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60% The Hot Nerd / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Miranda POV

He barged into my house without permission and for some reason I was ok with it, more like I was looking forward to it..

Without talking, he picked me up and crashed me to himself, straight to the bedroom leaving behind a trail of clothes...

I didn't know who it was but at the same time I knew...


I couldn't see his face but I knew it was him. He was suddenly above me , I should push him away but I wanted to feel him.

You know what...

F**k principles! Am doing what I want!

Just then I felt his hands on my skin and I got closer to give him better access as I moaned in pleasure. His hands kept going down and my heart sped up with anticipation... His lips came down on mine, sucking me in... It felt like death but intoxicating and so good! This felt wrong but so good... I could still taste him in my mouth as he traced kisses down my neck and now he was holding me closer to himself for the...


I woke up with a start.. sweat dripping down my face.

It was a dream!

Relief and disappointment washed over me.

Relief that nothing happened and disappointment that it was a dream and nothing happened!!

I checked the time, it was 2am and my alarm had gone off. It was the first alarm and the next one was to go off by 5am.

After tossing around for a while to get the cause of my problem off my brain I went back to sleep.


A single light was on to illuminate the place.


Little sharp sounds could be heard ..

Water splashing against a surface..

A bathtub half filled with water and on the surface were the tips of a pair feet that got hidden in the water every now and then only to reappear.

Above was me with wet long hair and my lower half hidden in the water but the other half wet and bare slightly above the water. Someone else was there as my eyes never left the person who was looking at me too.

Something was happening in the water...

My waist was moving on it's own..

I was riding on the man under me... but my eyes never left his face.. Skylar.

I was riding him like my life depended on it, as I held his face in my palms and kissed him.

The word WRONG was screaming in my brain but the word PLEASURE was exploding from my body and kept asking for more!!!

My breath was coming out short and fast when I woke up.

What the hell!

I grabbed my duvet tightly as I sat up in shock. What was this guy doing to me? My wedding was in a month time! But why does my body think otherwise? After all my efforts to make sure am not physically attracted to any man... This guy is making me question all my principles.

It was 5am when I headed to the bathroom with a shaky heart.

Nina POV

I've been searching everywhere for my bestie.. why does the word sound... Bitter?

He's been skipping classes and avoiding me. When we're talking on the phone he's always in a hurry to end it after saying a few words. Since the incident in my room... Chen has been avoiding me. And he's Playboy character was at it's worse! He changed girls daily, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts, always in the clubhouse, one party after the other, always drinking...

I just caught sight of him in the school field, alone. The scenery looked sad and depressing but he still looked like a model on the cover page of vouge magazine. My heart went out to him as I walked up to him. He was shaking the bottle of now empty wine into his mouth, refusing to believe that it was finished. It looked funny but cute at the same time. He looked dizzy a bit and the temperature around him was cold and intimidating. It gave me chills but I still went ahead.

"Mind if I join you?" He looked up at me and once he did, the temperature around him warmed up, retaining just a little ice around his voice and expression.

"What are you doing here?" He's voice today was unusually deep.

"Came to find my bestie" he scoffed.

"You should be in class Nina"

"So should you". But he didn't reply.

"What's wrong Chen? By the way are you drunk? It's still very early..."

"Am not drunk. Takes more than a few bottles to get me drunk. Am just tipsy". He said with a voice devoid of emotion. Something is definitely wrong, he was hardly serious but right now he was dead serious...

I sat directly beside him as I turned him around to face me and met his eyes.

"Chen talk to me

What's wrong? Are you having problems at home? Is your dad acting funny again? Are you ill? Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you hurt anywhere? Does... Mmh..

He kissed me...


Chen POV

I couldn't take it anymore and not minding the consequences I grabbed her by the back of her head and crashed my lips on hers...

No one ever asks how am doing the way she does. She's the reason I can't think properly or live properly. Everywhere I turn I see images of her. I've been trying to get rid of this empty feeling by drinking and playing around with girls but... It's just not doing it for me. I don't want her to be my bestie but my...


