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Situtation (rewrite)

A How strange was this situation really? Shin just came from his now Girlfriend's house just to see a final boss-level character casually chilling in his living room while eating snacks.

Saying that he was surprised was an understatement, he was shocked to the core as despite having thought of multiple ways in which he could have met Aizen, this certainly was not one of them.

Although shocked, he didn't show it instead he used one of the perks he got from consuming the essence of miraculous aspect, the power to control his emotions.

Controlling his emotion, he calmed down as his thought perked up, taking all information, the smallest detail into account.

He started theorizing, if Aizen was here, this meant that something must have happened, the only reason why he would expose himself so openly would be that he no longer need to hide thus he should have already betrayed Soul Society.

He should be after the Hogyoku in his possession, meaning he got the information from someone on my side... The question was from who? That would determine how much he knew and how much he prepared before coming here.

As he was thinking, a new quest was Issued, which he quickly went through.


Quest: Greater evil and Lesser Evil

Information: The man named Sosuke Aizen along with two other people after betraying Soul Society and gravely injuring different division captains. For some reason One of the traitors came to talk to you but his intentions are unknown.

Objective: Unravel his intentions by coming to see you.

Time Limit: 1h

Reward: 1 Gacha Ticket.


This quest just confirmed that the man has as predicted already betrayed Soul Society along with Gin and Tosen. Good to know.

Next, the title of the quest was pretty "unique" Greater and Lesser Evil? What was the meaning of that? He could think about many possible hypotheses on the subject but he could not confirm them anyway, He should just make Aizen himself say it.

As he thought, from the corner of his eyes, he could see his father put the twins to sleep with a spell. Good, what is going to happen right now is not something he wants his sisters to see.

Taking that in consideration he walked toward Aizen and he pushed the table aside and took a chair out of his Inventory before sitting on it. Now face to face with the man he repeated his question.

"Answer my question, what are you doing here Sosuke Aizen?" The tone of his voice was without any kind of hostility, it was neutral as if what was happening was none of his business but he asked just for the sake of it.

Although a little surprised by his amazing control over his emotions and the fact he just out a chair out of thin air, Aizen was quick to take that into account and deduce where the young man was hiding the Hogyoku.

From his information, he had it on him, and he came to take it but that was not his only goal in coming here.

"What am I doing here? That's indeed a good question, but before answering it, I do have something to ask as well." As a scientist himself, Aizen of course was a really curious person by nature.

"..." Shin seeing as he didn't want to answer his question yet, didn't speak and just waited. He had no need to hurry, this conversion was going to end in a fight anyway.

"Despite you having the ability to see the future, although at random, you should have seen enough for you to know that getting in my way was not a wise decision."

Aizen's words were enough for Shin to know that he did indeed get information about him from someone on his side, but that someone might not be that well informed about Shin's strength or he doubted Aizen would dare to come here by himself.

"You may have gotten stronger from the time you fought with your Father, but from the Information, I got from Kuchiki Rukia, although you seem to be stronger than the average Captain, what made you think you could protect the Hogyoku from me?" Aizen asked curious of the answer, not even once had it come to him that Shin could be stronger than him.

Shin however just confirmed from whom Aizen got his information from. Rukia huh? Although she was indeed told some major events about the future in order to get her trust, she was not told the details nor did she know the true extent of Shin's strength, which was a good new.

"Have thought ever come to you that I had the means to do so?" Shin asked, but there was no change in his demeanor.

"That's highly unlikely, for, If I want to get the Hogyoku from you, you will be giving it to me from your own hands." Aizen said, he was not just referring to Kyoka Suigestsu but he also had something else in mind, the reason why he didn't directly attack the young man.

"And what do you mean by that?" Although Shin thought about Aizen's Shikai, he also had a hunch that the man was hinting at something else.

"Tell me, Shin Kurosaki, have you ever heard of the Soul King?" Here it was, this was his true intention.

"Vaguely..." Shin answered which was true, the only recollection of it he had was when Urahara and Aizen himself briefly talked about it in the anime.

But if the widened eyes Isshin told him something, it was a sensible subject.

"The Soul King is, in the simplest term, God. It is the being responsible for the current state of the world, Its existence is tied to the Soul Society, the Hueco Mundo, and the Human world. Without him regulating the flow of Souls, all of those will collide and collapse upon themself." Aizen started his explanation with a clear goal in mind.

Listening to Aizen, Shin didn't speak, merely keeping his thought to himself but still, he asked.

"And What is the use of telling me that?"

"You have been working with the objective to oppose and stop me from achieving my goals, but do you have knowledge of my real goals? You seem to have the perception that I am the villain of the story but is that truly the case? The Soul Reapers that you have allied yourself with and is trying to protect, are you sure that they are the Good guys?"

