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97.29% Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System / Chapter 360: Everyone Arrives

Chapter 360: Everyone Arrives

"Guess who I am~, there's a reward for the right answer."

With his mind filled with negative thoughts, Akira didn't realize there was someone sneaking up behind him, and he closed his eyes without giving them a chance to respond.

"This voice...?"

The quintuplets had similar voices, making it difficult for him to determine the identity of the girl behind him.

"Starting the countdown... 5, 4, 3—"

"Nakano Ichika."


After Akira answered, he only received silence. Then, he regained his sight, turned around, and saw a girl wearing a hat, sunglasses, and a mask covering half of her face.

"You look like a stalker, Ichika-Nee."

"There's nothing I can do. If I walk around without disguise, people will ask for photos and my autograph."

Ichika shrugged, looking frustrated.

She was glad her dream of becoming a famous actress had come true. But in return, she lost her freedom of action.

Every move had to be done very carefully, to avoid paparazzi taking photos that could cause scandals.

"Becoming an actress isn't as easy as it seems, huh... Well, this is Ichika-Nee's choice, you have to bear the ups and downs of this profession."

"I know. Akira-chan doesn't need to say it. I also don't regret entering the entertainment industry."

Removing the gloomy aura around her, Ichika walked around Akira and observed him carefully.

"Do all boys grow up so fast? Just in a few months of not seeing each other, Akira-chan has grown taller."

"Really? Why didn't I notice?"

"Of course, it's true. As an older sister, paying attention to her little brother's growth is normal."

Ichika looked proud as she said this.

"Dad and Ebata-san are waiting inside. Ichika-Nee hasn't seen dad for a long time, right? Hurry up and go greet them."

Feeling out of place talking here, Akira urged her to hurry into the family restaurant.

"Alright, then I'll go in first."

Patting his shoulder, Ichika entered the restaurant, immediately seeing each table already occupied by others.

Walking to that table, she took off her disguise.

Sitting in front of her father and Ebata, Ichika put on a sweet smile.

"Long time no see, dad, Ebata-san."

"Hohoho... It's nice to see Miss Ichika becoming more famous. This old man has seen you appearing more on TV and ads."

Still without expression as usual, Maruo asked, "How's your job, Ichika-kun. Are you facing any problems?"

"Everything's going smoothly. In fact, I'm getting busier because I'm receiving many offers to act in movies. It's exhausting, I even lack sleep because of shooting hours."

"Don't overwork yourself."

"Um, I know, dad."

Feeling her father's concern, Ichika smiled happily.

Her father might seem like a cold and unfeeling man. However, she knew it was because of his awkward nature and inability to interact with them.

"By the way, does dad know why Akira-chan suddenly invited everyone to meet?" Ichika asked curiously.

She couldn't linger here, considering her schedule was very tight. She even had to postpone shooting because Akira said this was an important meeting.

"I don't know," Maruo replied.

"Unfortunately, this old man doesn't know either. Young Master Akira didn't tell us anything," Ebata sighed.

"Hmmm~... It's unusual for Akira-chan to act mysteriously."

Her intuition as a woman gave her a bad feeling. Ichika felt that the purpose of this lunch was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Outside the family restaurant.

"Good day, Itsuki-Nee."

"Good day, Akira-kun."

Akira and Itsuki greeted each other normally, unlike Ichika's mischievous behavior.

Seeing her wearing glasses, Akira asked concerned, "Is your eyesight getting worse, Itsuki-Nee?"

"A little. I've been studying too much."

Itsuki didn't explain too much.

"Rest if you're tired, don't study until late at night. You don't want to wear thick glasses, right? I'm worried, no one will marry Itsuki-Nee in the future."

"W-What?! What nonsense are you talking about, Akira-kun! What does wearing glasses have to do with marriage? That doesn't make sense."

Itsuki's mature attitude crumbled in the face of her little brother's teasing.

"Ha ha ha... This is more like Itsuki-Nee than your previous mature appearance."

"Don't tease adults."

Realizing she was being fooled by him, Itsuki puffed her cheeks, her hand pinching Akira's waist.

"Sorry, I went a bit overboard. Don't worry, if no one wants to marry Itsuki-Nee, it can only be said that the man who meets you is blind. After all, there's still me, right?"

"Wh-Who wants to marry you! Besides, siblings can't get married."

Stomping her foot on the ground, Itsuki didn't want to show her blushing face. So, she hurriedly entered the restaurant.

Unaware that Akira's cheerful expression disappeared in an instant.

"This might be the last time I tease you, Itsuki-Nee. At least, until I return to this world again."

From the system's response, Akira knew that the Jewel of Four Souls required a time interval to be reused after being used.

After he leaves this world, he won't be able to come back here for a period of two months.

"Are you thinking about something, Akira?"

"Don't daydream outside, you're prone to be targeted by pickpockets."

Akira's reverie was interrupted by a woman's voice. Then, he saw Nino and Miku coming together.

He wasn't surprised to see them together. After all, both of them chose the same college major and lived in the same apartment.

"Good day, Miku-Nee, Nino-Nee. You both look more beautiful."

"Thank you."

Blushing, Miku lowered her head and didn't dare to make eye contact.

"Your skill in complimenting women is getting better. Could it be thanks to Takebayashi-san?"

Not only not pleased, Nino was annoyed.

"Cough, please come in. Only Yotsuba-Nee hasn't arrived yet."

Not knowing why Nino's mood suddenly turned sour, Akira urged them to enter the restaurant.

He didn't have time to comfort her.


Hearing someone call his name, Akira looked towards the source of the voice and saw Yotsuba riding a bike while waving her hand towards him.

"Good, she arrived safely without any accidents."

Akira sighed, realizing his overly paranoid thoughts were unfounded.

"Am I late?"

Stopping her bike, Yotsuba asked while wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Yes, Yotsuba-Nee is the last one to arrive."

"Eh, I'm sorry. Earlier, there was a lost child. I helped him find his mother."

"So that's it. Yotsuba-Nee hasn't changed. You still like to help others for no reason."

"Ehehe... I can't just see and walk away."

Scratching the back of her head out of embarrassment, Yotsuba didn't feel the praise was deserving of her.

After parking her bike, they both entered the family restaurant.

Now, the Nakano Family was complete.

Akira asked them to order food first.

Rarely could they gather like this, no need to rush to convey his intention.

His plan was to return home tonight. So, he wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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