She pulled out and slapped me. For a moment there I felt at peace like that was where I was meant to be but now the emptiness was slowly creeping back...

I want my peace back and am gonna get it!

She was looking at me with a flushed face filled with horror and unbelief and it broke my heart.

"Nina I.."

She turned around and ran like her life depended on it. She ran away from me...

I ran my hand through my hair in frustration, the alcohol was cleared from my eyes but I know I didn't kiss her cos I was drunk or tipsy, it was a reflex.. my heart did and now the look in her eyes...

"Damnit! I need to get laid!" I walked out of the school.

Nina POV

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me all the way to the back of the school but it wasn't helping so I ran round the school continuously to stop this feeling but it was stuck in my head. I ran till I was out of breath and collapsed on the floor breathing heavily..

My heart was pounding in my heart but I knew that it wasn't because of the run but the after effect of the kiss..

Chen kissed me..

I was kissed by my bestie..


Feelings I've been trying to hide and get rid off just exploded.. I really really like him but...

No! This isn't right... Am his bestie..

The word now sounded unbelievably bitter and sour at the same time in my mouth.

But that.. felt good.. like that's where am meant to be, where I want to be. He was aggressive and possessive,but yet gently. It was like he was making it known, what was his and I don't know why but I loved that feeling and want to feel it again...

Ahhhhh! Not again! That's why I was horrified to start with cos he touched my heart with his kisses!

I stood up to run again, we need to get rid of this feeling, I don't want to be the only one in it while he play around. It must be the effect of the alcohol, I know he can't like someone like me, he's way out of my league. I looked at my clothes and smiled bitterly. I need a drink and I don't even drink!

I ran....

Nelson POV

I've been staring at Valarie cos I was uncomfortable with the stares coming from people, especially the guys.

Yeah, she was used to wearing provocative clothes but this one was just not it. The crop top was a bit too revealing and her shorts was almost having her ass cheeks on display and above all she was beautiful and it really suited her but not when all eyes were on her. But she seemed oblivious to it with a lollipop in her mouth and ear pods in her ears. When it became too much and I couldn't take it anymore, I took off my jacket, drawing her close to me, I put it on her while she looked at me suprisingly. I didn't utter a word as I got busy arranging my jacket on her. She was too small for it but it did a good job covering her to her mid thighs. I gently folded the hands to reveal hers and adjusted the the collar while she just starred at me making me hold back a chuckle. She suddenly looked like a cute little kid tucked into an oversized jacket. Cute..

I slid my hand to hers and held it while pulling her closer to me.

"Your hands are cold, let's go over there" I pointed to a cafe and just dragged her along after glaring daggers at the stupid guy who came to stand behind her, it was obvious what his intension was.

At the cafe..

I was too busy with my phone to notice what was going on around me but I still held her hand refusing to let go cos immediately we got into this place all eyes turned to us, they're staring at her and it left a sour taste in my mouth.

"Could you help me with my shoe laces?" She asked sweetly.. why was she sounding like that?

I shook it off and took her left leg on my lap while I carefully tied it up and did the same to the other.

Valarie POV

I was speechless when he kept his phone and gently took my foot on his lap before undoing the lace and tying it properly.

While he was doing so I raised my face to meet the eye of a certain girl who refused to take her eyes off him and it was starting to piss me off. Since we got here all eyes have been on us, Nelson to be precise.. yeah I know am hot but this guy beside me has no idea how good he looks especially in that tank top that showed off his broad chest and muscles which I had no idea existed there!

My little cutie was also a hottie and the fact that he was oblivious to it made it sexy!

The Aura he was emitting was one that showed possession and charm and that kinda drew people's attention to him. The ladies in here have been shooting a lot of love arrows towards him but he doesn't even seem to notice and this made me smile cos I was just about to hold his hand when he grabbed mine securely holding me in his.

Everyone was starting to mind there business even though some kept glancing over at us while some girls were giggling, but this one girl kept staring at him, almost abusing him with her eyes!

Am not gonna lie, she's hot... But don't do that close to him, am the only one with the right to do so!

