grew without question closer but as I was still her master she still had the usual respectful tone. I once tried to convince her to call me Mikael but that was a lost case without doubt.

"Thank you Taya for reminding me and yes please prepare the best suit I have for tomorrow. I will depart around midday." I said in a casual tone.

"Yes, Young Master Taya will prepare everything." And with that she teleported out of the room again.

After the short conversation with Taya I decided it would be best to sleep because it was already late and tomorrow would be the first important step I would take in the wizarding world.


Name: Mikael Lestrange

Age: 8 Years

Titles / Claims: ???

Special traits:

-One with nature (Deep connection with nature and magic that gets stronger as the magic power grows)

-The strongest (The best potential possible for body, mind and magic)

-Book of all (A book binded to the consciousness with every knowledge in the world)

-Looks out of Heaven (Due to the traits 'one with nature' and 'the strongest' as well as the wish to be extremely handsome this trait was acquired)

-Metamorphmagus (Due to the traits 'one with nature' and 'the strongest' as well as the wish to be extremely handsome this trait was acquired)

Magic Power: 70 (near Auror level)

Abilities: (for the start in Hogwarts standards from first to seventh class)

-Charms: 6th Class level

-Transfiguration: 6th Class level

-Potions: 3th Class level

-Herbology: 3th Class level

-Ancient Runes: 4th Class level

-Defense Against the Dark Arts: 3th Class level

-Dark Arts: 4th Class level

-general Knowledge: 7th Class level

-Occlumency: near mastery

Possessions: None

Contracted creatures:

-Taya (house elf)

-Sabra (Thunderbird)


-Bellatrix Lestrange (mother): 75 (feels the love towards you a mother should have for her son)

-Taya (house elf): 160 Favorability (extremely loyal / would never betray you and die for you)

-Narcissa Malfoy (aunt): 15 Favorability (good impression)

-Sabra (pet): 95 Favorability (loyal / would never betray you)

-Rodolphus Lestrange (father): 0 Favorability (has no interest towards you)



Hey guys, the author here.

I just wanted to ask a few questions and say a few things to the commands you posted under the last chapters.

The first thing I wanted to say is that English is not my main language and in my home country the character names like Narcissa are written Narzissa. So I hope you don't have that much of a problem with the fact that there could be some grammar or spelling mistakes, especially mistakes where s,z or c are swapped. From now on I will write it 'Narcissa' instead of 'Narzissa' and at a later date I will probably edit and update the earlier chapters.

The main question I wanted to ask about was, which house should our main character go to? At the moment I struggle between every house except Gryfindor so it would be nice to hear your opinion which of the three houses Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff you prefer.

By the way, I changed 'spells' in the character information to 'abilities' and different subjects because I think it's better to describe the overall skill level of the main character.

With that said, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and see you next time.


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