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Time continues to flow.

Akira did not give up and continued to visit museums and temples spread across Japan to find the whereabouts of the Jewel of Four Souls. Unfortunately, until now, he has not succeeded.

Even so, he did not give up. Every night, he goes out using the identity of Ars Nova, and faces increasingly intense military attacks.

Who knows how many fighter planes he destroyed, causing Japan to suffer losses of hundreds of millions of yen.

Only after dawn would he return home and sleep until noon.

Despite the repetitive activities, Akira and Takebayashi's relationship grew closer. Every weekend, the two of them would play together, or in other words, go on a date.

December 24th.

"Mhm... Where is this..."

Opening his eyes, Akira saw a familiar ceiling.

"You finally woke up. If you're still sleeping in 15 minutes, I'll wake you up."

Akira turned to see Nino painting her fingernails.

"Good morning, Nino-Nee."

"It's not morning anymore. Look what time it is, you sleepyhead."

"Hoam~, this isn't the first time Nino-Nee has seen me wake up late."

Looking at the wall clock, Akira found out it was 1 pm.

"Where are the others?"

"Ichika is working, Itsuki is studying in her room, who knows what Miku is doing in her room. As for Yotsuba... She's probably dating Uesugi." Nino said with no jealousy in her tone.


Raising his hands up, Akira stretched his waist.

"Thanks for the blanket, Nino-Nee."

He found someone put a blanket on him while he was sleeping.

"How are you sure I did it? Why not Itsuki or Miku?"

Stopping painting her nails, Nino looked at him as if she wasn't the culprit.

"Intuition." Akira's answer was simple.

Neither denying nor confirming, Nino continued painting her nails, then said: "Wash your face, I just heated up lunch in the microwave."


Folding the blanket and putting it on the chair, Akira headed to the bathroom, and washed his face.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he sighed.

"It's been almost three months since I arrived in this parallel world. I hope everything is fine."

Seeing that the Command Spell on the back of his hand was still there, Akira felt more relaxed with Skadi's presence protecting his family when he was not around.

"The Chamber should have implemented that protocol the day I disappeared."

Thinking about the plan he made just because he was bored, Akira was somewhat grateful for his paranoid nature.

He had made a plan if he suddenly disappeared, namely that Chamber must immediately contact Le Fay, and monitor the safety of the Nakano Family secretly.

If necessary, Chamber can also control Iron Man's armor, which Akira stole from Tony Stark when he and the members of the Super Dimensional Guild attacked him.


"Don't think pessimistically, it only makes me unable to think clearly, and can affect my mentality."

Patting his cheeks hard, Akira tried to remain optimistic.

Coming out of the bathroom, he saw Nino preparing food at the dining table.

"I cook your favorite food."

"Thank you, Nino-Nee."

Looking at the curry rice in front of him, Akira put his hands together and said: "Ittdakimasu."

Supporting her chin with her hand, Nino asked: "How is it?"

"Um, it's delicious. Nino-Nee's skills are the best in the world."

"Hmph, your praise is so exaggerated that it sounds fake."

Even though Nino said that, her smile couldn't be hidden after receiving praise from Akira.

"Tonight is Christmas Eve. Doesn't Nino-Nee have any plans to hang out with your friends?" Akira asked casually.

"They are all busy dating their respective boyfriends. Christmas Eve have no effect on a single woman like me. I'm sure Yotsuba won't come home tonight, and spend the night with Uesugi."

Considering that the two lovebirds had crossed the line, Nino was sure that the two of them would spend tonight at a love hotel.

As for who pays the room bill? That must be Yotsuba! After all, Fuutarou is a poor, and stingy man.

"Cough Cough... Don't talk like Nino-Nee isn't attractive. There must be a lot of suitors approaching you, right?" Akira choked hearing that, then hurriedly drank water.

"Of course. But the men who approach me are all bastards who only think with their lower bodies." Nino said disgustedly.

Soon there will be high school graduation exams and university entrance exams. As students, they must study diligently so as not to fail the exam. But there are always some delinquent students who don't go to university, and play around while the other students are studying hard.

Such delinquent students spend their time teasing female students, and Nino is one of their targets.

"Oh, they didn't do anything strange or threaten Nino-Nee with photos or recordings that shouldn't be shown to the public, right?"

"You read too much manga, Akira. That wouldn't happen in the real world."

"No, no, no. Just means Nino-Nee hasn't seen it, it doesn't mean it isn't there. This is Japan, you know. Where there are many perverted cases."

"You make me scary, Akira."

Seeing his serious expression, Nino felt uncomfortable.

"Well, sometimes the truth hurts more than lies. That's why more people like to hear sweet lies than bitter truth."

"...You are really 13 years old? You sound like someone with a story."

Nino narrowed her eyes, looking at Akira who was eating.

"Age cannot determine wisdom. For example, my intelligence is superior to Nino-Nee."

"How dare you make fun of Onee-san!"

"Oh, stop Nino-Nee. This is domestic violence."

"Hmph, who told you to say that."

After knocking Akira's head a few times, Nino returned to her seat with a satisfied expression.

"I'm just giving an example..."

"What did you say!"

"There isn't any."

Glared at by Nino, Akira obediently ate.

Akira finished his lunch (breakfast) quickly, and took the dirty dishes to the sink, and washed them.

Returning to the living room, he found Nino continuing her predicure session.

"Hey, Akira, do you like women with long or short hair?"

"Why suddenly?"

"Just answer."

"Long hair."

Nino's hand movements stopped for a moment, then moved again as if nothing had happened.

"Do you like lolita or mature?"



Nino looked up and gave him a sharp look.

"I didn't expect you to be such a fuckboy."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"That's not a compliment!"

Ignoring her little brother's teasing expression, Nino continued to ask while painting her toenails. Because she was wearing shorts, Akira could vaguely see black panties.

"Big breasts or small breasts?"


"Beautiful or ugly girl?"

"Beautiful girl."

"Huh, I thought you would answer both again. That's right, you men only look at women from their physical appearance."

"Did Nino-Nee forget that you also judge whether men are good looking or not?"

"T-That was before, now I judge men by their character and kindness."

Nino's face turned red with embarrassment after being revealed by Akira.


Akira shrugged with a smile. His next words seemed like a bomb away from Nino.

"Hey, Nino-Nee, want to go on a date?"


Nino was stunned.

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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