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Chapter no.44 Giant Black Blade

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The morning sun had just begun to peek over the horizon, casting a soft golden glow over the small village nestled in the valley below. The air was crisp and fresh, filled with the sounds of birds singing and the gentle rustling of leaves in the trees.

As the villagers began to stir and start their day, one particular home stood out from the rest. Inside, a woman lay on a bed, her face contorted in pain as she let out a cry of labor. Zhongli, paced outside, his heart pounding in his chest as he heard the cries of his wife.

The physician's assistant, an older woman with years of experience in delivering babies, bustled in and out of the room, doing her best to soothe the woman and guide her through the birthing process.

Zhongli's heart was in his throat as he waited anxiously for news of his wife and their child. He couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and uncertainty, but he knew that he had to be strong for his wife and their new family.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the physician's assistant emerged from the room, a smile on her face. "Congratulations, Zhongli," she said. "You have two beautiful children."

Zhongli's heart skipped a beat as he rushed into the room, his eyes scanning the scene before him. His wife lay on the bed, her face flushed and her hair damped with sweat. In her arms, she held two tiny bundles of joy, their eyes closed in peaceful slumber.

Zhongli approached the bed with great care, his heart full of love and wonder as he gazed upon his newborn children. He reached out hesitantly, his finger brushing against the soft skin of one of the babies. The child grasped his finger tightly, and Zhongli felt his heart swell with emotion.

Tears of happiness welled up in his eyes as he promised himself that he would protect and care for his children with all of his heart. They were his world now, and he would do anything to ensure their happiness and safety.


Zhongli awoke to the sound of birds singing and the gentle breeze rustling through the leaves of the trees. He opened his eyes to find himself lying in a lush, heavenly garden. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft, golden light over the landscape. Zhongli sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and looked around in wonder. He had never seen anything like this before. It was as if he had been transported to another world.

As he stood, he clenched his fist, feeling a sense of determination and purpose. But as he began to take a step forward, he heard the laughter of a child. He turned to see his daughter running towards him, her arms were outstretched. "Daddy!" she cried, "Don't leave! Let's play!"

Zhongli's heart twisted in his chest. He longed to scoop her up in his arms and spin her around, but he knew that this was all a dream. He tried to take another step forward, but his daughter grabbed his hand, holding him back. "Where are you going?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion and hurt.

Zhongli couldn't bring himself to answer. He simply looked at his daughter, his heart heavy with sadness. He tried to pull away, but she held on tighter. "Daddy, please don't go," she pleaded.

But Zhongli couldn't stay. He knew that this was not real, that his wife and children were long gone. He gritted his teeth and pulled away, causing his daughter to let out a cry of protest.

Just as Zhongli was about to make his escape, he heard the sound of two more voices. His sons. The pride of his life. He froze, torn between his desire to stay and his need to leave. He bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over.

But before he could move, a feminine voice called out to him. "Zhongli," it said, "don't go."

Zhongli turned to see his wife, Jasmine, standing there. Her hair was short and curly hair swaying in the wind, and she wore a beautiful white dress that flowed around her like a cloud. She looked just as he remembered her, beautiful and full of life.

For a moment, Zhongli didn't move. He wanted nothing more than to go to her, to hold her and tell her how much he missed her. But he knew that this was not real, that she was gone and never coming back.

Tears streaming down his face, Zhongli turned and lunged into the mist that surrounded the heavenly garden. As he entered the mist, the garden evaporated into an eerie mist. Zhongli felt a pang of sadness as he realized that he was back in the real world and that his family was lost forever. He knew that this was just a dream, but it had felt so real, and it was a reminder that he would never see his wife and children again. He felt a surge of sadness and regret, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward, even if it was without them.

He took one final look back at the mist before turning and walking away, the memories of his loved ones forever etched in his mind.


Zhongli walked through the mist, his red eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of where he was. The mist was thick and impenetrable, and he could barely see a few feet in front of him.

As he walked, the mist began to clear, and Zhongli found himself standing on the edge of a giant battlefield. The sight that greeted him was one of utter devastation. The ground was stained red with blood, and the air was thick with the stench of death. Bodies were strewn everywhere, some still and silent, others twitching in their final moments. The sky was dark and ominous, casting a shadow over the scene of carnage.

Zhongli surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The ground would be littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers, some still and silent, others twitching in their final moments. The air would be thick with the stench of death, and the sky would be dark and ominous, casting a shadow over the scene of carnage. Blood would be flowing in rivers, staining the ground and creating a gruesome sight. The weapons of the defeated soldiers would be strewn about, broken, and discarded.

He walked through the battlefield, following a blood-red river that flowed through the center of the carnage. As he walked, he came across a giant black blade that reached up to the sky. The blade was massive, and the hilt alone was as tall as a small building. Zhongli felt a sense of unease as he looked at the blade, for he could see the howling faces of all the lives that had been taken by it, etched into the metal.

As he gazed upon the blade, Zhongli's body began to glow with tattoos.

The Beast Blood Martial Skeleton was reacting to this weapon.

With that Zhongli knew that he had the strength to absorb this blade and make it his own. He approached the blade and placed his hand on it, feeling a surge of power as he did so.

But just as he was about to absorb the blade, a voice called out to him. "Stop," it said. The voice was deep and commanding, and it echoed through the battlefield. Zhongli froze, unsure of what to do. He had never heard a voice like this before, and it filled him with a sense of unease.

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