"Aizen!" Isshin on the side couldn't help but shout, he directly understood what Aizen was getting at, and he didn't want him to mess with the head of his son, as what he wanted to say would certainly make anyone who is not knowledgeable of the situation think twice about it.

"Kurosaki Isshin, I am sitting right here, there is no need for you to shoot my name. Or are you worried that he may change his mind about siding with you after getting to know what you did?" When he said you, he of course meant the Soul Society.

"I know that you are trying to mess with his head and I won't let you!" Isshin said but he couldn't really move right now as he had his daughters in each of his hands.

"No, it's fine, let him talk, I wish to listen to the very end." Here was the moment to understand more of the lore of this world. Although he could get that information by looking for them, there was also nothing wrong to hear it from Aizen, also he wanted to clear his quest.

"Shin, you..." Isshin didn't say more and kept silent, he just hoped the boy would make the right choice.

"Wise decision. The Soul King, although in all right a God, because of what the people of Soul Society, the Shinigamis, and the noble houses did to him became no more than a simple object, a symbolic figure of sorts with no real power, bereaved of even his consciousness and individuality."

"But for you to understand, we have to start from the beginning. Long ago, this world was very different, there was a single realm, where death was nonexistent. At some point, the hollows started to appear, and following their apparitions, came to be being with supernatural powers. Reio, the Soul King was one of them, his powers were such that calling him a God wouldn't be an understatement."

"He worked for the good of all, protecting the world and annihilating hollows whenever they appeared. But human greed has no limit they say, Shinigami are no different, the ancestors of the noble families used Reio by somehow making him submit to their will. Thus they made him divide the world into three realms, which are respectively the Soul Society, the Human World, and the Hueco Mundo. Not only did they use him, but they also sealed him and cut off his organs."

"They Humilated him, bereaved of all semblance of his previous glory, he became nothing more than a backbone of the world without any real desire. Not even deserving of being called a "he" anymore, "It" would be more fitting as he was no more than an object."

"This action became known as the Original Sin. This sin was covered up secretly by placing him in a secret location, a dimension tied but at the same time separated from the Soul Society. He is being "protected" by those called Royal Guards, The 0 squads as well as the noble families."

This revelation greatly shocked Shin as his mind started racing, coming to terms with everything, who could have thought that there was such a history behind the actual state of the world?

"Of course, many don't know about this as it's privy to a selected few, they may know of its existence but not the detail. The worse is that those who know have accepted the current situation. They have agreed with the sacrifice of the Soul King in order to keep the current balance of the world. The life of one lost for the sake of many."

"It's not surprising that if some are okay with it, others are not, but even those didn't want to commit and change the world. They are of the opinion that the current world should be protected and not destroyed."

"So you are telling me that you are different?" Shin asked

"Yes I am different, I do not want to set back the world to how it was before. My goal is different, to remedy the original Sin, I will bring back the linchpin of the way of the world, the symbol of the Soul reapers' sin, the greatest sacrifice, Reio-- The Soul King in Heaven and take his place."

Aizen got up from his seat and said as his voice grew more ambitious and driven letting Isshin and Shin in an even greater shock, although Shin hid it.

"But for that, I need the Hogyoku, to transcend the boundary between hollows and Shinigami and ascend to Godhood. I do not wish to be under the control and reign of such a pathetic existence." His voice was even more inspiring and heated as he extended his arm toward Shin.

"I know it, you and I are not so different, you should be able to understand me, Kurosaki Shin, this loneliness, you must feel it too don't you? I can understand you, Join hands with me... rejoin me, and together we will be at the top of the world."

Observing the boy from his birth to now, he knew it, the boy although acting like it, his mind was way more developed than it should be, his genius added to that, he must not be so different from him and Urahara, although the Other one did his best to hide it, this loneliness was not something easy to cope with.

He could see it from the young man before him, thus he was going to rally him to his cause, hitting two birds with one stone, not only will he get another ally with potential but also the hogyoku at the same time.

And sure enough, he was right, as he saw the young man slowly reach for his extended hand his Isshin shouted "Shin, don't! Are you out of your mind?" But it seemed to fall into deaf hear as Shin took Aizen Extended hand while getting up.

Shin found that what the ancestor of the noble family did was unacceptable and he realised what why the title of the quest was "Greater and Lesser Evil."


Did Shin really accept to join Aizen? Was he disgusted by the act of the ancestor of the noble family at this point? Or is there something more to it? Let's discover it in the next chapter.

Here is the rewrite but due to this I will have to change many of my future plans... anyway, it's worth it.

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