Wildria was at a loss. Laid before her, is a hard choice to make with Orun making it even harder.
If what he says about the demon is true, then no place is going to be safe for them. But then again, once the monsters are mobilized, the desert will be left vulnerable, and there is no telling when the humans will be enlightened about the future danger of monsters migrating out of their territory.
Orun could have made it easier for her by simply enforcing his authority as their leader, leaving Wildria with no chance to make a choice or express her position.
But, he did not do that. Rather, he made her understand the serenity of the choice and allowed her to decide for herself which one she thought should be acted on.
He made it so that he was not the only one ruling, and showed her that they are in this together and not individually.
"Okay. We will do as you say". She replied after thoroughly thinking about it.
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