It's cos of his outfit and the fact that he didn't have his glasses on and his hair just kept falling into his eyes, he was looking like a snack without even trying..

I glared at her with an eyebrow raised. She wasn't the only hot one, I was born HOT!

"Am done, you wanna go now? They've been staring at you, if you're uncomfortable then we can leave".


He thinks there staring at me? I nearly laughed but ended up smiling.


I nodded and he took my hand which was now something I look forward to...

We spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing but strolling around, holding hands, laughing and him making a fuss over me like am some child but I loved it cos he gave me undivided attention and I felt like a spoilt and over pampered child.

It wasn't a date but felt like one. I can't remember ever going to a date and being taken care of like a proper lady. Nelson was a gentle man making sure I was comfortable unlike my past dates where we always end up doing something dangerous like stealing or giving the police a tough time. He was different...

At night...

"You better get inside, I'll get going".

"Thank you" I said sincerely as we stood in front of my house.

"You're welcome, sorry if I was boring.." I smiled.

"It wasn't, I really enjoyed it. It was... Peaceful. Really sweet" he smiled while running his fingers through his hair.

"Goodnight" I turned to go inside when he stopped me.


"What is it? Your jacket?"

"No, no.. you can have it." He walked closer to me and gently held my face...

He planted a light kiss on my forehead. For some reason I smiled cos it felt like I was home, where I belong...

I got closer and hugged him tightly while he held me gently but firmly.

We stayed like that for a while and I refused to let go so did he. Neither of us wanted to.

I want this..

I want it to be mine..

I want him to be mine.. and mine alone! I've never been good with sharing and he's off limit!

"Wanna be my boyfriend?" I blurted out and he turned stiff making me giggle. I looked up from his chest and first met his perfect jawline.

"I'll take that as a yes. Starting now you're MINE.. Mine alone" I said and kissed his cheek on tiptoes.

"Goodnight" I said and disengaged from the hug while he still stood there, still frozen. I chuckled and got into my house smiling. Am sure he's face would be a bright red just that the night made it difficult to see. I chuckled again.

"Where are you coming back from Missy and who is that boy with you?" Came the voice of my father who I had no idea was back from his business trip.

"No where. My boyfriend".

The atmosphere was tense but I wasn't backing out. He's never around and now he wants to dictate my life for me. Not gonna happen!

"One of her flings maybe"

"A thief or a drug addict". My cousin and my older sister spoke up from behind. I rolled my eyes. Hypocrites! Both had boyfriend's and flings especially my cousin, Sofia. Everyone knows her as a sweet and innocent girl but we really know her, my sister and I. She'd sleep with anything with a D**k provided that she finds him attractive or is someone's boyfriend or husband. No one else knew, even my so called father who says I should learn from her has no idea. At least mine was in the open and I never touch anyone belonging to someone else, am not heartless like someone.. Millie my older sister has to hide her boyfriend to avoid my parents wrath but I don't give a damn and everyone knows.

"Which one is it?" Asked Sofie in her PJ and I glared at her causing her to shut up.

"I want to meet him. Invite him over next time or I WILL.."

I turned to look him in the eyes until he broke eye contact and turned his back to me.

"Am only looking out for you honey"

"You should have done that a long time ago. Don't you think you're too late?" I said barging into my room, not sparing him a glance but I heard him sigh helplessly and I felt sorry for him but he deserved it.

Now how the hell do I get my boyfriend to meet my dad?

For a moment there I smiled. My boyfriend...

Darren POV

I was sitting in a private room at a strip club, quietly sipping a glass of alcohol when a young girl barged inside. Who dares...

I was still occupied with my thoughts when she came in front of me, hair in her face, hands clamped together and body trembling.

"Please help me... Please" she begged desperately in an undeniably familiar ?voice. Then it clicked..

"Anderson? What are you doing here?" She looked up immediately.

"Darren?" Her voice still shook.

"Why are you here?"

I heard a loud bang on the door and she was now trembling beyond control till tears started pouring out and my heart went out to her.

