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Breaking Clan

After the party, Wei Meirong told her husband about the things Xu Shuang said to her, Xu Jingguo said to leave it to him.

Xu Jingguo then went to Xu Tianshan and told him about how Xu Shuang wanted to go to the Breaking Clan.

"Xu Shuang wanted to go to the Breaking Clan? Okay, I'll personally go with her and subdue the two other clans as well." Xu Tianshan said and then smiled. "I'll let her form her own force that will be used as a springboard when the clan comes out of seclusion."

"But, Grandfather, what about the clan? Are you gonna leave it unattended?" Xu Jingguo asked with worry in his tone.

"Don't be such a worry fart, the clan will be safe even if I'm not here, with your father and uncle inside the clan, nothing dangerous can happen."

"Besides, it's been a long time since I last took a walk, I'll just take this moment to take a look outside and how it has changed."

"This... Okay, I'll tell Father and Uncle, with you going with Shuang'er, I don't have to worry about any accidents that might happen." Xu Jingguo smiled and then went to inform Xu Jinshan and Xu Yinshan.

Night time quickly passed, Xu Shuang and Ye Lingilng were standing at the gates of the clan waiting for the person that will come with them on this trip.

"Why is the one going with us taking so long." Xu Shuang complained and kicked a small stone passed the gate.

"Hahaha, I was just a few minutes late and Shuang'er already hates great-grandpa?" A loud boisterous voice came from inside the clan and the next moment someone was already standing next to them.

Xu Tianshan arrived wearing his signature white robe with a mounting breaking through the clouds, he stood there with a smile on his face while looking at Xu Shuang.

"No, I didn't know that it's gonna be great-grandpa that will come with us, I don't hate great-grandpa, I just feel bored waiting here." Xu Shuang answered with a cute smile.

"You cheeky kid, let's get going then." Xu Tianshan laughed while rubbing Xu Shuang's head, then with a wave of his hand, the three of them floated and shoot through the sky heading for Star Luo Empire.

*Star Luo Empire*

Inside the alchemy room of the Breaking Clan, Yang Wudi controlled the flames under the cauldron with hundred percent of concentration.

He Ignored the purple smoke that spread out of the cauldron, the purple smoke is clearly poisonous, but it may be because Yang Wudi has done this many times that he gained some resistance to that poison.

After a while, he was done concocting the medicine in the cauldron, after putting it inside a vial and sealing it tightly, he went out of the room.


Yang Wudi coughed out black blood onto the floor that sizzled as the blood sunk through the floor, he didn't care about the black blood and went to his study to resolve the current affairs of the clan.

It can be seen from his lack of reaction that coughing out black blood after alchemy was a common occurrence, so common that he had been used to it for a long time.

While inspecting the reports of the stores under the name of Breaking Clan, when suddenly a boisterous voice sounded in his ears.

"Kid from the Breaking Clan come out, the princess of our clan wants to meet you."

Yang Wudi's pupils shrank at the voice, being able to transfer his own voice to him and without him knowing, only a Titled Doulou can do this.

He leaped out of his study and landed in the courtyard, it's good that his courtyard is in a corner of the clan due to the poisonous smoke that will always waft out whenever he concocts medicine.

Once he landed in the garden in his courtyard he saw a middle-aged man along with two petite girls standing there.

Yang Wudi knew that the voice came from that man because he was the only one there that emits an aura that made his very being yell to get out of there.

"Who is your majesty?" Yang Wudi asked with cupped hands to Xu Tianshan. "Yang Wudi apologizes if he offends your majesty in any way."

"You didn't offend me in any way, it's just that the princess of our clan is interested in playing outside the clan land, she needs subordinates to help her on the continent." Xu Tianshan nonchalantly said to Yang Wudi.

"What does your majesty mean by this?!" Yang Wudi asked with thick anger in his voice, asking him and his clan to be subordinates of a girl just because she wants to play outside, isn't this purely mocking them?

"It's exactly what you are thinking of, I want you to be the subordinates of our princess." Xu Tianshan smiled, but this smile was like a tiger's smile to Yang Wudi, one that was threatening to swallow him alive.

The pressure was released from Yang Wudi as he summoned a simple black spear that gave off the feeling that it can break anything, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, 3 Black, 7 spirit rings rose from his feet and circled around his body.

"Even if you're a Titled Douluo, you can't just humiliate our clan like this." He said with great anger, then activating all of his spirit rings, a big spear breaks through the air and aimed for Xu Tianshan.

The spear made a whooshing sound, this attack has the power equivalent to an all-out attack of a peak Spirit Douluo which was impressive from someone 10 ranks lower than that rank.

The power of an all-out attack from a power-type attacker specializing in one attribute is truly great, yet he faced the worst possible enemy this time.

Xu Tianshan is also a power-attack type spirit master that specializes in one attribute, and between two spirit masters that specialized in similar attributes, the one higher in rank usually wins since they have more power-up percentage from the additional spirit rings.

And if they were of the same rank, then the one with better spirit ring configurations and better basic attributes will win the clash.

Xu Tianshan raised his hands with a smile and pressed down lightly with his spirit power, Yang Wudi saw the arm change into a towering mountain that pierced the clouds.

No matter what he tried he can't seem to escape from the mountain's range, he can only watch helplessly as the mountain descended on him, then a palm landed on his shoulder and everything was back to normal.

Yang Wudi panted with trembling legs, he looked up with difficulty and met Xu Tianshan's smiling eyes, he felt an unprecedented pressure from those eyes, even greater than the previous patriarch of the Clear Sky Clan.

"The weak aren't qualified to complain against those who are strong." Xu Tianshan said with the same boisterous voice as the last time.

"Great Grandpa don't be too hard on them." A soft voice suddenly sounded from one of the girls that came with the middle-aged man.

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