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Chapter 21: Chapter 21

"What can I do for you sir?" the young receptionist asked the boy who just walked in, with a smile on her face. She didn't know who the boy is but has seen many times when young people sign up for the guild. So she didn't pay much attention to him.

"Hello," the boy smiling back replied, "I came here to join the guild."

The girl pulled out a form from one of the boxes beneath the desk.

"Please fill up the form sir," the girl spoke while handing the form she pulled out.

The boy took the form and started to fill the form. There is nothing much to fill except things such as name, age and power rank, and anything necessary to know. Most of them are optional and aren't required to be filled.

Alex quickly filled in his name while omitting his father's family name, his age, and his power rank as peak 1-Star. He made this decision as no one would believe him if he says otherwise after watching him battle.

The receptionist got surprised when she saw the name on the form. She has heard about the young genius who fought during the beast tide.

She smiled at him more amicably, "Sir, we have been informed that the baron has given you a badge as a token of gratitude."

"oh, yes," Alex fumbled before pulling out the badge from his pocket and handing it over, "Here you go".

The receptionist checked the token for authenticity. After verifying she spoke, "As you know every new member would be given F-Rank except in certain cases. Even with this, you could only gain E-Rank. From then everything depends on your performance."

Alex interrupted the girl, "Thank you for the information, but the baron already explained to me the details on ranks."

"Oh, then wait for a few minutes, sir. I'll be back with your Guild Badge."

Alex smiled and nodded before taking a seat.

A few minutes later she returned and handed the badge to him. When he saw the badge he looked confused. The only details are the name and the date on which the badge was issued.

The girl understood the confusion on Alex's face. She has seen many times in the past year whenever a new member joins.

She told him before he asked, "As you can see that the outer covering is bronze, which is used for new badges. As one becomes dependable the color of the badge changes to silver and finally gold. A gold member can be considered by the guild as dependable.

Your rank in the guild is noted using special marks. As you gain rank, new marks are added."

Alex scratched his head, "I have one question if you don't mind."

When the girl nodded, he proceeded to ask, "If completing missions increase rank which explains that we can complete missions, then what is the reason behind the usage of color?"

"The reason is simple. Though one completes a mission, the efficiency differs between adventurers. The time it took to complete a mission or if there are any complications changes the efficiency.

Suppose the mission is to clear sewer rats. The efficiency is how thoroughly they cleared the sewers or if they caused any problems in town while clearing the mission.

Moreover, certain missions require a certain amount of discreetness but certain adventurers are too boisterous. They won't qualify for such missions. Of course, these may be useful for certain missions.

For this clarification, there are three levels in each color. You for example are Bronze 1 level. Above it is Bronze 2 and Bronze 3. Certain missions are given based on the color level."

Alex sighed hearing such a complicated method. Though complicated it is effective. This way it would be better for clients who are choosy.

He thanked again the girl for the explanation before leaving the guild.


Inside Baron's castle...

"What do you think of the boy?" the baron asked his faithful butler who served him for many years.

"He is young and naive but has great potential," the butler answered.

Baron sighed, "That is the problem itself."

"What do you mean sir?" the butler asked in confusion.

Unlike himself, the butler didn't belong to the ones who awakened. He replied, "I didn't feel any fluctuations from him as if he never awakened."

"Oh, but that might not be the reason. He could be using some sort of artifact to hide."

"Probably true. We will know which soon enough. If he can reach 3-star, then worries would be for nothing."

"You are right sir."

"Let us wait and see what is what."


"What exactly happened?" the blue-robed man asked furiously.

The three grey-robed men trembled. They know what sort of a man their master is. He would never accept defeat.

"We don't know master. Everything was going according to plan and the next minute there was a great flux of energy. Someone cast a massive buff-debuff spell on all of us."

"The next minute, the beasts started to become weak. The humans became stronger and overwhelmed the beasts ending the tide."

"This is rather suspicious."

"Yes master, we had a feeling that someone might have been secretly involved without alerting others."

"Fine, leave and before that, you said that there is a new young genius."

"Yes master, we even drew his face," the grey-robed man spoke as he took out a portrait.

The blue-robed man wave his hand and said, "Just hand it over to the Overseer."

All three nodded before they left for the overseer.

The blue-robed man was still pondering about who interfered in his plan. Though the plan is a success as it caused a lot of damage to the border towns.

Therin town is the only one that survived with minimal damages, while other border towns survived, the damages that happened are not considered minimal.

In one way Alex was lucky that the master didn't pay much attention. He has seen many geniuses rise and fall. They would be considered a problem if they are at least 3-star and not on their side.

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