"Come here" she literally flew to where I was and I made her saddle me after getting rid of her jacket and leaving her neck and shoulders bare. I hid her face in my shoulder and wrapped my arm around her while casually sipping my drink with the other one creating a scene of a stripper and a customer.

The door barged open and three huge men and a young lady barged in.

"Sorry to disturb you sir but we're searching for a run away whore, did she by chance come in here?"

I felt her tremble and bury her face deeper into my neck and I rubbed circles on her back to sooth her while I looked at the rude Intruders... And said nothing.

"Sir, permit us to search here" said one of the guys who was red eyed.

"Get out" I said very calmly still sipping my alcohol.

"Sir, we need to.." the second guy was trying to step closer and the lady in my arm was starting to shed tears down my neck. I tightened my hold on her and planted a light kiss on her forehead, her tightly shut eyelids and her slightly parted lips...

"Calm down baby.." I said just to get her mind off the situation she was in and focus on the kisses which am sure has never happened to her.. as a nerd.. and it worked! She suddenly went very still...

"My baby is getting impatient and you're in the way. Leave!"

Anderson POV

I was still trying to recover from his kisses.. it was my first kiss! And he stole it!

Then I heard him call me baby in the most charming voice I've ever heard and the fact that he said it directly into my ear wasn't helping matters. My heart did a flop in my chest while am in such a situation..

His next words made me blush as I hid my face deeper in the crock of his neck with my arms around his back.

I heard footsteps coming closer and I held him tighter.

"I dare you to step closer.." his voice sent chills down my spine. It was so cold... I felt the person stop.

I heard a click and in the next minute I heard several footsteps.

"You called sir" a lady's voice rang out and it sounded professional.

"Take these trash out.. they had the guts to barge into my room and try to search it and making my baby uncomfortable. Either they leave or I will.." he said so coldly that is shivered but he started rubbing circles at my back which really calmed me down.

"We.. we're very sorry for this misconduct sir and we'll deal with it immediately. Who the hell are you guys and what are you doing disturbing a VVIP?" She was panicking.

"Throw them out!! Now!" Immediately I heard short shocked gasps and struggling untill the door was closed shut. But I refused to let go, I was still very scared.

"Wanna talk about it?"

The tears came back again and I held onto him while he kept soothing me and whispering in my ears with feather light kisses on my forehead till i stopped crying.

One hour later..

"That was my sister's friend. She asked for directions to a place and later invited me over. I didn't want to stay for long so I was about to take my leave when those guys came in and held me down. She paid them to rape me...

When I asked why she was doing this, she said my sister took her boyfriend from her so she was simply returning the favor..

I barely escaped while one of the guys holding me was a bit distracted by a call.

They.. they tried to touch my..."

"Shhh it's ok baby. It's ok... Don't say anymore... They don't deserve your tears" he said as he hugged me tightly. His voice was calm but his body was tense.

The tears came again and I cried myself to sleep feeling safe...

2hours later..

I woke up to see him drinking casually still holding me in position.

I moved my face to signal that am awake but made no attempt to come down cos he felt so comfortable.. and I didn't want to get down.

This wasn't me...

"You awake?"

I nodded in his chest.

"Still drinking?"


"Can I have some?"

"It's alcoholic"

"I know"

"I just had the last one"

I glared at him as he finished the last drop.

"There's an alternative"

"What is it?" I raised my face to look at him while he looked down to meet my eyes. Gosh! He was beautiful with crystal blue eyes that's to die for... We held each others gaze before his eyes shifted to my lips and a lump formed in my throat. Slowly his face came closer and stopped just an inch above my face. What a beauty, an eye candy... Looks like he was asking for permission and so I did what any reasonable girl in my situation would do..

I shut my eyes... And his lips brushed over mine till they claimed mine.

I tasted him.... mingled with alcohol when his tongue parted my lips and invaded my mouth.

I didn't know what to do since I was inexperienced, so I just let him do the work.

My heart was pounding heavily in my chest and butterflies were flying around in my tummy while I held onto his shirt for dear life as his tongue played with my senses. I moaned into his mouth and felt him tighten his hold around me.

Him or alcohol?

Which was I tasting?

I really didn't care but him of course! If I wanted alcohol I could just order one but this was a wonderful way of tasting alcohol for the first time!

Only one thing was on my mind...


Slowly he broke the kiss but my eyes never left his lips...

"So?" We were catching our breath but mine at a faster rate while his was controlled with time and his voice was unusually deep and husky.. incredibly sexy!

"Huh?" My brain was still in shambles.

"How's the alcohol?



"I don't know.." he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Let me check" I was so obsessed with the thought of his lips that I blurted out without thinking and as if my body had a mind of it's own, I dragged him down by his collar and crashed my lips practicing what his tongue did to mine as I slowly got above him and let my fingers play in his hair while he made a sound deep in his throat making my brain go up in flames..

I was trying to taste the alcohol... Seriously!

But he tastes better!

Slowly he followed my pace while I drowned in him...

Kathy POV

I haven't been able to get my mind off this piece of art who just sat over there.

He was doing absolutely nothing starring into space but was causing a lot of problem in the hearts of everyone here. I so badly wanted to sit closer to him but didn't know how to cos am shy.. and I have a huge crush on him..


I checked my phone and a notification showed up...

"Time for Skylar's medicine"

I couldn't stop smiling, finally a reason to go over. Quickly adjusting my uniform and my hair, I walked over to him with a beating heart...


"Hey" he replied! That was a first time and I held back my smile.

I showed him my phone.

"It's time for your medications" I said, I had it out on my to-do list at the hospital.

"Ok" he spread his hands for a hug and the blood rushed to my cheeks. I would have rushed into his arms but I had to be rational.

"I... I meant your tablets..."

"Forgot them at home... But you're more effective".

My heart missed a bit and I was sure my face was a bright red. It's just that he has a way with words that can make one malfunction..

"Ehem! Thank you but you still need to take them to recover".

"They're at home"

"Let's go get it".

He paused and took a good look at me from my shoes to my hair.

"What did you say?"

"Let's go to your house and get it am sure the school will permit us, classes are almost over". I was already planning on how I would manipulate the principal into permitting us and I wanted to meet his parents and know where he lives.

"How old are you?"

"17 why are you asking me this?"

"You're still a kid" I scoffed. Why was he talking like he was older than I am.

"What of you?"

"18" I scoffed again he was just a year older than I am even though he doesn't look his age.

"So? We're almost same age, what's the difference?"

"Compared to you Kathy, you're still a kid"

"And why is that?" I said crossing my hands over my chest.

"I've been through things, I know things and I've seen things you can only see in your imagination". As exaggerated as that sounds, I believe it's true cos of the things I've seen him do, but why do I feel like there's more than meets the eyes....

"I live alone Kathy" gosh I love the way he says my name!


"What do they tell you about going alone to a guy's house?"

What was he talking about?

"Good girls take the school gate home, bad girls take the gates to my house home. They end up in my room and I use the F word on them.

You still wanna come to my place?"

Why the freaking hell was this tempting??

Am sure my face was the color of a ripe tomato!

He isn't like that right? How can he say such a sensitive topic so casually?

"You won't do such to me, right? Am only trying to get you to take your meds.."

" Of course I won't, I know myself but am not sure about you.."

"Me? What the hell could I possibly do to you?" He smirked.

"That's what most of them say till... they get there.. and am usually the victim". He shrugged his shoulders to which I scoffed.

Gently he leaned in till we were almost touching noses.. my heart! God he's beautiful!

"When I said I turn girls to sex addicts I wasn't joking Kathy. Now that's for good girls..

I turn bad girls to freaks..."

Then he locked his eyes with mine..

"Go home Kathy.."

Just then the dismissal bell rang but we were still looking into each other's eyes and the whole world seemed to stop existing..

I know I said it before but... Damn! This guy is a piece of art! A painting in the museum!

But why does it sound like "Come to my home Kathy" ???

My stupid brain was acting up... Again!

He broke eye contact and gently left and I could swear I saw a smile on his lips!

Skylar POV

She's beautiful...

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